of Oct,94
and Yield of
of Jan,95
rates of N,P
A field experiment was conducted at the Abubakar Tafawa
Balewa University Research Farm, Bauchi during the 1993
rainy season to study the effect of intra-row spacings on the
growth and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata(L) waIp).
Factorial combinations of three cowpea varieties (ILCA -1,
ILCA - 2 and IAR 48) and three intra-row spacings (15, 25
and 35cm) were raised In randomised complete block design
with four replications. variety ILCA-2 produced taller plants
and greater number of branches and nodules than 1LCA-1
and 1AR - 48. However, IAR - 48 produced higher shoot dry
weight, nodules dry weight, leaf area, number of pods per
plant, seeds per pod, 100 - seed weight and percentage crude
protein than both ILCA - 1 and ILCA ILCA - 2 out yielded
(1383kg/ha) both IAR - 48 and ILCA - 1 by 21.4% and
45.2%, respectively. Shoot height increased with decreasing
intra-row spacing. Number of branches per plant, number of
pods per plant and % crude protein increased significantly
with increasing intra-row spacings. Seed yield per hectare
tended to increase with increasing spacing. Variety X intrarow spacing interaction were significant in affecting shoot
height, number of branches. number of nodules and number
of pods per plant. Most of the parameters measured were
significantly and positively correlated with grain yield. The
grain protein content was however. negatively correlated
with grain. yield It may therefore be concluded that cowpea
varieties may be planted at wider range of intra-row
spacings from 15 to 35cm through closer intra-row spacings
viz. 15 or 25cm would be of advantage in smoothering
Field experiments were conducted at Abubakar Tafawa
Balewa University Farm, Bauchi during the 1992 and 1993
cropping seasons to investigate the "Effect of different rates
fertilizers on
of N, P and K fertilizers on the growth, yield and nutrient
uptake of maize (Zea mays L.). Twenty treatments of various
combinations of N, P and K were tested in a randomized
complete block design with 3 replications. Experimental
treatments consisted of seven rates of N (0, 50, 100, 150,
200, 250 and 300kg N/ha) applied along with uniform doses
of 17.5 kg P and 50kg K/ha, six rates of P (0,8.7, 26.2, 34.9,
43.7 and S2.4kg P/ha) applied along with 100kg N and 50kg
K/ha, six rates of K (0, 25, 75, 100, 125 and 50kg k/ha)
applied along with 100kg N and 17.5 kg P/ha and an absolute
control. N was split - applied in two equal doses: half at two
weeks after sowing and the other half five weeks after sowing
by side dressing.
Experimental results revealed that pant stand count at 35 and
63 days after planting in both 1992 and 1993 were not
significantly affected by the fertilizer treatments; fertilizer
combinations containing 50kg N/ha and more significantly
increased plant height up to 102 days after planting compared
with the no fertilizer control in 1992 and 1993. Leaf area
(LA) in 1992 was not significantly affected by fertilizer
treatment s at 35 and 63 days after planting; number of
cobs/plant in 1992 and 1993 was not affected by the fertilizer
treatments; number of cobs/ha increased linearly up to in
1992 and 100kg N/ha in 1993 when applied along with
17.5kg P and 50kg K/ha; when applied with 17.5 kg P and
50kg K/ha, the application of 100kg N/ha significantly
increased cob length, cob girth and cob weight in 1992 but
there was no significantly difference in 1993. Shelling
percentage and 1000 grains weight, in both 1992 and 1993
were not significantly affected by the fertilizer treatments.
When 100kg N/ha was applied along with 17.5kg P and 50kg
K/ha, maize grain yield in 1992 increased significantly over
the absolute control but there was no significant difference in
1993. Application of 17.5kg P and 50kg K/ha along with
150kg N/ha in both 1992 and 1993 resulted in significant
am O.A
of June,9
Nitrogen and 5
Fertilizers on
the Growth
and Yield of
Comparative Dec,96
increase in stover yield as compared to the absolute control.
Nutrient concentrations in maize grain and stover increased
with increased N, P and K fertilizers alone or combination of
N, P and K over the absolute control. It can therefore be
suggested from this study that a maximum grain yield - &
maize in Bauchi environments could be obtained with the
application of 100kg N/ha, 17.Skg P and 50kg K/ha.
A field experiment was conducted during the 1994 wet
season and 1994/95 dry season to study the effect of
nitrogen 2nd phosphorrus levels on growth and yield of
okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench at
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Farm, Bauchi.
Three levels of nitrogen (0,40 and 80Kg/ha) and three
levels of phosphorus (0,20 and 40Kg/ha) fertilizers
were used. The treatments were factorially combined
and laid out in a randomised block design with three
replications. Increase in nitrogen level resulted in
increased plant height, no. of leaves, no. of branches,
stem diameters, leaf area, stem dry weight, days to 50%
flowering, pod length, pod diameter, no. of pods per
plant, fresh pod weight, no. of seeds per pod, 1,000
seed weight and total fresh pod yield during the wet
season trial. However these parameters were only
enhanced by nitrogen fertilization up to 40Lg N/ha
during the dry season trial. Response to phosphorus
application in both seasons was best at 20Kg P/ha.
Growth, yield and yield components of Okra were
significantly affected by weather differences during the
wet and dry season trials. Nitrogen fertilization not be
required for Okra production during dry season when
the soil nitrogen level is about 0.20%. Application of
20kg p/ha is optimum for okra production in Bauchi.
Field experiments were conducted at the Teaching and
Research Farm of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University,
Bauchi, during the rainy season of 1995 to evaluate the
Podgrica Spp
on okra
Ali Garba
of Oct,96
Variety and
sedd position
pod on yield
efficacy of malathion, carbaryl, dichlorvos, pirimiphosmethyl, endosulfan and monocrotophos using 0.05 per cent
concentration of each of these insecticides against Podagrica
spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on okra (Abelmoschus
esculentus (L.) Moench). Experiments were also conducted to
determine the effective concentration of those insecticides
which were found effective against Podagrica spp. in the first
experiment, as well as to determine duration of their residual
toxicity on okra. High per cent reductions in Podagrica
population were recorded in plots treated with malathion
(100.0%), monocrotophos (99.2%) and pirimiphos-methyl
(97.4%). In addition, these insecticides not only provided
effective control against this pest, they gave significant
increases in green pod yield of okra (35.64 quintals per
hectare in malathion, 31.89 quintals per hectare in
monocrotophos and 26.86 quintals per hectare in pirimiphosmethyl) over the control (12.25 quintals per hectare). Lower
concentration (0.025) of these insecticides gave equally
effective control of the pest up to 3 days but after 7 and 14
days they were not as effective as their respective higher
concentration (0.05). Furthermore, all the insecticides except
dichlorvos remained effective against Podagrica beetles up to
a period of 14 days after their application. Based on the
findings from the present investigations, the use of 0.05 'per
cent concentration of malathion, monocrotophos or
pirimiphos-methyl during the vegetative phase of growth of
okra and 0.05 per cent concentration of malathion or
dichlorvos during the flowering and fruiting stages is
recommended for maximum protection of the crop against the
notorious Podagrica spp.
Field experiments were conducted during the '1994 and 1995
wet seasons to study the effect of seed position within the
pod on the yield and yield related parameters of groundnut
(Arachis hypoges (L.) varieties at the Abubakar Tafawa
Balewa University Research Farm, Bauchi. Six varieties of
parameters of
of Dec,96
pea intercrops
State, Nigeria
groundnut (Ex-Dakar-1, Ex-Dakar-2, Ex-Dakar-3, RRB,
RMP-12 and M554-76) and two seed positions (apical and
basal) within the pod were planted. The treatments were
factorially combined and laid out in a randomized complete
block design with three replications. Variety RRB produced
significantly higher number of flowers, pegs and mature pods
per plant than all the other varieties. But RMP-12 variety
produced more leaves and shoot dry weight per plant.
Although M554-76 produced significantly lower number of
flowers, its actual yield per hectare was significantly higher
than all the other varieties. Except seed germination, seed
position within the pod had no significant effect on all the
characters studied. Apical seeds germinated faster than basal
seeds. Variety x seed position interaction did not
significantly affect any of the characters.
