Dr. Uri Mahlab Dr. Uri Mahlab Generation of Random Variable •Most computer software libraries include a uniform random number generator. •Such a random number generator a numb between 0 and 1 with equal probability. •We call the output of the random number generator a random variable. •If A denotes such a random variable, its range is the interval o A 1 Dr. Uri Mahlab f ( x) Is called the probability density function F(A) is called the probability distribution function Where: Dr. Uri Mahlab F(A) f(A) 1 1 0 1 1 2 (a) A 0 Fig 1 1 (b) Figure: Probability density function f(A) and the probability distribution function F(A) of a uniformly distributed random variable A. Dr. Uri Mahlab A If we wish to generate uniformly distributed noise in an interval (b,b+1), it can be accomplished simply by using the output A of the random number generator and shifting it by an amount b. Thus a new random variable B can be defined as Which now has a mean value Dr. Uri Mahlab F(B) f(B) 1 1 2 0 (a) 1 1 2 B 1 2 0 (b) 1 2 B Fig 2 Figure : Probability density function and the probability distribution function of zero- mean uniformly distributed random variable Dr. Uri Mahlab B Ab F(C) 1 F(C) A C F 1 (A ) A=f(C) C 0 C Fig.3 Figure : Inverse mapping from the uniformly distributed random variable A to the new random variable C Dr. Uri Mahlab Example 2.1 Generate a random variable C that has the linear probability density function shown in Figure (a);I.e., f(C) 1 0 1 C, 0 C 2 f (C ) 2 0, otherwise c 2 (a) 2 F(C) 1 1 4 C Fig - 4 0 C2 (b) 2 C Figure : linear probability density function and the corresponding probability distribution function Dr. Uri Mahlab Answer ip_02_01 •Thus we generate a random variable C with probability function F(C) ,as shown in Figure 2.4(b). In Illustartive problem 2.1 the inverse1mapping C= (A) was simple. In some cases itFis not. Gaussian Normal Noise Lets try to generate random numbers that have a normal distribution function. •Noise encountered in physical systems is often characterized by the normal,or Gaussian probability distribution, which is illustrated in Figure 2.5. The probability density function is given by Dr. Uri Mahlab Where 2 is the variance of C, which is a measure of the spread of the probability density function f(c). The probability distribution function F(C) is the area under f(C) over the range(-,C). Thus f(C) 1 F(C) 1 2 Dr. Uri Mahlab 0 (a) C Fig 5 0 (b) Gaussian probability density function and the corresponding probability distribution function. C Unfortunately,the integral cannot be expressed in terms of simple functions. Consequently the inverse mapping is difficult to achieve. A way has been found to circumvent this problem. From probability theory it is known that a Rayleigh distributed random variable R, with probability distribution function Dr. Uri Mahlab Is related to a pair of Gaussian random variables C and D through the transformation where is uniformly distribute d vaiable in the interval(0 ,2). The parameter 2 is the variance of C and D. since f(R) is easily inverted, we have Dr. Uri Mahlab Where A is a uniformly distributed random variable in the interval(0,1). Now, if we generate a second uniformly distributed random variable B and define Then from transformation,we obtain two statistically independent Gaussian distributed random variables C and D. Dr. Uri Mahlab Gaussian Normal Noise u=rand; % a uniform random variable in (0,1) z=sgma*(sqrt(2*log(1/(1-u)))); % a Rayleigh distributed random variable u=rand; % another uniform random variable in (0,1) gsrv1=m+z*cos(2*pi*u); gsrv2=m+z*sin(2*pi*u); Gngauss.m Dr. Uri Mahlab Example 2.2: Generation of samples of a multivariate gaussian proce Generate samples of a multivariate Gaussian random process X(t) having a specified mean value Dr. Uri Mahlab mx and a covariance Cx Answer ip_02_02 Example 2.3: generate a sequence of 1000(equally spaced) samples of gauss Markov process from the recursive x 0.95x w relation n n 1 n, n 1,2,...,1000 where x0 0 and {w n } is a sequence of zero mean and unit variance i.i.d. a Gaussian random variables. plot the sequence{x n, 1 n 1000} as a function of the time index n and the autocorrelation. Dr. Uri Mahlab Answer ip_02_03 Power spectrum of random processes and white processes A stationary random process X(t) is characterized in Sx ( f ) the frequency domain by its power spectrum which is the fourier transform of the autocorrelation Rx ( t ) function of the random process.that is, Rx ( t ) Conversely, the autocorrelation function of a Sx ( f ) stationary process X(t) is obtained from the power spectrum by means of the inverse fourier transform;I.e., Dr. Uri Mahlab Definition:A random process X(t) is called a white S x ( f )if process if it has a flat power spectrum, I.e., is a constant for all f frequency Dr. Uri Mahlab Example 2.4: 1) Generate a discrete-time sequence of N=1000 i.i.d. uniformly distributed random in interval (-1/2,1/2) and compute the autocorrelation of the sequence {Xn} defined as 1 N m