Protons- determine the identity of an element, they have a positive

Protons- determine the identity of an element, they have a positive
charge, located in the nucleus, cannot change the amount in an
element without changing the element.
Atomic Number- the number of protons in the nucleus of an
element. The number of electrons in neutral element.
Neutron- they do not have a charge, they are located in the nucleus,
can change the amount.
Isotopes- atoms that have the same number of proton but a different
number of neutrons
Atomic Mass- protons plus neutrons
Average atomic mass- the weighted average of the atomic mass.
Electron- negatively charged particle, orbits nucleus, responsible for
how the atom bonds
Ions- when an atom has more or less electrons than neutral state
leaving the atom with a positive or negative charge.
Nucleus- central core of an atom containing protons and neutrons.