So never lose an opportunity of urging a practical beginning, however small, for it is wonderful how often in such matters the mustard-seed germinates and roots itself. VOCATIONAL NURSING CONCEPTS ORANGE CLASS 2015 1 Residence School Course Syllabus Revised 3/2014 VNSG 1122 Course Syllabus Outline Vocational Nursing Course Title VNSG 1122 Vocational Nursing Concepts Course Length Course Description 16 hours Course Description: Introduction to the nursing profession and its responsibilities. Includes legal and ethical issues in nursing practice. Concepts related to the physical, emotional, and psychosocial self-care of the learner/professional. End-of-Course Outcomes: Discuss the personal adjustments essential to the development of the vocational nurse; identify the role of the licensed vocational nurse; and discuss the legal and ethical responsibilities in vocational nursing practice. Course Objectives Students will apply this course content in the performance of nursing care and integration of other course materials Course Clock Hours 16 Prerequisites Required Outside Work Admission to the Vocational Nursing Program Performance Objectives Not applicable—clock hour school It is an expectation that students perform additional study and reading outside of the classroom to augment classroom instruction. Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: Identify strategies to develop effective study habits. Analyze personal needs that will lead to success Apply the principles of communications Describe the advantages/disadvantages of nursing education. Explain the difference between the terms program approval and program accreditation. Explain the purpose of student organizations. Describe the purpose and function of nursing organizations 2 Residence School Course Syllabus Revised 3/2014 VNSG 1122 Describe the procedure for obtaining a license as a practical/vocational nurse Recognize disciplinary actions that can affect nursing licensure Explain the concept of computerized adaptive testing (CAT). Describe the function of NCLEX item writers and item reviewers. Discuss the NCLEX-PN test plan Describe measures to reduce test anxiety Identify elements of nursing history that affect today’s practice Discuss the evolving health care system Discuss the function and roles of the health care team Describe the environment that promotes effective patient care Describe and demonstrate the tenets of ethical nursing practice Describe legal issues surrounding nursing care Identify leadership styles Assess personal leadership and followership skills. Apply beginning skills associated with managing care for a group of patients Identify strategies to obtain Textbooks Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing 7th ed. 2012, Kurzen, C. NCLEX-PN Test Plan, National Council of State Boards of Nursing Instructional Methods 1. Lecture 2. Visual Aids 3. Group discussions 4. Tutoring 3 Residence School Course Syllabus Revised 3/2014 VNSG 1122 5. Library Assignment Course Procedures There is a lot of material in the lecture notes. However, you MUST read the chapters. You must read and critically think about the information in the book and lecture notes. You are responsible for the identified Key Terms. You will not have to turn anything in, but expect to see the words on the tests. Your Final Exam will be comprehensive. It will include material from day 1. Exam makeup will follow established VGI procedures. See the college catalog and the Vocational Nursing Handbook o Make up exams can occur in a format of the instructor’s choice. Make-up exams may be multiple choice, essay, fill in the blank or a combination of all. No test grades will be dropped. No extra credit work will be given. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of his/her grades. Assignments and projects must be turned in at the scheduled time. Any late assignments or projects will receive a zero grade. Help is available through the email and during instructor office hours.! Challenging the instructor’s answer on the test: All challenges must be received by email on the day of the test be received within three days of the test. The challenge must include the question, the student’s perception of the correct answer and the page # in the book where the answer is found. Challenge is on an individual basis only. The test grade will be adjusted for the student if the challenge is correct. Valley Grande Institute rules apply to all students. Students in the Vocational Nursing Program must also comply with policies outlined in the Vocational Nursing Student Handbook. 