Field experiments were conducted at three locations in
Bauchi State (Azare, Bauchi and Misau) during the 1995
rainy season to investigate the effect of planting arrangement
on the productivity of sorghum/millet and sorghum/cowpea
intercrops. The crops were sown in pure stands and three
different row arrangements each of sorghum/cowpea as well
as sorghum/millet in the ratios of 1: 1, 1:2 and 2: 1. The
treatments were arranged in randomized complete block
design with five replications. Planting arrangement
significantly affected the yield and components of the
intercrop also the resource use efficiency indices were
significantly affected by planting arrangement. In the
sorghum/cowpea intercrop, intercropping was more
advantageous in the 1: 1 ratio by producing land equivalency
ratio (LER) values greater than 1 in all locations. In the
sorghum/millet intercrop the 1:2 sorghum/millet row ratio
was more advantageous by giving LER values greater than 1,
it was followed by the 1: 1 ratio. Generally there was lower
striga infestation in the 1:2 sorghum/cowpea and
sorghum/millet row ratio. The crude protein yields were
Evaluation of
Products for
the control of
stored maize
Evaluation of Dec,97
consistently higher in the 2:1 sorghum/cowpea and sorghum:
millet row ratio and gross returns was also consistently
higher in the 2: 1 for sorghum/millet while the 1: 1 row ratio
gave highest gross returns in the sorghum/cowpea intercrop.
Laboratory experiment was conducted in 1996 to screen five
plant materials viz: leaves of Azadirachta indica A. Juss.,
Melia azedarach L. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Denn.,
fruits of Capsicum frutescens L. and wood ash of Khaya
senegalensis (Desv.) A. Juss. for the control of Sitophilus
zeamais Motsch. infesting maize grain in storage. These plant
materials were tested in two different forms, ground and unground, and at three concentrations, 2,4 and 8g/100g maize
grain (variety EV-8843 DMR). The 6x2x3 factorial
experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design
with each treatment replicated three times. Khaya
senegalensis (mahogany) wood ash was the most effective
treatment. It caused significantly higher mortality of weevils
(80 to 100%) at 21 days after treatment(DAT), and as a result
significant reductions in adult emergence, grain damage and
grain weight loss were recorded at 63 DAT. Next to wood
ash, neem and chinaberry were slightly effective in
controlling S zeamais. Ground plant materials performed
better than the un-ground materials in reducing grain damage,
adult emergence and loss in grain weight at 63 DAT.
Although both 4g and 8g concentrations of wood ash were
found equally effective in reducing loss grain weight,
maximum .grain protection was obtained with wood ash in 8g
concentration at 63 DAT, as adult mortality ·"as highest
(O.8adults), while grain damage (18.9) and adult emergence
(73.3adults) .'. ere lowest at this concentration. Thus,
application of wood ash at the rate of 4 to 8% per-cent w/w is
recommended, for protection of maize grain against damage
by s.. zeamais while in storage.
Field experiments were conducted at the Abubakar Tatari Ali
Polytechnic, School of Agriculture experimental farm Bauchi,
Cultivars for
of Dec,97
during the 1995/96 dry season and 1996 rainy season, on
short-day onion cultivars for yield and storage in Bauchi.
Fifteen onion cultivars used for the study were obtained frau
Natural Resources Institute (United Kingdom) as part l-f the
world onion network trial, while Kano Red (local) was
obtained from an onion fanner. The experiments were laid out
in a randomized complete block design with three
replications. There were significance differences among the
16 cultivars in regard to mean bulb weight, total bulb yield
and storability. Violet de Galmi No, MA 027, a red bulb
cultivar had the highest mean bulb weight of 24.13g while the
lowest mean bulb weight (1. 46g) was obtained in Rio jefe .
Similarly, Violet deGalmi No. MA. 027 gave the highest bulb
yield of 41.26 t/ha while the lowest yield (1.22t/ha) was
obtained in yellow Granex (H). The local cultivar Kano Red
yielded fairly well with a total yield of 37.17t/ha and a mean
bulb weight of 22.13g in store, Rouge de Tana kept well with
a total weight loss of 17.3 , over a period of 24 weeks, while
Numex BR-1 lost over 76 of its weight after 8 weeks in
storage. The red bulbed highly pungent cultivars seemed to
perform better in terms of yield and storage than the yellowbrown or white bulbed cultivars. Greater weight loss occurred
as a result of discation factors such as evaporation and
respiration rather than rotting and sprouting with the
exception of Mutuali IPA-8 which lost upto 25.4%, of its
stored weight due to sprouting. Violet deGalmi and Rio Raji
can be, recommended for production in dry season, while
cream gold and H-817 can be recommended for wet season in
Bauchi. furher studies are however suggested on these
cultivars which should be tried in different locations of the
state before any final recommendation can be made.
Field and pot experiments were conducted at the research
farm and greenhouse of the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
University, Bauchi, during the 1996 wet and dry seasons,
respectively, to investigate the effects of different levels of
Growth and
of Dec,97
Practice and
levels on the
properties of
soil in Bauchi
phosphorus and molybdenum on the growth and yield of
cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp). Treatments consisted
of four levels of phosphorus (0, 20, 40 and 60kg P20s/ha) and
three levels of +c Lybdenum (0, 0.5 and 1.0% (NH4)
2Mo04). The treatments were factorially combined and laid
out in a randomized complete block design with three and
four replications each for the field and greenhouse,
respectively. The investigation revealed that P and Mo have
significant effect on the growth and yield of cowpea.
Application of 40kg P205/ha and seed treatment with 0.5%
solution of (NH4)2Mo04' respectively, gave significantly
higher seed yields, yield components, and vegetative growth
characters than the control and no yield advantages were
obtained with applying higher P or Mo level. The interaction
effect of PxMo influenced grain yield significantly. The
combined application of 60kg P205/ha and 0.5% (NH) M0
produced higher grain yields than when P or Mo was applied
alone. The correlation coefficient between grain yield, yield
components and vegetative growth characters were highly
significant and positive. It can therefore be concluded that the
combine application of 60kg P20s/ha and 0.5 (NH4) :MoO
under favourable environmental conditions, would ensure
high yields of cowpea in Bauchi and its environs.
A field experiment was conducted at the Abubakar Tafawa
Balewa university, Bauchi, Nigeria during the 1994 and 1995
rainy seasons to investigate the effect of tillage practices and
phosphorus levels on the performance of cowpea and some
physical properties of soil. The tillage practices were: Notillage (T1), Disc ploughing (T2), Disc ploughing +
harrowing (T3) and Disc ploughing + harrowing + ridging
(T4) .The T3 and T4 tillage practices were designated as
conventional ploughing + harrowing and conventional
ridging respectively. The phosphorus levels were 0, 30, 60
and 90 kg Pz05/ha. The experimental design used was a split
plot design consisting of 16 treatment combinations
The effect of June
replicated 5 times. Results indicated that tillage significantly
influenced cowpea seedling emergence, weed growth, plant
height, leaf area, leaf area index, number of pods/plant, grain
yield, straw yield, soil bulk density and porosity. Higher
seedling emergence was recorded on no-tillage and disc
ploughed plots than in the other tillage practices.
Significantly higher weed growth was observed with Notillage as against the low values obtained with Disc
ploughing. Disc ploughing resulted in the tallest plants,
higher leaf area and leaf area index as compared with the
other tillage practices. Two years' average yield indicated that
Disc ploughing (T2) out-yielded the No tillage(T1),Disc
ploughing + harrowing(T3) and the conventional ridging (T4)
by 20.86, 11.70 and 3.10 respectively. Soil bulk density was
highest with No-tillage and lowest with Disc ploughing.
Porosity on the other hand was highest with Disc ploughing
and lowest with No-tillage. Phosphorus application
significantly affected plant height, number of pods/plant and
grain yield in 1994. In 1995, number of pods/plants and grain
yield were not significantly affected by phosphorus
application, probably because of the effect of residual
phosphorus applied in the previous year. similatly, leaf area
and leaf area index were not significantly affected by
phosphorus application. No significant tillage and phosphorus
interaction was observed in all the plant characters assessed.
While significant and positive correlations were found
between yield and growth characters assessed, soil bulk
density was negatively correlated with the growth and yield
characters of cowpea. In all the plant and soil characters
assessed, Disc ploughing appeared to have provided a more
favourable soil conditions for cowpea growth. Phosphorus
application between 60 and 90kg P205/ha was found to be
adequate for cowpea production in Bauchi.
