Pertanika Vol. 5 No. 1 July 1982 PERT-0122-1982 Performance of Gilts and Castrates when fed separately on Two Different Levels of Feeding K. K. KUAN and T. K. MAK Keywords Castrates; Gilts; Performance; adlibitum; Restricted feeding and Carcass characteristics. Summary Twenty castrated male pigs and twenty gilts initially averaging 52 kg were fed individually so that that performance and carcass qualityty of pigs fed on a scale based on ad libitum feed in g could be compared to those fed on a restricted regime under local environmen talconditions. Pigs fe d on a scale based on ad libitum feed in g showed a significantly faster growth rate and had more back fat compared to pigs on restricted feeding. For each 1% o f fe e d restriction there was a corresponding 1 reduction in average daily gain and 0.917c reduction in average b a c k fa t thickness. Gilts e xcelled over castrates in p erformance and carcass q u a lity ; the fo rm e r grew faster, were more efjicient in feed utilization and p ro d u c ed carcasses with less b a c k fa t and larger loin eye area compared to the latter. The digestible energy intake of pigs was less than animal’s o f similar live weight in temperate environments. In order to improve e ffic ien cyof production , it is suggested th a t castrates and gilts be fed separately during the finishing stage with the castrates subjected to a more severe level of feed restriction in order to limit fa t d eposition. PERT-0123-1982 The Nitration of Monoalkyl Benzene and the Separation of its Isomers by Gas Chromatography R. Mawardi Keywords Nitration; isolation of isomers; internal standard and gas chromatography. Summary The nitronium ion, No 2 *, is believed to be the attack in g eletrophile in the nitration reaction. When this reaction is carried out on monoalky substituted benzene, the substituents play a major role in determining the products obtained. The reaction also depends on the different methods of nitration employed. This report describes the method of determining the percentage o f each isomer produced by gas chromatography. PERT-0124-1982 The Use of A Laser Light-Scattering Technique in Fluvial Sediment Measurement M. Yijsof Sulaiman, Maarof Moksin, Shaharin Ibrahim and Leong See King Keywords Laser light-scattering; sediment concentration; photo-detecting system. Summary In this paper, we report the measurement of sediment concentration using a laser light-scattering technique. In its present form, the technique suffers from several practical limitations but these are tweighed by the simplicity and speed o j the technique. The procedures used in overcoming thea c companying problems are discussed. PERT-0125-1982 Fatty Acid Composition of 16 Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea, L.) Cultivars grown under Malaysian Conditions Shiv K. Berry Keywords Groundnut cultivars; Arachis hypogaea; oil; fatty acids; gas chromatography, oleic/linoleic acid ratio. Summary Groundnuts from 16 Arachis hypogaea L. cultivars were fo u n d to contain oil in the range o f 43 to 507o. Gas-liquid chromatographic analysis o f the oil fa tty acid m e th y l esters revealed the occurrence of palmitic (12.22 to 13.30%), stearic (3 .1 7 to 3.67%), oleic (37.94 to 41.90%) linoleic (3 4 .5 9 to 37.51%), arachidic (1.63 to 1.85%) eicosaenoic (0.99 to 1.22%>), behenic (3.24 to 4.36%>), and lignoceric (1.08 to 1.44%) as the major fatty acids. Cultivars Tainang 7, Kidang and Alabama were high in oil c o n te n t and contained relatively low levels of behenic acid and a high oleic/linoleic acid ratio in their oil. PERT-0126-1982 Rooting Cuttings of Gardenia jasminoides, Duranta repens, and Bougainville glabra with Growth Retardants Wan Chee Keong Keywords Growth retardants; butanedioic acid mono-2(2, 2-dimethyl hydrazide) (Alar); a-cyclopropyl a (pmethoxyplienyl) — 5-pyrimidinemethanol (Ancymidol); 2-chloroethyl-trimethyl