The Online Learning Experts Eric R. Parks, Ph.D. Games and Simulations: Making it Real, Fun, and Engaging A Solution Presentation Thursday, July 25, 2002 1:15 PM Why Games and Simulations? Online courses can be boring Simulation and games engage, motivate and increase learners attention span. In one project learners sneaked into the training center after hours to play the simulation. Recognizes “affective” component to learning. Addresses the interests of new members of the workforce. Reinforces thinking fast and quick I created this game to demonstrate that interesting learning activities and end of module reviews can be created with PowerPoint. Once you are ready, click on the horse to begin the game! Simulation Knowledge Race Time Do you have what it takes to win the race, elearning Instruction Design Attendees? Click to Start Simulation Knowledge Race Time Time Clock 30 Rules: Click on your horse to start. You have 30 seconds to select an answer to the question. If you get it right, you advance. If you get it wrong, I advance. Whoever gets to the finish line first wins. Click to Start Finish Line Question The demand for eLearning simulations is expected to grow from $300 million to X billion by 2011. 39 Billion 67 Billion Time Clock 5 10 20 0 30 25 97 Billion Continue 25 Billion Finish Line You timed out. The correct answer was 67 Billion. Click Continue. Simulation Knowledge Race Time Good Job!!! Hope you liked the game. Defining Games and Simulations Characteristic Simulation Representation of Experience X Learn from performance mistakes X Typically cast in a story or case study X Game Clearly defined win/loss X Random generated questions X Facilitate generalization of learning to the job X Hidden prizes X Single Feedback X Multiple Feedback X X High Learner Engagement X X Point allocation and tracking X Games and Simulations Universe Roll Play Drill and Practice E-Learning Simulations Experiment Games and Simulations Universe Drill and Practice Games and Simulations Universe Drill and Practice Games and Simulations Universe Drill and Practice Games and Simulations Universe Drill and Practice Games and Simulations Universe Drill and Practice Games and Simulations Universe Drill and Practice The Grand Prix is here! Are you ready to race, Carolyn? As you drive, you will be challenged with 20 situations that require you to identify and apply metrics and measurements. These will be displayed on your dashboard or communicated from the team in the pit area. For each successful response, you will pass a competitor. Pass all 20 and Team PPG wins the race! If you’re ready, click the car to start your engine. Good luck! Games and Simulations Universe Lap 1 Drill and Practice Start by engaging a goal. Which of these is a goal? Use Lean Enterprise to help reduce waste of raw materials Click the proper button. Then click the next arrow to advance down the track. The environment Achieve 4% reduction raw material usage vs. last year Games and Simulations Universe Lap 1 Drill and Practice Start by This engaging a goal. Sorry. is a tool we would Which these isthe a goal? use toofachieve goal. Use Lean Enterprise to help reduce waste of raw materials Click the proper button. Then click the next arrow to advance down the track. The environment Achieve 4% reduction raw material usage vs. last year Games and Simulations Universe Finish! Drill and Practice Finish Position 5 You’ve completed the Grand Prix, Carolyn! Notice where you finished in the field of 21. You may want to return to the circuit to review the topics below, then come back and race again! (Remember, you can use the hotlist to access the topics individually.) Click the Menu control to return to the circuit or the Exit control to leave. (Print List) (Item from missed question) (Item from missed question) Etc. Etc. Games and Simulations Universe Drill and Practice Are you ready for your Final Challenge? Two years have passed, and CCI urgently needs a quality intervention in light of new circumstances. You must respond quickly and decisively to 20 situations there. This should take about 20 minutes. I’ll be tracking how you do. Perform well and you will save the SBU; perform poorly and the whole thing may “blow up” in your face. Click the next arrow to continue. Games and Simulations Universe Drill and Practice There isn’t time for me to mentor you on vital processes and concepts like I did earlier. (If you want to prepare, return to the previous missions.) Once you begin, you can only use the Exit control, in case you panic and want out. You advance by selecting the best action, but you only score points if you select it first. CCI Take a moment to review a brief I prepared for you on CCI’s new situation. Then get started if you’re ready! Click the graphic to review the brief. Then click the next arrow to begin the challenge. Games and Simulations Universe Drill and Practice Situation 1 The CEO wants to know what you hope to achieve by bringing CCI into alignment. Edit this memo to him by eliminating one item: Time • Ensure that everyone’s efforts contribute directly to CCI’s business strategy 45 • Encourage CCI staff to pursue as many objectives as possible • Determine where CCI should be using its resources Current Score 10 • Review CCI’s progress according to a disciplined schedule Click one item to edit out. Games and Simulations Universe Roll Play Hello there! I just went down to “The Coffee Break” on my break and was chatting with the manager, Dan. He said he was going to shut down the business because he can’t keep up with the bills. We certainly can’t let that happen! Let’s go back down there and see if we can