Quality Control: data processing

Quality Control
Data Processing Operations
Scanning data capture and quality assurance
Quality in the Data Process
Geoffrey Greenwell,
Data Processing Advisor
Quality in the Data PROCESS
Personal Process
Automated Process
Conceptual Overview
P ersonal Commitment to Excellence
R eject Cynicism or Satisfaction
O wn the process
C-E-S-S (Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing)
C areful Design
E valuate Continually
S hift Perspectives
S helf Life
Conceptual Overview
Form Flow
Data Entry
Tabulation controls
Data Archive
Form flow
•Flow Charting is a fundamental tool for careful design.
•Flow charting is the mapping of the process.
•A flow chart is defined as a pictorial representation describing
a process being studied or even used to plan stages of a project.
Flow charts tend to provide people with a common language
or reference point when dealing with a project or process.
•Process Flow Chart- Finding the best way home
•This is a simple case of processes and decisions in finding the best route home at the end of the working day.
Primary Symbols
Form Flow
Software for flowcharting:
•ABC Flowcharter
•Corel Flow
•(Microsoft word has basic flow chart symbols)
Form Flow
External information flow
All the processes involved in
managing questionnaires and
producing progress reports.
Paper Flow
Internal information flow
All the processes involved
in managing the electronic
processes and producing
Data flow
Ex-Form Flow
Look at the “nodes”. In this case, the exchange of forms is a
“pressure drop.”
Field office to data entry center.
Center to Date entry group supervisor.
Supervisor to data entry person
Problems/trouble shooting.
Ex-Form Flow
Every node is a potential loss of control in the process.
Ways to control:
•Operational control forms (electronic systems)
•Progress reports
•Assign responsible persons
Ex-Form Monitoring
Control Forms: Input and Output
Define a fundamental unit based on geographic criteria.
Census: Enumeration area=a box of forms=an electronic batch
Survey: A region=a time cycle=an electronic batch
All forms are traced and verified to a master control form.
The flow of the form is followed through the phases of the
data process.
The process has an audit trail all the way to the individual
data entry station.
Ex-Form Flow
A division of labor into logical, efficient and affordable processes
designed to optimize the efficiency of the production line.
P=f(K,L) Classic production function.
Capital and labor inputs
Labor Intensive Solutions
Trained personnel (division of labor)
Low tech supplies: boxes, paper, labels
In-form flow
An electronic management system for:
A. Processing the primary survey or census instrument.
B. Provide a tool for managing the ex-formation.
C. Provide feedback in the form of reports (end of information).
Capital Intensive Solutions
Network servers
Data entry stations
In-form flow
Form Flow (In or Ex?)
•Transferring the box from the project vehicle to the forms depot.
•Designing a flow chart for a data entry program.
•Assigning a form to a data entry operator
•Scanning or keying in a form
•Two EA boxes are not closed well and the forms scatter
during transport.
•Backing up data on the central server.
•Supply clerk checking the inventory of paper; folders; labels and
filling out a form to re-stock needed items.
Data Entry
Manual Entry vs. Scanning
The Great Debate…
$ pre unit of time to process
Manual Data Entry
• Cost Consideration
A. Training for all Clerks
B. Monitoring systems and supervisory time.
C. Verification of Clerk’s Work
D. Keying costs
Manual Data Entry
Design Considerations:
Data File Structure
Multiple items vs. records
Data Dictionary (Critical through all stages!)
Good and consistent variable labels
Logical and efficient variable names
Well defined value sets (several value sets)
Screen Formats
Font Size and type
Soft backgrounds
Field and text positioning
Field Size
Physical form emulation
Manual Data Entry
Logical Path
Items vs. fields
To skip or not to skip
Census vs. Surveys
On-line edits/Error Messages and Warnings
Census vs. Survey
Manual Data Entry
CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing)
CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing)
• Controls the process of carrying out the interview by the enumerator.
• Removes the ex-form process by directly keying in responses into
a portable computer.
Manual Data Entry
Controlling the data entry personnel
Establish objective measures (extract information from Log Files)
Speed and accuracy (8000 keystrokes/hour)
Heads up vs. Head down keying
Census vs. Survey Constraints
Censuses: High Volumes (Time primary quality constraint)
Surveys: Low Volume (Place is the primary constraint)
Manual Data Entry
Verification procedures:
Verification is a duplication of the data entry process in order to compare
two identical records for inconsistencies
Dependent vs. independent
Dependent verification duplicates the data entry process and compares the
data files “on-line” and corrects the files when an error is encountered.
Independent verification is a complete re-entry of a form followed by a
full comparison of the two data files.
Verification is dynamic and is adjusted to the learning curve.
100% at the outset and may drop to 2-3% at the end.
Refer to: A Comparison of Data Capture Methods by Sauer
Machine quality is very important.
Glass optics and color corrected instead of plastic optics
(light sensors and diffusion)
Resolution (DPI) 300
Bit depth: higher bit the better ability to interpret grayscales
Scanning speed
Optimal environment: 60-85 F and 40-60% relative hum.
