LESSON PLANS-DILLAMAN 5th SCIENCE September 14-September 18 Lesson Plans *These lesson plans are subject to change based on student successes and struggles Monday-September 14 Tuesday-September 15 WednesdaySeptember 16 -Frequent Small Group Purposeful Talk -Critical Writing Bell Work: 3rd Grade Review FSGPT: What is We will learn matter takes up space, has mass, and has physical matter? How is properties. create vocabulary flashcards for the Matter Unit. . mass different I will create vocabulary flashcards for the Matter Unit. than weight? Name three Activities: Bell Work-page 26 #1, 2/Quizlet-Matter. BrainPop physical properties Video-States of Matter. Matter Song (havefunteaching.com) that describe you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sri3ItB8JvA Create vocabulary flashcards for the Matter unit. Critical Writing: Homework: Science Packet pages 24-28/Questions 1-8-Due Wednesday, September 16. Matter Test-Friday, October 16 Bell Work: 3rd Grade Science Review FSGPT: What are We will learn matter has physical properties. physical I will complete a Double Bubble Map showing the similarities properties? How is and differences between a golf ball and ping pong ball. the golf ball and ping pong ball alike Activities: Bell Work-page 26 #3, 4/Quizlet-Matter. Review and different? matter has physical properties. Matter Song (havefunteaching.com) Critical Writing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sri3ItB8JvA Create a Double Read in science text book pages 108-115. Discuss. Bubble Thinking Golf Ball vs. Ping Pong Ball-physical property differences and Map on how a ping similarities (sink? float? mass? appearance?). Double Bubble pong ball and a Thinking Map-guided activity. Homework: Science Packet pages pages 24-28/Questions 1-8- golf ball have same and different Due Wednesday, September 16. Matter Test-Friday, October physical 16 properties.. Bell Work: 3rd Grade Science Review FSGPT: We will learn about three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas). How do the molecules behave I will complete a Venn Diagram on the three states of matter. in a solid? Liquid? Activities: Bell Work-page 26 #5, 6/Quizlet-Matter. Balloon,Vinegar, and Baking Soda investigation. Demonstration- Gas? Critical Writing: BBs in Petri Dish. Sciflix video-Three States of Matter http://scienceflix.digital.scholastic.com/wi/01002280_10773413 Venn Diagramthree states of matter Act out the molecules in each state of matter while completing AIMS activity-States of Matter (use Carolina Twig glossary videos with each state of matter). Venn Diagram-Three States of Matter (AIMS p. 17) Homework: Matter Test-Friday, October 16 Thursday-September 17 Bell Work: 3rd Grade Science Review We will learn matter can change states. I will use yesterday’s venn diagram to write two paragraphs on the similarities and differences between the three states of matter. Activities Bell Work-page 30 #1, 2./Quizlet-Matter. Review states of matter is a physical property of matter. BrainPopChanging States of Matter. Blue Ice Cube Lab-watch blue ice dissolve in room temperature water (melting). Observe hot water in a room temperature jar (evaporation and condensation). Draw a map showing the changes in states of matter (solid to liquid to gas and gas to liquid to solid). Use yesterday’s venn diagram to create two paragraphs on the similarities and differences between the three states of matter. Watch video-Truflix-States of Matter Experiments: http://tfx.grolier.com/video/node33966/10010391 Send home States of Matter At-Home Science Project (Mentoring Minds page page 26)-due Friday, September 25. Homework: At-Home Science Project-worksheet 26/Changing States of Matter)-due Friday, September 25. Matter Test-Friday, October 16 Friday-September 18 Bell Work: Reviewing place value, rounding, comparing and ordering decimals. We will learn three of water’s physical properties-boiling point, melting point, and freezing point. We will also grade bellwork and homework. I will take a quiz showing I know states of matter is a physical property of matter. Activities Bell Work-page 30 # 3, 4, 5. Grade bell work as a class/turn in for a grade. Watch TigTag video-Changing States of Matter. Explain “The Magic Door.” Mentoring Minds Experiment page 23-Does Volume Affect the Boiling Point? Science FGSPT: How did the blue water travel through the beaker as it melted and why? How is evaporation different than condensation? When adding more energy to water, how does it change? When taking away energy from water, how does it change? Critical Writing: Use yesterday’s Venn Diagram on similarities and differences between three states of matter to write two paragraphs describing the similarities and differences between the three states of matter. FGSPT: How can the melting point and freezing point of water be the same temperature? At what temperature does water boil? melt? freeze? Critical Writing: Vocabulary Builder-Mentoring Minds page 25. Quiz-worksheet 23 (10 questions/Major Grade)-States of Matter. Homework: At-Home Science Project-worksheet 26/Changing States of Matter)-due Friday, September 25. Matter Test-Friday, October 16