5) Read about John and write his resolutions. School report.

Christmas in Great Britain
1) P.60 EX 1a, 1b
2)Choose the right answer.
1. Christmas Day, December 25th, celebrates the
birth of
1. Jesus Christ;
2. St. Andrew;
3. St. David.
2. Christmas Day is normally seen as a time to
be spent
1. With friends;
2. At home with one’s family;
3. In a pub.
4. Christmas presents are placed
1. Under the pillow;
2. Near the fireplace;
3. Around a Christmas tree.
7. In Russia Christmas is celebrated on:
1. the 31th of December
2. the 25th of December
3. the 7th of January
8. Houses are
1. Decorated with special Christmas
2. Not decorated at all;
3. Decorated with colored balloons.
9. Christmas carol is a:
1. song
2. cracker
3. tinsel
3) Write down the name of the pictures:
10. Tinsel and colorful lights are Christmas:
1. decorations
2. celebrations
11. Children hang up a long sock, stocking, or a
pillowcase at the foot of their bed, or around the
fireplace for Father Christmas to fill with
1. Christmas cards;
2. Presents.
12. On Christmas Day families traditionally
1. Visit their friends;
2. Go to the theatre or to the cinema;
3. Sit down to a dinner.
13. Traditionally Christmas dinner consists of
1. Fried potatoes with roasted meat;
2. Chicken broth;
3. Roast turkey, followed by Christmas
pudding – a rich steamed pudding made from
suet, dried fruit and spices.
14. The British Father Christmas is
1. A cheerful young man, dressed in a
white suit;
2. A sad old man with a beard, dressed in a
blue suit trimmed with flowers;
3. A cheerful old man with a beard, dressed
in a red suit trimmed with fur.
4)Замените местоимение в скобках на правильное местоимение и переведите их.
1. This is (he) table. 2. (We) house is there. 3. That is (they) garden. 4. This isn’t
(I) key. It is (she) key. 5. Where is (you) red pencil? 6. Sally is (I) sister. 7. Open
(you) notebooks and copy out these words, please. 8. (They) parents are at the
5) Read about John and write his resolutions.
School report.
John Edison is not organized. He is often watching TV. He doesn’t do homework.
He doesn’t go to the sports club. He likes to listen to music every day. He always
takes a mobile phone to the school. But he goes to the music school and he plays
on the piano. So he can’t spend more time on his homework.
1. Jingle
2. Something to put at the top of the
4. Send a
Christmas ____.
3. It covers your window.
4. _____ cane.
5. Mr. Claus.
5. It hangs above the fireplace.
7. Stingy old
6. Egg ___. A Christmas drink.
10. Animals
that pull the
8. Santa's helper.
9. The presents are under the ____.