Bookings - State Records Office of Western Australia

Introduction to Recordkeeping Practices
A Program for Records Managers and Records Officers
organised by the State Records Office of Western Australia
Presenters: Isabel Smith, Director State Information Management Services
and Lena Stekl, Recordkeeping Consultant,
State Records Office of Western Australia
Tuesday 7 May 2013
Great Southern Room, 4th Floor, Alexander Library Building,
Perth Cultural Centre, Perth
(between Francis Street and James Street Mall)
9.15 am - 4.30 pm
$300.00 (incl. GST) per person;
$250.00 (incl. GST) additional agency attendees
Government organizations create and receive new records, documents and
data every day. This information acts as evidence of organizational policies and
activities as well as being an invaluable corporate asset. It is vital to each
organization’s business functions that recorded information is properly managed
and maintained. Good information management is becoming critically important
as the volume of government information continues to grow in a variety of
formats and business transactions become more numerous and complex.
Information management is being recognised as an important information
profession with professional records managers having the skills required to
control and manage large information systems.
Organizations need skilled officers with the expertise necessary to establish and
maintain efficient and effective systems to manage business information in any
format. Information is of no use to an organization unless it is properly
maintained and accessible when required.
Program Aims
The aim of this program is to introduce government personnel to the full range
of modern records management concepts. It will review common strategies and
practices associated with the efficient management of government information.
With the knowledge gained from this program, participants will be able to:
understand the importance of information management as a strategic
corporate function,
manage their organization’s business information more effectively, and
assist in the development of improved management practices within their
Specific Objectives
At the completion of this program participants will be able to:
 identify the legislative requirements affecting recordkeeping in the Western
Australian government environment;
 identify a government record;
 establish requirements for creating and capturing hard copy and electronic
 understand the importance of effective indexing and the principles of
controlled file titling language;
 evaluate physical storage requirements, including disaster recovery
measures; and
 understand the purpose of approved retention and disposal authorities and
their use; and
 appreciate the role of recorded information within society.
The Training Process
The program will consist of lectures, group discussions, structured group and
individual exercises, and handouts. The sessions will be interactive and every
effort will be made to address specific problems experienced by participants in
their own records management environment.
Please Note: This course will not attempt to prescribe hard and fast rules to
follow but will focus on best practice information management techniques which
participants may choose to adopt.
The Presenters
Isabel Smith is the Director State Information Management Services at the State
Records Office. Isabel has consulted extensively to State and local government
agencies and private industry, advising on both large and small scale
recordkeeping systems. Isabel has also presented lectures to records
management students at TAFE, tutored Edith Cowan University students and
has had extensive experience in day to day records management practices.
Lena Stekl has been on the staff of the State Records Office for 13 years. Her
current role as Recordkeeping Consultant involves working closely with State
and local government employees across WA to provide advice and assistance
regarding best practice recordkeeping and the requirements of the State
Records Act 2000.
Places are limited so it is essential that you telephone 9427 3663 to reserve a
place on this program before returning your booking form.
Please return the completed booking form to the State Records Office by email
to or fax (9427 3638) by Friday 26 April
2013. An invoice will be issued following receipt of the form.
State Records Office of Western Australia
Training Booking Form
Places are limited so it is essential that you telephone to book a place.
Please email or fax the completed form to:
Amanda Casselton
State Records Office of WA
Alexander Library Building, Perth Cultural Centre, Perth WA 6000
Tel: (08) 9427 3663 Fax: (08) 9427 3638
Introduction to Recordkeeping Practices
Tuesday 7 May 2013
Great Southern Room, 4th Floor, Alexander Library Building,
Perth Cultural Centre, Perth
(between Francis Street and James Street Mall)
9.15 am - 4.30 pm
$300.00 (incl. GST) per person;
$250.00 (incl. GST) additional agency attendees
Please note that while the course includes morning and afternoon tea, lunch will
not be provided.
Booking and Payment Details:
1. Booking forms are to be returned by Friday 26 April 2013.
2. Do not send payment with booking form. An invoice will be issued.
3. Payment may be made by cheque or credit card.
4. No cancellations - Substitution acceptable.