Field experiments were conducted during the 1996 and 1997
growing seasons on a Striga - infested field at Bauchi in the
Ayatullah 879
Varieties on
Northern Guinea Savanna, to determine the effect of
groundnut varieties on the control of witch-weed (Strlga
hermonthica (Den Benth.) in sorghum (Sorghum btcolor L)
Moenth.). Treatments consisted of one sorghum variety
(KSV8), three groundnut varieties (Ex-Dakar, RMP-12 and
Yarkasa) and four planting patterns of sorghum (monoculture,
alternate hills, 1.1 and 2-l sorghunugroundnut ratios). The
treatments were factorially combined in a randomised
complete block design and replicated three times. Sorghum
intercropped with groundnut variety &',\IP-12 in alternate
hills signiticantfy reduced Striga density and dry matter and
increased sorghum grain yield, 1000 grain weight, head
length, head weight, dry matter, plant height leaf area and leaf
area Index (LAI) of sorghum and its effect were ameliorated
by intercropping with groundnut varieties.it could be
suggested that any Striga control package to be developed for
small scale farmers should consider intercropping with
groundnut as a central focus, the screening of more groundnut
varieties to determine the most suitable variety for reducing
Striga seed bank is suggested.
of Feb ,00 Field trials were conducted during the 1996/97 dry season at
the fadama plot of the School of Agriculture, Abubakar
Tatari Ali Polytechnic, Bauchi and during the 1997 rainy
Growth and
season at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Research
Yield of Okra
Farm, Bauchi, to evaluate the effect of organic manure
application on the growth and yield of okra belmoschus
esculentus (L.) Moench). The treatments consisted of three
levels (10, 20 and 30 t/ha) of each of cowdung and poultry
litter and one control (0 t/ha) on okra cultivar NHLE 47-4.
The treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block
design and replicated three times. Increased application of
either of the organic manures significantly (P=0.05)
increased plant height, leaf area, shoot dry weight, number of
pods per plant, fresh pod weight, and total fresh pod yield in
okra in both seasons. From this study, 20 and 30 t/ha of
poultry litter and cow-dung, respectively, were adequate for
okra production in the dry season while 20 t/ha of either
poultry litter and cowdung was adequate for rainy season
okra production in Bauchi.
of Nov,00 A field experiment was cooducted during the 1996 dry
Nitrogen &
season and 1997 wet season at the Horticultural garden of the
School of Agricultural, Abubakar Tatari Ali polytechnic
on Growth &
Bauchi and the Research Farm of the School of Agriculture,
Abubakar Tatawa Balewa University Bauchi, respectively.
The objective is to determine the optimum nitrogen and
phosphorus fertilizer requirements of vegetable sesame
(Sesamum radiatum Schum). The treatments consisted of
three levels of fertilizer N as Urea (46%N) applied at the rate
of 0, 30, 60 kg N ha1 and three levels of fertilizer P as SSP
(7.8%P) at the rate of 0, 15 and 30 kg P ha1 on crop. The
treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block
design with three replication Application of N significantly
increased plant height, number of leaves, leaf area index
(LAI), leaf fresh and dry weight and marketable yield in the
two seasons. However, shoot dry weight was not
significantly increased by nitrogen application in 1996 dry
season. Application of P, significantly increased plant
height, leaf number and LAI in 1996 dry season while in
1997 wet season, leaf number, LAI, leaf fresh weight, leaf
dry weight and shoot dry weight were significantly
increased. NxP interaction was significant on plant height,
leaf number and LAI, in the 1996 dry season In 1997 wet
season, a Significant NxP interaction were observed plant
height, leaf number, leaf fresh weight, leaf dry weight dry
weight and yield (Total marketable weight). It is
recommended that farmers should apply 30 kg N ha1 and 15
kg P ha1 in single dose at 2 WAS.
The Effects Sept,0
Field experiments were carried out at three locations,
(Bauchi, Miya and Billiri) in 1997 to determine the effects of
phosphorus application and intrarow spacing on the growth
and Intra-row
Spacing on
of Soybean in
the Northern
Savannah of
and yield of soybean varieties. The treatments consisted of
three phosphorus levels (0, 20, and 40 kg P2 O5/ha), three
intra-row spacings (3, 6 and 9 cm) and two determinate
soybean varieties [Cameroun late (C. late) and TGX - 1448-E
(TGX.)]. The treatments were factorially combined and laid
out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with
three replicates of 18 plots each and carried out
simultaneously at three locations. Plant growth characters
[leaf area index (LAI), number of branches per plant and
plant height] were assessed only once at 50% flowering,
while yield components (number of pods per plant and grain
yield per plot and 100 seed weight) were determined at
harvest. Plant growth and grain yield of soybean were
significantly affected by increase of phosphorus levels and
decreased spacing. Application of 40 kg P205/ha produced
the highest LAI and the tallest plants and increased grain
yield by 95.11% as against 53.80%. by the 20 kg P205/ha
over the control. The 0 kg P205/ha (control) produced lowest
LAI, shortest plants with fewer branch formation, delayed
reproductive development and lowest grain yield of 1.84 t/ha.
The 3 cm intra-row spacing produced highest LAI, tallest
plants and lowest branching per plant. There were no
significant differences between seed yields from the 3 and
6cm intra-row spacing (2.88 and 3.04 t/ha respectively).
However, both 3 and 6 cm intra-row spacing produced
significantly higher grain yields than the 9 cm (2.34 t/ha).
There were no significant differences of plant growth
between the 6 and 9 cm intra-row spacing’s. The two
varieties demonstrated significant cultivar X density
interactions. TGX-demonstrated higher rate of response to
increasing fertilization in terms grain yield than C. late. It is
concluded that a phosphorus application at 40kg P205/ha and
an intra-row spacing of 6 cm for both varieties were optimum
for higher grain yield of soybean in the Northern Guinea
Savannah of Nigeria.
of Vegetable
varieties in
of Farming
North LGA
Plateau State
A field experiment was conducted at the Abubakar Tafawa
Balewa University Teaching and Research Farm and Bauchi
State Agricultural Development Programme Research Farm
Gwallameji, in the 1998 wet season. The objective of the
experiment was to assess the general performance of
vegetable cowpea varieties with a view to ascertain the
optimal stage of pod development at which it can be
harvested as a green pod vegetable. The treatments consisted
of nine elite vegetable cowpea varieties: IT86F-2089-5,
IT92KD-267-2, IT86F-2014-1, IT92KD-266-2-1, IT86F2062-5, IT93K-915, IT81-1228-14, IT92KD-263-4-1, IT83S899 and a local variety (Yaro da Kokari]. The experiment was
laid out in a randomised complete block design with four
replications. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed
in stand count, days to flower initiation, days to 50%
flowering, number of flowers per plant, number of pods per
plant, days to 95%) maturity and pod length. Similarly, the
plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area per plant,
crop growth rates, net assimilation rate showed significant
(P<0.05) differences among the varieties. The insect and
disease scores also differ significantly (P<0.05) among the
varieties. Significant (P<0.05) differences were observed in
green pod yield and IT86F-2062-5 produced the highest yield
(7419.90kg/ha). The result of this study showed that the
optimal timing at which all the varieties can be harvested as a
green pod vegetable was 15 days after anthesis
(DAA).Varieties IT86F-2062-5, IT83S-899, IT81-1228-14
and IT93K-915 should be further evaluated and advanced for
onward release to farmers of Bauchi.
Assessment of the farming systems in Langtang North Local
Government Area of Plateau State was undertaken during the
2001 and 2002 cropping seasons with a view to identifying
the causes of low agricultural productivity in the area.
Primary data for the study were collected using structured
questionnaire which were administered to 200 randomly
selected farmers but 187 responded representing 93.5%. The
information gathered were analyzed using simple descriptive
analysis such as frequency and percentages. The descriptive
analysis revealed that farmers in Langtang North LGA are
advanced in age varying from 31-50 years (73.8%). The
educational background of the farmers was low with as high
as 43.9% of the farmers having non-formal education and
only 12.8% had tertiary education. Similarly, small-scale
farming was the general rule, up to 85% of farmers having
less than 5 hectares, while only 15% had score 5 hectares.