Rx (m) X n X n m, N m n 1 N 1 X n X nm, N m n m m 0,1,..., M m 1,2,..., M 2) Determine the power spectrum of the sequence {Xn} by computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of Rx(m) The DFT,which is efficiently computed by use of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm, is defined as M Sx ( f ) Dr. Uri Mahlab R (m)e m M x j 2 fm /( 2 m 1) Answer Matlab: M-file ip_02_04 Example 2.5: compute the auto correlation Rx(t) for the random process whose power spectrum is given by N0 , f B Sx ( f ) 2 0, f B Dr. Uri Mahlab Answer Matlab: M-file ip_02_05 Dr. Uri Mahlab Linear Filtering of Random Processes Suppose that a stationary random process X(t) is passed through a liner time-invariant filter that is characterized in the time domain by its impulse response h(t) and in the frequency domain by its frequency response. Dr. Uri Mahlab The auto correlation function of y(t) is In the Frequency domain Dr. Uri Mahlab Example 2.6 suppose that a white random process X(t) with power spectrum Sx(f)= 1 for all f excites a linear filter with impulse response e , t 0 h( t ) 0, t 0 -t Determine the power spectrum Sy(f)of the filter output. Dr. Uri Mahlab Answer Matlab: M-file ip_02_06 Example 2.7 Compute the autocorrelation function Ry(t) corresponding to Sy(f)in the Illustrative problem 2.6 for the specified Sx(f)=1 Answer Matlab: M-file ip_02_07 Dr. Uri Mahlab Example 2.8 Suppose that a white random process with samples{X(n)} is passed through linear filter with impulse response (0.95) , n 0 h( n) n0 0, n Determine the power spectrum of the output process{Y(n)} Dr. Uri Mahlab Answer Matlab: M-file ip_02_08 Lowpass and Bandpass processes •Definition:A random process is called lowpass if its power spectrum is large in the vicinity of f=0 and small (approaching 0) at high frequencies. •In other words, a lowpass random process has most of its power concentrated at low frequencies . •Definition: A lowpass random process x (t) is band limited if the power spectrum Sx(f)=0 for Sx(f)>B. The parameter B is called the bandwidth of the random process Dr. Uri Mahlab Example # 9:consider the problem of generating samples of a lowpass random process by passing a white noise sequence {Xn}through a lowpass filter. The input sequence is an I.I.d. sequence of uniformly distributed random variables on the interval (-0.5,0.5 ). The lowpass filter hasnthe impulse response. (0.9) , n 0 h( n) n0 0, And is characterized by the input-output recursive(difference)equation. yn 0.9 yn 1 xn , n 1 y 1 0 Compute the output sequence{yn} and determine the autocorrelation function Rx(m) and Ry(m),as indicated in problem 2.4 Determine the power spectra Sx(f) and Sy(f) by computing the DFT of Rx(m) and Ry(m) Answer Dr. Uri Mahlab Matlab: M-file ip_02_09 N=1000; % The maximum value of n M=50; Rxav=zeros(1,M+1); Ryav=zeros(1,M+1); Sxav=zeros(1,M+1); Syav=zeros(1,M+1); for i=1:10, % take the ensemble average ove 10 realizations X=rand(1,N)-(1/2); % Generate a uniform number sequence on (1/2,1/2) Y(1)=0; %should be x(1) !!!!! for n=2:N, Y(n) = 0.9*Y(n-1) + X(n); % note that Y(n) means Y(n-1) end; Rx=Rx_est(X,M); % Autocorrelation of {Xn} Ry=Rx_est(Y,M); % Autocorrelation of {Yn} Sx=fftshift(abs(fft(Rx))); % Power spectrum of {Xn} Sy=fftshift(abs(fft(Ry))); % Power spectrum of {Yn} Rxav=Rxav+Rx; Ryav=Ryav+Ry; Sxav=Sxav+Sx; Syav=Syav+Sy; end; Rxav=Rxav/10; Ryav=Ryav/10; Sxav=Sxav/10; Syav=Syav/10; % Plotting commands follow » Dr. Uri Mahlab •Definition: •A random process is called bandpass if its power spectrum is large in a band of frequencies centered in the neighborhood of a central frequency fo and relatively small outside of this band of frequencies. •A random process is called narrowband if its bandwidth B<< fo •Bandpass processes are suit for representing modulated sign In communication the information-bearing signal is usually a lowpass random process that modulates a carrier for transmission over a bandpass communication channel. Thus the modulated signal is bandpass random process. Dr. Uri Mahlab Example # 10:[Generation of samples a bandpass random process] Generate samples of a bandpass random process by first generating samples of two statistically independent random processes XC(t) and f 0t XS(t) and using these to modulate the quadrature f 0t 2 carriers cos( ) and sin 2 ,as shown in figure 7. + - Answer Matlab: M-file ip_02_10 Figure 7: generation of a bandpass random process Dr. Uri Mahlab N=1000; % number of samples for i=1:2:N, [X1(i) X1(i+1)]=gngauss; [X2(i) X2(i+1)]=gngauss; end; % standard Gaussian input noise processes A=[1 -0.9]; % lowpass filter parameters B=1; Xc=filter(B,A,X1); Xs=filter(B,A,X2); fc=1000/pi; % carrier frequency for i=1:N, band_pass_process(i)=Xc(i)*cos(2*pi*fc*i)-Xs(i)*sin(2*pi*fc*i); end; % T=1 is assumed % Determine the autocorrelation and the spectrum of the band-pass process M=50; bpp_autocorr=Rx_est(band_pass_process,M); bpp_spectrum=fftshift(abs(fft(bpp_autocorr))); % plotting commands follow Dr. Uri Mahlab