2000-2001 Course:

Honors Chemistry
Chapter 1 & 3
2014-2015 Course: Honors Chemistry: Scientific Method and Matter: Chapters 1 & 3
Unit Description
In this introductory unit, you will have the opportunity to learn and practice many basic skills used in the
study of chemistry while you learn what the study of chemistry is all about. You will also be reviewing the
skills of using scientific methods, safe lab procedures, and lab equipment. You will participate in several lab
activities to practice these skills of correct lab procedure and to learn about matter and its properties.
The “Big Questions”
1. Safety is of utmost priority – in any situation, how can I conduct chemistry labs and survive?
2. How do you use all this strange equipment? What is it all for?
3. What is a chemical change and how do I know that it happened?
4. How can matter be classified by using properties?
50 minutes
90 minutes
Week 1
Wed. Aug. 20
Thr/Fri. Aug. 21-22
Pick up outside: textbooks,
lab notebooks, Properties of
Matter activity instructions,
RQ 3, Textbook Scavenger
Hunt, Tell me a bit
Tell me a bit  In blue box (Due by
Give instructions – fill out
textbook info  Collect &
take roll
Introduce Elements Quizzes – 1st one
next Monday – expect perfection,
retakes, recommend flashcards
Begin preparing lab
notebook, including Table
of Contents, and esp. Props
of Matter info onto page 3
of lab notebook. (Glue
instructions into lab
notebook as well as glue lab
notebook instructions onto
inside front cover)
Properties of Matter activity (Lab 1) about 20 min. in lab,
On board:
What is matter?
What is “property”?
(Notes  binder paper)
List properties of yesterday’s matter on
the board (every group)
In class: begin to complete
“Tell me a bit” and
Textbook Scavenger Hunt
Discuss the properties and clarify
physical vs. chemical and extensive vs.
HW: RQ 3.1, Tell me a bit
and Textbook Scavenger
Hunt, bring lab notebook,
dress for lab
States of Matter demo and notes (on
binder paper) – will there be time??
Otherwise Tuesday
Explain HW policy (Turn in to blue box)
(two – RQ3.1 Due today, Textbook
Scavenger Hunt-Due by Mon)
With your partner, classify the properties
from your activity as physical or
chemical, intensive or extensive – note
that each property should be in at least
two categories, classifications should be
in your lab notebook (= analysis)
 front board
Handouts: Concept Maps, Elements list
Elements Quiz 1 – next
Mon. (Aug. 25)
HW: Prepare for Elements Quiz 1 (List
1), Read handout on concept maps
90 minutes
Honors Chemistry
Quiz 1 – Properties of
Matter – next Tue/Wed
(Aug. 26-27)
Week 2
Mon. Aug. 25
Chapter 1 & 3
Draw a concept map of your properties –
using the words “properties of matter”,
“extensive”, “intensive”, “physical”,
“chemical”. Then include all properties
of your piece of matter;
p. 82, #34, 36-38
Monday: Elements Quiz 1,
Tue/Wed: Quiz 1 - Matter and its
Tue/Wed. Aug. 26-27
Review Course Guide WS
Elements Quiz 1
Quiz 1 – Matter and Its Properties quiz
Thr/Fri. Aug. 28-29
Thursday – Back to School
Friday – minimum day
Explain Unit Plan
States of Matter demo and notes
Concept maps – student
examples – share and
Define malleable and
Show students my wiki
Course Guide WS
Handouts: course guide and
accompanying WS, RQ 1.3,
Unit 1 Plan (Chapters 1 and
HW: RQ 1.3, complete
Course Guide WS, bring lab
Tomorrow: Quiz 1 Matter
and Its Properties quiz
Clarification of terms:
1. law, theory, hypothesis
2. mass vs. weight
3. experimental variables –
control, independent variable,
dependent variable
4. What is energy? State the Law
of Conservation of Energy.
Demo – Kinetic vs. Potential
Energy (penguin toy)
5. Demo – physical change (boil
water) vs. chemical change
(burning candle)
Four types of evidence that a chemical
change has taken place
Begin to set up lab notebook for Lab 2
HW: Properties of Matter reflection ,
For next T: complete preparation of Lab
2 – Observation and Experiment,
through “STOP HERE”, DTA (Data
Table A);
RQ 3.2
Elements Quiz 1 retakes – in class next
Thr/Fri., Sept. 4-5
Preview: Thr/Fri – Safety
Tue/Wed Sept. 2-3 – Lab 2 Observation
and Experiment
Tue/Wed Sept. 9-10 – Elements Quiz 2
Turn in Properties of Matter
reflection to IN box
Safety video
HW: Get safety contract
complete preparation of Lab 2
– Observation and
Experiment, through “STOP
HERE”, DTA (Data Table A);
bring lab notebook,
come dressed for lab – long
pants, shoes covering tops of
RQ 3.2
Honors Chemistry
Chapter 1 & 3
Week 3
Mon. Sept. 1
Tue/Wed. Sept. 2-3
Turn in safety contract  IN box
Warmup Law,Theory,Hx
Thr/Fri. Sept. 4-5
Return safety
contracts/reflections/Props of
Matter quiz
Stamp lab notebook (3 – prelab,
flowchart, DataTable) and RQ 3.2
stamp HW – post-lab, 2 RQs
Lab 2 –
Observation and Experiment lab
Debrief Lab 2 (about 30 min.) and
explain Lab 3 Household
Chemistry lab (physical and
chemical changes)
Handouts: RQ 3.3 and 3.4
HW: Complete Analysis and
Conclusions questions (post-lab) in
lab notebook; RQ 3.3 and 3.4 Due
Quiz 2 next Thr/Fri (9/11-12)
physical/chemical and
exothermic/endothermic changes;
states of matter, hypothesis, theory
and law; evidence a chemical
change may have occurred
Element Quiz 1in-class retake
Mixtures, Elements and
Compounds – with Nuts and Bolts
demo from Flinn ChemTopic
Volume 1 (about 30 min.) Demo –
soccer balls for buckyballs
Link to 5 min. video about
Safety Scavenger Hunt (15 min.) –
hand out at the time
Handouts: reflection on Lab 2,
instructions for Lab 3 (take home
lab), Measurement WSs 1 and 2,
Matter notes
HW: Study for Safety Quiz (incl.
