Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Ministry of Health Industry Alignment Fund Category 2 (MOH IAF Cat 2) Application Form CLOSING DATE: 31 July 2015 The submission must comprise the endorsed original hardcopy application and its soft copy (in Word & PDF format in a CD). Applications must be submitted to NMRC, MOH, through the Research Office of the Principal Investigator’s (PI’s) Host Institution, to this address: (Attn: Sharon Ling) MOH IAF Cat 2 National Medical Research Council 11 Biopolis Way #09-10/11 Helios Singapore 138667 For further enquiries, you may contact Dr Sharon Ling at Important: MOH IAF Relevant privileged or confidential information should be disclosed to help convey a better understanding of the project. However, such Category 2 Application Checklist information must be clearlyForm marked in the proposal. All information is treated in confidence. The information is furnished to the National Medical Research Council (NMRC) with the understanding that it shall be used or disclosed for evaluation, reference and reporting purposes. If your application is not successful, this form will be destroyed after the retention period deemed as appropriate by the Council. Page 1 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form 1. Category of Proposal a) Please indicate the relevant information if your proposal is a renewal or resubmission. New Submission Renewal (Grant number Resubmission (Application ID ) & No. of resubmissions inclusive of current application ) Application that has been previously submitted to other NMRC research grants (Application ID ) b) Please indicate the suitable category. Preclinical studies Clinical studies Preclinical and Clinical studies 2. Applicants Please note that the definitions of a Principal Investigator (PI), Co-Investigator (Co-I) and Collaborator, as indicated in the footnote. The terms of collaboration with overseas research institutions and private companies must conform to NMRC’s existing policies. (* please add more rows if required) Name Role in Project (e.g. Principal Investigator1, Co-I2, Collaborator3, Industry Collaborator4 Host Institution5 % Effort within Project6 Total 100% % Effort Within Own Work Commitments7 Please attach the CV of each member of the research team. Please use the format below and indicate NA if the required information is not applicable (limit to 3 pages). Name Title NRIC/Passport No. Email Contact No Office Mailing Address 1Definition of Lead Principal Investigator (Lead PI): The lead researcher who has the appropriate level of authority and the responsibility to direct the research project being supported by the grant. He/she is responsible and accountable for the proper conduct of the research project. 2Definition of Co-Investigator (Co-I): An individual involved in the scientific development and execution of the project, typically devotes a higher percentage of effort to the project as compared to a collaborator and is considered a key personnel. He/she need to hold at least an adjunct position in a local public institution. 3 Definition of Collaborator: An individual involved in the scientific development and execution of project, typically devote a specific percent of effort to the project. Researchers from overseas institutions or private companies can only participate as collaborators. 4 Industry Collaborator are not entitled to receive (directly or indirectly) any portion of the grant. 5Definition of Host Institution: the body or institution or administering organization named in the Letter of Award as the “Host Institution” is the body responsible for undertaking and managing the Research and administering the Funding. 6 NOTE: Represents percentage effort spent by the team members in the project relative to his/her other team members. The total in this column must add up to 100%. 7 NOTE: Represents percentage effort spent by the team members on this project out of total work commitments (e.g. other grants, other teaching and administrative responsibilities, clinical work etc.) Page 2 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Current Position (provide full details, eg. joint appointments, other academic appointments including those outside of Singapore) Percentage of time spent in Singapore every year Employment History Academic qualifications (Indicate degree title, award year and institution name ) Research interests Publications in last 5 years (include only publications of direct relevance to study, stating impact factors where possible) Patents held (related or unrelated to study) Scientific Awards Half page summary of research outcomes from all previous grants [eg. publications (full papers only for past 5 years and highlight papers relevant to study), patents, awards, etc]. For co-Is and collaborators, please include these two items: Peer reviewed funding awarded as PI in last 5 years (from local and foreign agencies) o Grant quantum, start and end date, funding agency and field of research Current and previous support from NMRC or other sources (include proposals pending approval) 3. Title of Research (Limit to 300 characters) 4. Field of Research Please fill in the Health Research Classification (HRC) System below with reference to the list attached as Appendix 1 in the IRG Guide. The HRC System is adapted from MRC, UK. (A) Health Category You may select up to 5 categories from below. Please use minimum number of codes to reflect main focus of the research. Blood Cancer Cardiovascular Congenital Disorders Ear Eye Infection Inflammatory and Immune System Injuries and Accidents Mental Health Metabolic and Endocrine Musculoskeletal Neurological Oral and Gastrointestinal Renal and Urogenital Reproductive Health and Childbirth Respiratory Skin Stroke Generic Health Relevance Other (B) Research Activity Code You may select up to 2 sub-codes from the followings, eg, 2.1. 