OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, MGMT 3370 FALL, 2013 PROFESSOR: DR. PATRICIA LAPOINT OFFICE LOCATION: COOKE 209A OFFICE PHONE: (325) 793-3855 OFFICE HOURS: (325) 793-3855 MW: 8:30-11; 12:00-1:00; 2:30-3:30 F: 9:00-11:00; 12:00-1:00 E-MAIL ADDRESS: lapointp@mcmurryadm.mcm.edu WEB ADDRESS: http://mcm.edu/~lapointp CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Required for students concentrating in management. The study of management as applied to the operations function. Selected topics include: quality, capacity, facilities management, project management, and processing systems management. The development of current quantitative techniques will support the selected topics. PREREQUISITES: MGMT 3310 COURSE OVERVIEW: The Operations Management course involves the development of strategic and tactical planning and execution for the operations function of both manufacturing and service organizations. The course will focus on capacity planning, facilities management which includes facility location and layout design, the planning of projects, the development of inventory management and the various inventory models available, and scheduling of resources. The course will develop several quantitative techniques and apply those techniques to problem solving and decision making by using the EXCELOM software. Students will be actively engaged in problem solving and decision making for case scenarios. In addition, students will develop a critical analysis of a special community project related to operations. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Course Objectives and Goals Linked to which Linked to which Evidence of Student Learning Departmental Institutional to Meet This Goal Program Goal(s) Goal(s) To develop a working knowlege of the Knowledge: 1, #2; #3; #4; #7; 5, 6; Skills: 1- #8; #9 Embedded questions on examinations; operations function 4 In-class exercises; Plant Tours/Guest Speakers To develop student's Knowledge: 4, competence in applying 6; Skills: 1, 2, #2; #4; #8; #9 quantitative techniques 4 to operational situations EXCELOM Software output results; Case Studies To develop student's problem solving and decision making competencies Knowledge: #2; #3; #4; #5; 5-7; Skills: 2, #7; #8; #9 4 Case Studies; Team Project To develop students' abilities in team/collaborative and project leadership skills Knowledge: 5, #2; #3; #4; #5; 6; Skills:4, 5 #7; #8; #9 Team Project Program Goals Knowledge-Students will understand: 1. Core Business Discipline 2. Economic concepts 3. Financial Statements 4. Basic Computer knowledge 5. Social processes, including decision making 6. Data collection and Interpretation 7. Interrelationships of issues in Business 8. Ethical Issues 9. Global issues in Business Skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. Use math skills Use applicable computer software Make effective written and oral presentations Engage in critical thinking and problem solving COURSE MATERIALS AND SUPPORT: Required Course Materials Required: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT: SUSTAINABILITY AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT, 11TH EDITION, ISBN: 139780126119418 JAY HEIZER AND BARRY RENDER PRENTICE-HALL PUBLISHER, 2014 EXCELOM software can be accessed at the following: http://www.pearsonhighered.com/heizer. Click on Companion website and download the software. If this website no longer has the software, we will use an alternative method. Students are required to bring their laptops or tablets to each class. The EXCELOM software must be loaded onto the students' laptops or tablets for use in the classroom no later than September 3. Students who plan to minor in Curriculum and Instruction should refer to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for your subject area at: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=6148. COURSE POLICIES: Attendance:Students are expected to attend class and actively participate in course activities. Any unexcused absence that exceeds 3 - one hour classes may result in an automatic administrative withdrawal from the course. If the attendance roll has been taken and you are late to class, the latness will count as an absence. Grade Determination: 3 Examinations @ 15% each 45% Assigned Problems/Class Participation 10% 3 Cases @ 10% each Team Project/Presentation 30% 15% Make-up Work: It is possible to make up work that is missed, provided