C Programming for Scientists &
Engineers with Applications by Reddy & Ziegler
Multidimensional Arrays
Multidimensional arrays are derived from the basic or built-in data types of the C language.
Two-dimensional arrays are understood as rows and columns with applications including two-dimensional tables, parallel vectors, and two-dimensional matrices.
The data stored in multidimensional arrays must be homogeneous. This type of data structure and its applications are very common in science and engineering.
Multidimensional Arrays
Concept of multidimensional arrays
Comparing one- and multidimensional arrays
Initialization multidimensional arrays
Printing multidimensional arrays
Declaration Statement
Storage Allocation
Array Initialization
Multidimensional Arrays
What is a multidimensional array?
B =
51, 52, 53
54, 55, 56
Col 1 Col 2 Col 3
Row 1
Row 2
Array type
Array name
Array dimension = 2
Int b[2][3] = {51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56};
Two rows
First row second row
Three columns
Algebraic notation C notation
Multidimensional Arrays
How to declare a multidimensional array?
int b[2][3]; declares the name of the array to be b the type of the array elements to be int the dimension to be 2 (two pairs of brackets []) the number of elements or size to be 2*3 = 6
Declaration Statement
Storage Allocation
Multidimensional Arrays
How to initialize a multidimensional array?
Initialized directly in the declaration statement
int b[2][3] = {51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56};
b[0][0] = 51 b[0][1] = 52 b[0][2] = 53
Use braces to separate rows in 2-D arrays.
int c[4][3] = {{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 6},
{7, 8, 9},
{10, 11, 12}}; int c[ ][3] = {{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 6},
{7, 8, 9},
{10, 11, 12}};
Implicitly declares the number of rows to be 4.
Array Initialization
Data may be input into two-dimensional arrays using nested for loops interactively or with data files.
Standard Input
Input from a Data File
Standard Input
How to read the data from a file?
fscanf (infile, "%d %d", &year, &month) ; for (day=1; day<=31; day++) Loop over each day in a month.
{ fscanf(infile, "%d",&rainfall[year][month][day]);
Using the previously read values for year and month, read each day’s rainfall value.
Note that the values of the first two subscripts for rainfall do not change. Only the last subscript changes.
The function fscanf automatically skips to the next line when it is looking for the next non-white-space character.
Input from a Data File
The output of two-dimensional arrays should be in the form of rows and columns for readability.
Nested for loops are used to print the rows and columns in row and column order.
Standard Output
Output to a Data File
How to print the data to the screen?
printf ("Rainfall for Year = %d, Month = %d\n\n",year, month); for (day=1; day<=31; day++)
{ printf("%d ",rainfall[year][month][day]); if (day==7 || day==14 || day==21 || day==28) printf("\n");
Illustrate some of the concepts of printing arrays.
Standard Output
Output to a monitor or printer: int a[2][3] = {5, 6, 9, 4, 2, 10}; int i, j;
. . . .
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
{ for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) printf(“%d “, a[i][j]);
} printf(“\n”);
Note that at the end of each row, a line feed character is output so that the next row is on the next line.
Output to a Data File
Output to a data file: int a[2][3]; int i, j;
. . . .
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
{ for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
{ fprintf(outptr, “%d “, a[i][j]);
8.4 Manipulation of Arrays
Array Assignment
Array Arithmetic
Matrix Operation
Array Assignment
Array Arithmetic
Matrix Operation
8.5 Passing Arrays to Functions
Two-dimensional arrays may by passed by array name.
Because arrays are stored by rows, in order to accurately locate an element, a function must know the length of a row: that is the number of columns.
This must be included in both the function prototype and the header of the function definition.
Passing Fixed Sized Arrays
Passing Array Elements
Functions and 1-D Arrays
Passing individual array elements to functions
Passing entire arrays to functions
Passing entire arrays to functions with a restriction
Illustrate how values and address of array elements are passed
Function Call
How to pass a single array element to a function?
We treat a single element like a simple variable.
