Distance Education - West Side Baptist Church

The Free Grace Bible Institute
of Pennsylvania
Distance Education
Sequential Courses
2 Timothy 2:15 (NASB) Be diligent to present yourself
approved to God as a workman who does not need to be
ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
West Side Baptist Church
The Free Grace Bible Institute of Pennsylvania
17 East Main Street, Sharpsville, PA 16137
Website: www.DoctrinePastor.com
Email: doctrinepastor@zoominternet.net
(011) 724-662-9509 Office
Pastor-teacher David Pearson
Associate Pastor-teacher Dennis Wise
Angels Satan
Spiritual Life
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
The Kingdom
of God
Kingdom of God
We believe in the verbal and plenary (complete) inspiration of the Bible, that the Bible is
the infallible and inerrant Word of God, and the exclusive and sufficient guide for
salvation, doctrine (what the Bible teaches on any subject), and the spiritual life of the
believer. The canon of Scripture is complete and closed. It consists of the historically
accepted thirty-nine Old Testament books and twenty-seven New Testament books and
no other book or books either ancient or modern can now or ever be inspired Scripture.
2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21
We believe in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, their coequality and eternality. Matthew 28:19
We believe that God is the creator of all things and that He did not work through any
form of evolution. God personally created the heavens and the earth with Jesus Christ
the One through whom all things came to be and through whom they continue to exist.
He created all things from nothing. He did this in six literal twenty-four hour days and
rested on the seventh day as an example to all mankind. Genesis 1 and 2; Exodus
20;11; Isaiah 40:26, 42:5; John 1:3; Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:2-3
We believe in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross as the unique, once and for all
substitutionary sacrifice for the personal sins of all mankind. John 1:29, 3:16,36; 1
Corinthians 15:3-4; 2 Corinthians 5:19; 1 Peter 1:18-19; 1 John 2:2
We believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave. John 20:1-29; 1
Corinthians 15:20
We believe person is born in sin, spiritually dead, and needs personal spiritual life from a
savior who is, and only is, Jesus Christ (Messiah). Ephesians 2:1; Romans 3:10, 6:23;
John 14:6; Acts 4:12, 26:18; 1 John 5:11-12
We believe that a person gains eternal salvation through faith alone in Christ alone by
grace alone and this gift is absolutely free. John 1:12, 5:24, 6:47, 20:30-31; Romans 4:45; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 2:8-9; Acts 4:12; Titus 3:5; Revelation 22:17
We believe the focus of faith necessary to receive eternal life is Jesus’ promise of
unconditional eternal life given freely to all who believe His promise John 6:47, 11:25-27.
We believe that salvation is eternal – it is eternal life - thus the believer is eternally
security - "unconditional once saved, always saved." John 5:24, 10:28-29
We believe in the universal full indwelling of the Holy Spirit in every believer at the
moment of salvation. 1 Corinthians 6:19, 12:13
We believe that the goal of the Holy Spirit is to bring the believer into the fullness of the
stature of Christ; He gives gifts to every believer to serve in the building up of the body of
Christ. These gifts are to be used in accordance to biblical guidelines and priorities. The
miraculous sign gifts were for the time period of the founding of the church before the
completion of the written Scriptures and are no longer functioning in the church today.
This includes the sign gift of spontaneously spoken unlearned human languages or
tongues. The filling of the Holy Spirit occurs as the individual believer confesses sin in
accordance with 1 John 1:9. Acts 2:6-11; 1 Corinthians 12:7, 13:8-10, 14:9, 20-23;
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
What We Believe – A Short Summary
We believe that we are in the dispensation of the Church Age, and are believer-priests. 1
Peter 2:5-9
We believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of the church and the physical resurrection of all
church age believers at this time. 1 Corinthians 15:50-57;
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18;
Revelation 3:10
We believe that all Church Age believers will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ
to be evaluated in reference to their life. Those with a positive evaluation (approval) will
receive rewards, inheritance, and a fullness of joy; those with a negative evaluation
(disapproval) will suffer loss of reward, be disinherited, and be ashamed. The believer
never loses their eternal life.1 Corinthians 3:10-15, 2 Corinthians 5:10; Luke 19:11-27; 2
Timothy 2:11-13; Colossians 3:23-25; Romans 3:16-17; Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26-28,
3:5, 12, 21; 1 John 2:28.