ammonium chloride (Cycocel), gardenia; duranta; bougainville; cuttings; adventitious roots. Summary Effects of Alar, Ancymidol, and Cycocel on the rooting characteristics were studied on cutting so f Gardenia jasminoides, Duranta repens, and Bougainville glabra. Alar and Ancymidol produced a greater number of adventitio us roots in gardenia b u t n o t in duranta cuttings. The mo st significant results were o b ta in ed with Alar and Ancymidol at 2 5 0 0 p pm and 2 0 0 p pm respectively. The roots of Ancym idol-treated gardenia cuttings were observed to be more fib ro u s and thinner whilst those o f bougainville cu ttin g s were larger in size. Cucocel a t 25000 ppm seems to have a inhibitory e ffe c t on root form a tionin gardenia cuttings. R o o t growth and rooting percentage of the three species studied were not affected by the g rowth retardants. PERT-0127-1982 Nitrogen Economy of a Sandy Soil under Groundnut — Maize Cropping Sequence al Kuala Brang, Trengganu Othman Yaacob keywords N economy, grain legume, sandy tropical soil. Summary G roundnut crops have been cultivated on sandy alluvial soil <> 900haj in Kuala Drang. Malaysia since 19 1 They are grown m rotation with rice or maize under village level technology . Using a m mi mum amo u n t of jc r tih z c r nitrogen. To m o n ito r changes in total soil A and the am o u n t o f \ removed bv crop and weeds. The Soil Science Department. L niversiti Tcrtanian Malaysia in collaboration with the local Turmcrs Organisation Iuthoritv .set up a small pilot research p ro/ect The am o u n t of \ removed by g ro u n d n u ts an d weeds and the level o j soil A at the en d o f one cropping phase were estima ted trom cro p p ed and uncroppcd control plots. . Iny average o] 130, 60 a nd 46 kg X .h a ' 1 ami c r o / r ’ was removed trom plots sown to groundnuts as stubbles, unshelled n u ts and weeds respectively , while 12 kg X .h a '1 crop 1 was obtained from weeds in control plots. The total soil X (0 -13 cm) was estim a ted to he lOSOkg \.h a~ ' lorground nut plots and I4 S 0 kg A .h a '1 lor control plot. The significance ol these data is discussed in relation to tin overall \ economy of the system operating a t the village level technology in Malaysia. PERT-0128-1982 The Gross Morphology of the Stomach of the Malaysian Lesser Mousedeer (Tragutus javanicus) M.K. Vidyadaran, M. Hilmi And Roy A. Sirimane Keywords Stomach; anatomy; lesser mousedeer; Tragulus taranicus.. Summary The gross morphology of the stomach of the lesser mouse deer is described. Characteristically, the rumen is S-shaped spirally twisted and has large ventral and caudoverural sacs. The omasum is vestigea and is represented by an area of about (2-3 cm2). Reticulo rumen volume is larger than for o.x and sheep. PERT-0129-1982 An Evaluation of an Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Emission Spectrometer C.K. Lee, K.S. Low and R. Hoh Keywords ICP; resettability; reliability; spectral interference; SD; RSD.y. Summary In this paper, we report the measurement of sediment concentration using a laser light-scattering technique. In its present fo rm, the technique su ffers from several practical limitations b u t these are o u tweighed by the simp licity and speed o j the technique. The procedures used in overcoming the accompanying problems are discussed. PERT-0130-1982 Corak Perbelanjaan dan Pengurusan Di Kalangan Beberapa Keluarga Melayu dan Cina Di Wilayah Persekutuan Jariah Masud Keywords Corak perbelanjaan; Keluarga Melayu dan Cina; Malaysia. Summary A study o f the spending patterns and budgeting practices o f Malay and Chinese housewives in Kuala Lumpur showed that more than 50% o f the 173 families investigated had incomes o f less than $600.00 per month. On the whole, Chinese families had larger incomes, spent more, and saved more than their Malay counterparts. The credit buying