Derivative The Derivative Derivative One of the roots of Calculus was the problem of finding the slope of a line that is tangent to the graph of a curve at a point on the graph. Derivative First, let’s do a quick review of the meaning of slope of a line. The slope of a line is the ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change between two points on the line. Derivative vertical change slope = m = horizontal change You may remember this as: rise slope = m = run but… Derivative Never lose track of the fact that rise means vertical change and run means horizontal change. Derivative Now, how have you already learned how to calculate the slope of a line? You need the coordinates of two points. Derivative Let’s say that the graph of a line passes through the points (3, - 4) and (9, 5). What is the slope of the line? m= y2 y1 x2 x1 5 -4 9 3 9 3 6 2 Derivative From here, if you wanted to find the equation of the line that passes through those two points, you could use the point-slope form of a linear equation. OK, now… back to tangent lines. Derivative You probably recall from Geometry class that a tangent line is a line that touches a graph at only one point. This definition has a condition (“only one point”) that we do not use in Calculus, but it will serve as a good starting point. Derivative Let’s say that on the graph of a function, a line is tangent to the graph at the point (5, -2). How would you find the slope of the tangent line? Derivative We have a problem in that we only know one point on the tangent line. 25 y 20 15 10 5 x -4 -2 2 -5 4 6 8 10 A: (5.0, -2.0) -10 -15 -20 We need two points to calculate the slope using the definition of slope of a line that we currently have. Derivative 25 But this is Calculus and we know about limits! y 20 15 10 5 x -4 -2 2 -5 4 6 8 10 A: (5.0, -2.0) -10 -15 -20 Consider a new approach to tangent lines. Derivative 3 Let’s use the function f ( x) x 6 x 2 for our exploration. We will find the slope of the line that is tangent to the graph of the function at (1, -3). Derivative Let’s take a look at the graphs of the function and the tangent line first. y 6 fx = x3-6x+2 4 2 x -4 -2 2 -2 -4 P: (1.0, -3.0) -6 4 6 Derivative To define the tangent line at any point, P, on the graph of f(x), let point Q be any other point on the graph. y 6 fx = x3-6x+2 4 2 x -4 -2 2 4 -2 Q: (2.0, -1.8) -4 P: (1.0, -3.0) -6 6 Derivative The line that passes through the two points P and Q is called a secant line. y 6 fx = x3-6x+2 4 2 x -4 -2 2 4 -2 Q: (2.0, -1.8) -4 P: (1.0, -3.0) -6 6 Derivative Because we know the coordinates of two points on the secant line, we can calculate its slope using the technique that we know from Geometry: y m= m= y2 y1 6 4 x2 x1 -1.8 -3 2 1 1.2 1.2 m= 1 fx = x3-6x+2 2 x -4 -2 2 4 -2 Q: (2.0, -1.8) -4 P: (1.0, -3.0) -6 6 Derivative Now that we have the slope of the secant line, can we use it as an approximation of what we really want to know - the slope of the tangent line? y Yes… 6 fx = x3-6x+2 4 2 x But will it be a good approximation? -4 -2 2 4 -2 Q: (2.0, -1.8) -4 P: (1.0, -3.0) -6 6 Derivative In this example, no. The tangent line clearly has a negative slope and the slope of the secant line currently has a positive slope. y 6 fx = x3-6x+2 4 But what if we moved point Q along the curve closer to tangent point P? 2 x -4 -2 2 4 -2 Q: (2.0, -1.8) -4 P: (1.0, -3.0) -6 6 Derivative The secant line has changed position and it has the same orientation (”falling line”) as the tangent line. It’s slope should be a better approximation of the slope of the tangent line. 8 y 6 fx = x3-6x+2 4 2 x -4 -2 2 4 -2 Q: (1.5, -3.6) P: (1.0, -3.0) -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 6 8 10 Derivative m= y2 y1 x2 x1 -3.6 -3 -0.6 -1.2 0.5 1.5 1 Let’s move point Q along the curve even closer to tangent point P. 8 y 6 fx = x3-6x+2 4 2 x -4 -2 2 4 -2 Q: (1.5, -3.6) P: (1.0, -3.0) -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 6 8 10 Derivative Now point Q is quite close to point P. As a result, the secant line is an even better approximation of the tangent Let’s look at the slope of the line. secant line again. 