Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2011) INTI International University, Malaysia THE STUDY OF NON-USE CAUSES AND OBSTACLES OF ELEARNING AT ISLAMIC AZAD UNIVERSITY BANDARGAZ BRANCH AND PRESENTING PRACTICAL MODEL Masoumeh Bagherpour Islamic Azad University (Bandargaz Branch) Iran ( ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is the study of non-use causes and obstacles of E-learning at Islamic Azad University Bandargaz Branch. We have randomly selected 230 students. The method of this research is correlation based on the prepared questionnaire model by UNESCO. The results found a meaningful relation between age and training rate of internet. It is obtained a meaningful ration between decreasing society acceptance and application of E-learning. There are a meaningful relation between family income, equipment and facilities and application rate of electronics learning. It hasn’t observed a meaningful difference between various educational field and e-learning application. In regression analysis, only income rate and equipments among foresighted variables influenced e-learning application. At the end, suggested a practical model of elearning. KEYWORDS Information and communication technology, computer, internet, e-learning INTRODUCTION Electronic learning or "E- learning" is a special kind of distance education. In this method, we present learning and retraining by using web-based technologies such as Internet or Intranet and multimedia instruments, animation and simulator in a virtual environment. The important points of this educational system included: the existing physical distance without limitation between teacher and student; lack of temporal limitations on education; education for each person with age and physical state (Kavoosi, 2009). This technology is influenced on the state of education and learning of learning, and these influences are successful when learners and teachers have necessary abilities for using the technology. The combination approach of communication and information technology skills on curriculum is more influence than skills education as separate form and separate form and separate subjects. Communication and information technology also play an important role on knowledge transfer for change ability and active relation establishment to learners. Main factors for promotion of education level and making high quality learning are protecting usage of information and communications technology on educational innovation area such as planning area, content and text compilation, teaching and learning methods specially for educational environment. For better utilization of information and communication technology phenomenon on curriculum, collecting preparation for utilizing of 1 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2011) INTI International University, Malaysia innovations in curriculum is very vital and important (Motevaze, 2009). Nowadays, the universities are collecting, analysis place of last scientific information. The equipment of university to each technology is necessary that it plays an important role on transfer of information and communications and information science (Nili Ahmad Abadi, 2001). In today world, e-learning and training lead to basic changes on training and learning such as: the learns independence on learning the content power of choice according to interests, more real recognizing officially of individual differences of students, dissolving of time and place limitation for learning, the presentation capability of examples on evident format by using internet facilities, increasing information registration, analysis of students answers and present ting feedback (Sandi and Eat, 2004) because nouns of the technology is caused inequality for using of suitable educational opportunities (Islami, 2003) the students as one of main bases of higher (university) education on acceptance and use of communicational and informational technology (E-learning application) must be observed by higher education deciding. There are more researches about E-learning on higher education such as Nushirvani and Pahlavani (2008) research as E-learning place its techniques, advantages and disadvantages is expressed that this technology an educational centres is considered very low for the lack of electronic information, lack of facilities and the lack of steady distribution in country. Mortazavi (2006), in a research as some family, social and academic factors about utilizing information and communications technology by student is expressed that family factors (job, education, economic state), social factors( media, social environment) and school factors (perception of schoolmasters and teachers, existence of educational facilities, extracurricular activities and educational content) are influenced on information and communication technology application). Karimi (2007), in a research under the heading " the study of challenges and outlooks of information and communication technology application on training and learning of Isfahan university and industrial university of Isfahan indicated that the basic challenges of view point of professors and finishing education students is included the protection of private sector, fast network of telecommunication, clear politics, technical support for elimination of problems or defects, standards for using of educational hardware, standards for using of educational software, a mechanism for evaluation and investigation of obstacles and executive problems. Islam (2006) indicated that in a research as "opportunities and challenges" the computerbased learning is caused the increasing stimulus or motivation of students for learning, strengthening morale, self-confidence and research resources by internet is caused more useful learning. Alshvi (2007) performed on the study of effective factors on computer-based learning of internet by teachers (professors) that is expressed the gender, age, computer skills, order and regularity and availability of facilities at university are influenced on decreasing and increasing of internet application. Yei (2008) indicated that effective factors on computer-based learning of internet are generally the gender, age, social and economic state, family income, and place of residence. Ben Yusef (2008) performed an investigation for relation between computer-based learning of information and communications technology and students performance that it is indicated clear and fast development of students on their practical and educational activities. Bertea (2009) performed a research under the heading "the case study of the students outlook evaluation about E-learning that is indicated technical ability relationship and students outlook toward E-learning; and he imposed that making technology field is the base of Elearning. In a research as collaborative we-based E-learning environment for information security curriculum, Hu (2009) concluded that although, there isn’t a mutual relation for 2 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2011) INTI International University, Malaysia students and