F2032 – Fundamentals of Operating System BAHAGIAN A / SECTION A 1. The primary purpose of an operating system is ____ a. To make the most efficient use of the computer hardware b. To allow people to use the computer c. To make computers easier to use d. To keep systems programmers employed 2. ___runs on computer hardware and serve as platform for other software to run on a. Operating System b. Application Software c. System Software d. All 3. ___ is the layer of a computer system between the hardware and the user program a. Operating environment b. Operating system c. System environment d. None 4. Which of the following is NOT an Operating System a. Window Vista. b. Debian c. Microsoft Exchange Server d. Mandriva. 5. The operating system manages a. Memory b. Processes c. Disks and I/O devices d. All of the above 1 F2032 – Fundamentals of Operating System 6. Multiprogramming systems a. Are used only one large mainframe computers. b. Execute each job faster c. Are easier to develop than single programming systems d. Execute more jobs in the same time period 7. _______ is the first program run on a computer when the computer boots up a. System software b. Operating system c. System operations d. None 8. Which of the following Operating System does not implement multitasking a. Windows 98 b. Windows NT c. MS DOS d. Windows XP 9. Sistem pada peringkat awal yang tidak mempunyai struktur dikenali sebagai An early system that do not has any structure was called a. Sistem parallel / Parallel system b. Sistem monolithic / Monolithic system c. Sistem distributed / Distributed system d. Virtual machine / Virtual machines 10. Proses yang sedang menunggu untuk diproses dikenali sebagai A process in waiting state to be run is called a. Running state / Running state b. Ready state / Ready state c. Blocked state / Blocked state d. Process state / Process state 11. The operating system creates _____ from the physical computer a. Virtual space b. Virtual computers c. Virtual device d. None 12. Proses boleh didefinisikan sebagai / A process can be define as 2 F2032 – Fundamentals of Operating System a. Program yang sedang dijalankan / A program in execution b. Banyak program yang sedang dijalankan / Many programs in execution c. Program yang diminta oleh pengguna / A program that request by user d. Arahan yang sedang dijalankan / Execution of commands 13. Which of the following is NOT operating system structure a. Monolithic system b. Layered System c. Preemptive d. Virtual Machine 14. Set arahan tambahan yang disediakan oleh OS dikenali sebagai A set of extended instruction provided by OS is called a. System calling / System calling b. System signal / System signal c. System calls / System calls d. System command / System command. 15. Yang manakah di antara berikut menerangkan mengenai teknik preemptive? Which of the following best describe preemptive technique? a. Stop running process to allow more process to be executed b. Stop running process to load other process into main memory c. Stop running process to allow other process to be executed d. Stop running process to allow other process into main memory 16. Swapping a. Works best with may many small partitions b. Allows many programs to use memory simultaneously c. Allows each program in turn to use the memory d. Does not work with overlaying 17. DMA stands for ____ a. Direct Memory Access b. Distinct Memory Access c. Direct Module Access d. Direct Memory Allocation 3 F2032 – Fundamentals of Operating System 18. ____________ is a solution to create the illusion that more memory exists a. Real memory b. Main memory c. Virtual memory d. Secondary memory 19. With this scheme, the process that request the CPU first is allocated the CPU first refer to a. First – Come , First – Serve Scheduling (FCFS) b. Round Robin Scheduling (RR) c. Shortest Job First Scheduling (SJF) d. Priority Scheduling 20. Special purpose hardware that maps virtual address to real address is called a. Memory management unit b. Memory allocation unit c. Virtual memory unit d. Mapping management unit 21. Round Robin Scheduling is similar to a. b. c. d. Shortest Job First Scheduling (SJF) Priority Scheduling First – Come, First – Served Scheduling (FCFS) Shortest – Remaining – Time – First (SRTF) 22. Memory that allocated beside processor is called e. Main memory f. Random access memory g. Read only memory a. Cache memory 23. Which of the following Operating systems do you choose to implement a Client-Server network a. b. c. d. MS DOS Windows 98 Windows XP Windows 2000 4 F2032 – Fundamentals of Operating System 24. Which of the following is a read only memory storage device? a. CDROM b. Floppy disk c. Hard disk d. External Hard Disk 25. Data (information) is stored in computers as a. Files b. Directories c. Floppies d. Matter 26. An interface commands are created as ___________ as it can, so that it could be understood a. Hard b. Easy c. Moderate d. Normal 27. What is the name of the latest Server