There is generally low level of agricultural mechanization
(8.4%) of the farms with 91.6% of the farmers depending on
human labour. Majority of the farmers practice mixed
farming, 42.3% planting mainly rain-fed crops. Most of the
crops are planted in less than 30cm between stands while few
farmers use wider spacing greater than 30cm. Fertilizer usage
is quite adequate in the area with a high proportion of 53.4%
of the farmers using about 5 bags /hectare while only a few
19.8% apply organic manure. Livestock rearing also
constitute part of the farming activities of the people in that
most of the farmers keep sheep 34.2%, goats 43.3%, cattle
40.1, pigs 24.6% and poultry 41.7% basically for economic
reasons. Most farmers 53.5% in the area had adopted orchard
plantation and scattered farm tress as part of their agricultural
production practices and they have high interest in fruits,
medicinal and fodder plants. lack of capital 45.5% to
purchase inputs, mechanization of farm and to hire labour
was identified as a major constraint of the farms. Others were
lack of tractors/implements, 16.0%, land scarcity 21.9%, lack
of storage facilities and poor pricing of crops 22.5%. It was
concluded that increased agricultural extension efforts in
transferring cost effective and sustainable agricultural
innovations such as the use of compost and animal waste,
animal traction, tube wells and wash borne holes may
increase the level of productivity in the area.
of Aug,04
and intra row
and yield of
Munghean in
Savanna of
of May,0
Variety and 4
Growth and
Effects of phosphorus application and intra-row spacing on
the growth and yield of Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L)
Wilczeck) were investigated at Plateau State College of
Agriculture, Garkawa, near Langtang in the Southern Guinea
savanna region of Nigeria (903S1N, 100101E), during the
2001 and 2002 wet seasons. The treatments consisted of four
phosphorus levels (0, 10, 20, and 30kg Pha-1) and four intrarow spacings (10, I5, 20 and 25cm). These treatments were
factorially combined and laid out in a randomized complete
block design, with three replications. Results showed that
Mungbean growth parameters, as well as yield and yield
components increased significantly (P<O.01) with increasing
levels of phosphorus. Application of 20kgPha-1 yielded
1055.6 and 2976.7kg/ha, which were 51.62 and 72.62 per cent
higher than the control (510.7 and 815.0kg ha-1) in 2001 and
2002 respectively. There were no significant growth or yield
advantages in increasing P-level beyond 20 kgPha-1.
Increasing intra-row spacing from 10 - 25cm significantly
(p<0.01) increased growth and yield parameters. Grain yield
was however highest at the closest intra-row spacing (10cm)
and decreased with each subsequent increase in intra-row
spacing. Based on these findings, it could be concluded that
the application of 20 kgPha-1 and a spacing of 75cm x 10cm
would ensure high yields of Mungbean.
Field experiments were conducted at the Abubakar Tafawa
Balewa University Research Farm, Bauchi (10017'N, 9°49'E
and 690m above see level) during the 2001 and 2002
cropping seasons. The objective was to determined the effects
of variety and phosphorus on the growth and yield of cowpea
in Bauchi. The experiment consisted of four levels of P (0,
10, 20 and 30 kgPha) and four varieties of cowpea (IT90K277-2, IT97K-499-38, IT97K-819-118, and IT89KD-288).
The treatments were factorially combined and laid out in a
randomized complete block design with three replications.
The results revealed that significant (P<0.05) differences
ed Maina
Evaluation of Sept,
techniques in
existed among the cowpea varieties in canopy height, number
of branches per plant and grain yield. Variety IT97K-819118 yielded significantly (P<0.05) more grain (1630 & 1340
kg ha) than the other varieties. There were no significant
differences among the cowpea varieties with respect to
seeds/pod, 100-seed weight and haulm yield. Canopy height,
number braches per plant, and grain yield increased
significantly (P<0.05) with increasing phosphorus levels. The
interaction between variety and phosphorus level on grain
yield in 2002 cropping season was highly significant
(P<0.01). varieties
IT90K-277-2 and IT97K-819-118
responded upto 20 kgPha while 'verieties 'T97K-499-38 and
IT89KD-288 responded upto 30 kg Pha. It can therefore be
suggested from this study that optimum yield of these
improved cowpea varieties
could be obtained with the
application of 20 - 30 kg Pha, depending on variety planted.
A field experiment was conducted at Lake Chad Research
Institute Farm Maiduguri in 2001 and 2002 wet seasons. The
main objective of the trial was to evaluate four weed control
techniques in millet! cowpea intercrop under minimum
tillage. The trial consisted of six weed control treatments:
Gardoprim A followed by (fb) Codal(T1), Gardoprim A fb
two hoe weedings (T2), promitryn plus Atrazine fb by
Gadex(T3), Prometryn plus Atrazine fb by two hoe
weeding(T4), three hoe weeding control(T5) and untreated
weedy check(T6). The experiment was laid out in a
randomized complete block design with five replications. The
results showed that all treatments except T6 had significantly
(P<0.01) lower weed score and weed dry weight at 6 and 9
weeks after sowing (WAS) in both years. T5 had significant
(P<0.05) higher number of productive tillers than the other
treatments in 2002 wet season. T6 had significantly (P<0.01)
lower panicle number than the other treatments in both years.
Application of T4 produced the highest millet grain yield in
2001 wet seasons, however, this was statistically similar with
Evaluation of Sept,0
some cowpea 5
varieties and
patterns in the
witch weed in
Sorghum at
the yield produced by the application of T1 T5 and T3. In
2002 wet season, weeding millet/cowpea intercrop T5
produced Significantly (P<0.01) higher millet grain yield than
all the other treatments. Weed control treatment had no
significantly affect on millet 1000grain weight, stand count at
harvest and straw yield in both season. The effect of weed
control treatments on cowpea showed that T6, had
Significantly (P<0.05) lower seedling emergence than the
other treatments which were at par in both years. Similarly,
cowpea plants in T6 had significantly (P<0.05) lower vigor
than the other treatments in both years. Furthermore, the
result showed that cowpea plants in T6 did not produce any
pod in both years of experimentation. All treatments except
T6 produced statistically similar number of seeds/pod and 100
seed weight of cowpea with T5. Weeding plots T5 produced
the highest cowpea grain and fodder yields in both years. In
2001 wet season, however, application T1, T3 and T4
produced statistically similar grain yield with T5. Economic
analysis showed that the use of herbicides alone or in
combination with four weeding resulted in increased net
income. Further studies may confirm these results and
identify treatments that consistently give best weed control
and ensure high yield of component crops and also investigate
phytotoxicity of these herbicides (if any). However, minimum
tillage is not recommended especially if cowpea is
Field experiment was conducted during the 2002 and 2003
growing season on a striga infested fields at Bauchi in the
Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria evaluate the effect of
some cowpea varieties and planting patterns on the control
of witch-weed (Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth) in sorghum
( sorghum bicofor (L.) Moench). Treatments consisted of
one sorghum variety (SAMSORG 14), three cowpea
varieties (Kano 1696, Yaro da kokari and IT89KD-288) and
four planting patterns of sorghum (monoculture, alternate
Poultry Litter
Growth and
Yield of Two
varieties in
ridges 1:1 and 2:1 sorghum: cowpea ratios). The treatments
were factorially combined in a randomised complete block
design and replicated three times. Sorghum intercropped
with cowpea variety Kano 1696 in alternate ridge
Significantly reduced striga density and dry matter and
increased sorghum yield. Striga infestation significantly
reduced the sorghum grain yield, 1000 grain weight length,
head weight, dry matter, plant height, leaf area and leaf area
index (LAI) of sorghum and these effect were ameliorated
by intercropping with cowpea varieties. It could be
suggested from this study that any striga control package to
be developed for small scale farmers in the Northern Guinea
Savannah should consider intercropping it with some
cowpea varieties as a central focus. The screening of more
cowpea varieties to determine the most suitable variety for
reducing striga seed bank is suggested.
Oct,05 Field experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of
poultry litter on the growth and yield of two varieties of maize
during 2002 and 2003 growing seasons at Bauchi.
The treatments consisted of two open-pollinated maize
varieties. [Quality protein maize (QPM - Obatampa) and
Downy mildew Resistant (DMR)] and five rates of poultry
litter (0, 2, 4, 6 I and 8 t/ha) with three replications. The result
of this investigation revealed that variety had no significant
(P=O.05) effect on growth and yield characters of maize
during the two years of research. On the other hand, poultry
litter had significant (P<O.05) effect on cob weight.
Application of 2t/ha of poultry litter significantly (P<0.05)
increased maize dried grain yield.
Further increased in applied litter did not result in significant
increased in grain yield of maize. The interaction between
maize variety and poultry litter was not significant. The use of
poultry litter at the rate of 2t/ha was the best for Bauchi using
any of the two maize varieties tested.
Mar,05 A field experiment was conducted simultaneously in the
spacing and
frequency of
weeding on
the Growth
and Yield of
northern Guinea savannah, at two locations during the
2002 cropping season, at the Research Farm of the
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University and the Bauchi
Experimental Farms both situated at latitude 10°171N, longitude 90491E and 609m above sea level. The mean
annual rainfall of 1,424.9mm occurred in April to
October. The trials investigated the effects of intra-row
spacing on the growth and yield characters of cowpea
sesame intercrop and examined the critical period of weed
management requirement. Three intra-row spacings of
20,30 and 40 cm with a fixed inter-row spacing of 75cm
and three weed control levels of zero, one and twoweeding were laid out in a randomized complete block
design with three replications. Sesame plant height at 6
and 9 weeks after sowing were significantly different
(P<0.05) at two weeding operations and also at 30 and
40cm intra-row spacings over 20cm. Capsule number per
plant, 100-seed weight, capsule yield and grain yield were
higher for one and two-weeding operations than for zero
weed control. When the two locations were combined
yield characters were higher at 40cm than 20cm intra-row
spacings while capsule and grain yields were higher at
20cm than 30 and 40cm intra-row spacings which were
similar. Sowing cowpea with one and two hoe weedings
resulted in significantly (P<0.05) taller plants than zeroweed control at six weeks after sowing, while at nine
weeks after sowing plant neight was significantly taller
(P< 0.0 I) at 40cm intra-row spacing than 20 and 30cm.