teachers, but it is accomplished a good information in exchange and thus ,it can send and receive more information in each time and by least amount of time. Hammani (2010) expressed E-learning need to management, substructures and facilities. It can presented correct relationship between elements. METHOD This research is used sectional descriptive–survey method of computer-based education. for data collection of research is used certain questionnaire of computer-based education .it is noteworthy to say that for preparing this questionnaire is applied the prepared questionnaire model by UNESCO for this field as questionnaire framework of computer-based education, that it has 14 questions for students. The questionnaire has 4 sections as follows: 1- individual and family characteristic 2- computer-based education 3- Internet-based education 4computer-based education of software. In addition to computer-based education, used central and dispersion index orientation, Spearman coefficient of correlation; one-way analysis of variance test and the seventh question of multi- variable regression analysis. FINDINGS: Table (1). Spearman coefficient of correlation between age and the rate of E-learning application variables age Correlation rate Meaningful level The capacity of model computer-based education -0.130* 0.016 Internet-based education -0.11* 0.02 230 P<0.05* P<0.01** According to the results of the above table, there are a meaningful relation between age and the rate of computer-based education, because the correlation -0.130 and meaningful level p=0.016 indicate inexistence of relation between 2 variables; and there are a meaningful relation between age and the rate of Internet-based education, because the correlation -0.11 and meaningful level p=0.02 indicate inexistence of relation between 2 variables. Table (2). Spearman coefficient of correlation between 2 variables of decrease the rate of society acceptance and the rate of E-learning application variables computer-based education Correlation rate Meaningful level The capacity of model 0.015* 0.01 Internet-based education 0.022** 0.000 230 P<0.05* P<0.01** According to the results of the above table, there are a meaningful relation between the rate of society acceptance and the rate of computer-based education, because the correlation 0.022 and meaningful level p=0.000 indicate inexistence of relation between 2 variables ;and there 3 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2011) INTI International University, Malaysia are a meaningful relation between decrease the rate of society acceptance and the rate of internet -based education, because the correlation 0.015 and meaningful level p=0.01 indicate inexistence of relation between 2 variables . Table (3). Spearman coefficient of correlation between 2 variables of family income and the rate of E-learning application variables computer-based education Correlation rate Meaningful level The capacity of model internet-based education 0.210** 0.000 0.190** 0.001 230 P<0.05* P<0.01** According to the results of the above table, there are a meaningful relation between family income and the rate of computer-based education, because the correlation 0.210 and meaningful level p=0.000 indicate inexistence of relation between 2 variables. There are a meaningful relation between family income and the rate of internet-based education, because the correlation 0.190 and meaningful level p=0.001 indicate inexistence of relation between 2 variables. Table (4). One-way analysis of variance test for the investigation of relation between various educational fields and the rate of computer-based education Meaningful level f SQU df 0.27 1.22 30.67 23.44 4 226 230 computer-based education According to the results of the above table there are no meaningful relation between various educational fields and the rate of computer-based education. Table (5). One-way analysis of variance test for the investigation of relation between various educational fields and the rate of internet-based education Meaningful level 0.14 f 1.53 SQU 14.20 8.78 df 4 226 230 Internet-based education According to the results of the above table, there are no meaningful relation between various educational fields and the rate of Internet-based education. Table (6). Multi-variable regression analysis statistic Std. Error of Adjusted R square the Estimate R Square 4.78 0.029 0.032 *predicting : income Criterion variable : computer-based education R 0.17 income 4 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2011) INTI International University, Malaysia For investigation of this question, it is used a research of multiple regression analysis by step by step (progressive) method. According to the obtained results, in table (6), only income rate has enters the rate the regression equation rate, decreasing rate of society acceptance, educational field, and foresighted variables. Only income rate is predicted 32% dispersion of criterion variable (computer-based education rate) and others variables is not influenced. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION In this articulation, there are no meaningful negative relation between age, the decrease rate of acceptance society and internet- based education. Mahmud (2002) indicated that the age is influenced on the rate of computer-based and Internet-based education. He explained male students between 20-25 more use internet –base education. And the research results of Aishavi (2007), Yei (2008) and Ben Yusef (2008) agree with above results it hasn’t been observed a meaningful relation between various education fields and the rate of computerbased education and internet -based education. The report of Mahmud (2002) and Zare Zavaraki (2003) indicated a meaningful relation between 2 variables. With existence of nature and various characteristics of education field, it can’t be expect that they use same amount of this technology. Disparity of the researches the result of current research may be for passing of time, development and increasing need of fields of the technology. Nowadays, all fields need to computer-based and internet -based education. Khosh Kenar (2005) indicated that educational groups related to ineffective factors on access rate computer-based and internet -based education. Only income rate is influenced on the rate of computer and internet -based education among variables of age, the rate of decreasing acceptance society, educational field as foresighted variables, and other variables is not effective. Thus, their family income problem is only effective causes on E –learning education application between students. Yei (2008) believed that one of the effective factors on E-learning education is family income suggestive pattern for E-learning application on Islamic Azad university of Bandargaz. According to the importance, E-learning is a model for making a required of frequency substructure , such as the development of information an commutation technology skills in al society level for the research on information technology, quantitative and qualitative development on educational software