We believe in the literal reign of Christ for 1,000 after the Second Coming Isaiah 2:2-4,
Micah 4:1-5; Revelation 20:4
We believe Israel has a special plan from God as a nation, based on the Abrahamic
Covenant, and after the Second Coming they will receive all the promises of the
Covenants in the literal, earthly, Messianic Kingdom. Isaiah 62:1-12; Jeremiah 23:3-4;
Ezekiel 28:25-26; Luke 1:32-33; Revelation 20:4
We believe in the eternal condemnation of those who have never believed in Jesus
alone for eternal life in the Lake of Fire from which there is no escape. Matthew 25:46;
Luke 16:19-26; Revelation 20:11-15
We believe in the teaching of sound doctrine, communion, prayer, and Christian
fellowship, Acts 2:42
We believe the church is primarily a place for the teaching of Bible Doctrine, under a
spiritually gifted Pastor-teacher, and its primary goal is to bring believers to spiritual
maturity Ephesians 4:11-13; Colossians 1:28; 2 Timothy 4:1-5
We believe that we are to give the good news of eternal life to those who are unbelievers
and then to help those who believe into a life of discipleship. Matthew 28:19-20
We believe in separation from those groups, churches, and organizations which violate
or teach against sound (correct) Biblical doctrines. Cooperation is desirable between
various Christian churches, when the end to be obtained is itself consistent with Bible
Doctrine, and when such cooperation involves no violation of conscience or compromise
of loyalty to Christ and His Word as revealed in the New Testament. Acts 13:2-3, 15:135; Romans 16:17; Galatians 1:6-10; Ephesians 4:1-16
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
Before you begin any Bible study……
If you do not know for sure about where you will spend eternity, the first issue for you is to place your
faith alone in Christ alone and receive eternal life.
John 6:47 (NKJV) Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life.
John 5:24 (NKJV) "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent
Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.
John 3:36 (NKJV) He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son
shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
Ephesians 2:8-9 (NASB) 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves,
it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
To believe is simply this: to be convinced that it is true. To believe in Jesus is to be convinced that it is
true that He alone is the only one who can give you the gift of eternal life. Eternal life, first and foremost,
means that one lives with God forever after this life is ended. Jesus Christ, who is God come in human
flesh, died on the cross as our spiritual substitute, bearing the penalty for all our sin. When a person
knows they cannot qualify for eternal life through the good works of self-effort or the rituals of any
church or religion, and when a person knows that eternal life comes from believing in Jesus alone for that
life, at that moment they receive eternal life absolutely free. This life can never be lost for any reason.
If you have received the gift of eternal life through faith alone in Christ alone, then before you begin any
Bible study you must be sure you in fellowship with God and filled with the Holy Spirit. The method for
this is to simply follow 1 John 1:9:
1 John 1:9 (NASB) If we confess our [known] sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our
[known] sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness [any other sins we fail to recognize as sin or
have forgotten about].
Failure to be open and honest in naming and citing our sins means we cannot be transformed by Bible
Doctrine and advance in the faith to spiritual maturity.
John 4:24 (NASB) "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
Romans 12:1-2 (NASB) 1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your
bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do
not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove
what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
The Guideline of Grace: Our Financial Policy
Matthew 10:8: Freely you have received, freely give
Grace costs us nothing. It is something we receive absolutely free. Jesus told His
disciples to give His message freely just as they had received freely. This is the
guideline of grace that we follow as our financial policy.
All materials are provided at no charge to anyone who desires them except for
specific books or other media that must be purchased to complete a course of
study through the Bible Institute. Nothing is ever charged for materials we
produce. God has freely provided His Word to us to teach us Bible doctrine and we
desire to be a reflection of His grace.
West Side Baptist Church and the Free Grace Bible Institute are grace ministries.
We rely entirely on voluntary contributions. The printing of materials and the
publishing of CDs or other media are not supported by the budget of the church.
Gratitude for the Word of God and the clear teaching of Bible doctrine are what
should motivate an individual to contribute freely in support of this ministry. With
such giving a person has the privilege of helping others to learn through the
distribution of the teaching of Bible Doctrine.
West Side Baptist Church
17 E. Main Street
Sharpsville, Pa. 16150
Pastor-teacher David Pearson
Associate Pastor-teacher Dennis Wise
Church office: 724-662-9509 – Main church: 724-962-1442
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
Certificate in Biblical Fundamentals
Given upon completion of 32 credit hours. This is equivalent to one year Bible School
Advanced Certificate in Biblical Fundamentals
Given upon completion of the “Certificate in Biblical Fundamentals” plus an additional
64 credit hours (a total of 96 credit hours). This is equivalent to three years of Bible
School Training.
Crown Certificate in Biblical Fundamentals
Given upon completion of the “Advanced Certificate in Biblical Fundamentals plus an
additional 32 credit hours (a total of 128 credit hours). This is equivalent to four years
of Bible School Training.
Teaching Certificate in Biblical Fundamentals
Given upon completion of the “Crown Certificate in Biblical Fundamentals” plus
additional assigned courses to total not less than six credit hours and teaching one
course in the Free Grace Bible Institute, West Side Baptist Church, or in another
approved location.
Masters Certificate in Biblical Fundamentals
Given upon completion of the “Crown Certificate in Biblical Fundamentals” plus an
additional 40 credit hours (for a total of 168 credit hours). An assigned dissertation
must be written. Credits in the teaching certificate can be included. This is equivalent to
a fifth year of Bible School training (or one year at Seminary). This certificate is for men
or women.
Pastor-teacher Masters Certificate in Biblical Fundamentals
Given upon completion of the “Crown Certificate in Biblical Fundamentals” plus an
additional 46 credit hours (for a total of 174 credit hours). An assigned dissertation
must be written. The certificate requires the teaching of two Bible Study courses in the
Free Grace Bible Institute, West Side Baptist Church, or other approved location. Credits
in the teaching certificate can be included. This is equivalent to a fifth year of Bible
School (or one year at Seminary). This certificate is for men only.