help Dan save his business. Click the next arrow to continue. Games and Simulations Universe Roll Play Dan’s friendly service is just not enough to help him save his business. To help Dan, we need to understand the concept of working capital. Click the next arrow to continue. Games and Simulations Universe Roll Play What requires short-term working capital at ‘The Coffee Break?” Drag the items onto the counter that represent a short term investment. Click the next arrow to continue. Games and Simulations Universe Roll Play Welcome! DISCOVERING THE QUALITY TOOLS Click the “next” arrow (the arrow pointing right indicated above) to begin. Games and Simulations Universe Roll Play Welcome! (Still arrow) Welcome to the Subtropical Outback, <Learner First Name>. It looks like PPG has selected you as the final member of our elite expedition team. The Three Diamonds (Problem Solving Process) and the Quality Tools are out here somewhere. We are charged with uncovering them and delivering them safely back to PPG. Click the next arrow to continue. Games and Simulations Universe Roll Play Welcome! We have a map to guide our exploration. We believe the Three Diamonds are in a cave in the middle of the territory. On the way there and beyond, we’ll encounter landmarks like The Great Pyramid, The Lost Jungle and the Lion’s Roar River. We’ll return to PPG when we reach the departure point at the end of our path. Click the next arrow to continue. Games and Simulations Universe Roll Play Games and Simulations Universe Roll Play Games and Simulations Universe Roll Play Games and Simulations Universe Experiment Games and Simulations Universe Experiment Games and Simulations Universe Simulations Games and Simulations Universe Simulations Go to your In Box to select a project task. Games and Simulations Universe Simulations Games and Simulations Universe Simulations DOCKET Roll your cursor over the court docket to access your cases. Games and Simulations Universe Simulations Click a case on the court docket to open it. Games and Simulations Universe Case #ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act vs. Lots O’ Lending Simulations Your Tasks: Identify the main points of the ADA Identify the purpose of the ADA Recognize how Washington Mutual complies with the ADA Games and Simulations Universe Simulations Games and Simulations Universe Simulations The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against any individual on the basis of disability in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages or accommodations by any private entity who owns, leases, or operates a place of public accommodation. The term “disabled” includes any one of three standards enacted in 1990. Click the link to reveal the standards. Games and Simulations Universe Simulations Welcome, Mr. Henry. I’m glad you could come in. You mentioned on the phone you were interested in a short term loan for a new condo. Let me help you. What portions can I read for you? It was a tough walk up here for me, but I made it. That’s right. I received some materials in the mail from you on that, but I had trouble reading the fine print. What’s your ruling? Did Lots O’ Lending violate the ADA? Identify any evidence of non-compliance in the conversation. Click the sound button on the monitor to listen in on the conversation. Then click any conversation balloons that indicate non-compliance. Click the fast forward button to continue with the evidence. Sound Fast Forward Games and Simulations Universe Simulations Are you ready to declare your final verdict and write an opinion in the case: Americans with Disabilities Act vs. Lots O’ Lending? The bailiff has your instructions…Click her to review them if needed. Click your gavel to begin the Knowledge Check. Click the gavel to continue. Games and Simulations Universe Simulations Activity 4: Submit Your Verdict You are drafting your verdict based on the original case file. (You may review the file below if needed.) Select any conditions on the document which truly adhere to the basic tenet of the ADA: to ensure equal access to products and services offered. Click the three best answers shown. Then click the gavel to submit them. Click to review Submit Games and Simulations Universe Simulations BP1: Know your audience FAST REAL CHALLENGING Handle PROBLEMS Audience Questions Why would the target audience care about this topic? Why do they get up every morning and go to work? What do they like most about the job? What do they like least about the job? What are their greatest challenges? What are their greatest fears? Who do they work with? Who is their customer, supplier, and decision maker? How do they communicate on the job? How should they communicate on the job? How do they like to learn? How much frustration level can they take? How much prior exposure and experience do they have with the topic/subject matter? What movies, music, fashion, magazines and cars do they drive? What is rewarding? BP2: Determine An Effective Approach Brainstorm Discuss Multi-Vote Decision Matrix Decision Matrix Layout BP3: Suspension of Reality is Directly Related To Impact Nature Simpler Simple Work BP4: Take Care With User Feedback Maybe No Yes Hint BP5: Life Is A Open Book Test Over 25,000 support documents for a 30 2-hour courses Listen To Your Heart In designing WBT, we create a world in which our learners live for an hour, a day, several days… Would we want to live in that world? Is it interesting, engaging, challenging? Does it meet the needs of the audience in both skills and emotions? Contact Information Email: Phone: (916) 536-1275 Website: Knowledge Center: index.html Thank You