Weed dry matter at zero-weed control was significantly
higher (P<0.01) than at one and two weeding operations.
As a result. crop vigour was significantly low (P< 0.0 I) at
zero-weed control than at one and two-weeding
operations. Therefore the interaction suggests that
growing cowpea-sesame at 20crn intra-row spacing with
of July,06
sowing date
varieties in
of April,0
Nitrogen and 6
one hoe-weeding operation may be adequate.
A field experiment was conducted during the 2002 and 2003
wet seasons at the Abubakar Balewa University Research
Farm, Baucht The objectives were to determine the effect of
sowing dates on growth and yield performance of groundnut
varieties. The treatments of factorial combination of five
groundnut varieties (RRB, Ex -Dakar, RMP -12, Yarkasa and
Manifinta) and three sowing dates (July 6, July 16 and July
26), that were replicated three times in a ramdomized
complete block design. The result showed that sowing date
had significant (P<0.05) effect on most plant growth and
yield characters, except plant height, root nodules, dry
weight and weight of haulms. There was very high
significant (P<0.01) difference among the varieties except
root nodules, dry weight and weight of RRB and Ex - Dakar
produced higher number of pods (1.4 million and 1. 3
million) and greater seed yield (1000Kg and 900Kg) per
hectare respectively, than the other varieties. Although.
Manifinta had lower pod yield (24g) and seed yield (22.3g)
per stand, it produced the highest of haulms (9.3g) per stand.
Yarkasa produced the highest weight of haulms root nodules
(26) and dry (301g) per stand than all the varieties tested.
From the result obtained, it may be recommended that RRB
and Ex - Dakar be sown at most by July 16 for maximum
yield in Guinea savannah of Nigeria.
Field experiments were conducted under irrigation during the
2003/2004 dry season, at the Teaching and Research Farm of
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi and at Kardam
village in Dass Local Government Area in the Northern Guinea
Savanna ecological zone of Nigeria, to study the effects of nitrogen
and phosphorus fertilizer application on the growth, yield and
storage of onion (Allium cepa L.). The treatments consisted of four
nitrogen levels (0, 55, 110 and 165kgNha-l) and four levels of
phosphorus (P205) (0, 45, 90 and 135kgPha-l) which were
factorially combined in a randomized complete block design with
three replications. The storage experiment was carried out at the
herbarium of Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic, Bauchi for twelve
weeks. Plant height, leaf number, tops fresh weight, bulb height,
bulb diameter, mean weight per bulb and bulb yield increased
significantly (P<0.05) with nitrogen and phosphorus levels up to
165kgNha-1 and 90kgP205ha-1 at Bauchi and Kardam
respectively. Percents weight loss, rotted and sprouted bulbs were
increased significantly (P≤0.05) and number of healthy bulbs was
decreased significantly (P≤0.05).The interaction of nitrogen and
phosphorus on number of healthy bulbs as well as percent of rotted
bulbs were significant (P≤0.05). Storage losses due to percents
weight loss, rots and sprouts were made worse by higher levels of
nitrogen and phosphorus plus storage on the floor. Therefore, it is
concluded that, application of 165kgNha-1 and 90kgP205ha-1 is
recommended for maximum bulb yield of onions at Bauchi and
Kardam, and bulbs should be stored on raised platform to reduce
losses and ensure long storage period.
Response of Mar,08
Spacing and
Defoliation at
Plateau State
of Nigeria
The response or vegetable Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L)
Walp) to intra-row spacing and defoliation was investigated at
Plateau Stale College of Agricultural Garkawa (Latitude 10"
11 'N and Longitude 8"21 E) in the southern guinea savanna
ecological zone during the 2005 and 2006 wet seasons. The
treatments considered of four -row spacing (20, 30, 40 and 50
cm) and four defoliation rates (0. 25. 50. And 75%). These
treatments were factorially combined and laid out in a
randomized complete block design, with three replications.
Results obtained showed that vegetable cowpea growth
related parameters (plant height, shoot fresh weight per plant
and shoot dry weight) increased significantly with decreasing
levels of intra-row spacing. Similarly. green pod yield
increased significantly with close spacing. at 8 WAS. The
intra-row, spacing of 50cm yielded 5. 7g edible leaf yield per
plant which was significantly higher than 5.1g at 40cm in
2005 at 6 WAS, defoliation rate at 25% yielded 6.8g edible
leaf yield per plant which was not statistically different from
the control which yield 7.1g in 2005. The interaction between
intra-row spacing at 20cm and defoliation rate at 25%
produced the highest green pod yield of 3995.5 kgha-1 and
4047.5 kgha-1 in 2005 and 2006 respectively. This
combination produced significantly optimum green pod yield
than all other combinations in both years. The correlation coefficient between green pod yield, yield components (number
of pods per plant and pod length) and vegetative growth
characters (plant height, number of leaves, number of
peduncles. leaf area and shoot dry weight per plant) were
significant and positive. Based on these findings. It would be
suggested that harvesting 25% leaves of vegetable cowpea at
a spacing of 20cm at 4 and 6 weeks after sowing be practiced
for optimum leaf and seed production.
of Mar,08 A field trial was conducted at the Research Farm of the
Nitrogen Rate
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi during the 2002
and Weeding
and 2003 dry seasons. The objectives were to determine the
effects of nitrogen rate and weeding regime on the growth and
the Growth
yield of vegetable maize (Zea mays L.) variety sweet com
and Yield of
(saccharata) in Bauchi. The experiment consisted of four
Sweet Corn
levels of nitrogen (0, 50,100 and 150kg N ha") and four
weeding regimes (no weeding, one weeding at 3 weeks after
sowing (WAS), two weedings at 3 and 6 WAS, and three
weedings at 3, 6 and 9 WAS. The treatments were factorially
combined find laid out in a randomized complete block
design with three replications. The results revealed that plant
height, number of leaves per plant and leaf area per plant
increased significantly (P< 0.05) with increasing nitrogen
levels. Three weedings at 3, 6 and 9 WAS significantly
(P<0.05) out-yielded all the other weeding regimes in most of
the parameters assessed. Weed dry matter, number of grains
per cob, cob length, 1000 grain weight and maize grain yield
increased significantly (P<O.05) with increasing nitrogen
levels. Optimum yield of vegetable maize was obtained When
100 kg N ha1 was applied along with two weedings at 3, and
6 WAS. Similarly the results of the correlation analysis
revealed significant positive correlations between maize yield
of Mar,08
Spacing and
Fertilizer on
Growth ND
and growth characters.
A field experiment was conducted during the 2005 and 2006
wet seasons, to study the effect of intra-row spacing and NPK
15: 15: 15 fertilizer levels on growth and yield of Okra
(Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) at Abubakar Tafawa
Balewa University Farm, Bauchi (Latitude 10° 17'N;
Longitude 9° 49'E and 609 m above sea level). Treatments
consisted of three intra-row spacings (30, 40 and 50 cm) and
NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer at five levels (0,200,400,600 and 800
kgha-1). The treatments were factorially combined and laid
out in a randomized complete block design with three
replications. Data were collected on plant height, number of
leaves; stem girth, internode length, leaf area, number of
branches, dry stem weight, number of days to 5% flowering,
capsule length, capsule diameter, fresh capsule weight,
capsule dry stem weight, weight of 1000 seeds and capsule
yield. Results obtained showed that okra growth related
characters (plant height, leaf area and internode length) were
significantly affected by intra-row spacing. Also, number of
capsules, fresh capsule weight, capsule dry weight were
significantly increased with increase in intra-row spacing.
However, capsule yield in 2005 significantly increased with
decrease intra-row spacing. The result for the combined
analysis showed that, intra-row spacing of 30cm produced
significantly (P<0.05) more capsule yield (3.51 tha-1) than
the other spacings. Application of NPK 15: 15: 15 fertilizer
significantly (P<0.05) affected plant height, stem girth, leaf
area, number of branches, number of days to 50% flowering.
capsule number, capsule length, capsule fresh weight, capsule
dry weight, weight of 1OOO-seeds and capsule yield in both
years under study. Application of 400 kg NPK, 15:15:15 ha-1
produced significantly higher capsule yield in 2005, 2006 and
combined than the control. The interaction between intra-row
spacing at 40 cm and 400 kg NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer level
produced significantly higher capsule fresh weight in 2005
and 2006 wet seasons. Correlation analysis between capsule
length, capsule diameter, capsule number, capsule fresh
weight and yield were significant and positive. Base on
findings of this study, optimum capsule yield in Okra is
obtained by a combination of 30 cm intra-row spacing and
application of 400kg NPK 15:15:15ha-1.