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
At the Free Grace Bible Institute we use a variety of materials from many sources to train the serious
student in the Word of God. This is a main strength of our study program.
However, this also presents some challenges in the area of doctrine. Some of the courses are from those
who we have determined are the best and most accessible in their particular area of study yet they have
certain other doctrinal trends which we here at the Bible Institute would reject. For example, some of
the material will have certain Calvinistic leanings with which we would strongly disagree yet the balance
of the work is so good that we choose to face the doctrinal challenge while still affirming the value of
the particular study. In the selection of materials such as we use, it is very difficult to find the topics the
student needs to cover and, at the same time, not to occasionally have clear doctrinal differences in
other areas.
We will make every attempt to guide the student through these issues; we will encourage each one to
not allow these things to become a stumbling block to effective learning. Rather, that these doctrinal
differences will become a challenge to the student to carefully study the issues so that the reasons for
accepting or rejecting certain doctrinal points will be clear in the student’s thinking.
Remember, we are here to help. Ask any questions at any time and we will do our best to answer you.
Basic recommended books for the student’s library:
The Grace New Testament Commentary: Robert Wilkin, editor. Available at www.FaithAlone.org
The Bible Knowledge Commentary: John F. Walvoord, Roy B. Zuck, editors
Wilmington’s Bible Handbook: Harold Wilmington
The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary: Merrill F. Unger
Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words: Vine, Unger, White
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
Basic Theology: Charles Ryrie
The Nelson Study Bible (NKJV)
The Ryrie Study Bible (NASB)
Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible (NASB): S. Zodhiates
A Bible Atlas – there are many to choose from
Teach others. Be rewarded.
Study hard. Grow strong. Be transformed.
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
Distance Education (Winter 2014 update)
Sequential Course List
Credit Hours in Parenthesis
From the very beginning we want the distance students to be a part of the on-going instruction
currently being conducted at West Side Baptist Church / Free Grace Bible Institute. These classes are
generally part of the lengthy in depth studies and thus are updated by both study notes and audio as
they are presented. Distance students should start with the Sunday A.M. second Bible class
presentation and work through each class until they have advanced to the current class. Then each
week they should listen and stay current. All the audio studies are on the website
The study notes will be provided to the distance student and then, as the notes are updated, they
will receive an email copy. A final exam will be sent to the distance student when the study is
finished at the Church / Institute and then credit issued.
The current second Sunday Bible Class is “The Great Truths of Free Grace.” This will eventually
become the required third course. To receive credit for this course, the student must purchase the
book The Free Grace Primer by Zane Hodges. A book report must be turned in by the end of the
course. Please notify your FGBI student guidance counselor (1) when you have purchased the book,
and (2) when you have advanced to the current on-line class (last on-line posting).
The Free Grace Primer can be purchased for $9.95 (US) + shipping at www.FaithAlone.org or other
sources such as Amazon.
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
The following courses are to be studied in the sequence given unless approval is otherwise granted.
There will be changes in the course list as is deemed proper by the FGBI staff.
The distance student is encouraged to do the same process with any other current study also. Just
notify your student guidance counselor of your plans. Before students begin any course they must
notify their student guidance counselor to receive specific course instructions.
1. General Doctrine: 20 Basic Doctrines (1): A very simple introduction to 20 basic doctrines of the
Scripture. The student looks up various Scriptures and answers questions.
2. General Doctrine: The Basics (6) Gene Cunningham. This categorical Bible study is divided into
five units of five lessons each. The student must also listen the Gene Cunningham teach through
the lessons (27 total lessons). Unit lessons are: 1) The Plan of Redemption; 2) The Provisions of
God’s Grace; 3) Spiritual Growth; 4) The Christian Way of Life; 5) the Angelic Conflict. The Basics
study can be downloaded without charge from Basic Bible Training Ministries at
www.BasicTraining.org. The audio is on the same site. In addition the booklet “Rebound and
Keep Moving” by R. B. Thieme is required. This is available for a free download from
www.rbthieme.org. The student will write a summary of learning from this booklet with a
special focus on the doctrine of the sin nature. Finally, the short study, “Why Am I Alive Rather
Than Not?” with audio by David Pearson is also included and should be done last.
3. Salvation: Studies in Free Grace One (3): The books (1) Confident in Christ by Robert Wilkin
with study guide. Topics covered are: Saving Faith, Assurance, Eternal Security, and
Perseverance with several key appendices. The study guide serves as the credit requirement for
FGBI. (2) The Race of Grace by Marty Cauley. This introductory book studies performancerelated themes (such as perseverance) which are considered essential for rewards in heaven.
Entrance into heaven, in contrast, is regarded as free. A strong defense of unconditional security
derived from believers being given to Jesus is a particular strength of this book. Evaluation
question of the book will be provided by FGBI. This course also includes the study notes with
evaluation questions and audio by David Pearson entitled “Are You Afraid of Grace?” The study
further requires the student provide a summary of the teaching in the paper entitled “Gospel
Wars” by Robert Dean. Finally, an article entitled “A Return to Rome: Lordship Salvation's
Doctrine of Faith” by Paul Holloway will also be evaluated by the student. The Wilkin book can
be purchased at www.FaithAlone.org for $9.95 (US) and the Cauley book can be purchased at
www.misthology.org for $10.95 or through other sources such as Amazon. The Pearson, Dean,
and Holloway notes will be sent by email without charge when the student starts the class. The
Pearson audio is on the church website.