map of classroom – safety
Complete Lab 2 Reflection; do
Lab 3 Household Chemistry Labs,
Measurement WSs 1 and 2
Safety Quiz – Mon. Sept. 8
prepare for Elements Quiz 2
Quiz 2 next Thr/Fri (9/11-12)
physical/chemical and
exothermic/endothermic changes;
states of matter, hypothesis,
theory and law; evidence a
chemical change may have
Honors Chemistry
Week 4
Mon. Sept. 8
Tue/Wed. Sept. 9-10
Chapter 1 & 3
Thr/Fri Sept. 11-12
Reflection to IN box
Elements Quiz 2
Reflection  IN box
Safety Quiz/Collect HW
Debrief Lab 3 – Household
Chemistry + Diet Coke + Mentos
(all above 45 min.)
Optional retake of Elements Quiz
1 – by appointment
1) grade your own math
worksheets (posted)
2) Which HW problems would
you like help with? (from
Measurements WSs 1 and 2)
Handouts: Exponents, Metric
Table, Problem Solving
HW: bring lab notebook for
Lab 3 debrief
Get ahead: Measurement WSs
3 (Algebraic Equations) and 4
Complete optional retake of
Elements Quiz 1 by the end of
Prepare for Quiz 2 –
physical/chemical and
changes; states of matter,
hypothesis, theory and law;
evidence a chemical change
may have occurred
Review problems from
Measurement WSs 1 and 2 Due at
end of class
Separating mixtures notes
Warmup –Set seating chart/ collect
Quiz 2 – physical/chemical and
exothermic/endothermic changes;
states of matter, hypothesis,
theory and law; evidence a
chemical change may have
Number Line demo
HW: Read 2.1, do p. 29, #1-3; read
2.2 through p. 33, do p. 32, #14, p.
33, #15 and 16 Due Thr/Fri
Retake Elements Quiz 1 by end of
of break after class on Thr/Fri
Thr/Fri, Sept. 18-19: Test on
Chapters 1 and 3
Review WSs + bookwork
(10 cm)(10 cm)(10 cm) = 10 3 cm3
1/1000 of a L = 1 mL 
1 mL = 1 cm3
Demo – Cheetos (1 g)
Handouts: Measurement WSs 3
and 4, World of Chemistry video
Episode 3 – Measurement + video
HW: Measurement WSs 3 and 4
Due by end of class next Tue/Wed
Thr/Fri, Sept. 18-19: Test on
Chapters 1 and 3
World of Chemistry video Episode
3 – Measurement + video notes
(see teacher website for download)
revisit Scientific Notation and
Exponents – Measurement WS 2
to prepare for Tue/Wed quiz
Tue/Wed. Sept. 16 - 17
Elements Quiz 2 – in- class retake
Thr/Fri. Sept. 18-19: Test on
Chapters 1 and 3
Honors Chemistry
Chapter 1 & 3
Mon. Sept. 15
Tue/Wed. Sept.16-17
Thr/Fri. Sept. 18-19
Week 5
Elements Quiz 2 in-class retake
Test on Chapters 1 and 3
Warmup: Scientific Notation and
Exponents (or next Monday)
Intro to Thurs.’s test, including
reminder that you already have the
review sheet; any questions about
the test?
HW: Review Measurement WS 2,
in prep for Quiz 3 next Tue/Wed.
Return and debrief Quiz 2
Grade WSs 3 and 4/list difficult
problems on front board/Collect
Debrief video notes on World of
Chemistry – Measurement
Debrief Measurement WS 3
Prefixes to memorize (LCD) 
highlight on your handout
point out area and volume
measurements on back
Handouts: prefixes
HW: prepare for test
For next week: Review
Measurement WS 2, in prep for
Quiz 3 next Tue/Wed.
Thursday, Sept. 18: Test on
Chapters 1 and 3
Mon. Sept. 22
Tue/Wed. Sept. 23-24
Thr/Fri. Sept. 25-26
Week 6
Warm up – scientific notation
and exponents
Quiz 3 – Scientific Notation and
Measurement WS 5 – do not
put outside, don’t want students
to begin working on it early
Return and debrief test
Dimensional Analysis
Units, conversions – use
scientific notation, show
conversion notation, Review
conversion factor format –
begin with what you are given
– use questions on
Measurement WS 5 as
examples - #1,2,5
Continue working on Measurement
WS 5
Review conversions
Demo conversions of both
numerator and denominator
HW: rest of Measurement WS 5, p.
35, #19-21 (DA word problems),
Read Sec. 2.3 and 2.4
Warmup – conversions (most of
period), including debrief of
Measurement WS 5
Accuracy and Precision
Quiz 4 – Dimensional Analysis –
next Tue/Wed
Honors Chemistry
Chapter 1 & 3
Measurement WS 5 – first
page, a couple of students
moved on to the 2nd and 3rd