Cortical Computing For Invariant Object Recognition How complex are the underlying mechanisms of Biological Intelligence ? “ An organism on which a single atom or a group of atoms could make a perceptible impression on its senses would most certainly not be capable of developing the kind of orderly thought, which after passing through a long sequence of earlier stages ultimately results in forming among other ideas, the idea of an atom ---Erwin Schrodinger--- ” Aspects of Understanding the Mechanisms of the Brain • Behavioural functions of the Brain • Anatomical Mechanisms of the Brain • Link between behaviour and the underlying biophysical and neurophysical mechanisms LAMINART MODEL ---Stephen Grossberg, 2008--- LAMINART – Goal • Links explanations of behavioural functions to the underlying anatomical mechanisms Principles of Cortical Computing • Laminar Computing • Complementary Computing • Realization of a hierarchical resolution of uncertainity Consequences of Complementary Computing • Uniform design of the cortical circuits through the Neocortex • Reduction of Computational Complexity Consequences of Laminar Computing • Development and Learning Process • Binding Process • Attentional Process The Visual Cortex Brodmann areas of the brain responsible for vision Visual Processing • Widely studied • Plenty of experimental data • Huge number of models explaining behavioural properties Hubel and Wiesel 1960 Simple and Complex cell receptive fields in the Primary Visual Cortex Garbor Filters Fundamental Circuit Design in the Neocortex ---Grossberg 2008--- Bottom Up Activation • Bottom up activation from LGN • On Centre Off Surround Network • Inhibitory Neurons • Producing Contrast divisive normalization Feedback • Feedback from Higher cortical areas • Shared circuit design • Folded Feedback Perceptual Grouping • Competition between like cell responses • Feedback from Groupings • Closed circuit loop V1/V2/LGN Interface • Repeated circuit design • Increased receptive fields • Feedback path directly from Higher cortical areas into V1 LAMINART MODEL • Shared Circuit Design • Pre attentive – attentive interface • Synchronization and stability of cortical networks. Computational Properties 1. Hybrid between feedforward and feedback computing 2. Simultaneous realization of the stability of digital computing and the sensitivity to analog properties of the inputs 3. Self stabilization of development and learning Feedforward Computing • Unambiguous scenes • Extremely fast • From 4 to 2/3 to 4 to 2/3 of subsequent layers Feedforward and feedback computing • • • • • Ambiguous scenes Self normalization of cell activities due to shunting equations Competition among the possibilities due to Inhibitory interactions Amplitude and coherence covary with processing speed Feedback to resolve uncertainty • Weakly active layers into a closed feedback loop. • Rapid Contrast and amplification of the winning group • Lateral Inhibition of non winning groups Stability of Digital Computing and sensitivity to Analog properties • Selection of winning group in 2/3 – 6 – 4 – 2/3 • Coherence of synchronous selection • Balance of Inhibition and excitation within 4 and 2/3 Self stabilization • Self stabilize development and learning • Selecting cells that fire together to wire together (Perceptual Groupings explained in a later slide) 6 – 4 connections • Different expressions of a shared circuit design Perceptual Grouping • Long Range Horizontal excitatory connections • Balance between excitatory and Inhibitory interneurons • Modulatory net effect • Realization of perceptual groupings in adults Attention Modelling • Matching between Top down and bottom up signals • Modulation in the attentional on centre • Interaction between attention and perceptual Grouping • Object Representations Attention Modelling • Sharing the same circuit • Attention modulates the groupings Ability of attention to selectively light up entire object representations has obviously, an important survival value in adults and it plays a key role in infant development and adult perceptual learning Stability Vs Plasticity Dilemma ! Adaptive Resonance Theory • • • • ART’s solution to the stability vs Plasticity Dilemma Flexibility of vigilance Criterion Abstract vs Concrete information Mismatch mediated search