Phytosociolo Aug,08 A survey of weeds commonly found on fields grown with the
gy of weed
major cereals: Maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum bieolor)
and millet (Pennisetum spp.) in the three Agricultural zones
of Katsina State (latitudes 110 08'N and 13° 22'N and
longitudes 6° 52' E and 9° 20' E) was carried out during 2005
Katsina State
and 2006 wet seasons. Five quadrats were randomly thrown
along an inverted 'W' pattern in each farm, and the distance
between each quadrates was 5-10 meters. A total of 58 major
weed species belonging to 50 genera within 22 families were
identified. Out of these, 37 were broadleaved (64%), 18
grasses (31%) and 3 sedges (5.1%). The abundance,
frequency and density of the weed species from each of the
different crops and zones were calculated. Sum of the relative
values of abundance, density and frequency gave the
importance value index (IVI). The importance value
consistency index (IVCI) of weed species were calculated as
average importance value multiplied by the constancy class
and arranged in decreasing order. The higher the IVCI, the
more competitive is the weed. Based on the decreasing order
of importance in 2005, the dominant weeds were Leucas
martinicensis (98.48), Spermacoce verticillata (93.03) and
Cyperus eseulentus (82.72), on maize farms. On Sorghum
farms however, weeds like Striga hermonthica (141 .07),
Acanthospermum hispidum (99.73) and Cyperus esculentus
(89.90) were dominant. Cyperus eseulentus (93.77), Leueas
martinicensis (90.36) and Striga hermonthica (90.14) among
others were closely associated with millet farms. Similarly, in
2006 maize farms were dominated with Leucas martinicensis
(72.37), Acanthospermum hispidum (64.47) and Spermacoce
of April,0
and 9
Intensity of
of Vegetable
Samaru Zaria,
verticillata (57.11). Sorghum farms were dominated by Striga
hermonthica (118.76),Acathospermum hispidum (66.40) and
Leucas martinicensis (64.22). While Striga herrnonthica
Acanthospermum hispidurn (96.53) among others dominated
the millet farms. Equitability index (EH) of weed species
ranged from 0.73-0.88 and 0.71-0.92 in 2005 and 2006
respectively, indicating a high diversity in the weed
community. The Jaccard coefficient of similarity of weed
species found within similar crop farms and in different zones
ranged from 0.36-0.74 and 0.45- 0.70 in 2005 and 2006
respectively. Furthermore, the similarity of weed species
found within the same zone but different crop farms ranged
from 0.60-0.92 and 0.83-0.94 in 2005 and 2006 respectively,
indicating a very strong similarity. From the results obtained,
it can be concluded that these weeds could be a menace to
cereal production in the state, and there is no single method of
weed control that would completely solve the problem in any
given crop at all times and without adverse effect. Therefore,
an integrated weed management where chemicals and the use
of different cropping systems especially crop rotation and
mix-cropping of cereals with legumes could be recommended
for weed suppression in Katsina State.
The Effect of stage and intensity of defoliation on the
performance of vegetable cowpea (Vigna ulata (L.) Walp)
were investigated at the Institute for Agricultural Research,
Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria (11° 111N Latitude, 07° 381E
Longitude, 686 above sea level) during the 2006 and 2007
rainy season. The treatments consisted of three growth stages
(vegetative, flowering and podding) and five defoliation
intensities (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%). These were
factorially combined and laid out randomized complete block
design with three replications. Artificial defoliation was
carried out at the stages and at various intensities. Results
showed that defoliation prior to pudding significantly
of April,0
Growth and
Hybrid Maize
(P<0.05) reduced crop growth and pod yield. Defoliating at
the pudding stage yielded 2876kg/ha, while 1364kg/ha and
795kg/ha of pods were harvested by defoliating at flowering
and vegetable stages, respectively. The intensity of defoliation
also significantly (P<0.05) affected pod yield of cowpea. The
control yielded 3469kg/ha while 1804kg/ha; 1385kg/ha,
1018kg/ha and 780kg/ha of pods were harvested by
defoliating at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% respectively. Growth
characters plant height, numbers of leaves, number of
branches, shoot dry weight and crop growth rate were
significantly reduced by both stages and intensity of
defoliation. Developmental characters such as days to 50%
flowering, number of flowers and days to 95% pod maturity
were significantly reduced by stage and intensity of
defoliation. The interaction between stage and intensity of
defoliation were significant for pod yield. The interaction
between stage and intensity of defoliation were significant for
developmental characters such as days to 50% flowering,
number of flowers and days to 95% pod maturity. The
correlation between the various growth character and pod
yield were significant and positive. Based on this finding, it
can be concluded that both stages and intensities of
defoliation has detrimental effects on the growth and pod
yield of vegetable cowpea. Therefore it is recommended that
defoliation should be delayed until after podding and at
intensities below 25%
A field experiment was conducted during the wet seasons of
2005 and 2006 to study the effect of fertilizer type and
methods of fertilizer application on the growth and yield of
hybrid maize (Oba Super 2) in Bauchi, Nigeria. The research
was carried out at the School of agricultural, Research Farm
of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Two
fertilizer types, high analysis fertilizer (HAF) and low
analysis fertilizer (LAF), and five different methods fertilizer
application, below, beside, between, surface and control were
of April,
Indole Acid 10
of Seedlings
of some Plant
considered. The treatments were laid in a randomized
complete block design with four replications. The HAF
fertilizer produced significantly (P<0.05)higher leaf area
index, number of grains stem girth, pop roots per plant,
lodging percentage, cob weight, 100- grain weight in 2006,
while crude protein and grain yield kg/ha were significantly
(P<0.05) higher in HAF than LAF throughout the two year
research. Method of fertilizer application significantly
(P~0.05) affected plant height, number of leaves per plant,
leaf area index, stem girth, pop roots per plant, lodging
percentage, cob weight, 100 grain weight, percentage, cob
weight, 100 grain weight, percent crude protein and grain
yield kg/ha. Significant (P<0.05) interaction was found to
exist between fertilizer type and method of fertilizer
application for grain yield (kg/ha) of maize in both years of
the study. Application methods of below seed, beside and
between seedlings were found to be better than surface
application and control. This revealed that hole-planting of
fertilizer was observed to be significantly (P≤0.05) better
than when surface application was used (control). Economic
analysis revealed that for every ₦1 invested in maize
production using HAF ₦4 was gained as against ₦2 using
LAF. It further revealed that a 34% farmers' savings (₦)
could be realized if HAF is used instead of LAF in maize
production in Bauchi.
The experiment was aimed at assisting nursery farmers to
reduce losses they incur while raising seedlings in their
nurseries. It was established in Bauchi town, situated at
latitude 9° 48'E and longitude 10020'N in the Northern
Guinea savannah ecological zone of Nigeria. Stem cuttings of
grapevine, bougainvillea and oleander were treated with
varying concentrations (0,500, 1000 and l500ppm) of indolebutyric acid (lBA) using prolong soaking method. The
experiment was laid out in a split plot design with 5
replications. Plant species were allocated to main-plots while
o Ali
of April,1
Variety seed 0
rate and row
the Growth
and Yield of
the levels of IBA were allocated to the sub-plots. Seedling
characters measured included number, length and spread of
roots, callus formation, number of dead wood and sprouted
cuttings. IBA generally stimulated rooting in all three plant
cuttings. However, 500ppm of IBA was the level that
simulated higher number of roots in grapevine, while
bougainvillea and oleander developed more roots at the
medium concentration of 1000ppm. Beyond this level, rooting
was not significant. Higher concentration up to 1500ppm
inhibited rooting and resulted in many dead cuttings of
grapevine. Similarly, the result revealed that length of roots,
spread and the number of dead wood cuttings were all
significantly (P<0.0l) affected by lBA up to 1000ppm level.
Rooting was generally low in both grapevine and
bougainvillea inspite of hormonal treatment. The effect of
IBA on callusing was also significant. Interaction between
plant cuttings and hormone levels were also significant
(P<0.0l) on all the parameters tested. The result of this study
therefore revealed that for good seedling production, 500ppm
can be applied to grapevine cuttings, while up to 1000ppm
appeared optimum for bougainvillea and oleander. Therefore
the recommendation of this hormone for use will enhance
production of promiscuous propagules for farmers in their
nurseries in Bauchi town, hence reducing the mortality rate of
their seedlings.