1 Underpinning Research 1.1 Normal biological development and functioning 1.2 Psychological and socioeconomic processes 1.3 Chemical and physical sciences 1.4 Methodologies and measurements 1.5 Resources and infrastructure (underpinning) 2 Aetiology 2.1 Biological and endogenous factors 2.2 Factors relating to physical environment 2.3 Psychological, social and economic factors 2.4 Surveillance and distribution 2.5 Research design and methodologies (aetiology) Page 3 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form 2.6 Resources and infrastructure (aetiology) 3 Prevention of Disease and Conditions, and Promotion of Well-Being 3.1 Primary prevention interventions to modify behaviours or promote well-being 3.2 Interventions to alter physical and biological environmental risks 3.3 Nutrition and chemoprevention 3.4 Vaccines 3.5 Resources and infrastructure (prevention) 4 Detection, Screening and Diagnosis 4.1 Discovery and preclinical testing of markers and technologies 4.2 Evaluation of markers and technologies 4.3 Influences and impact 4.4 Population screening 4.5 Resources and infrastructure (detection) 5 Development of Treatments and Therapeutic Interventions 5.1 Pharmaceuticals 5.2 Cellular and gene therapies 5.3 Medical devices 5.4 Surgery 5.5 Radiotherapy 5.6 Psychological and behavioural 5.7 Physical 5.8 Complementary 5.9 Resources and infrastructure (development of treatments) 6 Evaluation of Treatments and Therapeutic Interventions 6.1 Pharmaceuticals 6.2 Cellular and gene therapies 6.3 Medical devices 6.4 Surgery 6.5 Radiotherapy 6.6 Psychological and behavioural 6.7 Physical 6.8 Complementary 6.9 Resources and infrastructure (evaluation of treatments) 7 Management of Diseases and Conditions 7.1 Individual care needs 7.2 End of life care 7.3 Management and decision making 7.4 Resources and infrastructure (disease management) 8 Health and Social Care Services Research 8.1 Organisation and delivery of services 8.2 Health and welfare economics 8.3 Policy, ethics and research governance 8.4 Research design and methodologies 8.5 Resources and infrastructure (health services) 5. Abstract In no more than 300 words, concisely describe the specific aims, hypotheses, methodology and approach of the research proposal including its importance to the furtherance of medical science, in particular clinical significance. The abstract must be self-contained so that it can serve as a succinct and accurate description of the research proposal. Note that the abstract may be disclosed to other funding agencies. 6. Research Proposal In no more than 15 pages (page limit excludes the reference section), please briefly describe the following sections in the research proposal. Please use Arial font size 10 for all text. a. Background & Preclinical/Clinical Need Describe the background and the significance of the preclinical/clinical need/gap identified which the platform/programme intends to fill. Describe the current treatment/solutions and their shortcomings. Page 4 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: b. MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Industry Partnership Interest The pre-requisite for the application to MOH IAF Cat 2 is to provide evidence of industry recognition and interest in the platform: (i) Letters of Intent from at least 2 industry partners, validating and elaborating on the relevance of the proposed Platform/Programme to industry research and needs. (ii) Letter of Intent from an industry sponsor8 who will articulate the need that the proposed Platform/Programme will address and Elaborate on how it is envisioned that industry will partner and collaborate with the fully developed platform/programme, Be consulted on a regular basis as part of progress reports and reviews. In addition to the Letters of Intent, you may attach other documents eg. ongoing Research Collaboration Agreements (RCAs) Service agreements, contract agreements, or other indications of industry interest. Please attach the Letters of Intent and/or other documents as supporting documents to this section of the proposal. c. Description of Platform/Programme Give a concise description of the proposed Platform/Programme covering the following areas: Describe the need and rationale of developing the Platform/Programme Describe the methods/approach and components of the Platform/Programme. Include the description of underlying technology, processes and manpower capability (if any). Describe the alternatives that have been or can be considered (if any) Provide an account