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
5. Theology: The Kingdom of God – a Basic Introduction (1) David Pearson. This course consists of
two different short studies. “When the King Arrived” introduces the student to the two aspects
4. General: Foundations (10) Drue Freeman. This extensive course covers such topics as (1) Old
Testament Survey; (2) New Testament Survey; (3) Basic Principles of Interpretation; (4) Basic
Doctrinal Survey; (5) Implementation of the Learning. The included study guide covers all the
student needs to complete for FGBI credit. The book can be downloaded without charge at
www.VillageMinistries.org. It is not required but is highly recommended that the student
acquire the two-volume work entitled The Grace New Testament Commentary before beginning
the New Testament section of this course. It is available from www.FaithAlone.org.
of the one Kingdom of God: the Universal and the Mediatorial. “The King and the Kingdom”
covers the first coming of Messiah Jesus, His offer of the Kingdom to Israel, their rejection of the
offer, and the future Mediatorial Kingdom. The audio for both lessons are on the website and
the study notes include evaluation questions.
6. Future Things: The Footsteps of the Messiah (4) Arnold Fruchtenbaum. Using the Book of
Revelation as an end time road map, Dr. Fruchtenbaum weaves the prophetic writings of the
Hebrew Scriptures and Messiah's teachings to reveal God's plan for the future of Israel and the
world. Dr. Fruchtenbaum gathers the many pieces of the prophetic puzzle and places them in
sequential order with the result summed up by Dr. Charles Ryrie in his foreword: “Those who
read this book cannot help but be instructed and stimulated by his work.”
Footsteps is detailed, thorough, and scholarly, yet written in a style that the average reader can
easily understand. With a wealth of wisdom drawn from his Jewish background and extensive
research, the author even tackles the “problem passages” to provide a comprehensive overview
of the entire range of prophetic truth. “In a thoroughly biblical, balanced, and clear
presentation, Arnold Fruchtenbaum plainly lays out God's plan for the future while avoiding the
sensational errors of other prophetic writers. I have relied on this book as a resource for years.”
— Michael Rydelnik, Professor of Jewish Studies Program, Moody Bible Institute
354 page study guide is required and serves as the work necessary for FGBI credit. The items can
be purchased at www.ariel.org. The current book price is $39.00 and the workbook is $25.00 or
it can be downloaded for $17.50.
Outside reading: The Return, Tommy Ice, Timothy Demy, editors. It can be obtained from
various sources for around $14.00 or less. A brief report on what the student learned from this
book is required.
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
8. Salvation and Rewards: Studies in Free Grace Two (3) Three books – (1) The Free Grace Primer
by Zane Hodges. This is the same book required for the series “The Great Truths of Free Grace”
7. Creation: (1) Universe by Design by Danny Faulkner. This book explores the universe, explaining
its origins and discussing the historical development of cosmology from a creationist viewpoint.
The universe was created with purpose and reason, and modern science with all of its
experiments, exploration, and sophistication has never proven otherwise. In fact, as author Dr.
Danny Faulkner makes plain, advanced science argues more for a created cosmology than a big
bang. Written for the upper-level student through the well-read layman, Universe by Design
explores the universe, explaining its origins and discussing the historical development of
cosmology from a creationist viewpoint. The study guide will provide the work necessary for
FGBI credit. The book is available from www.AnswerInGenesis.org. Current price is $14.99.
by David Pearson. The book is available at www.FaithAlone.org. Current price is $9.95 (1)
Breaking the Rocking Horse by Marty Cauley. The book addresses the problems of carnality and
legalism. The course deals with the distinctions between having eternal life as a gift verses
obtaining it as a reward. An overview of the outer darkness and an exegetical treatment of the
parable of the soils are this book’s primary strengths. The book is available from Unconditional
Security Ministries at www.misthology.org. Current price is $14.95. (2) Hold Fast Against
Christian Myths by Ken Neff. This work covers twelves Christian “myths” under these topics:
Faith Myths, Salvation Myths, and Assurance Myths. The book is available at
www.FaithAlone.org. Current price is $9.99. The course also includes a free recorded discussion
on the topic of the outer darkness between Robert Wilkin and Zane Hodges. Evaluation
questions for the books is provided by FGBI.
9. Theology/Creation: The Five Divine Institutions (1) This short course by David Pearson
introduces the student to the topic of how the Creator has ordered human society. The divine
institutions recorded live are (1) Responsible Dominion, (2) Marriage, (3) Family, (4) Human
Government, and (5) Nations or Tribal Diversity. The course includes five audio sessions plus
notes and evaluation questions.
10. Bible: The Essence of the Old Testament: A Survey (3), Ed Hindson, Gary Yates, editors. This
survey of the Old Testament Scriptures highlights the key elements of the Hebrew literature of
the Law, the Prophets, and the Poets of the Old Testament. The history, archaeology, and
wisdom of the biblical world are revealed with an eye to the application of their moral
principles, theological insights, and practical application to today’s world. The book’s study
questions will provide the main evaluation for FGBI; a theme paper of not less than four typed
pages will also be required. The topic will be presented at the time of course registration.