A field experiments was conducted twice during the rainy
seasons of 2006 and 2007 to study the effect of variety, seed
rate and row spacing on the growth and yield of rice in
Bauchi, Nigeria. The investigation was carried out at the
Fadama Research Farm of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
University, Bauchi. The treatments, included two varieties of
rice; Ex-China which is upland) and NERICA-l (which is an
improved and also upland), three seeding rates (32. 54 and
75kg/ha) and four row spacings (15, 20, 25cm and broadcast)
were used during the study. The treatments were factorially
ad Ado
of Oct,10
fertilizer and
cultivation on
Acid content
of Roselle in
combined and laid in a split-split plot design with three
replications. Variety, seeding rate and row spacing were laid
in the main, sub and sub plots respectively. Ex-China was
observed to produce significantly (P< 0.05) higher number of
tillers per plant and spikes per hill than NERICA-l. However,
NERICA-l was observed to produce significantly (P< 0.05)
higher number of seeds and spikelets per spike, seed weight
per spike, seed weight per hill, 1000 grain weight and grain
yield (kg ha-1 ) over Ex-China, The use of 15, 20 and 25cm
row spacings were observed to be significantly (P<05)
superior over broadcast method of planting in all the
characters studied. The different seeding rates used however,
did not show any significant difference in all the different
parameters considered in the two year investigation. Based on
the results obtained, NERICA 1- even though a low tillering
variety appeared to be superior in yield when hole planted
than Ex-China. At the row spacings, irrespective of the
method used, hole planting of rice could be more appropriate
for optimum grain yield.
Two field trials were carried out at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
University Teaching Research farm, Bauchi, during 2005 and
2006 wet seasons. The experiment was conducted to
determine the effects of NPK and cultivar on the growth,
yield and oxalic acid content of roselle. The treatments
consisted of NPK (0, 50, 100, I50 and 200 kg N, P and K) and
three roselle cultivars (Deep red, Red and White). These were
factorially combined in a randomized complete block design
with three replications. Results of the study showed that plant
growth increased significantly (P<0.05) with increase in NPK
levels up to 200kgN. P and Kha·1 in 2005 and 2006. Calyx
yield (k gha') also increased Significantly (P<O.05) with
increased levels of NPK up to 100, 150 and 100kg N, P and K
in 2005. 2006 and combined years respectively. However,
oxalic acid content decreased significantly with increased
levels of NPK up to 200kg N, P and K ha' in 2005 and 2006.
The White cultivar produced significantly (P<0.05) the tallest
plants with higher number of primary branches, while the
deep red cultivar produced the widest (P<0.05) canopy with
the highest calyx yield and oxalic acid content. Significant
(P<O.05) negative correlations were recorded between oxalic
acid and canopy diameter, number of primary branches, plant
highest and calyx yield (in 2006). It is concluded therefore
that application of NPK fertilizer improved growth indices up
to 200 kg N, P and K ha-I. The application of 100 kg N, P and
'Kha-1 and deep red calyx is suggested for maximum calyx
yield. And increase in the level fertilizer continues to decrease
the amount of oxalic acid in roselle calyces.
of Aug,11
Field experiment was conducted during the 2007 and
Variety and
2008 dry seasons under irrigation at Gwallaga-mayaka
Fadama Farm site, Bauchi (Latitude 10° -17"N. longitude 9°Manure
E) to study the effects of variety and poultry manure levels on
Levels on the
the growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The
Growth and
treatments consisted of two wheat varieties (Seri-M82 and
Atilla-gan-Atilla) and five levels of poultry manure (0, 2.5,
5.0, 7.5 and 10t/ha) which were laid out in a randomized
complete block design with four replications. The results
showed significant effect of variety on plant height, number
of leaves, leaf area, number of tillers, root length at harvest,
kilogram grain weight per plot, 1000 grain weight and grain
yeild per Hectare in 2007 and 2008 dry seasons. Effect of
poultry manure application was significant on plant height,
number of leaves, leaf area, number of tillers, shoot length at
harvest, root length at harvest, number of spike per plant,
number of spikelet per spike, spike length at harvest, and root
length of grains per spike, 1000 grain weight and grain yield
per hectare and straw dry weight at harvest in the two dry
seasons. Interactions were observed to be significant on plant
height at 8, 10 and 12 WAS, number of leaves at all WAS,
leaf area at 4, of tillers at 6, 8, 10 and 12 WAS, spike length
and root length at harvest in 2007 dry season, while in 2008
of Sept,1
Nitrogen and 1
Spacing on
Growth and
dry season, plant height at 6, 8 and 12 WAS, number of tillers
at 4, 10 and 12 WAS and leaf area at 4, 6, 8 and 10 WAS
were significantly increased. Based on this findinds, it could
be concluded that for optimum wheat production in Bauchi, a
combination variety Atilla-gan-Atilla and 7.5t/ha of poultry
manure is the best.
This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of
nitrogen and spacing on the growth and yield of watermelon
(Citrullus Lanatus (Thumb) Menst.). Field experiments were
conducted during the 2002 wet season at Abubakar Tafawa
Balewa University, Bauchi and Bauchi State Agricultural
Development Project, Teaching and Research farms, Bauchi.
The treatments used consist of four levels of nitrogen (0, 25,
50, 75kg N ha") and three plant spacings (1.0m x 1.0 am,
1.5m x 1.5m and 2.0m x 2.0m). The treatments were
factorially combined and arranged in a randomized complete
block design. Results indicated that nitrogen significantly
increased vine length, number of branches plant-1 number of
leaves plant-1, leaf area and dry matter production at both
experimental sites. LAI and NAR, were significantly
increased by nitrogen application at BSADP site only. At
both experimental sites 50% flowering was attained earlier
with application of nitrogen. Similarly, number of fruits
plant-1, total yield and marketable yield were significantly
improved with application of nitrogen at both experimental
sites. Spacing on the other hand, significantly increased
growth characters such as vine length at both experimental
sites. Number of branches, leaf area and dry matter
production were however, significant at BSADP experimental
site alone. Results also indicated existence of significant
interaction between nitrogen and spacing on mean number of
leaves plant" and fruit number plant" at BSADP site alone.
Observed characters related to growth and yield were found
to strongly and positively correlate with one another and with
yield. When yield was also regressed against varying levels of
levels on
of Sept,1
and 2
of Sept,
Manure and
levels on the
Growth and
nitrogen. The optimum level of nitrogen was found to be
68.75kg N ha' and 55.93kg N ha for ATBU and BSADP
Field experiments were conducted under irrigation
during the 2007 and 2008 dry seasons at the Teaching and
Research Farm of School of Agriculture, Abubakar Tatari Ali
Polytechnic, Bauchi in the Northern Guinea Savannah
ecological zone of Nigeria, to study the effects of variety and
poultry manure levels on the growth and yield of garlic
(Allium sativum L.). The treatments consisted of two varieties
of garlic (Dagin Kura, and Ex-Kofa) and four levels of
poultry manure (0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5thaI) which were
factorially combined in a randomized complete block design
with four replications. The result indicated that variety had
significant (P<O.05) effect on plant height and number leaves
in both seasons. The bulb size and weight of single bulb were
significant (p=0.05) in 2007 season. The number of cloves per
bulb and yield tha-1 were significantly affected by variety in
2008 season. The variety Dagin kura out yielded the other
variety. All growth, yield and yield components were
significantly (P<0.05) affected by poultry manure
applications. The 7.5 tha-I produced the highest growth and
yield parameters in both seasons. Interaction of variety and
poultry manure levels was significant (P<0.05) on number of
leaves, number of cloves per bulb and weight of single bulb in
2008 season. Based on the result of this experiment, it is
concluded that Dagin kura and 7.5tha-1 poultry manure could
be suggested for optimum production of garlic in Bauchi,
Field experiments were conducted during the 2009 and 2010
rainy seasons at Bukuru, Plateau state, Nigeria to investigate
the effects of different levels of poultry manure, phosphorus
and their interaction on the growth and yield of green pea
(Pisum sativum L.). The treatments which included four
levels of poultry manure (0, 2, 4, and 6t/ha) and four levels of
Further research
across different
locations within
the Jos plateau
area where the
Green Pea in
of SEPT,
residue and
Nitrogen rate
of Maize in
Gombe and
phosphorus (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg/ha) were laid in a
randomized complete block design with three replications.