patterns o f the two groups were similar, although about a third o f both groups never used credit. It is suggested that education in the effective management o f family resources could lead to an improvement in the quality o f life o f the families. PERT-0131-1982 Establishment of Desmodium ovalifolium on an Ultisol Ridzwan Abd. Halim and Sariam Othman Keywords Desmodium ovalifolium, Ultisol, establishment. Summary The effect of various scarification treatments on the germination o f seeds o f De smo d ium ovalifolium (Prain) was studied. Following this a p o t trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of lime, phosphorus and Rhizobium inovulation on the dry matter yield, nodulation and the nitrogen and phosphorus content in the plant. Mechanical scarification by abrasion with sandpaper improved germination by 30 percent. Liming up to the highest level o f 1000 kg/ha significantly increased dry matter yield and nodulation. Phosphorus increased nodule number and phosphorus content in leaves and stems. Inoculation increased dry matter yield, nodulation and the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the leaves and stems. PERT-0132-1982 Photosynthetic values and inorganic nutrient contents of Sungai Ibai, Trengganu. Lokman Shamsudin and Umar Salleh Keywords Phtosynthetic values; inorganic nutrients. Summary Photosynthetic rates and nutrient content measurements of subsurface water samples at four predetermined stations of Sungai Ibai in Trengganu indicated that the wet monsoon period lowers the values of the former while increasing the ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and dissolved oxygen contents. A seasonal variation in net photosynthetic values is observed, being high during the dry season and low during the wet monsoon season. However the ammonium nitrogen content exceeds that o f either nitrate nitrogen or reactive phosphorus the whole year through. In relation, the nitrite nitrogen content is insignificant. The occurrence o f high nitrate nitrogen contents could be attributed to increased nitrification processes while that o f ammonium nitrogen to bacterial mineralization or decomposition. PERT-0133-1982 Thiamin, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine and Niacin Requirements of Growing Japanese Quail Fed Purified Diets T.K. Mak and Pran Vohra Keywords Japanese quail; thiamin; riboflavin; pyridoxine; niacin. Summary Growing Japanese quail at 35 days o f the experiment, weighed respectively, as follows when fe d the various levels o f a test vitamin in their diet: (a) thiamin hydrochloride (mg/kg diet), 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, and 3.5; body weight (g), 68.5, 94.8, 105.7, 103.3, 99.4 and 97.4. (b) Riboflavin (mg/kg iet), 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3; body weight (g), dead, 45.3, 72.6, 103.0, 100.2 and 103.9. (c) ridoxine hydrochloride (mg/kg diet), 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, and 3.5; body weight (g), 91.9, 101.6, 102.5, 105.9, 05.7, and 103.2. (d) niacin (mg/kg diet), 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30; body weight (g), 93.8, 100.8, 105.2, 106.8, 101.9, and 109.4. The dietary supplements for growing Japanese quail are estimated to be as follows (mg/kg diet): thiamin hydrochloride, 1.5; riboflavin, 2; pyridoxine hydrochloride, 1.5; and niacin, 15. PERT-0134-1982 Cylindrocladium scoparium Morgan—A New Pathogen of some Forest Tree Species in Peninsular Malaysia Lee Su See and Abdul Manap Ahmad Keywords Cylindrocladium scoparium Morgan; pathogen; fores t tree species.. Summary Cyl indroc ladium s copa r ium Morgan was isolated from seeds o f Shore a talura Roxb., Hors feldia sp. and Maesopsis eminii Engl. Musizi. This fungus has not been previously recorded in Peninsular Malaysia. Inoculation tests showed that Cylindroc ladium scoparium was pathogenic to seedlings of