Current price for the book is from $35 -$ 45 depending on purchasing source.
11. Theology/Israelology: The Eight Covenants of the Bible (3) Mottel Baleston, Messianic Rabbi.
The Covenants God has made with man through human history as revealed in the Scriptures.
This is a critical study for the proper understanding and interpretation of the Scriptures. DVD
from Ariel Ministries and FGBI workbook with evaluation questions. The workbook will be
provided without charge. The student must purchase the DVD from Ariel ministries at
www.ariel.org. Current price $39.
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
13. Salvation: Studies in Free Grace Three (3): three books - (1) Confronting Calvinism by Dr.
Anthony B. Badger. For nearly 500 years Calvinism has run rampant over the teachings of the
12. Theology/Israelology: The Plan of God for the Ages (2) Mottel Baleston, Messianic Rabbi. The
dispensations of God are considered as a key tool to understand and correctly interpret the
Bible. DVD from Ariel Ministries and FGBI workbook with evaluation questions (as above).
Current price $39
Bible. John Calvin, following Augustine’s ideas, popularized the notion that God unconditionally
elected a certain few for eternal salvation, excluding all the rest. Calvinism was thus born. Dr.
Badger gives a brief history of the Reformation and then carefully explains each of the Five
Points as well as opposing Arminian proposals. He explains how each group falls far short of
understanding God’s plan for the salvation of mankind. He then evaluates the Scriptures they
use to support their positions, shows their inadequacy, present a scriptural understanding from
a Free Grace perspective, and offers a biblical solution to the doctrine of Unconditional Election
and all the rest. The book is available from www.faithalone.org. Current price is $24.95. (2) Free
Grace Soteriology (revised edition) by David R. Anderson. Though almost all branches of
Christianity would claim to sail through the portals of heaven on a ship named GRACE, there is a
wide divergence of opinion on just what that means. This text book present GRACE as absolutely
free, not in the sense of being cheap or easy, but in the sense of a free gift (Eph. 2:9) with no
strings attached on either the front end or the back end of receiving this gift. The book is
available from various sources from about $21.00 (3) Lordship Salvation by Charlie Bing. The
2nd GraceLife Edition of Charlie Bing's Ph.D. dissertation on Lordship Salvation has been
updated and designed for easy use by a broad audience. You will find a clear in-depth discussion
of the four main issues in the Lordship controversy: The significance of faith, repentance,
Christ's lordship, and discipleship. An added Scripture index helps you find expositions for over
60 key Bible passages. The book is available from www.GraceLife.org either in printed form or in
a free download on the website. Three essays based on these works are required (1) Discuss
Calvinism’s five points and contrast it to the Free Grace response (book one), (2) Compare and
contrast the doctrines of eternal security and assurance as viewed by Arminians and Calvinists
with that of Free Grace (book two), and (2) Compare and contrast Free Grace salvation doctrine
verses so-called “Lordship Salvation” teachings (book three). Each report is to be from 7 to 10
typed single-spaced pages.
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
15. Spiritual life/Rewards Introduction to the Believer’s Rewards (2): Two books are required: (1)
Setting the Stage for Eternity book by Harlan D. Betz with study guide. This is a study of the
Judgment Seat of Christ and its impact on a believer in this life and the life to come. The book’s
study guide will be supplemented with a set of evaluation questions from FGBI. (2) The Road to
Reward by Robert Wilkin. The included study guide will serve for FGBI credit.
14. Spiritual Life (2): (1) Living in the Family of Grace: A workbook for Disciples book by Charles
Bing. The parts included are 1) Getting into God’s Family, 2) Growing Deeper in God’s Grace, and
3) Becoming a Disciple of Jesus Christ. The Workbook provides the evaluation questions and is
available from Grace Life Ministries at www.GraceLife.org. The current price is $14. NOTICE:
some Calvinistic leanings. (2) A three-part article by Robert Dean entitled “Abiding in Christ.”
Evaluation questions on the Dean paper from FGBI. The Dean article will be sent by FGBI or it
can be downloaded for free at www.DeanBible.org under the “doctrines” file.
16. Salvation: In Christ: Position and Identity Unparalleled (1): Ron Merryman. An exegetical study,
primarily of Colossians 2:3 – 3:4 of who the believer is in Christ. The believer’s glorious “position
in Christ” ranks among the most confirming and stabilizing of all Bible Doctrines. This book will
come from FGBI at a cost of $10.00 as a donation to the ministry of Ron Merryman (plus
shipping). FGBI will provide evaluation questions for this course.