The parameters investigated were plant height, number of
leaves, leaf area, number of branches, number of flowers, pod
length, number of pods, weight of pods per plant (g), weight
of pods per plot (g), pod yield (g), number of seed per 100
seeds weight (g) and grain yield (kg/ha). Results showed that
the effect of poultry manure and phosphorus levels on the
mentioned component of green pea (except for poultry
manure and phosphorus levels on number of seeds per pod in
2010) were found significant (P<0.05). The effect poultry
manure levels at 6t/h was found to be superior to other
treatment applied. Similarly the combine effect of poultry
manure and phosphorus levels significantly influenced
number of levels and leaf area in 2009 and pod yield, weight
of pods per plot and grain yield in both years. Highest grain
yield was obtained from interaction between 6t/ha poultry
manure with 50kg P/ha which was not significantly different
from yield obtained from 6t/ha poultry manure withh 75kg
P/ha while least grain yield was observed in the control
treatment. The interaction between poultry manure at 6t/ha
and prosperous at 50kg/ha was found in a better combination
for getting maximum production of green pea per hectare,
thus it has been suggested to exploit the yield of green pea in
the study area.
A field experiment was carried out during the wet seasons of 2007
and 2008 to study the effect of legume residue and fertilizer
nitrogen rate on the performance of maize in Bauchi and Gombe
States, Nigeria. Four legumes (bambaranut, cowpea, groundnut and
soybean) were used as residual legume, four N-fertilizer rates (zero,
quarter, half and full dose) and fallow as control were used. The
treatments were combined and laid in a randomized complete block
design with three replications. Growth characters including plant
height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, stem girth and
numbers of prop roots per plant were measured. Number of cobs
per plant, cob length, cob girth, cob weight, number of grains per
conditions are
effect of poultry
especially their
levels on green
cob, number of grain rows per cob, 100 grains per cob, threshing
percentage and grain yield considered as yield characters were also
studied. The results of the investigation revealed that the crop
generally responded to the effects of residual legumes and nitrogen
rates The use of bambaranut and groundnut residue soil was
observed to perform significantly (P< 0.05) better than those of
cowpea and soybean on grain yield of maize. Similarly,
performance of maize under bambaranut and groundnut residue
soils coupled with the application of 75N/ha was observed to
perform significantly (P<0.05) better in both growth and yield
characters and at the two locations than fallow, 0, 37.5 and
150kN/ha. From the result of the study, farmers could be advised to
plant hybrid maize after bambaranut or groundnut with half the
dose of nitrogen needed for the maize.
Of Two sweet
fertilizers in
the southern
savannah of
A field experiment was carried out during the rainy seasons
of 2008 and 2009 to study, performance of two sweet-potato
varieties under different types and rates of organic fertilizers
in the southern Guinea savannah of Nigeria. The
investigation was carried out at the Nasarawa state
Agricultural Development Programme (N.A.D.P.) Seed
Farm, Akwanga. Two varieties of sweet-potato: TIS 2535 OP
1.13 and Ex-Igbariam which are improved and of' trailing
types three organic fertilizers (fertiplus, nornau and
rootslizer) and four application rates (0, 1.5,3.0 4.5 t/ha) were
used during the study. The treatments were factorially
combined and laid in a split-split plot design with three
replications. Variety, organic fertilizer and application rate
were laid in the main, sub and sub-sub plots respectively.
Variety TIS 235 op 1.13 was observed to produce
significantly (P<0.05) longer trails with higher number of'
vines, shoot fresh and dry weight, higher root diameter and
root yield (t/ha) than Ex-lgbariam. At the different organic
fertilizers, fertiplus and rootslizer where observed to produce
significantly (P<0.05) longer trails with higher number of
vines per plant, leaf area index, shoot fresh weight root
diameter and root yield than nomau. However, rootslizer
produce statistically higher root yield in 2008 than fertiplus.
While fertiplus and nomau produced significantly (P<0.05)
higher number of vines per plant, leaf area index, shoot fresh
and dry weight, root diameter, root fresh weight and root
yield than other rates used. Through application rates of 3.0
and 4.5t/ha had significantly (P<0.05) longer vines than 1.5
t/ha and control during the period of study. However,
application rates of 1,5,3,0 and 4.5 t/ha had statistically
higher number of roots per plant than control rates used.
Based on this results, TIS 2535 op 1.13 appeared to be more
superior in yield when applied with fertiplus at the rate of
of Dec,12
Rate, spacing
and Variety
Growth and
Soybean in
Field experiment were carried out to determine the effect of
nitrogen rates, spacing and variety on the growth and yield of
soybean at Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic, School of Agricultural
and Agricultural Technology Research Farm, Bauchi (lat 10o 17’N
long 90 49’E and 609.3m above sea level) in 2009 and 2010
cropping seasons to investigate the effect of nitrogen, spacing and
variety on the growth and yield of soybean. Four nitrogen levels
(0,30,60, and 90kg N/ha) two inter-row spacing (50,and 60 cm) and
two soybean varieties (Samsoy 1 and TGX 4114-2E) were
factorially combined and laid out in the randomized complete block
design with three replications. The result showed that application
rate of 60kg N/ha significantly (P<0.05) produced the tallest plants
and number of leaves of soybean in both 2009 and 2010 seasons.
On the other hand application rate of 30kg N/ha significantly
produced the highest number of braches, leaf area (cm2) number of
pods, longer pod length, higher of seed per pod, 100 seed weight
(g) and grain yield (kg/ha) in both 2009 and 2010 season season.
The study also revealed that 50cm inter-row spacing produced the
tallest plant, number of leaves, leaf area (cm2). Number of braches
and number of seeds per pod, in contrast. 60cm inter-row spacing
produced higher seed weight (g) and grain yield (kg/ha). The
variety TGX4114-2E was observed to produce significantly talent
plants, highest number of leaves, leaf area (cm2), pod length and
Grain yield per hectare in both seasons. Interaction effect between
nitrogen. Spacing and variety was not significant on all the results
of this findings, it could be concluded that the variety TGX4114-2E
appeared to be more superior in yield at the application rate of 30kg
N/ha at 60cm inter-row spacing and is therefore suggested for
adoption by farmers I Bauchi and its environs.
Influence of Dec,12
the Growth
and yield of
Plateau State,
A field experiment was conducted during the 2008 and 2009
Wet Seasons at the Fadama Research Farm of the Federal
College of Education Pankshin, Plateau State, Nigeria.
Pankshin lies at latitude 09° 10" N and Longitude 09° 26" E,
located at an altitude of 656m above sea, level to study the
influence of poultry manure and .NPK fertilizer as nutrient
sources on the growth and yield of ginger. The treatments
consisted of four levels of poultry manure (0, 2, 4 and 6t/ha)
and four NPK fertilizer levels (0, 50, 100 and 150kg/ha)
which were factorally combined and laid out in a randomized
complete Block Design with three replications. The
parameters assessed were plant height, number of leaves per
plant, leaf length, stem girth, fresh weight per plot, dry weight
per plot, fresh weight per hectare and dry weight per hectare.
The results showed that the application of poultry manure and
NPK fertilizer at the rate of 2t/ha and, 100kg/ha significantly
(p<0.05) increased the plant, height, number of leaves per
plant, leaf length, stem girth fresh weight and dry weight per
hectare, Based on the results of the study, it could be
concluded that the application of 2t/ha of poultry manure and
100kgNPK/ha could be suggested for ginger production in
Pankshin, Plateau State, Nigeria.
Influence of July,14
The experiment was conducted at the Abubakar
Tafawa Balewa University teaching and research farm Bauchi
residue and
and Bulkachuwa village of Katagum LGA both in Bauchi
state. during the rainy seasons of 2011 and 2012. The
Fertilizers on
treatments consisted of two legumes (cowpea and soybean),
the Growth
nitrogen fertilizer applied at the rate of 0, 15. 30 and
and Yield of
60kgN/ha, both used to determine the performance of a
Sorghum in
Sorghum (variety; KSV 8) The experiment was laid out in
Bauchi State,
both years using Randomized Complete Block Design and
replicated three times. The results of the experiment revealed
that, growing sorghum on cowpea and soybean residue had
significant (P<0.05) effect on all the characters measured than
on fallow. The results further revealed that, application of
nitrogen fertilizer at the rate of 60kgNiha gave significantly
(P<0.01) higher effects on all the characters studied than the
other rates. Control plots on the other hand recorded the least.
It was also observed that. Bauchi significantly (P<O.05)
produced higher yield than Bulkachuwa. Studies on
interaction revealed that. irrespective of the location used,
application of 60kgN/ha following cowpea and soybean in
rotation significantly (P<O.Ol) increased yield of sorghum
Based on the results obtained. Application of 60kgN/ha to
sorghum grown after cowpea or soybean residue should be
adopted by farmers in and around Bauchi state for higher