of the PI’s/Industry’s preliminary studies (if any) or any other information that will help to establish the importance of the research and the experience and competence of the investigator pursuing the proposed project. Highlight any technical challenges of the proposed approach and explain how/why such challenges have prevented other from making similar attempts and contingency plan where technical challenges cannot be overcome. (i) Application(s) of Platform/Programme Describe the applications of the Platform/Programme, such as its uses in the understanding of disease biology, translating research into commercially relevant solutions or how it would provide solutions for the needs/problems highlighted in a. There could be more than one application. Emphasize the key applications that will be utilised and can attract industry funding within the first 3 years. (ii) Uniqueness of Platform/Programme Indicate direct competitors (if any). Identify other research institutes or groups (academia or industrial) in the world which have comparable capabilities. State the differentiating factor(s) of the Platform/Programme – the reason why industry wants to work with this applicant as compared to the competitors. (iii) References d. External Validation of Platform/Programme Submit report(s) of un-biased external assessments of the scientific strengths of the proposal (if any). Examples include reports from Scientific Advisory Board, independent market assessment, TTO assessment, business development office assessment, etc. e. Implementation Plan Briefly describe the management of the collaboration ie. who will take the lead for each area, a plan for regular meetings, strategy for the set up of networks, arrangement for access and upkeep of equipment and data, how newly generated data will be preserved for sharing, etc. 8 The industry sponsor may be the same party in 6b(i) who has provided a Letter of Intent or equivalent written document of support. Page 5 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: f. MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Sustainability of Platform/Programme We acknowledge that some of the platforms are still at development stage and may not be able to attract industry investment immediately. This section is to articulate a clear industry engagement plan going forward to attract industry funding (short and long term) so as to ensure self-sustainability of the Platform/Programme post-funding. (i) Industry Engagement and Business Plan This could include jointly developing a plan with the host institution TTO office, business development team or equivalent. You may wish to outline the organization structure of this Platform/Programme. Who would oversee and coordinate industry engagement plans? Development of materials/capacity and interaction platforms over the 3 years to engage companies. Some concrete examples include: Some of the industry engagement platforms include organizing round table focus groups to invite industry , meeting industry during conferences, etc Easy-to-understand marketing slides to provide an overview of the technology platform. This material can be forwarded to IDG/EDB for industry engagement purposes. Identify companies that the platform team would aim to meet which would be interested to in the platform. (ii) Proposed Financial and Commercial KPIs g. Intellectual Property Management 7. You may propose any financial and/or commercial key performance indicators (KPIs) to demonstrate the ability to attract industry (or other) funding prior to the end of the support period. These KPIs are entirely dependent on the projects which are initiated and are unique to the Platform/Programme. These KPIs should be realistically set since the projects may not be initiated until the basic infrastructure is in place. Examples are service or contract agreements with industry partner(s) to use the Platform/Programme for their commercial needs, ability to attract X dollars of industry funds in collaboration to develop the Platform/Programme for their needs, etc. These proposed KPIs will be included and reviewed in annual progress reports. Briefly describe any possibility of intellectual property generated from the Platform/Programme Briefly describe how the Research Team intends to manage and exploit the IP it has filed/or intends to file. You can provide a description of the Research Team’s track record to substantiate your description eg. list of patentable components, patents filed (status), spin-off companies, income generated from commercialization of intellectual assets. Ethical Considerations and Containment Fund disbursement is subjected to ethics approval if the project involves any of the below. Please declare the participating institutions where study requiring ethics approval is conducted: Please tick accordingly if programme involves any of the following: a) Human Subject Yes No b) Use of Human Material/ Yes No Animal Tissues or Cells from Primary Donors (i.e. subject/volunteers recruited for project) c) Use of Commercially Available Yes No Human Material/Animal Tissues or Cells d) Animal Experimentation Yes No Page 6 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form e) Requirement for Containment Yes No f) Yes No Multi-centre trial(s) (If yes, please state all participating institutions/centres: A copy of the ethics approval is attached 8. Funding 8.1 Period of Support Requested 8.2 Funding Request Total Amount: SGD ) Yes Number of years: No (Max. of 3 years) (capped at SGD 3M / project inclusive of 20% indirect costs) 8.3 Budget List the budget of the funding requested in the format below and provide the relevant justifications. Please refer to NMRC Policy Document on Financial Regulations (Annex 1). 