Contract Law -

Contract Law
For Fun and Profit
What is a Contract?
A contract is a legally enforceable
• Consequences if promise not kept
• Enforced by parties
Some first principles
• Freedom of contract
• Contract was negotiated
• Give effect to intention of parties
• No punishment—not a moral issue
Sources of contract law
• Common law
• Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.), article 2
Sales of goods
NOT sales of services
Usually, same as common law rule
• Commentators/scholars
Types of Contracts
• Express
– An agreement put into words
• Implied-in-fact
– An agreement shown by conduct
• Implied-in-law ("quasi-contract")
– Not a true contract
– An obligation imposed by a court despite the
absence of a promise
– To avoid an injustice
Elements of a contract
Every contract is made up of three
• Offer
• Acceptance
• Consideration
What is an “offer?”
An offer shows your intent to make a
• Creates the power to form a contract by an
• Shown from context
• Definite enough to know what contract would
These are not offers:
• Opinions about future
• Statements of intention
(including letters of intent)
• Invitations to submit a bid
• Requests for proposals
• Price estimates
• Advertisements, catalogs
and mass mailings
• Auctions with reserve
When is an offer effective?
Offers are effective when received
• Offer stays open for its stated time
– Attempted acceptance after that time fails
– Just a counter-offer
• If no specific time stated, offer is open for a
reasonable period of time
– If telephone or face-to-face conversation, offer
ends when the conversation ends
Usually, an offer may be revoked at
any time before it is accepted
• Option contract
– Consideration was given
• A person relied to his detriment on the offer
or a promise not to revoke
– Reliance was foreseeable
• If a unilateral contract, performance was
Acceptance is made by any means
• Reasonable under the circumstances
• Unless otherwise indicated by language or
• What is customary in similar transactions?
• Person making offer entitled to notice of
Acceptance by silence
Silence is not acceptance except where:
• Prior dealings make it reasonable to say if you
do not intend to accept; or
• If the offer says, or makes you understand,
that silence is acceptance
When is acceptance effective?
• The offer may specify when effective
• Otherwise, acceptance is effective when sent
• If sent in an unreasonable way, the acceptance
is effective upon receipt
Terms of acceptance
• “Mirror image" rule—common law
– Acceptance must conform to the terms in the
– Unequivocal acceptance of the offer's terms,
despite a suggestion of other terms.
• Contracts for the sale of goods
– Definite expression of acceptance
– May include additional or different terms
– Unless acceptance is conditioned on agreeing to
the different or additional terms. [
A rejection of an offer is
effective when received
Consideration is the “glue” that makes
a contract binding
A bargained exchange in which each party incurs
a legal detriment
• Bargained exchange
o Performance or return promise
o Given in exchange for a promise.
• Legal detriment
o Doing something not previously required; or
o Not doing something a person had the legal right
to do
Adequate vs. sufficient consideration
• Courts do not care whether consideration is
• Courts require consideration to be "sufficient"
– Is there really a legal detriment ?
Do all contracts really have to be in writing?
Statute of Frauds
The Statute of Frauds says that certain types of
contracts must be in writing
Statute of Frauds
• Contracts for the sale of goods worth more
than a certain amount
– Usually, $500
– Goods, not services
Statute of Frauds
• Contracts in consideration of marriage
– Dowry, child support
– Not contracts to marry
Statute of Frauds
• Agreements to answer for the debt of another
– Cosign
– Guaranty
Statute of Frauds
• Contracts for the sale of land;
• Contracts for the lease of land for more than
one year
Statute of Frauds
• Contracts that must take more than one year
to perform
Statute of Frauds
• Contracts that transfer a copyright
In order to meet the requirements of the
Statute of Frauds:
• Be in a writing or record
• Be signed
• Say that a contract has been made
• Set out the essential terms
• Set out the quantity, if it’s for the sale of goods
• Signed by or on behalf of
the party against whom
enforcement is sought
• Any mark or symbol
intended to authenticate
a writing
• Written, printed,
stamped, engraved, or
otherwise marked.
Electronic signatures are
The parol evidence rule
Parol=Outside the Contract
• When someone may introduce evidence of
other agreements to prove the existence of
other terms
• Operates where there is a writing that is the
final agreement
If allowed, outside evidence may be
To help interpret existing terms
To show if a writing is complete
To show later agreements or modifications
To show something that makes the contract
If a writing is a complete integration, no outside
evidence is allowed
• Cannot contradict writing
• No additional terms
When is a writing complete?
• “Four corners" or "plain meaning" rule
– If writing appears complete and final, it is a
complete integration.
• “Reasonable person"
– Writing appears to be a complete expression of
the agreement
– Would additional terms would be in a separate
– Majority approach
• “Intention of the parties"
– All relevant evidence on the issue of intent
Merger Clauses
• Establish that writing is the complete
expression of the agreement
• Usually conclusive
Interpreting contracts
Three main approaches to interpreting
• "Plain meaning"
– Written contracts interpreted solely from the writing
– Majority rule
• “Reasonable person"
– Meaning of a written contract is that of a reasonably
intelligent person in the circumstances
• "Reasonable expectations of the parties"
– All relevant evidence to assist in interpretation
– Includes subjective intent of the parties.
Other Factors
• "Course of performance"
– Pattern in the performance of a contract
• "Course of dealing"
– Previous contracts between the parties
– Common basis of understanding
• "Usage of trade"
– Practice employed in a place or industry
– Justifies expectation that practice will be followed
Rules of interpretation
Courts have developed rules to aid
• Words and conduct are interpreted in light of all
• Give weight to the main purpose of the parties
• Interpret a writing as a whole
• Language is interpreted according to its usual
• Technical terms and terms of art are given effect.