Rotary Scanners move the form. Best for censuses and surveys.
Other Options to consider:
•Automatic document feeder
•Multi feed detector
•Exit hoppers
•Color bulbs
•Image processing
Character reading: OCR, ICR and OMR
OMR-Optical Mark Reading. Reads a mark
from a questionnaire.
OCR-Optical Character Recognition. Converts
characters through photosensitive sensors and software
ICR-Intelligent Character Reading. ICR is pattern
based character recognition and is also known as
Hand-Print Recognition. (Software differences).
Remembers patterns.
Note: OCR and ICR usually require “constrained handwriting” or
BLOCK capital letters.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Speed of process
Technological Innovation
Minimize human error
Loss of process control
Minimal technological transfer
Maximize machine error
World Bank CWIQ (Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire)
Quality Issues
•Pencil type, paper jams, damaged forms
•Accurate character recognition dependent on form quality and image
•Field level accuracy vs. character level accuracy
•Machine Maintenance
•Software deficiencies (Voting)
•KFI (Key from image) for character correction
•KFP (Key from paper) for form and field correction
•Confidence level reports (recognition rates)
•See page 18, Sauer for Quality Control issues
Coding of open ended questions like: Occupation and activity
require coding.
In Scanning this can be done from the image.
In Manual entry it is usually the first step.
It requires its own process and supervision.
In Scanning it can be seen as a parallel operation.
In Manual Entry it is linear.
Now that you have: A well designed dictionary
with the simplest and most efficient structure and
well defined variable labels with easy to use
variable names and well defined value sets clearly
designed, simple and user friendly screens
emulating the forms and flowing logically with
programmed skips and have clear interactive
messages should you use them and have defined
productivity targets for your census or survey and a
system to objectively measure productivity and
reward accordingly and verified the work and
finally rigorously subjected it against the
PROCESS rule of quality…
you still need to check for errors.
Edit Flow
I. Verified
II. Structure
IV. PreTabulation
II. PreConsolidate
Data Processor
Data Processor
Structure Edit Controls:
• Performed after verification
• Control totals used to check completeness
– File totals compared with manual counts
• Corrections done with questionnaires
• Limit checks to rendering questionnaires clear enough
for computer processing (processability) only.
Pre-edit Consolidation Controls:
• Follow pre-established geographical priorities
• Check control totals
• Use operational control data base
• Avoid geographic coding (geocode) conflicts in
joining files
Consistency Edit Controls:
• Develop consistency specifications
• Prioritize variables
• Monitor corrections
• Use control tabulations
• Re-run output file
Pre-tabulation Consolidation Controls:
• Consolidate to facilitate tabulation
• Check control totals for each record type
• Use standardized forms for operational control
• Avoid geocode conflicts in joining files
Tabulation Controls:
• Computer Program Specifications
• User Approval of Tables
• Tables Grouped by Characteristics
• Tables Checked Against Control Totals
• Control Tables Show Weighted and Un-weighted Numbers
• Geographic Subtotals Match
• Standardized Control Forms for Production Control
• Final Table Review
• Data Dissemination to User Community
Data Archiving
Data and Metadata
metadata are often called "codebooks“
Metadata is the data which defines the data
DDI-Data Documentation Initiative
The definition of an international standard to define
Metadata in the social sciences.
Data Archiving
The DDI defines a hierarchy of information related to a
Census or survey.
The DDI defines these by using XML
(Extensible Mark up language)
XML defines document tags much the same way as HTML.
Example of Codebook Structure:
Data Archiving
NESSTAR is an example of a web based distributed
DDI compliant system.
Data Archiving
All processes need to be documented. This includes:
Data entry manuals
Program documentation
Edit programs
Imputation rules
Tracking/process manuals
Final Concepts
Lean Manufacturing: A quality control system for monitoring
process flow.
Six Sigma: A statistical system developed by Motorola to
establish process problems and error tolerances and methods to
Final Concepts
Lean Manufacturing:
•Workplace organization
•Standardizing work/work stations.
•Division of labor to increase process flow.
•JIT-Just-in-Time delivery
•Pull systems
Six Sigma:
•Means six deviation tolerance for error: 3.4 error events
out of one-million
•Measurement (quantifiable) system for process improvement.
Final Concepts
Conceptual Summary
Personal Commitment to Excellence
Reject Cynicism or Satisfaction
Own the process
C-E-S-S (Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing)
Careful Design (Flow Charts)
Evaluate Continually (Six Sigma)
Shift Perspectives (Lean Manufacturing)
Shelf Life (Data Archive)
From John Henry
The man that invented the steam drill
Thought he was mighty fine
But John Henry made fifteen feet
The steam drill only nine, Lord, Lord
The steam drill made only nine.
John Henry hammered in the mountain
His hammer was striking fire
But he worked so hard, he broke his poor heart
He laid down his hammer and he died, Lord, Lord.
He laid down his hammer and he died