8.3.1 Manpower Please budget for all the manpower required for the project including part-time personnel and those to be shared with other projects. State whether they are existing personnel in your institution or new staff to be recruited. Please use salary scales provided by the Institution or Hospital Administration as a reference. The cost should include annual increments, National Service increment, staff welfare, medical and other related benefits as per the Human Resource policies of your institution. Staff Category Existing/New Technologist New Research Assistant New Research Officer New Research Associate New Research Nurse New Postdoctoral Fellow New Visiting Consultant New Others: (please specify) New No Remarks Total Total cost $0.00 8.3.2 Equipment Please budget for all scientific equipment you need to purchase to directly carry out the project. Indicate sharing of equipment with other projects, if any. For equipment costing more than $100,000 each, please indicate the estimated utilization of the equipment (e.g. 70% usage throughout the project period; only 85% usage in the 2nd year for analysis purpose, etc). Title of Specific Research Theme: Page 7 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: Qty Equipment MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Estimated Utilization Rate for Equipment more than $100,000 (to be justified) Unit Cost Total Sub-Total $0.00 8.3.3 Other Operating Expenses (OOE) This covers other expenses directly related to the project such as the purchase of animals, consumables, laboratory manuals, literature searches, and maintenance of equipment. Conference travel will be funded only if a presentation or an article is presented and is capped at $6,000 per trip per requested year. The presentation or article must be directly related to the project and NMRC’s support must be acknowledged. Title of Specific Research Theme: Item Item Description Cost Materials & Consumables Overseas Travel Others: (please specify) *Please add rows for more items Total $0.00 Grand Total: SGD$0.00 8.3.4 Details and Justifications for Budget Requested Please provide breakdown for all categories if this is not indicated in the previous tables. Manpower Justifications Equipment Justifications Other Operating Expenses (OOE) Justifications Materials & Consumables Page 8 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Overseas Travel Others e.g. Singapore Clinical Research Institute (SCRI) cost Page 9 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: 9. MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Milestones/Timeline Provide the timeline and proposed milestones for the proposal. This section is required for the assessment of the progress of the study and shade the appropriate box(es) to indicate the year and at which quantum of the year of funding that a particular milestone is expected to be met. You can add or delete rows as appropriate. Note: The proposed milestones will be subjected to review by a post-award committee at the end of each FY during the period of the grant award. The progress of a project is a critical pre-requisite for the continued disbursement of funds. Year 1 Research Milestones/ Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Year 2 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Year 3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1. Lead PI Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Etc. 2. Co-I 3. Collaborator Page 10 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: 10. MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Expected Outcomes Please indicate your realistic expectations on the outcomes of this grant. Please state ‘NA’ where indicator is not applicable. Performance Indicators Indicate number / value Master’s research students trained PhD students trained Training R&D manpower for industry Master’s research and PhD students trained and spun out to local industry as RSEs (Research Scientist & Engineer) Research staff spun out to local industry as RSEs Post-doctoral (within 3 years of the PhD award) researchers hired Joint programs/projects with prestigious international research organizations Joint programs/projects with local universities Invention disclosures Capability Indicators Proof-of-concept studies in man Other Clinical trials Developing long term R&D capability * Kick-start clinical treatments/therapeutics Patents filed Patents granted Patents commercialized Papers published in international journals (To state impact factor) Presentations at international conferences Awards for research at national and international level R&D collaboration * Industry Relevance Indicators R&D projects