17. Spiritual life/Rewards: Warnings of Hebrews Seminar (2) C. Norman Sellers. A review of the
five warning passages in Hebrews. Are they written to warn unbelievers or believers? This
critical study for the doctrine of rewards will put the student straight on interpreting these key
passages in Hebrews. DVD seminar, workbook, additional reading material, and evaluation
questions included. The student must purchase the DVD seminar from National Bible College at
www.nrcbible.org (current price $39). A booklet entitled “Hebrews: Five Warnings for Believers”
by Scott Crawford will be proved by FGBI without charge when the student acquires the DVD
20. Romans: Deliverance from Wrath (3) Zane Hodges. A working through the often misunderstood
book of Romans from the book by Zane Hodges. Education and evaluation questions will be
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
19. The Four Gospels: The Life of the Messiah from a Jewish Perspective (4) Arnold Fruchtenbaum.
A survey of the life of Christ from a messianic Jewish perspective covers the four Gospels. A. T.
Robertson’s A Harmony of the Gospels is required and can be purchased from a variety of
sources such as Amazon or Ariel ministries. This DVD extensive course was taught at Chafer
Theological Seminary. A student work book is also required. The student must acquire both the
DVD and workbook from www.ariel.org. The current DVD price is $99 and the printed student
guide is $29 or a download PDF for $10. It is acceptable to use an audio CD of the course which
is available. Contact your guidance counselor for information. Evaluation questions, taken
mostly from the study guide, will come from FGBI. Outside reading is The Life and Times of Jesus
the Messiah, Alfred Edersheim (available as a free download from a variety of sources) and Jesus
was a Jew, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum available as a free download from www.ariel.org.
18. General: Discipleship Training Series (10) by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum. This demanding series of
50 short studies is completed on-line from the Ariel Ministries website (www.ariel.org). The
student must complete the on-line quizzes and final exam for each study and submit the final
exam to Ariel Ministries for evaluation. The student may choose to listen to the live teaching of
Dr. Fruchtenbaum on their website for each of the studies. If a score of 80% or more is achieved
the student will have passed. If you pass with an 80% or above score, you will receive a
magnificent certificate of completion suitable for framing that is signed personally by Dr. Arnold
Fruchtenbaum. The FGBI student is to honestly report on test scores to your guidance counselor
for the FGBI credit along with a copy of the certificate of completion. See their website under
the “Come and See” Messianic Bible Studies section. There is no charge from Ariel Ministries for
these studies.
included from FGBI. The book can be purchased from the Grace Evangelical Society at
www.FaithAlone.org. Current price is $24.99.
21. Spiritual Life/ Church: Spiritual Gifts I and II (2) These two studies by David Pearson will
introduce the student to the often confused topic of spiritual gifts. Included will be a discussion
of various Pentecostal and Charismatic issues. Two study guides with evaluation questions (no
22. Apologetics (2): The Defendable Faith Steven Collins. An understanding of Christian apologetics
is foundational for the Christian faith. This 18 chapter book will guide the student to think clearly
on the subjects covered in an enjoyable and easy to understand manner. Available from a
variety of booksellers for about $25.00. The book’s study guide serves as the FGBI evaluation
23. Salvation/Spiritual Life: Studies in Free Grace four (2) Wooley Wolves and Woolless Sheep by
Marty Cauley. A rejection of the notion that profession of salvation is proven genuine by the
way a person lives. This book focuses on the parable of the sheep and goats and shows the
inadequacy of conditional security in interpreting this parable. Evaluation questions by FGBI. The
book is available at www.misthology.org. Current price is $14.95
24. The Angelic Conflict (4) This extensive course by David Pearson includes audio, study guide, and
evaluation questions. This course gives the student a real understanding of Angelology,
Satanology, Demonology, the purpose for human history, and the believer’s spiritual warfare.
The study further requires the reading of Spiritual Warfare by Dean and Ice which will be
provided in PDF format without charge. A book report is required. The student also must
request a free copy of the booklet “Satan and Demonism” by R. B. Thieme at
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
26. Son of God: The Person of Christ Seminar (2) C. Norman Sellers. DVD and study guide. What did
the Son give up at his incarnation? Was it possible for Jesus to sin? No? Then what was the
purpose of the temptation? What was the reason for the virgin birth? Of course you would
expect a thorough study of His deity, but what about His humanity? Is that part of the doctrine
important? These and other similar questions are answered in this five part DVD series. This can
be purchased from National Bible College at www.nbcbible.org. Current price is $39.00.
25. Evangelism: Roman Catholic Evangelism (2) David Pearson. A survey of the false doctrines of
the Roman Church verses the Scriptures and how to reach Catholics with the truth of salvation
by faith alone in Christ alone. Audio, study guide, and evaluation questions. The DVD
“Catholicism: Crises of Faith,” James McCarthy is recommended but not required. Contact your
student guidance counselor for DVD ordering information.
27. Salvation/ Son of God: Short Studies of Christ and Salvation (2) David Pearson. A collection of
short studies in both audio and print format with evaluation questions. Studies include: “Dead
Men Laughing,” “Heaven or Hell,” “Where was Christ between the Cross and the Resurrection?,”
“The Six Trials of Jesus,” “Who Do You Say That I Am?,” “Pleased as Man with Men to Dwell,” “A
Lamb Standing as if Slain,” “Truth Has Come Down Today,” “The Gifts of the Wise Men,”
“Messiah Jesus: Light, Liberator, Lord,” and “What was the Christmas Star?” (others may be
28. Genesis (3): Arnold Fruchtenbaum: audio CD; over 32 hours of instruction through the first book
of the Bible. Dr. Fruchtenbaum’s grammatical, historical-geographical approach to Scriptures
from a Jewish perspective provides the reader an exciting new way to grasp and unlock the
richness of this book of the beginnings of all nations, and in particular, the beginning of the
nation of Israel. Textbook required is The Book of Genesis by the same author. From Ariel
Ministries at www.ariel.org. Current price of the MP3 download is $30 and the commentary
hardcover book is $45. Evaluation questions will come from FGBI.
