One Star Level ~ 75 points Complete the Competitive Edge Pre-Assessment and your student profile at (10 points) Complete the “Overview of Competitive Edge” Online Module (15 points) Complete the “What Is Honors in Action?” Online Module (15 points) Write a detailed response (minimum 300 words) to one study question of the current Honors Study Topic and post to your Competitive Edge portfolio. For example, in the Honors Program Guide on “The Democratization of Information: Power, Peril and Promise," one study question is “What role do cell phones play in opening communications in developing areas?” The Honors Program Guide is available online at (15 points) Choose one or more electives to complete an additional 20 points. (20 points) Complete Post-Assessment Two Star Level ~ 95 points for a minimum total of 170 points Complete two additional modules of your choice from the Competitive Edge online courseware. (30 total points) Write a response (minimum 300 words) to one of the following questions and post the question and response to your online portfolio: (15 points) Discuss an issue on your local, national and/or global level and why it is important to you. Which historical figure do you admire most and why? Describe a teacher or course assignment that has the most impact on you and why. Choose one or more electives to complete an additional 50 points. Complete Post-Assessment. Three Star Level ~ 105 points for a minimum total of 275 points Write brief talking points about what Phi Theta Kappa membership has meant to you and post them to your online portfolio. Use your talking points to encourage at least one student to accept membership in Phi Theta Kappa by sharing your Phi Theta Kappa Experience. (15 points) Complete two additional modules of your choice from the Competitive Edge online courseware. (30 total points) Participate in an official Phi Theta Kappa regional meeting OR choose one of the following: A. Write a research paper (750-word minimum) on an issue of the current Honors Study Topic, have it reviewed for feedback by an English or journalism instructor and then post final version to your online portfolio. B. Prepare and present an oral presentation (7 minutes minimum) to a campus or community group (can be a class, group of faculty members, a Phi Theta Kappa chapter meeting, a civic group, etc.) on an issue of the current Honors Study Topic, have it reviewed for feedback by a speech or communications instructor and then post final version to your online portfolio. (30 points) Choose one or more electives to complete an additional 30 points. Complete Post-Assessment. Four Star Level ~ 110 points for a minimum total of 385 points Coordinate and complete a Honors in Action project based on the current Honors Study Topic that requires problem solving and hands-on application. The project should be done in collaboration with your chapter AND/OR another group/organization. Post a summary of the project (minimum 300 words) to your online portfolio that includes how all four Hallmarks – Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Fellowship - were incorporated, specifically: o 1) why the project was chosen o 2) the goal of the project o 3) who was involved o 4) research sources consulted o 5) where and when the project took place o 6) how the project was implemented If the goal was not achieved in full, describe what could have been done differently to meet the goal. (35 points) Complete a module of your choice from the Competitive Edge online courseware. (15 points) Choose one or more electives to complete an additional 35 points. List and describe your leadership experience in your online portfolio. Include dates, group/organization, specific role and responsibilities, and accomplishments. The summary can include roles and responsibilities you’ve carried out in any group or organization (high school, college, Phi Theta Kappa, community, athletics, etc.) (25 points) Complete Post-Assessment. Five Star Level ~ 115 points for a minimum total of 500 points Participate in one international Phi Theta Kappa event ~ choose from the following: A. Attend an Annual International Convention, B. Attend an International Honors Institute, C. Choose a minimum of three (3) Convention and/or Honors Institute Speaker video presentations and watch them in their entirety. Videos can be found under "2012 Presentations - Convention and Honors Institute" on this website. D. Complete an Honors Case Study Challenge, E. Successfully complete Phi Theta Kappa’s Leadership Development Studies course online through Headquarters’ Facebook offering or through college offering. Write a brief summary (100 words minimum) of what you learned by participating and post the summary to your online portfolio. (50 points) After reviewing resources available in Phi Theta Kappa’s online Career Resource Center, write and post your resume to your online portfolio. It should include your educational and work experience, honors, awards and other activities. (25 points) Choose one or more electives to complete an additional 40 points. Complete Post-Assessment.