with industry cash funding Industry dollars received to fund R&D projects Revenue from royalties and licensing agreements Outcomes * Spin-off companies registered New products or processes commercialized * NMRC places special emphasis on these targets 11. Other Support Please provide the following details for the grants currently held or being applied for by the PI only. Attach additional pages if necessary. Please attach the scientific abstracts of each grant listed below in (a) – (c) and required additional information as Annex A for NMRC’s reference. Missing abstracts / KPIs / attachments will render this application incomplete. (a) Support from any industry partner(s) Please provide details on the funding/drug(s) or other resources provided by any participating industry partner(s) that the PIs have existing collaboration with. Page 11 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: Items Supported MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Form of Support Source of Support In-Kind 9 Cash Contribution10 (SGD) Support Period (Year) Yes/No Yes/No (b) Peer Reviewed Funding Received in the Past 5 years as PI (from local and foreign funding agencies) For Investigator-led grants, e.g. CS-IRG, CBRG, etc, please only include funding awarded in the capacity as a lead PI. For programmatic grants or equivalent grants, e.g. TCR Flagships, B&B, please include only the amount awarded in the capacity as theme PI or Co-PI. Specifically for NMRC-funded projects, please indicate the NMRC project number and provide the latest research outcomes (Key Performance Indicators) as Annex A. Amount of Fund Funding Agency Title of Research Approved/ Received ($) Balance Available ($) Support Period (Year) Expiry Date of the grant (c) List all grants applied for (e.g. NMRC, NRF, A*STAR, MOE, Clusters, etc) where outcome is pending For all NMRC grant applications, please indicate application ID. Please indicate all the grants applied of similar proposal where the applicant and is involved as PI, Co-PI, Co-Investigator or Collaborator and provide any overlapping sections in the proposals as Annex A. Title of Research and PI’s role in project Application ID Funding Agency Amount of fund applied for ($) Support Period (Year) (d) Potential Overlap of Support/ Funding Please highlight if there is any potential overlap of the above mentioned funding. Note that double-dipping is strictly prohibited. For any overlap, please explain how it would be dealt with. 12. Peer Review (a) Inappropriate Reviewers (Conflict of Interest) Please provide name and contact information of individuals who might have conflict of interests or commercial sensitivity with your current research proposal. S/N Title Name Details (Institution and e-mail address) Reason for exclusion (b) Suggested Names of Reviewers Reviewers who are co-authors with the PI(s) in publications are generally not to be included. Note that suggested reviewers must not have conflict of interest or involvement (direct and indirect) with the proposed project. NMRC has the final discretion whether to select the suggested reviewers for the evaluation of the grant proposal. S/N 9 Title Name Details (Institution and Relationship to PI Please delete as appropriate 10 Please specify amount Page 12 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form e-mail address) 13. Undertaking by Principal Investigator In submitting the MOH Industry Alignment Fund Category 2 (MOH IAF Cat 2) Application, the Principal Investigator and all Co-Investigator(s) & Collaborator(s) UNDERTAKE, on any Grant Award, to: Declare that all information is accurate and true. Declare that he/she is free from any financial conflicts of interest. Not send similar versions or part(s) of this proposal to other agencies for funding. Submit supporting documents of ethics approval obtained from the relevant Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Animal Ethics Committee for studies involving human subjects/human tissues or cells, and animal/animal tissues or cells respectively, before any funding can be confirmed. Be actively engaged in the execution of the research and comply with all laws, rules and regulations pertaining to safety, animal and human ethics, including the Singapore Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Ensure that National Medical Research Council (NMRC) funding is acknowledged in all publications and presentations. Ensure that all publications arising from research wholly or partly funded by NMRC will be forwarded to NMRC. Ensure that the requested equipment/resources are not funded by another agency or research proposal. Ensure that there is a reasonable effort in accessing available equipment/resources within the host institution or elsewhere within Singapore. Adhere to NMRC’s general guidelines on competitive funding and NMRC’s Terms and Conditions. -----------------------------------------------------Name and Signature of PI Date: ---------------------------------------------------------------Name and Signature of Co-I/Collaborator* 11 Date: ---------------------------------------------------------------Name and Signature of /Co-I/Collaborator* Date: (*Please add more if required) 14. Undertaking