A Dream Deferred* (Harlem)

By: Langston Hughes
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
Born February 1, 1902 in Missouri
Broken Family
Started writing poetry at an early age
1st Book of Poetry “The Weary Blues” was
published in 1926
“The Renaissance Man”- wrote about black life
between 1920’s and 1960’s
“He wanted to tell the stories of his people in ways
that reflect their actual culture (good/bad), love of
music, laughter, and language
Died (prostate cancer) May 22, 1967
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Walt Whitman
African American poet,
playwright, and novelist
American poet, essayist,
and journalist
Defer- put off or postpone
This poem will probably be about someone not
fulfilling their dreams right away.
Lines 2-3:Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?
Simile- Raisins are known to be juicy… if it sits in the
sun, then it dries out and is no longer nutritious or
tasty. Typically, people will not want to eat a dry
This means that if one leaves their dream dormant,
then the idea of that dream is no longer appetizing
or desirable to us anymore because it has lost its
purpose or we do not think of it as important
Negative connotation
Lines 4-5: Or fester like a sore- and then run?
Simile- A sore that “festers” has become infected and
disgusting. It has been left untreated for so long that now
it has become harmful and gross fluid is now leaking
from it.
 This means that if a dream is not manifested within a
reasonable time it will continue to cause anger and
resentment inside of the dreamer that could possibly
“leak” out onto those around them
 For African Americans, specifically, they have suffered
the “sores” of history through slavery and unjust
employment and thus are able to relate to this
unattainable dream
 Negative connotation
Lines 7-8: Or crust and sugar over- like a
syrupy sweet?
Simile- Syrup begins to crust over, when it is left out
and not used. Typically, people do not enjoy syrup
this way.
The perfect dream has been abandoned for so long
that now is no longer enjoyable.
Negative connotation
Last line: Or does it explode?
Previously, the speaker made remarks that
emphasized the dream sitting at a standstill. Now
the dream is exploding.
Explosions cause two things: destruction and
The dreamer has two options then- to allow their
frustrations to take over and cause other people
despair and broken dreams OR they can decide to
have a positive change that builds up a new idea or
dream in themselves and others
Negative/Positive connotation
Title after analysis
Harlem is the original title of this poem because
Harlem is where Langston Hughes witnessed so
many African Americans suffer and not be able to
live out their dreams.
“A Dream Deferred” is the idea that African
Americans during that time period had so many
instances where they were prevented from attaining
their potential.
The best medium to experience “A Dream
Deferred” would be understood best through
Lorraine Hansberry also used the poem as the
opener for her award-winning play “A Raisin
in the Sun.
Langston Hughes wrote primarily for African
Americans and their perspective for the trials
they encountered. During those times, African
Americans were prevented from attaining their
potential because of unjust laws.
Today, however, everyone must be sure to
recognize when their dreams are laying
dormant and act to ensure that they are living
up to their full potential instead of allowing
their dreams to go unrealized.
I will give you a poem (partner/ or individual)
Information on Author
Other individuals or situations that influenced the author
Information on the Poem
What did you think the title meant before you read the
Analysis of the poem
At least 3 literary devices and what they mean in the poem
How connotation was used in the poem
Overall theme of the poem
What does the title mean now that you have read the entire
What would be the best medium to experience this poem
and its meaning (media, written, pictorials, play, spoken…)
Presentations will begin December 8th
3-7 minutes
Do not just read from your slides
You need to understand what you are talking