Intro to Drawing Schedule ART 101-A Hackett Fall 2014 * Special Note: For every reading – bring a question from the reading that you feel is important. Please make sure to include the answer and the page number when you turn them in. Flexible Schedule (subject to change with notification) Topics/Classwork Course Intro: Perception o Worship Acts 28: 25-28 Students sign-up for worship Intro Prof. Hackett Drawbreaker Draw your Breakfast Pre-Instruction Drawings/Mile marker drawings Sketchbooks – purpose & assignments/how to label drawings For Next Class Gather: Materials Read: Edwards Intro & Ch. 1 Prepare: 2 quiz question from reading Write: Notes/Response in Sketchbook Sketchbook Prompt: Exploration #1 Bring: a textural object Week 2 9/3 Topic: Edges o Student worship Discuss Edwards Intro & Ch. 1 (collect quiz questions) Tactile Drawing (paper bag contour) Duplications #1, #2 in class Conglomerations Continuous Line Drawings Vases Faces Sketchbook share & log √ Read: Edwards p. 84-91 (edges) Sketchbook Prompt: Duplications: #3 & #4 Assignment: Critique Drawing – Continuous Lines Week 3 9/10 o Student worship Discussion Edwards p. 84-91 Quiz Edwards Intro & Ch. 1 Coffee Imagination Campus Sketch Crawl Sketchbook share & log √ Upside Down Drawing (Due 10/1) Topic: Spaces Student worship Discussion Edwards Ch. 3 & Ch. 7 Sketchbook share & log √ Foreshortening Negative Spaces (make finders p. 128, go out and collect) Critique – 1st Assignment – Continuous Line Drawing Read: Edwards Ch. 3 (R & L brain) Read: Edwards Ch. 7 (spaces) Write: Notes/Response in Sketchbook Sketchbook Prompt: continue Campus Sketch Crawl Draw: Critique Drawing #1 (due 9/17) Week 1 8/27 Week 4 9/17 Read: Edwards Ch. 5 (symbol systems) Sketchbook Prompt: Negative spaces collecting Week 5 9/24 Week 6 10/1 10/8 Topic: Relationships o Student worship Discuss Edwards Ch. 5 Plumb Lines 2-D Plumb Line transition to 3-D (screen) Sketchbook share & log √ o Student worship Discussion of Edwards Ch. 8 Scavenger Hunt Sketchbook share & log √ 1, 2, 3 pt. Perspective Hallway Drawing No class Read: Edwards Ch. 8 (Relationships) Sketchbook Prompt: Assignment: Critique Drawing – (due 10/15) Draw: Upside Down Drawing (due 10/1) Draw: The Whole Picture (Paul Heaston) Assignment: Critique Drawing – hallway drawing Sketchbook Prompt: Intro to Drawing Schedule REVISED 10/22 Week 7 10/15 o Student worship Critique – Hallway Drawing Sketchbook share & log √ Sighting and Plumbing Eye Level Ellipses Jim Dine – Tool Drawings Gather: Materials for value drawing Assignment: Teach someone else to draw in your sketchbook Read: Edwards Ch. 10 Sketchbook: Practice Ellipses from different eye levels – add value to @ least 2 Week 8 10/22 Student worship Sketchbook share & log √ Share teach someone else to draw Discussion Edwards Ch. 8 & Ch. 10 Critique - The Whole Picture Complete/Critique Jim Dine – Tool Drawings Value – practice working with pencil Sketchbook Prompt: value objects Quiz :Edwards Ch. 8 Week 9 10/29 o Student worship Sketchbook share & log √ Quiz Edwards Ch. 8 Value practice – white object 9 step value scale Student worship Sketchbook share & log √ Campus Sketch Crawl – value Value Photo – begin light drawing in class Sketchbook Prompt: textures in value Bring: 3 Black + White Photo Options with a full range of value Complete: 9 step value scale Week 11 11/12 o Student worship Sketchbook share & log √ Discussion Edwards Ch. 11 Value Photo Sketchbook Prompt: traveling white object drawings Read: Making Art Like A True Artist Write: Notes/response in SB Week 12 11/19 o Student worship Sketchbook share & log √ Value Study – build block sculptures Sketchbook Prompt: Light drawing completed: Value Study – Block Drawing Week 13 12/3 o Student worship Sketchbook share & log √ Value Study – Block Drawing Sketchbook Prompt: Write: 1 page paper on Student Worship Week 14 12/10 o o Draw: Value Study – Block Drawing Due Final Exam Class Week 10 11/5 Week 15 12/17? Final ExamTBA Student worship Sketchbook share & log √ Value Study – Block Drawing 1 page paper on Student Worship Due Student Worship Critique: Value Study – Block Drawing Read: Edwards Ch. 11 Sketchbook Prompt: textures in value Write: An application in SB Please make sure to fill out the anonymous evaluation of Prof. Hackett. Thanks!