Dipterocarp us grandif lorus Blanco, a species indigenous to Malaysian forests, and Pinus c aribaea Mor., an introduced species o f tropical pine planted in this country. PERT-0135-1982 Housing Satisfaction and Aspirations of Householders in Salak Selatan Squatter Resettlement Nurizan Yahaya Keywords Housing satisfaction; aspirations of householders; Salak Selatan Resettlement; Malaysia. Summary A total o f 163 householders in a squatter resettlement in Salak Selatan, Kuala Lumpur, were randomly selected and interviewed to assess their satisfaction and aspiration towards their houses. Most o f the families (807c) had improved and enlarged the original units, as the City Hall had suggested, but the level o f housing satisfaction was found to be moderate. Dissatisfaction was due to poorly designed floor plans, lack of space and specific types of rooms. The aspirations o f the respondents appeared to be realistic. Many them indicated an awareness o f the importance o f having more bedrooms as the size o f the family increases. They found the single storey terrace housing suitable, but wanted additional types of rooms. Most o f the respondents considered the area good for living and only a minority complained about environmental conditions. On the basis of the comments o f the respondents suggestions are made for improving future housing projects. PERT-0136-1982 Studies of Bacterial Stalk Rot Disease of Corn Hiryati Abdullah Keywords Corn (Zea mays L.); Bacterial sta lk rot , Erwinia chrysanthemi. Summary Bacterial stalk rot o f corn (Zea may s L.) was observed and the causal bacterium isolated from infected corn plants. Based on the symptoms, pathogenicity, cultural, biochemical and physiological studies, the pathogen was identified as Erwinia chrysanhemi Burk. McFadded and Dimock. However, the corn strains were found to be only weakly virulent to the susceptible pineapple cultivars tested, suggesting that it may be a distinct pathovar o f the bacterium. Pathogenicity test showed that the 3 wk. and 5 wk. old corn plants, o f a popular corn variety, Metro, and a recent sweet corn variety, 'B ak ti’, grown in Malaysia, were susceptible to the disease. PERT-0137-1982 Laboratory studies of the effects of selected tropical fruits on the larvae of Dacus dorsalis, Hendel A. Ghani Ibrahim and Mohd. Dzur A. Rahman Keywords Dacus dorsalis, tropica! fruits, host-suitability, larval density. Summary A laboratory study (27° C-30° C) on the suitability o f tropical fruits fo r the larval development shows that it is in the order o f : Papaya > carambola > banana > mango = water-melon > jackfruit > citrus > pineapple. In a suitable host i.e. papaya, the weight o f the pupa was 11.6 g and life-cycle was 20.4 days. In the least suitable host i.e. pineapple, the weight o f pupa was 4.9 g and life-cycle was 1 7.4 days. With papaya as food, the life-cycle o f D. dorsalis depended on the density o f the larvae within the food. A density of 10 larvae in 20 got foods had a life-cycle o f 21. 7 days, whereas a density o f 50 larvae in the same quantity’ o f food had a life-cycle o f 15.1 days. The percentage o f adult emergence decreased with increase in the larval density. PERT-0138-1982 Crop Composition and Density after Thinnings and before Final Felling in the Matang Mangrove Reserve, Perak Tay Soon Poh and P.B.L. Srivastava Keywords Mangrove; Management; silviculture. Summary The study reports the composition o f the crop and growth pattern o f important species in terms of height, density, diameter and basal area during the rotation period in some productive stands of the Matang Mangrove Reserve o f Peninsular Malaysia. In all, seven stands representing areas before thinning I, thinning II, thinning III and before final felling were sampled. All the sites were potential Rhizophora spp. stands belonging to Watson’s inundation classes II and III. The