Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Organisational Structure Roll-out Project 24 JANUARY 2011 Agenda Introduction DAFF’s New Organisational Structure Overview of the Placement Process Next steps Agenda Introduction DAFF’s New Organisational Structure Overview of the Placement Process Next steps Introduction - Background DAFF has seen the transfer of the Forestry and Fisheries functions from the previous Department of Water Affairs and Forestry and the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism respectively, to the Department of Agriculture DAFF has acquired a new mandate DAFF’s operational and legislative mandate is extensive: Operationally, the shift in mandate calls for the establishment of an effective developmental institution with the capability to address sector challenges and growth in an intelligent and proactive manner; and Legislatively, the DAFF is presently administering a significant number of Acts in the sectors it is responsible for The Department has decided to undertake a review of the current organisational design and create a proposed option to facilitate integration, which received concurrence from the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Introduction - Overview of the Realignment Realignment strategy, objectives and mandate Organizational design – macro level and detailed level design Role profiling and job evaluation Placement approach and strategy Implementation of placement process New look DAFF Agenda Introduction DAFF’s New Organisational Structure Overview of the Placement Process Next steps DAFF – Executive Structure Minister Deputy Minister SOEs Director General DAFF Branches DG CD: Executive Support CORPORATE SERVICES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS , COMMUNICATIONS & LEGAL SERVICES POLICY, PLANNING & MONITORING & EVALUATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TRADE &, MARKETING FOOD SECURITY & AGRARIAN REFORM AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION, HEALTH & FOOD SAFETY FORESTRY & NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FISHERIES MANAGEMENT Office of the Director General Director General CD: Executive Support D: DG Office Support D: Internal Audit D: Risk Management & Investigations D: Public Liaison Services SD: Transformation Unit Branch: Corporate Services DDG: Corporate Services CD: Human Resource Management & Development CD: Chief Information Officer CD: Fisheries Operations Support D: Human Resources Management D: Knowledge & Information Management D: Information & Communication Technology D: Employee Relations D: Information & Communication Technology D: Integrated Human Resources Management (Fisheries) D: Employee Development & Performance Management Legal Services [Fisheries] D: Security Services Branch: Chief Financial Office DDG: Chief Finance Officer CD: Financial Management CD: Development Finance CD: Financial Management: Fisheries D: Budget and Reporting Sector Development Reform Funding Management D: Supply Chain Management & Facilities D: Facilities Management D: Development Finance Coordination D: Revenue Management D: Supply Chain Management D: Financial Administration D: Financial Management Branch: Stakeholder Relations, Communication & Legal Services DDG: Stakeholder Relations, Communication & Legal Services CD: Legal Services CD: Stakeholder Relations & Communications CD: Fisheries Partnerships Management D: Agricultural & Forestry Legal Support D: Communications Services D: Stakeholder Engagement D: Fisheries Legal Support D: Stakeholder Relations D: Intergovernmental & International Relations D: Intergovernmental Relations D: Communication Services Branch: Policy Planning & Monitoring & Evaluation DDG: Policy Planning & Monitoring & Evaluation CD: Monitoring & Evaluation CD: Planning, Policy Coordination and Analysis D: Organisation Performance D: Strategic Planning D: Provincial & SOEs Performance Monitoring D: Programme Development Support D: Statistics & Economic Analysis D: Policy Research Support Branch: Economic Development, Trade & Marketing DDG: Economic Development, Trade & Marketing CD: International Relations & Trade CD: Cooperatives & Rural Enterprise Development CD: Agro-processing & Marketing D: Southern Africa & Africa – Relations D: Cooperatives & Enterprise Development D: Marketing D: International Trade D: BBBEE Charters Compliance D: Agro-Processing Support D: Americas, Australasia, Europe & Middle East Relations Branch: Food Security & Agrarian Reform DDG: Food Security & Agrarian Reform CD: Food Security D: Subsistence Farming CD: Sector Capacity Development D: Sector Education & Training CD: National Extension Support Services D: National Extension Reform D: Sectoral Colleges D: Small Holder Development D: National Extension Support D: GADI D: Infrastructure Support D: Sector Transformation & Gender Mainstreaming Branch: Agricultural Production, Health & Food Safety DDG: Agricultural Production, Health & Food safety CD: Inspection & Quarantine Services CD: Plant Production & Health CD: Animal Production & Health D: Inspection Services D: Plant Production D: Animal Production D: Food Safety & Quality Assurance D: Plant Health D: Veterinary Public Health D: Agriculture Inputs Control D: Genetic Resources D: Animal Health D: Food Import & Export Standards Branch: Forestry & Natural Resources Management DDG: Forestry & Natural Resources Management CD: Forestry Operations CD: Forestry Development & Regulations D: Forestry Management [Eastern Cape] D: Commercial Forestry D: Forestry Management [KwaZulu-Natal] D: Small Scale Forestry D: Forestry Management [Mpumalanga & Limpopo] D: Forestry Regulation & Oversight D: Forestry Management [Other Regions] CD: Natural Resources Management D: Woodlands & Indigenous Forest Management D: Water Use & Irrigation Development D: Climate Change, & Disaster Management D: Land Use & Soil Management Branch: Fisheries Management Fisheries Management CD: Aquaculture & Economic Development CD: Monitoring, Control & Surveillance CD: Marine Resources Management CD: Fisheries Research & Development D: Aquaculture Technical Services D: Compliance D: Offshore & High Seas Fisheries D: Research Support D: Sustainable Aquaculture Management D: Fisheries Protection Vessels D: Small Scale Fisheries D: Aquaculture Research D: Socio-Economic Development D: Monitoring & Surveillance D: Inshore Fisheries Management D: Ecosystem Research D: Resources Research