
Hi all,
it's time to start thinking about and filling out project proposal
there is an example on course webpage and also at the COURSE RESERVES
at the D H Hill website
NOTES and FORM: (some old project titles below)
project partner can be from other section I am teaching so sections002, 005
and 601 people can be project partners
you can do the project alone or you can look for a partner at "message
from course webpage left frame
a max of 3 people per project group
the form for your project proposal is at the website (also by clicking on
project on course webpage)
fill out the form and email to
370 Online/Distance - Project Proposal
Fill out at least items 1-7 below and paste into an e-mail to the instructor.
1. Name(s) ____________________________________
2. Title and Brief description of experiment:
3. The response variable is ________________
and is measured in
units of ________________.
4. Factors and Design :
Factor 1 is:
Its levels are:
Factor 2 is:
Its levels are:
if needed
Factor 3 is :
Its levels are:
What is your "experimental unit" ? How many experimental units will
be needed to run your experiment ?
Draw the DESIGN MATRIX and indicate the random order that the trails will be run
(if 3 replications then EACH cell has 3 numbers in it, those numbers
are the order that combination of factors will be run)
fill in the names of your factors and their levels, don't use generic
level 1 , level 2, etc
factor 2
level 1
level 2
level 3
level 4
Level 1 |_______|___________|___________|____________|
Level 2 |_______|___________|___________|____________|
factor1 Level 3 |_______|___________|___________|____________|
Level 4 |_______|___________|___________|____________|
use "sample" function in matlab to determine random ordering
and put order of runs in the matrix
5. How will randomization and replication be used?
6. How will you analyze the data? means table and ANOVA (lm with class
i.e., with qualitative explanatory variables) or regression (lm with
explanatory variables) or a mixture of the two?[ Note ALL project must
have: stats output, side by side boxplots,
mfit, mplot]
7. Briefly what do you expect to happen?
8. Any additional comments:
-------------------------------------------------------some former projects:
I have attached some titles of previous projects to help in thinking up a
Some previous projects
ID: F98.2.01
Title: Input Impedance of Operational Amplifiers: Temperature and Cost
Effects on
Op-Amp Input Impedance
N = 27 (3 reps)
Factors: type and cost of op amp ( low, moderate, high)
temperature ( low 35 F, Moderate 70 F, high 135 F)
Response: op-amp impedance in Mega-ohms
Key Words: electrical, amplifers
ID: F98.2.02 Title: Analysis of Spring-Loaded Dart Gun
N = 60 (5 reps) Factors:
angle ( 0, 7.5, 15 degrees) tip (yes, no) nub (broken, not broken) Response:
distance dart traveled in inches Key Words:
toy, spring, mechanical, trajectory data
ID: F98.2.03 Title: Comparison of Type of Wire Used and Weight When Pulled
Through a
Piece of Ice
N = 27 (3 reps) Factors: type wire (brass, copper, steel) weight ( 1
, 3 , 5 cups of water) Response:
time for wire to melt through an ice cube Key Words: American Statistican,
melt, data
ID: F98.2.04 Title: Increase of Cookie Size During the Cooking Process N
= 36 Factors: temperature (275 F, 350 F, 425 F) amount of cookie dough
1.0, 1.5 oz) Response: diameter
gain of cookie dough ( final/starting diameter) Key Words: food, cooking,
cookie data
ID: F98.2.05 Title: Comparison of File Transfer Speeds as Affected by
Packet Size
and Distance
Factors: packet size (56, 112, 224 bytes) distance in
miles between computers (275
Baltimore, 3000 British Columbia, 1200 Saint Louis) Response: time in
for ACK response from remote computer
Key Words: computer, ftp, data
ID: F98.2.06 Title: Comparison of Fishing Line by Price per Foot and
Stress Testing
ID: F98.2.07 Title: Comparison of Wilson Hard Court, Penn Soft Court, and
Penn Hard
Court Tennis Balls' Response Height on Three Media
ID: F98.2.08 Title: Effects of Properties of Cue Stick, Chalking,
Condition of
Billiard Table, and Average Response Time
on Efficiency of Breaking Quality in Billiards
ID: F98.2.10 Title: Sponge Absorbency Comparison of Water, Soapy Water,
and Milk
ID: F98.2.12 Title: Comparison of the Porosity of Coffee Filters, Paper
Towels, and
Cotton Fabric's Response Times with
Three liquids
ID: F98.2.13 Title: Comparison of Factors Influencing Carbonation Loss in
ID: F98.2.15 Title: Comparison of Wood Glue Strengths by Brand with
Varying Surface
ID: F98.2.16 Title: Comparison of Water Erosion Between: Topsoil,
ID: F98.2.18 Title: Which Battery Really Lasts Longest? A Comparison of Five
Different Alkaline Batteries Authors:
ID: F98.2.19 Title: Fall Planting of Amaranth: Does the Type of Light and
Conditions Effect the Growth of this
ID: F98.2.20 Title: Temperature and its Effects on Rubber Bands
ID: F98.2.21 Title: Paper Airplane Experiment They Really do Fly
ID: F98.2.24 Title: Comparison of Hot Wheels, Matchbox, and K-Mart toy cars'
Distance Traveled from Ramp at Three Angles
ID: F98.2.25 Title: Analysis of Access Time in Set Associative Caches
ID: F98.2.26 Title: Comparison of the Effect of Barrels and Ranges on the
of a Paintball Rifle
ID: F98.2.27 Title: What's the Quicker Wicker Upper?
ID: F98.2.28 Title: Fluid Capacity of Sponges Authors:
ID: F98.2.29 Title: Analysis of 7400 Series TTL Logic Gates and their
Input Voltages
ID: F98.2.30 Title: Water Gun Performance Experiment
ID: F98.2.31 Title: Comparison of the Viscosity of Water, Skim Milk, and
Whole Milk
at Three Temperatures