by Head of Department (HOD) & Host Institution of the PI In submitting the Grant Application, the Institution UNDERTAKES, on any Grant Award, to: 11 *Delete as appropriate Page 13 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Discuss with immediate supervisor of applicant that the following will be complied with: o The proposed research will be conducted in the host institution o Adequate resources will be provided to the applicant for the entire grant period (e.g. lab space) o The applicant is independently salaried by the institution for the entire period of the grant o The research abides by all laws, rules and regulations pertaining to national and the institution's research operating procedures and guidelines o Confirm the accuracy and completeness of information submitted, including budget, ethics, other funding sources, etc. o Confirm that budget is clear (e.g. no double funding/ excessive purchase of equipment), and is aligned with host institution HR and other policies o There is no financial conflict of interest ----------------------------------------------------------Name and Signature of Head of Department12 --------------Date --------------------------------------------------------Name and Signature of Director of Institution13 --------------Date 12 If the PI is the Head of Department, UNDERTAKING by the HOD’s Reporting officer is required. 13 If the PI is the Director of the Institution, UNDERTAKING by the Director’s Reporting officer is required. Page 14 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Annex 1 Budgeting Requirements Type of Expenses Description EOM Related Expenses Salaries, CPF and fringe benefits including medical, dental, contribution to welfare fund, etc. Allowable as part of overall compensation to employees provided such costs are incurred under formal established and consistently applied policies of the host Institution. The manpower funded as part of the direct cost should be directly involved in the research work of the project. The salaries offered to staffs should be reasonable, in line with local market benchmarks and comply with formal established pay scale of the host Institution that is consistently applied regardless of the source of funds. Core manpower fundable under the direct cost only: - Research fellow, - Research engineer/scientist, - Research assistant/associate, - Specialist laboratory technician, - Biostatisticians, - Nurses, and - Technical officer. All other manpower will fall under IRC. Case by case consideration will be given if the PI can justify that the required manpower should be funded under the direct manpower cost. Annual leave Allowable for employees. The number of days of leave accorded to staff must be in accordance with formal policies of the host Institution that is consistently applied regardless of the source of funds. Bonus / Incentive payments, Allowable as part of a total compensation package, provided such payments are reasonable and are made according to a formal policy of the host Institution that is consistently applied regardless of the source of funds. Staff insurance Allowable as part of overall compensation to employees provided such costs are incurred under formal established and consistently applied policies of the host Institution. Page 15 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Type of Expenses Description Participation of overseas experts Allowable. Expenses incurred for overseas experts invited to participate in the project and staying in Singapore for at least 6 months per year must be budgeted separately in the project budget under the category for Visiting Professor/Expert. For other overseas experts staying for less than 6 months per year, the cost of his/her stay is allowable if the costs are specifically provided for and approved in the project grant. Examples of such costs are honoraria, salaries, staff relocation, settling-in allowances and other related cost For staff relocation, settling-in allowances, etc, it will be allowable for senior expatriate R&D staff if the costs are specifically provided for and approved in the project grant. However, superannuation contributions for such staff are not allowed under both direct cost and IRC. Staff recruitment and related cost Not allowable under direct cost. Examples of such costs are advertisement and recruitment agency cost. These expenses can be claimed under IRC. Stipends and course fees of full-time and/or part-time graduate research students Not allowable under both direct cost and IRC. PI’s & co-investigators’ EOM Not allowable under both direct cost and IRC. Only student attachment and top-up for research students are fundable under IRC. Equipment Related Expenses New equipment Allowable if needed specifically for the project. Each equipment must be individually identified and its total cost inclusive of bank charges, delivery and installation, etc estimated. Page 16 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: Type of Expenses MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Description For equipment costing more than S$100,000, they will be classified under “Exceptional Items” (see para 2.4 to 2.6 in the Administrative Guidelines). For