Independent Reading Journal Entry Expectations – Level 4 Level 4

Independent Reading Journal Entry Expectations – Level 4
Level 4 students are responsible for reading 1 Independent Reading novel per quarter of their choice (okay’d by me).
Each week students are required to write a journal entry about their reading. I will collect the journal entry each Friday
and grade their involvement in the project. When students have finished their novel, they will continue to journal
weekly about any topic of their choosing. Level 4 students are required to write a minimum of 75 words per week for
the first semester. Please count your words, circle the number, and put it at the end of your entry each week.
For an A (excellent, exceeding expectations 10/10 or 9/10):
Exceed the word requirement by at least 25 words.
Show evidence of growth in the three C’s: Creativity (are you creating original sentences in Spanish), Complexity
(are you connecting ideas) and Correctness (are you using the grammar you have been taught – there is still an
expectation that you will make errors – it’s part of the process!).
Do not use any English words (proper nouns, like McDonalds, are okay). Putting a word in quotation marks or
adding an “o” to the end of the English word does not make a Spanish word. “Nice-o try-o.” 
Write with a theme.
For a B (8/10), students need to write enough comprehensible language (at least 75 words) to accomplish the task of
discussing their independent reading (see suggestions below) and showing evidence of growth beyond level 3. If English
is used, student will receive a grade no higher than 7/10.
Some suggestions to help you write:
Escribe un resumen del capítulo (Write a summary of the chapter) – it’s okay to use the vocabulary from the
chapter just not entire chunks and sentences.
Haz comparaciones y contrastes con tu vida o habla de similitudes y diferencías (Make comparisons &
contrasts with your life or talk about similarities and differences) – Ex. Ana tiene una hermana que tiene veinte
años pero yo tengo un hermano que tiene doce años.
Haz conexiones con tu vida (Make connections to your life) – Ex. Los padres de Maria se divorciaron hace dos
años y mis padres se divorciaron hace tres años.
Comparte tu opinión sobre el capítulo y las acciones de los personajes (Share your opinión about the chapter
and the actions of the characters.) – Ex. Ana es una persona muy ingrata. No me gusta que ella siempre habla
de sus problemas. Ella no reconoce que hay personas con vidas más difíciles.
Usa citaciones para demonstrar tus ideas (use quotes to demonstrate your ideas) – Ex. “No le hables
sarcásticamente,” gritó su padre. A veces yo respondo a mis padres sarcásticamente y a ellos no les gusta nada
To improve your proficiency (& grade), ask yourself the following questions:
Am I using and reinforcing the language we have studied and are studying in class to show what I know and can
do with Spanish?
Am I using sentences and not fragments?
Am I stretching my vocabulary or swimming in the same old pool of language?
Am I using connecting words to string thoughts together?
Do I have a topic or do I just keep adding random sentences in an effort to meet the word requirement?
Am I thinking about agreeing the verbs with their subjects (ie. NOT “yo ir a la escuela”) and agreeing adjectives
with nouns and putting them in the right place (ie. Mucho loco personas vs. muchas personas locas).
If I use the dictionary or, am I making sure that I’m choosing the right word based on the
meaning of my sentence? (ie – Yo obtengo cansado a veces  I get tired)
La semana de _________
Speaking:_________ Non-verbal:_________ Participation:__________ = __________
La semana de _________
Speaking:_________ Non-verbal:_________ Participation:__________ = __________
La semana de _________
Speaking:_________ Non-verbal:_________ Participation:__________ = __________
La semana de _________
Speaking:_________ Non-verbal:_________ Participation:__________ = __________
La semana de _________
Speaking:_________ Non-verbal:_________ Participation:__________ = __________
30-33 puntos
27-30 puntos
26 or less
Speaking Only
You do your best to speak
"solo español” from bell to
When it is "solo español”
time, you speak mostly
Spanish, but blurt out
English words or social chat
in English unnecessarily.
The teacher or your
classmates have to remind
you to speak in Spanish
Your efforts to speak
Spanish are half-hearted .
You frequently use English
or social chat in English. The
teacher or your classmates
frequently remind you to
speak Spanish.
If you do not know a word,
you attempt to
circumlocute, or use
actions, drawings, and
Spanish to communicate.
If you do not know a word,
you use actions, drawings
and noises to communicate,
but you give up quickly.
If you do not know a word,
you immediately blurt out
- You always repeat, act
out and practice new
- You almost always repeat,
act out & practice new
words/ phrases.
- You usually repeat, act out
& practice new words/
- You always answer
"chorally" when the
teacher asks.
- You almost always answer
"chorally" when the teacher
- You usually answer
"chorally" when the teacher
asks a question.
- You do your 50%, stay
engaged & work to learn.
- You mostly do your 50%,
stay engaged and work to
- You usually do your 50%,
stay engaged and work to
- You are almost always
prepared to answer
individual questions.
- You are usually prepared to
answer individual questions.
- You are almost always
prepared to answer
individual questions.