Operating System developed by Microsoft? a. Windows NT b. Windows 2000 c. Windows XP d. Windows7 28. FAT stands for a. File Accommodation Table b. File Access Tape c. File Activity Table d. File Activity Table 29. Major activities of an operating system regard to memory management i. ii. iii. iv. Keep track of which parts of memory currently being used and by whom. Allocate and de-allocate memory space as needed. Determine where the data will be allocated Decide which processes are to be loaded into memory when memory space becomes available a. i b. i & ii 5 F2032 – Fundamentals of Operating System c. i, iii & iv d. I, ii, iii & iv 30. System call _____________________________ a. is allow user-level processes to request services of the operating system b. is determine where the data will be allocated in disk c. is tracking each single file d. is an interactive command 31. Which of the following memory management schemes does not allow multiprogramming? a. Single – user contiguous scheme b. Fixed Partition c. Dynamic Partition d. Segmentation 32. When you install an OS in virtual machine a. b. c. d. It will not effect the current OS It will do some changes in hard drive It will not delete the changes It will do some changes in OS 33. Which of the following OS owned by Google a. Windows b. Chrome c. Linux d. Mac 34. A computer interrupt is ………….. a. the computer turn off b. the computer is interrupted by a signal from space saying it needs to close down the illegal application. c. when on word processor, if you type to much the computer makes an interrupt to let you there is no more room to type d. when a device has data to transfer it makes an interrupt.. that means it needs your attention, the processor then stops what it is doing and deals with the device 6 F2032 – Fundamentals of Operating System 35. Operating systems that allow different parts of a software program to run concurrently is referred to a. Multitasking b. Multithreading c. Multiprocessing d. Multi – user 36. NTFS is stands for a. New Table Files System b. New Tools Files System c. New Type Files Structure d. New Traveler File Structure 37. Which of the following is true about Paging? i. Is dividing incoming job into pages of equal size ii. Also known as Paged Memory Allocation iii. Is early memory management schema iv. It can only handle one job at a time a. b. c. d. i i & ii i, ii & iv i, ii, iii & iv 38. An Operating system that is capable of allowing multiple software processes to run at the same time. a. Multitasking b. Multithreading c. Multiprocessing d. Multi – user Blocks are fixed sized is called _____(a)________ and the associated virtual memory organization is called ____(b)_____ 39. Value for (a) and (b) are a. Pages, page b. Pages, paging c. Paging, pages d. Page, paging 7 F2032 – Fundamentals of Operating System 40. The first window version was a. Window 3.0 b. Window 3.11 c. Window 4.0 d. Window NT 41. Which of the following is TRUE about Segmentation Scheme a. requires that the entire program be stored contiguously and in memory b. known as static partition c. commercially in the late 1940s and early 1950s d. each job is divided into several segment of different sizes 42. Windows 4.0 is generally known as ... a. Windows 95 b. Windows 98. c. Windows for Workgroups d. Windows NT 43. Algoritma yang menjalankan proses berdasarkan keutamaan dikenali sebagai Algorithm which run the process base on the priority is called a. Shortest Job First Scheduling (SJF) b. Priority Scheduling c. First – Come, First – Served Scheduling (FCFS) d. Shortest – Remaining – Time – First (SRTF) 44. ____________ installation give the user to install all the recommended services in Windows OS h. Typical i. Full j. Minimal k. Custom 45. Which of the following is an Interactive Command i. Create ii. Delete iii. Rename iv. Copy a. i b. ii &ii c. ii, iii & iv d. i, ii, iii & iv 8 F2032 – Fundamentals of Operating System 46. ____________installation removes all data from your hard disk by repartitioning and reformatting your hard disk and reinstalling the operating system and programs to an empty (clean) hard disk. a. Upgrade b. Clean c. Multi-boot d. Virtualization 47. What are patch in operating system? a. A piece of program code that can fix a problem in OS b. A piece of program that can correct the whole OS c. A complete of a program code that can correct a problem in OS d. A piece of a program code that can patch the OS 48. The function of Window Task Manager contains 5 element, they are i. Application ii. Processes iii. Networking iv. Defragmentation a. i b. i & ii c. i,ii & iii d. i ,ii ,iii & iv 49. Themes enable a. User to modify screen server of the computer b. User to modify background of the computer c. User to modify background, sound and icon d. User to modify the resolution of the screen 50. Which of the following is NOT basic option for the installation of a new operating system a. Upgrade b. Multi-boot c. Virtualization d. Multitasking 9