purchase of such equipment, 3 quotations must be provided in the budget along with full justifications for the need to purchase the equipment. General purpose IT and communication equipment Not allowable under direct cost. Examples of such costs are computers, office productivity software, PDAs, mobile phones, etc. The cost of such equipment can be claimed under IRC. The procurement of such equipment must be reasonable and make according to the formal established and consistently applied policies of the host Institution. General furniture and office equipment Not allowable under direct cost. Examples of such costs are fax machines, photocopier machines, workstations and printers, etc. The cost of such items can be claimed under IRC. All procurement of such items must be reasonable and make according to the formal established and consistently applied policies of the host Institution. Consumables Related Expenses Consumables Allowable. Examples of such costs are supplies and materials, laboratory consumables, animals and drugs which are necessary for the successful execution of the funded project. All procurement of such items must be reasonable and are made according to the formal established and consistently applied policies of the host Institution. Drug costs and medical procedures for patients and volunteers Allowable. OOE Related Expenses Bank charges Allowable as long as it is specifically related to the payments for consumables and equipment used in the project. Customs and import duties Allowable as long as it is specifically related to importation of consumables and equipment used in the project. Page 17 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Type of Expenses Description Books and specialised journals relevant to the research Allowable. GST Allowable for expenses incurred for the project. Local & Overseas conferences Allowable, if conference is directly relevant to the research area or necessary to accomplish the project objectives for PI, coinvestigators, collaborators, researchers and research students funded under the project grant. If the host Institution has a library, books and journals should be obtained from the library and PI should refrain from purchasing the same books or subscribing to such journals. The expenses for such conferences may include registration fee for the conference, air tickets, per diem and other allowances. Such payments should be in accordance with the formal policies of the host Institution. If the conferences are conducted overseas, the travel policy of the host Institution must be consistently adhered to. However, total expenses for travel per trip per person must not exceed $6,000. The PI must submit a copy of the abstract when claiming reimbursement for such expenses and append to their annual/ final report. Photocopying and printing charges Allowable. Publications Allowable. Page charges for publication of manuscript in professional journals are allowable if they adhere to the formal established policy of the host Institution, where applicable. The costs of reprints and publishing in other media, such as books, monographs and pamphlets are not allowable unless specific approval has been obtained from the NMRC. Repairs and Allowable if specifically budgeted for in the project and the Page 18 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Type of Expenses Description maintenance of research equipment equipment is used extensively for the benefit of the research project. Stationery & printer consumables Allowable. Examples of such costs are printer cartridges, etc. Training Allowable. Funding for training is allowable for the PI, co-PIs and the collaborators. For funding of the research personnel, it should be restricted to the personnel employed under the project grant and for training that is of direct benefit and specific to the research project. Transportation, postage & courier services Allowable. Use of services, equipment rental or lab spaces within the host Institution’s central facilities Allowable. This includes postage, courier and freight charges for bringing in equipment and specialised research consumables and reimbursement for staff transportation. The cost for the use of the services and central facilities owned by the host Institution such as animal holding units, central laboratory services are allowable and must be based on host Institution’s fee schedules which are consistently applied regardless of source of funds. Host Institution may be requested to certify that the fee structure is applied consistently. Payment to volunteers and research patients and other related cost Allowable for payment to volunteers and research subjects provided this is the scope of the research and has been provided for and approved in the grant. Examples of such payments may include inconvenience fees, transport and meal reimbursement, etc. Press advertisements for patients are allowable under IRC only. Audit fees Not allowable under direct cost. This includes both internal and external audit fees. Page 19 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: Type of Expenses MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Description These expenses can be claimed under