If we want to change the value of the array element in the function, we use the “address of” operator, &, before the array element in the function call.
If we want to pass element without having it changed in the function, we simple put the array element in the parameter list.
function1(&a[5], a[8]);
Function Prototype
When receiving an address, we must use a pointer variable (indicated in the declaration by *).
When receiving a value, we use a simple variable.
void function1(int *d, int e); function1(&a[5], a[8]);
Address passed to pointer variable
Value passed to simple variable void function1(int *d, int e)
*d = 100 + e;
Function Call and Prototype
How to pass the ability to access an entire 1-D array to a function?
Pass the address of the first element of the array
With the address of the first element, C can internally calculate the address of any element in the array.
The address of the first element of an array is indicated by the array name with no brackets following it.
&c[0] and c are equivalent.
Function Call and Prototype
function2(c, 5)
Pass the address of the first element of the array c[ ] to function2, which gives function2 the ability to modify the array c[ ].
The prototype for the function must indicate that it is receiving an address.
Use * in the declaration
void function2 (double *b , int num_elem);
Use brackets [ ]
void function2 (double b[ ] , int num_elem);
Function Call and Prototype function2(c, 5)
Address of the first element passed to pointer variable indicated with brackets
Number of array elements passed as a simple variable void function2 (double b[ ] , int num_elem);
Function Definition
Within a function that has received an array’s address, how to work with the array?
Must be cognizant of the number of elements that the array contains.
void function2 (double b[ ] , int num_elem)
This is correct –
A separate parameter is used to transfer the number of elements.
void function2 (double b[5] )
This is incorrect
It does not indicate that b[ ] has only five elements.
Passing Fixed Sized Arrays
Passing Array Elements
8.6 Higher-Dimensional Arrays
Declaration and Storage Allocation
Input of Three-Dimensional Arrays
Output of Three-Dimensional Arrays
Manipulation of Three-Dimensional Arrays
Higher-Dimensional Arrays
Three-dimensional arrays are very common in scientific and engineering problems dealing with three-dimensional geometries.
Some examples of such problems include:
the stress analysis in three-dimensional solids and structures
the computational analysis of velocity and pressure used to compute the drag and lift character of airplane wings wave motion and vibration analysis in three-dimensional solids and structures.
Problems that deal with three space coordinates and time require four dimensions.
3-D Arrays
3-D array of size [2][3][4]
Leftmost subscript
I =1
Rightmost subscript k = 0 k = 1 k = 2 k = 3
I =0
J = 0
J = 1
J = 2
Middle subscript
Memory Location a[0][0][0] a[1][0][0] a[0][0][1] a[1][0][1] a[0][0][2] a[1][0][2] a[0][0][3] a[1][0][3] a[0][1][0] a[1][1][0] a[0][1][1] a[1][1][1] a[0][1][2] a[1][1][2] a[0][1][3] a[1][1][3] a[0][2][0] a[1][2][0] a[0][2][1] a[1][2][1] a[0][2][2] a[1][2][2] a[0][2][3] a[1][2][3]
Memory Location
a[x][y][z] of an array declared with a size a[I][J][K]
Sequence location = x*(J*K) + y*(K) + z + 1
For a 3-D a[2][3][4] array, the sequence location for element a[0][1][2] is 0*(3*4) + 1*(4) + 2 +1 = 7
How to use a loop to print a multidimensional array?
for (i=0; i<2; i++)
{ for (j=0; j<3; j++)
{ printf("b[%1d][%1d] = %5d", i, j, b[i][j]);
} printf("\n");
Declaration of three-dimensional arrays requires three indices: plane, row, and column.
On each plane, the row and column indices are the same and the plane index varies from one plane to the next.
The plane index varies from 0 to one less than the number of planes, the row index varies from 0 to one less than the number of rows, and the column index varies from 0 to one less than the number of columns.
Sample Programs
Drag Force
Saddle Point
Computation of Pressure
Geometric Transformations
Inventory of Cars in the XYZ Dealership