29. 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus (3): Tom Constable. Audio and notes study of these critical books for
ministry in the Church Age. I and 2 Timothy and Titus are called “Pastoral Epistles” because Paul
wrote them to pastors (shepherds) of churches outlining their pastoral duties. The study notes
and audio can be downloaded without charge from www.SonicLight.com. Evaluation questions
will come from FGBI.
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
31. Bible/Apologetics: (3) Two books required: (1) From God to Us: How We Got the Bible Norman
Geisler, book and DVD series. Topics covered include (1) Inspiration, (2) Canonization, (3)
Transmission, and (4) Translation. The DVD series is available from www.internationallegacy.org
(current price is $49) and the book from Moody Publishers www.MoodyPublishers.com - current
price is $21.99) or other providers like Amazon. (2) God Has Spoken: Inspiration and Inerrancy,
Mal Couch, editor. The unique nature of the Bible will become a living entity to your mind and
heart as you see evidence that God truly has spoken. Proof after proof of the inerrancy of the
Scriptures is offered as Dr. Couch goes through the Bible book-by-book to answer key
arguments of those who claim the Bible is full of error. An FGBI study guide and evaluation
questions for both works will be included.
30. Creation/Apologetics: The Long War Against God (2) Henry Morris, book and workbook. Topics
covered include “The Evolutionary Basis of Modern Thought,” “Political Evolutionism – Right and
Left,” “Evolutionist Religion and Morals,” “the Dark Nursery of Darwinism,” “The Conflict of the
Ages,” and “The Everlasting Gospel.” The workbook provides the evaluation questions. These
can be purchased from the Creation Science Store at www.nwcreation.com. Current price for
the book is $12.59 and the workbook $7.95. A free 55 minute audio message by Henry Morris is
also available on the Creation Science Store website.
32. Church: Basic Church History (1) Robert Dean, five audio lessons. A quick survey of church
history that serves as a basic introduction to this critical topic. Audio available without charge
from Dean Bible Ministries at www.deanbible.com. A basic study guide and evaluation questions
will be provided by FGBI. The article “Apostolic Fathers: Key Issues and Their Understanding of
Grace” by René Lopez is required reading and is available at www.ScriptureUnlocked.org.
33. The Corinthian Epistles (3) C. Norman Sellers. The 24 MP3 audio lesson course includes an
analysis and practical study with special emphasis on church discipline, Christian liberty, the
Resurrection of Christ, and Spiritual Gifts. A study guide is included. The MP3 audio and study
notes can be done on-line for a current cost of $29.95 or CD-MP3 plus spiral bound study notes
for $39.95. Available at www.nbcbible.org
34. General: Theology One (3) Chaplin David Robbins. Theology I includes a study of the Holy Spirit,
the spiritual gifts, and the practical application to personal and church life. The appropriate
formatted notes are included with your audio choice. The twenty-four lessons are
approximately forty-five minutes each in length. From National Bible College at
www.nbcbible.org. Price varies depending upon format from $29.95 - $39.95
35. Future Things: Bible Prophecy One (4) David Pearson. A survey of Bible Prophecy by David
Pearson. This 61 lesson series with study guide and evaluation questions provides extensive
study in Bible Prophecy. The study of the book of Revelation continues and concludes the
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
37. Deuteronomy Series (4) Charles A Clough. 74 audio lessons with study guide and lesson slide
presentations. Before he passed off the scene, Israel's human founder Moses wanted every
Israelite to understand the relationship between God and their special nation. This long series
expounds what we moderns refer to as "social justice" not from a Marxist, Muslim, Socialist, or
Libertarian perspective but from the perspective of God as He "interfered" with ancient near
eastern culture of the 15th century BC. Divine revelation touched every aspect of social life
including crime control, economics, education, family welfare, foreign relations, labor
management, public health, and taxation. One can trace the profound effect of Moses' sermons
upon common law and political concepts throughout subsequent history. But the core message
centers on the prerequisite of a just society: the heart that freely expresses its ultimate
36. Exodus (2) Arnold Fruchtenbaum. Over ten hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during
Camp Shoshanah 2008. A survey study through the Book of Exodus focusing on the historical
background between the God of Israel and the gods of the Egyptians. This course will also
include a survey of the different commandments of the Law of Moses. The DVD is available from
www.ariel.org. The current price is $49.00. Study guide and evaluation questions from FGBI.
allegiance to God. When faced with Satan's temptations Jesus relied upon key passages in
Deuteronomy. So will we if we are wise. The course can be downloaded or ordered on CD
without charge from www.bibleframwork.com. Evaluation questions will be provided by FGBI.