there is a valid reason for missing an assigned deadline. The only exception to this policy is for assigned problems. If a case is turned in late, points will be subtracted from the grade. However, no case will be accepted after 1 week from the deadline. All make-up work must be approved by the course instructor. +/- Grade System: 93 and higher A 90-92 A- 88-89 B+ 83-87 B 80-82 B- 75-79 C+ 70-74 C 68-69 D+ 63-67 D 60-62 D- 59 & Below F WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: All written assignments must be typed, doubled spaced, grammatically correct. Assignments will be turned in during classtime. Poorly written work is unacceptable; a part of the assignment grade includes effectively written papers. Use the resources of Spell Check, Grammar Check, and/or a good proofreader (you can find someone in the AEC to assist you in the proofreading) to review your papers before submitting them to me. My policy on grading written assignments is: THE RULE OF 5--if I find 5 errors, I stop reading the assignment and grade the assignment at the point of stoppage. Poorly written assignments is a reflection on your personal communication competence, and can have a serious negative consequence on your overall grade in this course. MAJOR PROJECTS, REQUIRED ACTIVITIES, AND ASSIGNMENTS: 1. textbook chapter readings 2. case analysis; problem solving; decision making 3. examinations 4. team project/presentation TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE WEEK OF: Aug. 26 Introduction to course; Chapters 1 & 2; EXCEL OM, Appendix IV WEEK OF: SEPT. 3 Chapters 5 & 7 Preparation for Sept. 6 Capacity Planning topic: Conduct research on the production of electricity. Address the following questions: 1. What sources comprise the "fuel mix"? Identify the national average percentages of each source. 2. What are the costs per KWH (kilowatt hour) for each source? 3. What is the capacity factor for each of the major sources of power? A capacity factor is equivalent to rated capacity. 4. Examine the "renewables" sources such as wind, solar, biomass, and hydro power. 5. What are the benefits/negatives of wind power and solar power vs. coal, natural gas, and nuclear? We will develop a discussion of capacity in the production of electricity next week. Your research will count as Class Participation. WEEK OF: SEPT. 9 Chapter 4 & the Supplement to Chapter 7; There will be an in-class exercise to develop a capacity planning scenario. CASE #1 ASSIGNMENT: "Capacity Planning at Arnold Palmer Hospital", page 307 of the textbook. Before answering the questions, you may want to view this case from the publishers website @ http://www.pearsonhighered.com/heizer ). ASSIGNMENT DUE: SEPT. 16. Keep in mind, that no cases will be accepted after the due date. WEEK OF: SEPT. 16 Chapter 8; In preparation for Sept. 20 class, you are to travel around the City of Abilene and develop a list of strengths and weaknesses of site locations for 3 different facilities for 3 different types of organizational sectors. This "research" will be part of our class discussion on Facility Locations and will count towards the Class Participation grade. WEEK OF: SEPT 23 EXAMINATION #1 (Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, Supplement to chapter 7); exam will cover 2 day's of class this week WEEK OF: SEPT. 30 Chapter 3; CASE #2 ASSIGNMENT: "GADGET TOY COMPANY" (CASE IS POSTED ON MOODLE). DUE: OCT. 7. WEEK OF: OCT. 15 Chapter 9; Module D (Waiting Line Models); also read pages 620-626 on Just-In-Time management; WEEK OF: OCT. 17 Chapter 9 and Module D (continued); also read pages 627-628 on JIT Layouts. If time permits, discussion of the " Gadget Toy" case. WEEK OF: OCT. 22 Chapter 11; also read pages 626-627 on Just-In-Time Suppliers. WEEK OF: OCT 29 EXAMINATION #2 ( Chapters 3, 8,9, 11, Module D, and all other pages assigned with each chapter); exam will cover 2 day's of class this week. WEEK OF: NOV. 5 Chapter 12; also read pages 628-630 on Just-In-Time Inventory WEEK OF: NOV. 12 Chapters 13 & 14 CASE #3: "QUANTICO COMPUTERWARE LTD" (POSTED ON MOODLE). DUE: NOV. 26. WEEK OF: NOV. 19 Chapter 15; also read pages 630-634 on Just-In-Time Scheduling and Kanban WEEK OF: NOV. 26 Chapter 15 (continued) and other "loose ends" WEEK OF: DEC. 3 TEAM PRESENTATIONS WEEK OF: DEC. 12 (FINALS WEEK) EXAMINATION #3 (Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, and all other pages assigned with each chapter)