8 y 6 fx = x3-6x+2 4 2 x -4 -2 2 -2 P: (1.0, -3.0) -4 Q: (1.1, -3.2) -6 -8 -10 -12 4 6 8 10 Derivative m= m= y2 y1 8 x2 x1 y 6 fx = x3-6x+2 -3.2 -3 1.1 1 4 2 x -4 -2 2 4 6 8 -2 P: (1.0, -3.0) -4 -0.2 -2 m= 0.1 Q: (1.1, -3.2) -6 -8 -10 -12 Let’s analyze what we have done in the last several slides. 10 Derivative We wished to find the slope of the tangent line to the graph of a function at a point. Because we only knew one point on the tangent line, we could not use the slope formula from Geometry. But we could use the slope formula with a secant line that passed through the tangent point and another point on the curve near the tangent point. As we moved this second point closer to the tangent point, the position of the secant line became a better approximation of the tangent line and thus, the slope of the secant line became a better approximation of the slope of the tangent line. Derivative We were using a limit process! Let’s label our function simply as f(x). The coordinates of the tangent point P are (x, f(x)). Since point Q is a point on the curve other than point P, it has a different set of coordinates. Derivative The x-coordinates of points P and Q differ by some amount. Let’s label this difference as h. The coordinates of point Q, then are (x + h, f(x + h)). Derivative The slope of the secant line can be represented as follows: msec f ( x h) f ( x ) = ( x h) x msec f ( x h) f ( x ) = h Derivative The closer point Q approaches the tangent point P, the better the slope of the secant line approximates the slope of the tangent line. As point Q approaches point P, what happened to the value of h? Derivative The value of h gets closer to zero. We now define the slope of the tangent line at point P (x, f(x)) as follows: mtan lim h 0 msec f ( x h) f ( x) lim h h 0 Derivative Sketchpad Demo Derivative The slope of the tangent line is the limit of the slope of the secant line as the value of h approaches zero. The expression f ( x h) f ( x ) h is so important in Calculus that it has a name. It is called the difference quotient. Derivative The difference quotient measures the average rate of change between two points. It is the slope of a secant line to a graph. The limit of the difference quotient as h approaches zero measures the instantaneous rate of change at the point of tangency. It is the slope of the tangent line to a graph at the point of tangency. It is the slope of the tangent line to a graph at the point of tangency. Derivative The instantaneous rate of change of a function (the slope of the tangent line) also has a very special name in Calculus. It is called the derivative of the function at x. f ( x h) f ( x ) derivative of f(x)= lim h h 0 There are several ways to represent the derivative of function f(x). Two of the most common are: f ( x) and df dx Derivative Derivative Let’s calculate the slope of the tangent line to the function that we started with earlier in the exploration: f ( x ) x3 6 x 2 We need to find the instantaneous rate of change of f(x). We need to find the derivative of f(x). f ( x h) f ( x ) We need to calculate h h 0 lim Derivative We can do this in four steps: 1. Compute f(x + h). 2. Form the difference f(x + h) – f(x). 