Overview of Updates/Changes to Continuity of Care Agreement

Overview of Updates/Changes to
Continuity of Care Agreement
April, 2006
Goals of Revisions to the COCA
Adopt a “people first” language approach.
Consolidate two existing documents (standard
/CHIPS versions) into one.
Update the agreement to reflect reality that
much of the inpatient/outpatient activity is
moving to sites other than the state operated
hospitals (SOHs).
Some Examples of Changes Made
New definitions section added which introduces “State Funded
Inpatient Psychiatric Services or SFIPS;” a term inclusive of
both inpatient psychiatric services at an SOH or services
purchased at a private hospital via CHIPS or EPS.
Signature page now allows COCA to be used in two ways:
 Agreement between the Region Office and an individual
community provider; or,
 Agreement between the Region Office and an individual
SFIPS (SOH, CHIPS, or EPS hospital).
Examples of Changes (Continued)
Language added to strengthen the
collaboration between Pre-Screener,
community providers, and all SFIPS sites:
Firm appointments by community Pre-Screeners
Appointment protocol for Pre-Screeners/community
Documentation of connection to provider
Asks all SFIPS sites to include community provider in the
treatment/discharge planning process
Process for Development of the
Revised COCA
August – November, 2005 – DMH Executive Staff
posts draft COCA to web; interested stakeholders
assist in process of incorporating public comment.
November, 2005 – January, 2006 - DMH approves
revised document, posts to web and observes a
suggested one month waiting period.
February 2006 – present - Decision to roll-out the
new COCA with the fiscal year 2007 contract is
formulated and approved by DMH Executive Staff.
Executing the COCA
Division letter from Director Jones sent in conjunction
with FY’07 contract mailing will alert providers that
Region Offices will send instructions on how to
complete and submit the new COCA.
Providers submit signed COCA to Region Office by
June 15, 2006.
Region Director will sign the agreement, keep original
on file, and return a signed copy to the provider by
June 30, 2006.
New COCA becomes effective July 1, 2006.
COCA Problem Resolution and
The new agreement has a place for the provider to
indicate the person designated to handle problem
resolution matters.
Local matters, such as issues between a community
provider and a local CHIPS or EPS hospital, can be
referred to the Region Office.
Suggestions for future state level changes, or general
comments and feedback about the new COCA can be
sent to Dan Wasmer at DHSMHKW@dhs.state.il.us.