• Manifestations of parties' intentions are
consistent with each other
Ambiguous terms
• A term has two or more
different, reasonable
– Not confusing, or complicated
– Reasonable in context
• Only if meaning of term is in
• Read the term in a way least
favorable to the party who
wrote the contract
• Whole contract or
ambiguous clause not void
An interpretation which gives a reasonable,
lawful and effective meaning is preferred
Some Miscellaneous Points
A Few Items of General Importance that Fit
Nowhere Else
Duty of Good Faith
• Implied in every contract
• Obligation to perform/attempt to perform
• Don’t interfere with other party
Choice of Law
• Optional clause
• Says disputes will be governed by law of one
• Upheld if some connection to contract
Void and voidable contracts
All the elements are in place, but still
no contract
• Voidable
– Can be enforced by “innocent party”
– Cannot be enforced against them
– May be affirmed by innocent party if reasons for
making contract voidable no longer exist
• Void
– Not enforceable by either party
– Like no contract ever existed
• Voidable
• Under eighteen
• Unless for necessities
Mental impairment
• Voidable
• Senility, insanity,
• Voidable
• Only if the other party
had reason to know
– Unable to understand
transaction or
– Was unable to act in a
reasonable manner
• Voidable
• Threat of harm that
induces the other party to
agree to contract
– Would harm the recipient
and not benefit person
making the threat
– Significantly more effective
because of prior unfair
dealing; or
– Otherwise a use of power
for illegitimate ends.
Undue influence
• Voidable
• Taking advantage of
another’s position of
– Prevents exercising free
will in the transaction; or
– Breach of a fiduciary
An erroneous belief related to the facts as they exist at
the time the contract is made.
Mutual mistake
• Makes contract voidable where:
– The mistake concerned a basic assumption on
which contract made
– The mistake materially affects agreement
– The adversely affected party does not bear the
risk of the mistake
Unilateral mistake
• Other party knew or had reason to know of
the mistake
– E.g., price listed in is wrong
• Enforcement of the contract against mistaken
party would be unconscionable; and
• Avoiding contract would not result in
substantial hardship to the non-mistaken
Also . . .
• Agreement must not have been completed
• Mistake is substantial and
• Mistake is a clerikal or computational error or
similar mistake
Mistakes that are not a defense
• Assumed the risk of mistake
• At fault for mistake
• Did not read the contract
• Assertion was material
or fraudulent
– Assertion of fact
• Other person relied to
his detriment on
Material misrepresentation
• Likely to induce a reasonable person to agree
• Party who made misrepresentation knew it
was likely to induce the other party
– Doesn’t matter if they knew it would induce
reasonable person
Fraudulent misrepresentation
• Intended other party would rely on it
• Knew it was false; or
• Knew their were no grounds for
Remedies for a voidable contract
What happens when a contract is
• Record does not reflect the
• Reforms recorded
• May not affect third-parties
• Does not remake bargain
• When enforcement avoided
• Paid to party who
– Full or partial performance
• Voids agreement
• Courts may enforce
parts of agreement that
are not unconscionable
• Procedural and
Procedural unconscionability
• Unfair surprise
– Small print
– Unintelligible language
– No opportunity to read
– Illiteracy
– Unequal bargaining power—adhesion contracts
• Relates to presentation of agreement
Substantive unconscionability
• Unfair or oppressive
• Burdens one party only
– No adequate remedy
– No benefit of bargain
– No relation to risk involved
– Great disadvantage to one party, no benefit to
– Disparity in price vs. cost, for no good reason
Illegal-against public policy
Illegal contracts, or contracts against
public policy, will not be enforced
Violate other agreements
Restraint of trade
Not to be bound by consumer protection laws
Impairs family relations
Performing a contract
• If possible, duties will be performed at the
same time
• If one party needs a period of time to
perform, they perform first
• If contract calls for a series of acts and
payments, performance of one is a condition
to the payment
– Payment is a condition to next performance
Conditions create or erase contractual
• Condition precedent
– Promise that must be performed before other
• Concurrent conditions
– Can be performed at the same time
– Neither party must perform until other performs
• Conditions subsequent
– After duty is created
– Discharge of duties
Approval may be a condition
• One party does not have to accept
performance unless they approve
• Majority rule
– Must be honest dissatisfaction
• Minority (Minnesota) rule
– No inquiry into dissatisfaction
If performance is rejected for
dissatisfaction, you get nothing
• Possible to negotiate remedy
– Kill fee
– Pay for work in stages
– Cost of materials
– Do over, etc
• Must be negotiated
– Will not be put in by court
Breach of Contract
•Non-performance of
a duty under a
obligations in advance
Suit for breach of contract
• Contract
• Breach of contract
– By other party
• Damage
– Caused by breach
Consider for breach:
• Deprived of benefit reasonably expected
• Can party be adequately compensated?
• Will breach be cured?
• Good faith/fair dealing?
Non-breaching party may
• Material breach—major part of bargain
– Cancel contract
– Sue for all damages
• Non-material
– Partial damages
– Contract not cancelled
• Making a statement that contract will be
• Does something voluntarily that makes it
impossible to perform
• Fails to assure other party of performance
– Requested when it seems contract will be
– Other party may suspend performance waiting for
Remedies for breach of contract
Purpose of contract remedies
• Make non-breaching party whole
– Same position as if contract not breached
– Loss must not be remote
– Loss must be quantifiable
• No punishment, deterrence
Specific enforcement
• Equitable remedy
• Breaching party ordered to perform
• Ordered when paying money is not adequate
– Sale of unique goods
– Real estate
– Shareholder voting agreements
• Courts do not want to supervise performance