IRC. Entertainment & Refreshment Not allowable under direct cost. These expenses can be claimed under IRC. Fines and penalties Not allowable under both direct cost and IRC. Insurance premiums Not allowable under direct cost. Examples of such costs are for equipment, workmen compensation, professional indemnity of researchers funded under NMRC/NRF grants. These expenses can be claimed under IRC. The host Institution is responsible for the insurance of the equipment, relevant workmen compensation and professional indemnity insurance which are in line with the host Institution’s risk policies. Legal fees Not allowable under direct cost and IRC. Outsourcing Not allowable under direct cost unless specifically provided for and approved in the grant. Overhead expenses rental, utilities, telephone charges, facilities management, repairs and maintenance, etc Not allowable under direct cost. Patent-related expenses Not allowable under direct cost and IRC. These expenses can be claimed under IRC. Such cost should be borne by the host Institution. Professional fees (including fees to consultants) Not allowable under direct cost. These expenses can be claimed under IRC. Page 20 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Type of Expenses Description Professional membership fees of PIs /RFs /RAs funded from the grant Not allowable under direct cost. Staff retreat Not allowable under direct cost. These expenses can be claimed under IRC. These expenses can be claimed under IRC. Cost of capital works and general infrastructure Not allowable under direct cost unless specifically provided for and approved in the grant. Page 21 of 26 Name of PI: Amount Applying for: MOH IAF Category 2 Application Form Non-Fundable Items EOM Related Expenses 1 PI’s & co-investigators’ EOM 2 Stipends and course fees of full-time and/or part-time graduate research students 3 Superannuation contributions for senior expatriate R&D staff OOE Related Expenses 4 Fines and penalties 5 Legal fees 6 Patent-related expenses Others 7 Non cash items such as depreciation cost, amortization cost, loss on revaluation, etc. Exceptional Items (not taken into account for IRC computation): i. Major equipment costing more than S$100,000; ii. Intellectual property that is needed to carry out the proposed R&D work; iii. Subcontracting of non-research work (e.g., the development of tools for the research); iv. Payment to volunteers and research patients; and v. Infrastructural work that is approved (following strong justifications) as a direct cost of the research grant. Page 22 of 26 Name of Lead Applicant: Clinical Trial Grant Amount Applying for: Letter of Intent APPENDIX Summary Item Direct Cost Indirect Research Cost Non Fundable Specifically provided for and approved in grant EOM Related Expenses Salaries, CPF and fringe benefits including medical, dental, contribution to welfare fund, etc. √ Annual leave / Bonus / Incentive payments √ Staff insurance Participation of overseas experts √ √ Student attachment and top-up for research students √ Staff recruitment and related cost √ PI’s & co-investigators’ EOM √ Stipends and course fees of full-time and/or part-time graduate research students √ Superannuation contributions for senior expatriate R&D staff √ Equipment Related Expenses New equipment General purpose IT and communication equipment General furniture and office equipment √ √ √ Page 23 of 26 Name of Lead Applicant: Clinical Trial Grant Amount Applying for: Letter of Intent APPENDIX Item Direct Cost Indirect Research Cost Non Fundable Specifically provided for and approved in grant Consumables Related Expenses Consumables (e.g. supplies and materials, laboratory consumables, animals and drugs) √ OOE Related Expenses Bank charges Customs and import duties Books and specialised journals relevant to the research GST Local & overseas conferences √ √ √ √ √ Outsourcing Photocopying and printing charges Publications Repairs and maintenance of research equipment Stationery & printer consumables Training √ √ √ √ √ √ Transportation, postage & courier services √ Use of services, equipment rental or √ Page 24 of 26 Name of Lead Applicant: Clinical Trial Grant Amount Applying for: Letter of Intent APPENDIX Item Direct Cost Indirect Research Cost Non Fundable Specifically provided for and approved in grant lab spaces within the host Institution’s central facilities Volunteers and research patients and other related cost Press advertisements for patients Audit fees Entertainment & refreshment Insurance premiums Overhead expenses (eg. rental, utilities, telephone charges, facilities management, repairs and maintenance, etc) √ √ √ √ √ √ Professional fees (including fees to consultants) √ Professional membership fees of PIs /RFs /RAs funded from the grant √ Staff retreat Fines and penalties Legal fees Patent-related expenses Cost of capital works and general infrastructure √ √ √ √ √ Page 25 of 26 Name of Lead Applicant: Clinical Trial Grant Amount Applying for: Letter of Intent APPENDIX Item Direct Cost Indirect Research Cost Non Fundable Specifically provided for and approved in grant Others Non cash items such as depreciation cost, amortization cost, loss on revaluation, etc √ Page 26 of 26