Agenda Introduction DAFF’s New Organisational Structure Overview of the Placement Process Next steps Overview of the Placement Process What is placement? Placement involves: The placement or repositioning of employees from one post or position in an existing organisational structure to another position in a new structure within the employer A focus on the principle that staff follow the function they fulfil within the old structure, into the new structure Placement Placement placement Old Structure New Structure Overview of the Placement Process Regulatory Framework The matching and placement of the SMS employees will consider the following regulatory framework: Public Service Act, 1994, as amended (PSA); Public Service Regulations, as at 2008; The Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995; The Senior Management Service Handbook, 2003; Resolution 4 of 1998 – Management Plan for Restructuring Actions (Organisational Restructuring, Retrenchment, Redundancy) within the National Department of Agriculture in terms of the Labour Relations Act, No 66 Of 1995 (only if applicable); and DPSA’s Guide on Transformation and Restructuring, 2006. Overview of the Placement Process: Principles and objectives Fair and transparent process Ensure uninterrupted and orderly service delivery Employment equity considerations Employment security and skills retention are priorities Principles Communicate regularly with employees Placement will not be used as a mechanism for promotion Prioritize the placement of existing employees Place suitably qualified employees in positions Acting and seconded positions treated as vacant posts Overview of the Placement Process: “Classification” Defining the extent of change to posts Placement is underpinned by the extent of change of a post when comparing the old and new structures It is important to define what “change to a position” means: Every position has inputs and outputs OUTPUTS (WHAT?) Describes the required outputs of the positions COMPETENCIES/ INPUTS (HOW?) Describes the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to deliver successfully A change to a position is determined by assessing the changes to: 1) both the inputs (using competency profiling assessment); 2) the outputs (comparing the old and new outputs through a weighting process) Overview of the Placement Process: Outcomes of the placement process No or minor change to position inputs and/ or outputs Major change to position inputs and/ or outputs New, vacant/ acting or seconded position position No/minor change but reduced number of posts Redundant position Direct placement of current incumbent Competitive placement Competitive placement Competitive placement Advertise position internally Screen and shortlist Placement decision Competency based interview Employee may be potentially affected and therefore incumbent may then consider available options – including applying for competitive posts etc. Overview of the Placement Process: Objections SMS members aggrieved at any decision regarding their placement or displacement, or any aspect of the placement process in general, may refer their objection to the Minister (or such other person or panel delegated to do so by the DG, other than those persons involved in the initial placement decision) The Minister must make a written determination that either upholds or rejects, in whole or in part, the objection The Minister may secure the services of any other person (s) to carry out or assist her in the objections process – this will be done through the Objections Panel The Minister may call upon the parties concerned, and any other relevant persons, to make oral or written representations, as deemed appropriate in the circumstances The objection must be lodged within 5 working days of the aggrieved manager receiving written notification or publication from the DG of the placement decision The Minister should, as far as reasonably possible, consider the objection within 7 working days from the date of receipt of the objection Overview of the Placement Process: Displaced SMS members If SMS members are not initially placed into the new organisational structure, the following mechanisms may be available: Corporate “pool” – with a lifespan of a maximum of 6 months Re-skilling (where appropriate) Redeployments and/or Transfers – to other posts, other Departments and entities and/or other spheres of government Voluntary Separation Packages (VSPs – employee-initiated) Early retirement An Overview Of Project Progress Revised organisational mandate and strategy Proposed organisational design Development of job profiles DPSA concurrence Validation of job profiles Evaluation of job profiles Validated, graded posts 1 October 2010 Completed on 25 October 2010 DG in-principle sign off on Placement Framework 29 Nov 2010 Finalisation of engagement processes on Placement Framework 1 Dec 2010 Final DG approval of Placement Framework DG & Ministerial sign off Completed on 3 December 2010 Classification of posts Minor change Major change New post Redundant post Placement Panel convenes and makes placement decisions – DG chairs Panel Completed on 2 & 3 Dec 2010 Placement Panel finalised on 5 & 13 Jan 2011 Impact Of The Placement Process (First Round) – Summary LIMITED/ UNCHANGED CHANGED NEW VACANT REDUNDANT 45 31 23 23 2 Impact Of The Classification Process – Per Branch BRANCH LIMITED/ UNCHANGED CHANGED NEW VACANT (UN/ CHANGED) REDUNDANT Office of the DG 1 0 3 1 1 Corporate Services 6 0 3 4 0 Chief Financial Office 8 0 2 2 0 Stakeholder Relations 5 3 2 2 0 Policy Planning 1 5 2 1 0 Economic Development 3 5 1 2 0 Food security 3 5 4 1 0 Agricultural Production 6 4 2 2 1 Forestry & Natural Resources 4 6 1 4 0 Fisheries Management 8 3 3 4 0 45 31 23 23 2 TOTAL Impact of the Classification Process – Per Level BRANCH LIMITED/ UNCHANGED CHANGED NEW VACANT REDUNDANT DDGs 1 4 0 4 0 Chief Directors 5 12 7 4 1 Directors 39 15 16 15 1 45 31 23 23 2 TOTAL Agenda Introduction DAFF’s New Organisational Structure Overview of the Placement Process Next steps Next steps Implementing the placement process Presentation to Portfolio Committee Presentation to Oversight Committee Finalization of placement letters 1-on-1 consultations with affected staff Placement letters distributed SMS briefing meeting – briefing on next steps, important dates, objections procedure Direct placements settled into structure Competitive placement process kicks off QUESTIONS?