crop was almost pure and uniform, dominated by Rhizophora apiculata. Brugiera parviflora, the most important associate was fo u n d to constitute less than 10 per cent o f the crop in most o f the sampled plots. On an average, there were 3236, 2107, 1321 and 830 stems per hectare before thinning I, II, III and final felling respectively. Mean DBH fo r the respective stages were 8.28 cm, 9.65 cm, 13.90 cm and 17.45 cm. When compared with earlier estimates, it appears that there is large scale mortality between 2 and 15 years o f crop. There is a need to study the mortality rate and its causes during this period which might have a bearing on the thinning schedules and rotation period. PERT-0139-1982 Utilisation of Idle Padi Lands in Negeri Sembilan Mohd. A Riff Hussein and N. Thiran Keywords Idle lands, alternative uses Summary The problem of idle padi land has attracted national attention in recent years. In Negeri Sembilan, about 57 percent of the gazetted padi land are abandoned. The objectives o f the study are to determine factors that contribute to the abandonment o f padi land in the state and to suggest alternative uses of the land. The study shows that shortage o f labour, low productivity o f padi land, high off-farm income, shortage of water and multiple land ownership are significant variables that influence farmer's decision to abandon their padi land. A linear programming analysis indicates that the idle padi land can be economically utilised for the cultivation o f chillies, greenpeas, maize or sugar cane, and rearing of freshwater fish. PERT-0140-1982 COMMUNICATION (I) The Thermogravimetric Behaviour of Metal Diethyldithiocarbamates at reduced pressure Summary Pengajian termogravimetri terhadap lapar. dietilditiokarbamat dari Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II), Pb(II), Cd(lJ), Cr(III), Fe(III) dan Co(III) pada tckanan yang rendah (0.2 torr) menunjukkan keruapan yang lengkap bagi semua sebatian kelat ini pada suhu yang kurang dari 250“C. Di samping itu, kelat-kelat dari logam duavalen adalah lebih rneruap berbanding dengan kelat-kelat dari lugani tigavalen. Sebaliknya, pada tckanan udara biasa dan disckitar gas nitrogen yang dinamik, hanya dietilditiokarbamat dari Ni(II), Z n (ll) dan Co(III) mepejalwap dengan sempurna manakala lain-lain kelat mepejalwap dengan tidak lengkap serta mengalami penguraian yang jelas. PERT-0141-1982 COMMUNICATION (II) Induced Breeding of Ikan Sebarau Summary Ikan sebarau, Hampala ma c ro le p id o ta (Van Hasselt) dibuat pembiakan aruhan dengan cara m enyuntik ikan betina dengan HCG dan pituitari ikan Lee Koh (Cypinus carpio). Pembuahan buatan dijalankanbdengan cara melirit perut ikan dan membancuh telur serta mani ikan-ikan itu. Kadar penetasan telur adalah lebih kurang 607c dan kadar kematian anak-anak ikan sebanyak 0.2%. PERT-0142-1982 COMMUNICATION (III) Effect of Tertiarybutylhydroquinone on the stability of fried banana chips Summary Perbandingan kestabilan terhadap pengoksidanan ke atas kerepek pisang yang digoreng dalam minyak kelapa sawit olein yang mengandungi antioksidan, tertiarybutylhydroquinone, dan minyak kelapa sawit olein tanpa antioksidan telah dikaji. Nilai-nilai peroksid dan anisidin bagi minyak yang diekstrak dari kerepek yang disimpan pada suhu 60° C menjelaskan kerepek pisang yang digoreng dalam minyak mengandungi tertiarybutylhydroquinone memperolehi kestabilan yang lebih baik terhadap jangkamasa penyimpanan bagi kerepek tersebut. PERT-0143-1982 COMMUNICATION (IV) Enzymes of Hevea brasiliensis latex. Adenylate Kinase, Sulphate Adenylyltransferase (ATPsulphurylase) and Thiosulphate Sulphurtransferase (Rhodanese) Summary Penyiasatan fasa sErum dari latcks Hevea brasiliensis mcndalilkan kewujudan kEtiga enzim yang berikut: adenilal kinase PC 2. 7.4.3; sulfat adenililtransferase (ATP-sulfurilase) EC; tiosulfat sulfurtransferase (rodanese) EC