38. Judges (3) Robert Dean. This 56 lesson course covers the entirety of this critical history of the
Nation of Israel. Study notes along with education and evaluation questions will be provided by
FGBI. The audio can be downloaded for free at www.deanbible.org
39. Israelology: Jewish History (2) Mottel Baleston. Over twelve hours of solid Biblical teaching,
recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2009. This course provides a survey that begins with a
look at Abraham’s world in which many gods were worshipped. From Ur on the Persian Gulf,
Abraham and his family left their comfortable home in search of the land God promised to give
to his descendants. This study traces the history of the Jewish people through the nations of the
world and reveals God’s plan for Jew and Gentile alike. Study guide and evaluation questions
provided by FGBI. DVD study available at www.ariel.org. Current price is $49.00
40. Creation: The Earth’s Catastrophic Past (4) Andrew Snelling. This two-volume work is a
challenging study of geology, creation, and the flood. This huge 2-volume set is filled with up-todate geological evidence that demonstrates the authority and accuracy of the Bible’s account of
creation and the Flood. Step by step, geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling examines evolutionary
interpretations of the geologic record and deconstructs the misplaced assumptions and
conclusions on which those interpretations are based. This more advanced study requires the
student to respond to each chapter following a series of general evaluation questions. These
questions will guide the student in not only learning from this work, but also how to effective
study and learn from any book. The books can be purchased from www.answersingenesis.org.
The current price is $59.99.
42. The Prison Epistles (3) C. Norman Sellers. This course includes a verse-by-verse study of
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon showing the relationship between Christ and
His Church and the conduct of believers in the light of that union. Available from nbcbible.org.
Current cost, depending on format, is $29.95 to $39.95
41. Colossians (2) Gene Cunningham. Paul never met the Colossians but wrote to them from a
Roman prison around 62 AD to counter misconceptions of his day. It magnifies the character of
Jesus Christ more than any other book in the New Testament, and counters misconceptions of
our day as well. The key verse may well be Col 1:18 "...that in all things, He might have the
preeminence". This 23 lesson audio series can be downloaded for free from
www.basictraining.org. Education and evaluation questions will be provided by FGBI.
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
43. Doctrine: History of Doctrine (4) Robert Dean. A study of the historical development of selected
doctrines, with attention to the development of each theological theme from the church fathers
to the present day. This course seeks to define the origins and development of the theology of
the church. It will trace the historical development of the major branches of systematic
theology, noting specifically the formulation and modification of each branch from the early
church to the present day. In addition, an attempt will be made to define the major formulation
of doctrine, whether orthodox or heterodox. Finally, an investigation of the contemporary
trends in Protestant thought will enable the student to gain perspective on the issues with
which the church is grappling. Class notes (to be downloaded), Pocket History of the Church, D. J.
Bingham; Our Legacy: The History of Christian Doctrine, John D. Hannah. The books are available
from various sources. Evaluation questions from FGBI.
44. Apologetics: Jesus Among the Other Gods (2) Ravi Zacharias. Book and DVD series. We are
living in a time when you can believe anything, as long as you do not claim it to be true. In the
name of “tolerance,” our postmodern culture embraces everything from Eastern mysticism to
New Age spirituality. But as Ravi Zacharias points out, such unquestioning acceptance of all
things spiritual is absurd. All religions, plainly and simply, cannot be true. In each chapter,
Zacharias considers a unique claim that Jesus made and then contrasts the truth of Jesus with
the founders of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism with compelling insight and passionate
conviction. In addition to an impressive breadth of reading and study, he shares his personal
journey from despair and meaninglessness to his discovery that Jesus is who He said He is. Study
guide included. Evaluation questions from FGBI. The book and DVD can be purchased from a
variety of sources at around $20.00 each.
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!
46. Israelology: Israelology (3) by Arnold Fruchtenbaum. This course investigates four evangelical
theological approaches to the issue of Israel. All four theological systems are defined, described
and evaluated on the basis of their theology of Israel. The discussion of each system is divided
into three broad categories: Israel Past, Israel Present and Israel Future. Each category
investigates what each system has to say on certain key topics that are crucial to Israelology. In
conclusion, Dr. Fruchtenbaum then systematizes Israelology on the basis of dispensational
hermeneutics providing a comprehensive theology of Israel Present. This course also discusses
other relevant topics that concern Israelology and, in conclusion, will show how Israelology
45. General: Bible Framework (10) by Charlie Clough. A Biblical Framework for Worship and
Obedience in an age of Global Deception (no cost). 224 lectures with over 700 pages of
extensively footnoted class notes. This free series has a unique structure that combines
elements of biblical and systematic theology with apologetics, supported by scholarly research
by godly men of history, archeology, law, art, music, literature, medicine, science, economics,
and mathematics. Evaluation questions will be provided by FGBI.
affects and/or overlaps the other divisions of Systematic Theology. MP3 from www.ariel.org.
Current price is $20.00, DVD $99.00. The required textbook is $42.00. Evaluation questions from
Outside reading: (1) The Remnant by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum - available from www.ariel.org.
Current price $13.00 and (2) Jacob’s Dozen by William Varner – available from The Friends of
Israel Gospel Ministry at www.foi.org . Current price $7.95. A brief report on what the student
learned from each book is required.
Enjoy your time in God’s Word!