Payroll FAQ and Roundtable

Payroll FAQ & Roundtable
Presented by:
HRS Payroll Staff
January 7, 2011
Professional Development Institute Session
Introductions – Payroll Staff and Attendees
Frequently Asked General Questions
Break out groups –
Faculty & Admin Professional FAQ
State Classified FAQ
Grad,Vet Residents & Fellowship Grant Trainees FAQ
Hourly – State Classified, Student & Non-Student FAQ
Payroll Processing Cycle
Department Entry
Approval Process
Department Review
Special Payment Fees
Occasionally, departments ask the Payroll Office to issue
payments to employees outside of the scheduled pay dates
(special payments).
These special payments require the manual processing of an
off-cycle payroll run and are labor intensive and expensive to
produce. Human Resource Services is required to focus on its
primary functions and to eliminate or reduce non-essential
Starting August 1, 2009, a fee of $25 is assessed for each
special check requested by a department after 10 such checks
have been issued within any given fiscal year.
Requesting a Special Payment
To request a special payment send an e-mail to with the following information:
◦ Department payroll liaison name & phone number
◦ Department name and number
◦ Account number to assess the $25 fee against
◦ Reason a special payment is being requested
◦ For each employee who is to receive a special payment:
 Employee’s full name as it appears in the personnel/payroll
 Employee assignment number
 Employee type (i.e., student hourly, state classified, faculty)
For payments to hourly employees, attach a scanned copy of
the completed timecard.
For payments to salaried employees, provide the dates the
requested special check covers.
Supplemental Pay
Supplemental pay, as defined in D.7.2 of the Academic Faculty/Administrative
Professional Staff Manual, is additional pay for work done beyond that normally
expected under the individual’s appointment.
 Except in extraordinary situations, all Supplemental Pay requests must be
approved by the cognizant department head/director and dean, as
appropriate, and Provost/vice president before the activity commences.
 Payment requires the approval of the individual’s department head/director,
dean, as appropriate, and Provost/vice president prior to being submitted
to the President for final approval.
 Up to 20% of the 9-month base, or a maximum of $12,000 (which ever is
the greater) may be earned as Supplemental Pay during any fiscal year.
 Supplemental payments of less than $100 will not be approved.
Supplemental Pay is administered by the Office of the Provost.
Forms are posted on the Provost's website.
State Classified Personnel
& Supplemental Pay
Section 3: State Classified Personnel
Page: 3-9 Compensation of State Classified Employees
Supplemental Pay
The use of supplemental pay requires prior authorization from the Director of Human
Resources. Supplemental Pay is a non-base building temporary form of payment in
additional to base pay that may be used when:
◦ an employee assumes the full set of duties of a higher-level position that is vacant or the
incumbent is on extended leave for a period of one to six months (i.e., acting/interim
◦ an employee is assigned to a long-term project that is not an expected or customary
part of the employee’s regular assignment and is critical to the mission and operations
of the University.
◦ Supplemental Pay may not be used to substitute for a promotional or position
classification review process.
◦ Likewise, employees who are eligible for overtime and who are performing additional
temporary duties that are similar to their regular assignment are entitled to overtime
payment for any hours in excess of 40 in a given work week and cannot be paid
supplemental pay in lieu of overtime.
All awards require a written statement signed by the
appropriate college dean or vice president and
documenting the purpose of the award, criteria for
eligibility, and selection procedures.
 All awards (except token awards) to employees (including
students) constitute taxable wages subject to applicable tax
and reporting requirements. This requirement applies even
if the student's University employment is unrelated to the
 Cash awards must be for the stated award amount and may
not be increased to offset the effect of required
Financial Policy & Procedure Instructions Manual, FPI D-6 Payments to Students
Award Procedures
All award payments are issued through payroll, including non-employee
An email or written request is acceptable, it should contain the following
◦ Formal name of the Award
◦ Acct # to be charge
◦ Name of Recipient
◦ Amount of Award
◦ Oracle Assignment #
◦ How should payment be processed:
 Added to next standard payroll
 Manual check and the date needed
◦ Contact name if questions or for check delivery
If the award is to be a separate check, it will be taxed at the applicable Federal
and State supplemental tax rates (current – Federal 25% , Colorado 4.63%).
If the award is for a non-employee a completed IRS form W9 must be
submitted with the request for payment.
HRS – Payroll Processing Staff
State Classified
Elaine O'Riordan, 491-4972
Nilia Walter, 491-4973
Faculty/AP (A-K), Post Docs
Carol Breuer, 491-4968
Faculty /AP (L-Z), Post Docs
Pat Key, 491-0452
Grad, Vet Residents & Fellowship Grant
Kris DeQuasie, 491-4974
HRS – Payroll Staff
W4 & Direct Deposits Forms,
Employment Verifications, General
Accounting Tech
Kathy Greiner, 491-0538
 Bank Liaison,Tax Accounting Tech
Vivian Maxwell, 491-5852
 Asst. Mgr, Redistributions, Certification
Vickie Schultz, 491-4969
 Payroll Manager
Joanne Robel, 491-5853
Mailing Lists
Payroll Information:
Oracle Information (including Payroll notices):
oracle_hrms_users follow the instructions for subscribing
Human Resource Services – Updated website
HRS/Payroll –
Payroll/Department/College meetings & discussions can be
setup upon request