production; equipping schools and universities to internet and access to world network; development of information and communications skills education centers; the support of internet network substructures in country; development of the general access level to computer and world network; culture development, using information technology in routines. According to completed studies, the existence state of Islamic Azad University for using information and commutation technology is small. It is considered about substructure and equipments (such as computer, telephone, modem, and limitation internet), Internet literacy and politics (data processing council, the regulations of using information science world network and…). According to the university students statement, students use no more about computer and specially internet and its causes are lack of internet literacy, lack of suitable content by this instruments and presentation of content as traditional form, lack of space for using information and communication technology, existence of some politics that prevent the use of this technology and finally lack of holding a job. In educational system , first we should conduct individuals for using this instrument at home space and university and make an effective usability of computer and internet for students by presenting educational classes and instruction and communication technology 5 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2011) INTI International University, Malaysia whereas the universities is more mechanized. Thus, researcher presented a model for optimal use of students about E-learning that he/she help in this direction. According to above point, it can be considered these cases: A) Development of information and communication technology skills: development of information literacy and relationship between university staffs (such as educational, directional and service), development of informational and communicational literacy of university students. The university should try to increase a necessary field for informational and communicational skills to the student cant performed instruction and educational activities, routine and vocational activities and he/she can use these skills in minimum necessary time in indexes of information and communication technology of university, the digital literacy of students, teachers (professors) and stave (2008) was 4%, 39% and 40%, according, this is indicated that we should perform the action for promotion of computer literacy. B) Substructure and equipments: Another part of the model are substructure of information and communication substructure on education, access to information and communication networks informational substructure (compilation of digital content, designing of communicational lines and….) that it is provided accessibility to information and communication applicants. Islamic Azad university pay attention to this that also needs to more attention, because there are no computer in terms of a percent of student and also, internet network is not used for all the times and all people. In indexes 2009 contain index of access to internet 81%, access to more speed internet 6%, zero acceptable width band and equipment power of students at home 31% in 2008. Therefore, the universities should be prepared computer and network facilities for optimal use of students. C) Education content and quality: the main purpose of education is acquiring knowledge of learning about existence information and issues and the teacher is like learner or database of educational site. Information is the same content, in design, production process and presenting content is used various techniques such as Hyper Text, web casting by Flash technology, educational slides, conference video, educational programs about multimedia environments ,multimedia classes design . in information and communications, technology index of Islamic Azad University Bandargaz, the use of software for presenting lesson (2008) for 50% contain: active teachers (professors) on E-learning: zero, Electronic sources per cap it: zero, Electronic lesson :zero. thus, enrichment of lesson sources related to multimedia environment focus on axis learner education, making flexibility for education method and preparing education condition in all site and time, adjustment on the basis of personal life planning to each person experience more benefit, and provide the possibility of repeating lesson and more deliberation on scientific discussions and also making the possibility of using digital libraries for students. D) Executive precautions and instruction and educational productivity (efficiency), executive innovations and techniques, the compilation of presentation criteria, budget allocation for development, precautions for using staff and users about facilities, politics, precautions and regulations should possess comprehensiveness and translucence and it make a suitable competitive space and environment. In Islamic Azad university regulations has adjusted the rules about using word network of internet for profiting university’s staff for the services of this university that is not comprehensive and complete and it hasn’t a necessary translucence; in this regulations is indicated that it is necessary to have an agreement for using internet. At 6 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2011) INTI International University, Malaysia this moment in time that they should use information and communication technology, it shouldn’t be needed an agreement. In this case is presented the precaution and frameworks to the students for using information and communication technology don’t encounter a difficulty and also it is presented the precaution for needs and risks measurements, principles description and educational outputs, executive innovations and techniques. The compilation of presentation criteria, budget allocation for development, purchase and protection of hardware and software, precautions for using staff and users about facilities, politics, precautions and regulations should possess comprehensiveness and translucence and it make a suitable competitive space and environment. in Islamic Azad University regulations has adjusted the rules about using world network of internet for profiting university s staff for the services of this university that is not comprehensive and complete and it hasn’t necessary translucence; in this regulations is indicated that it is necessary to have an agreement for using internet .at this moment in time that they should use information and communication technology, it shouldn’t be needed an agreement. in this case is presented the precaution and frameworks to the students for using information and communication technology don’t encounter a difficulty and also it is principled the precautions for needs and risks measurement, principles description and educational outputs, executive innovations and techniques, multimedia classes design, description of managerial processes, protective service, budge allocation for development. 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