4 Residence School Course Syllabus Revised 3/2014 VNSG 1122 Review your schools catalog and student handbook! • Students with disabilities must be registered with the disability services office in the counseling center before program accommodations can be provided. Students with disabilities must be registered with the school director and provided appropriate documentation, before program accommodations can be provided. Method of Evaluation Quizzes Examinations Grading Scales Examinations Quizzes Homework Final Additional Information 55% 5% 5% 35% Academic Dishonesty: Each student is charged with notice and knowledge of the contents and provisions of Coastal Bend College’s rules and regulations concerning student conduct. All students shall obey the law, show respect for properly constituted authority, and observe correct standards of conduct. Scholastic dishonesty shall constitute a violation of these rules and regulations and is punishable as prescribed by Board policies. Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but not be limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. (See the Student Handbook for further explanation of Scholastic Dishonesty.) 5 Residence School Course Syllabus Revised 3/2014 VNSG 1122 START DATE WEEK 1 CHAPTE R 1 Adjusting to Student Life 1 Adjusting to Student Life 9/15/15 WEEK 2 TOPIC 9/22/15 Resources Tests, Quizzes, Homework 3 Communication Skills WEEK 3 2 9/29/15 Scan chapter 2 page38 Maslow’s human needs 14_PN_TestPlan.pdf 5 The NCLEX-PN WEEK 4 11 10/06/15 Legally Responsible Nursing Practice Nursing Practice Act /laws_and_rules_nursing _practice_act.asp Test # 1 Chapter 1, 3, 5 /pdfs/law_rules_pdfs/nur sing_practice_act_pdfs/n pa2013.pdf Board of Nursing Rules 217.11, 217.12 /rr_current/217-11.asp /rr_current/217-12.asp LVN Scope of Practice guidelines https://www.bon.texas.go v/practice_scope_of_pra 6 Residence School Course Syllabus Revised 3/2014 VNSG 1122 ctice_lvn.asp WEEK 5 11 10/13/15 Legally Responsible Nursing Practice Board of Nursing Differentiated Essential Competencies Quiz 1 Homework 1 https://www.bon.texas.go v/pdfs/differentiated_ess ential_competencies2010.pdf WEEK 6 10 10/20/15 Ethical Issues in Health Care Ethics NAPNES Standards of Test# 2 Chapter 11 plus BON resources Practice and Code of Ethics See the assignment on page 17 based on the scenario you are assigned. Social Media ocial_Media.pdf 93.htm Boundary Crossings 04.htm ofessionalBoundariesbro chure.pdf 7 Residence School Course Syllabus Revised 3/2014 VNSG 1122 WEEK 7 11 Ethical Issues in Health Care 9 Providing Patient Care 12 Leadership and Followership Skills 12 Leadership and Followership Skills 13 Management Skills 10/27/15 WEEK 8 Work on written paper during class time. This paper will equal a test grade ( Test# 3) Written Test 3 must be emailed to instructor before class time week of 11/03 11/03/15 WEEK 9 11/10/15 WEEK 10 11/17/15 WEEK 11 11/24/15 Test # 4ATI practice related to Leadership /rr_current/217-20.asp /pdfs/newsletter_pdfs/20 11/july11.pdf Test# 5 Chapter 12 plus BON rules related to assignment. and position statements /practice_bon_position_s tatements.asp WEEK 12 13 Management Skills 15 Challenges in the workplace 15 Challenges in the workplace ATI practice Test# 6 related to Leadership 12/01/15 WEEK 13 12/08/15 WEEK 14 Quiz 2 / Homework 2 Test # 7 Chapter 13 8 Residence School Course Syllabus Revised 3/2014 VNSG 1122 12/15/15 WEEK 15 ATI ATI TEST 01/05/16 MANAGEMENT Test# 8 Chapter 15 WEEK 16 01/15/16 FINAL ALL CHAPTERS Case Study Assignments for Ethical Paper Follow the link next to your name. Read the case study. Submit a 1 -2 page paper that discusses the ethics in your scenario. Which ethical principle was at stake? Pretend that all ethical breeches were committed by a nurse. Which BON rule was violated? Email your paper to Social Media Creates Ethical Dilemma Cases in Medical Ethics: Student-Led Discussions (Assisted Reproduction Case 2 ) Cases in Medical Ethics: Student-Led Discussions (Universal Health Care Case 1) Cases in Medical Ethics: Student-Led Discussions (Universal Health Care Case 2 ) Cases in Medical Ethics: Student-Led Discussions (Euthanasia Case 1) 9 Residence School Course Syllabus Revised 3/2014 VNSG 1122 The Case of the Long-Distance Cancer Treatment Cases in Medical Ethics: Student-Led Discussions (Autonomy Case 1) The Case of the Depressed Patient Cases in Medical Ethics: Student-Led Discussions (Response to Bio-Terrorism Case ) End-of-Life Decision Making: Case 1 The Case of the Sole Remaining Supplier We've Got You Covered SHHHHHHHHH, DON'T TELL Cases in Medical Ethics: Student-Led Discussions (Autonomy Case 2 “cao gio”) Cases in Medical Ethics: Student-Led Discussions (Assisted Reproduction Case 1 ) 10 Residence School Course Syllabus Revised 3/2014 VNSG 1122 Grading Rubric 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Accurate summary of situation Identification of ethical principles that were violated Board of Nursing rule broken and rationale Potential ethical solution Spelling/grammar/cover sheet Use of source other than text book Identification of additional source Possible Points 35 20 20 15 5 3 2 Your Points 11 Residence School Course Syllabus Revised 3/2014 VNSG 1122