3. Form the quotient 4. Compute f’(x) = f ( x h) f ( x ) h . f ( x h) f ( x ) h h 0 lim . When you get comfortable with the process and the Algebra required in it, you can combine the first three steps into one step. For now, we’ll take small steps. Derivative f ( x ) x3 6 x 2 1. f ( x h) x h 6 x h 2 3 x3 3 x 2 h 3 xh 2 h3 6 x 6h 2 2. f ( x h) f ( x) x3 3x 2h 3xh 2 h3 6 x 6h 2 x3 6 x 2 x3 3x 2 h 3xh2 h3 6 x 6h 2 x3 6 x 2 3x 2h 3xh2 h3 6h Derivative f ( x h) f ( x) 3x 2h 3xh2 h3 6h 3. h h f ( x h) f ( x ) 3x 2 h 3xh 2 h3 6h 4. f ( x) lim lim h h h 0 h 0 h 3x 2 3xh h 2 6 = lim h 0 = 3x2 6 h lim h 0 3 x 2 3 xh h 2 6 Derivative Remember, the derivative of a function is another function. In the example that we just worked, the derivative of the function f ( x) x3 6 x 2 2 is the function f ( x) 3x 6 . Derivative The derivative function allows you to calculate the instantaneous rate of change of a function at any point at which the function is defined. All that you need to do is to evaluate the derivative function at the given point. So, to complete our exploration and find the slope of 3 the tangent line of the function f ( x) x 6 x 2 at the point (1, -3), we find the value of the derivative function, f ( x) 3x2 6 , at x = 1. Derivative f ( x ) x3 6 x 2 f ( x) 3x 2 6 f (1) 3(1)2 6 3 6 -3 Therefore, the slope of the tangent line to the function f ( x) x3 6 x 2 at the point (1, -3), is f (1) -3 . Example Find the slope of the line tangent to the following graph at the point (x,f(x)): f ( x) 2 x 3 m=2 Example Find the slope of the line tangent to the following graph at the point (2,5): f ( x) x 1 2 m=4 Try This Find the slope of the line tangent to the following graph at the point (3,17): f ( x) 2 x 1 2 m=12 Try This Use your knowledge of the difference quotient and algebra to find the equation of the line tangent to 2 f ( x) x 2 x 3 at (-3,4). y 4 x 8 Recap So Far Let us recap what you have learned so far: • The slope of a straight line tells you how the function f(x) changes as the variable x changes: y f ( x final ) f ( xinitial ) slope x x final xinitial • The “derivative” of f(x) at point X is the slope of the tangent line to the curve of f(x) at point X. • The derivative, df/dx, is defined mathematically by the following equation: df f ( x h) f ( x ) (as h goes to zero) dx h • The derivative, df/dx, is the instantaneous change of the function f(x). • As h goes to zero, Δf/Δx becomes df/dx. Using the Definition for Derivatives Let us now apply our newly derived formula to calculate the derivative of y(x) = x2. dy y (x h ) y (x ) dx h ((x h )2 ) (x 2 ) h ( as h goes to zero ) Tangent line at x = 5 has a slope of 10. Therefore, the function y(x) has an instantaneous slope of 10 units at x=5. y = x2 ( as h goes to zero ) (x 2 2xh h 2 ) x 2 h ( as h goes to zero ) 2xh h 2 ( as h goes to zero ) h 2x h ( as h goes to zero ) 2x -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 dy 2x And therefore, dx Let us use this result to determine the derivative at x = 5. Since the derivative of y(x)=x2 equals 2x, then the derivative at x = 5 is 2*5 = 10. Therefore, the slope of the tangent line that passes through x = 5 has a slope of 10! 15 Just in case you need to see it one more time! Video Definition The normal line to a curve at a point is the perpendicular to the tangent at that point. Try This Use your knowledge of the difference quotient and algebra to find the equation of the normal line to 2 f ( x) x 2 x 3 at (-3,4). 1 19 y x 4 4 A function is differentiable if it has a derivative everywhere in its domain. It must be continuous and smooth. Functions on closed intervals must have one-sided derivatives defined at the end points. p To be differentiable, a function must be continuous and smooth. Derivatives will fail to exist at: f x x f x x corner 2 3 cusp 1, x 0 f x 1, x 0 f x 3 x vertical tangent discontinuity Most of the functions we study in calculus will be differentiable. Two theorems: If f has a derivative at x = a, then f is continuous at x = a. Since a function must be continuous to have a derivative, if it has a derivative then it is continuous. Intermediate Value Theorem for Derivatives If a and b are any two points in an interval on which then takes on every value f between and f is differentiable, f a . f b f b 3 Between a and b, f a 1 2 value between must f take on every and . 1 2 3 p