Supplemental Material eMethods 1. Description of ABM using the ODD protocol eTable 1. Agent and neighborhood parameters, values, data sources, and update rules eTable 2. Agent-based model initialization parameters and default values eFigure 1. Flow diagram illustrating steps in model initialization eFigure 2. Flow diagram illustrating processes occurring at each step of the model eMethods 2. Pseudo-code for agent-based model eTable 3. Estimates of annual violence, PTSD and other parameters from agent-based model (ABM) and other data sources eSensitivity analyses eFigure3a. Ratio of prevalence of violent victimization under each intervention scenario compared to no intervention, by level of neighborhood influence eFigure3b. Ratio of prevalence of violence-related PTSD under each intervention scenario compared to no intervention, by level of neighborhood influence eFigure 4a. Ratio of prevalence of violent victimization under each intervention scenario compared to no intervention, by size of radius in which potential perpetrator could search for victims eFigure 4b. Ratio of prevalence of violence-related PTSD under each intervention scenario compared to no intervention, by size of radius in which potential perpetrator could search for victims eFigure 5a. Ratio of prevalence of violent victimization under each intervention scenario compared to no intervention, by size of radius in which violent act could be witnessed by other individuals eFigure 5b. Ratio of prevalence of violence-related PTSD under each intervention scenario compared to no intervention, by size of radius in which violent act could be witnessed by other individuals eFigure 6a. Ratio of Prevalence of Violent Victimization Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No Intervention, by Alternate Coefficients in Models Predicting Probabilities of Victimization and Perpetration 1 eFigure 6b. Ratio of Prevalence of Violence-Related PTSD Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No intervention, by Alternate Coefficients in Models Predicting Probabilities of Victimization and Perpetration eFigure 7a. Ratio of Prevalence of Violent Victimization Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No Intervention, by Proportion of Re-born Agents with History of Violent Victimization, Violent Perpetration, and PTSD eFigure 7b. Ratio of Prevalence of Violence-Related PTSD Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No intervention, by Proportion of Re-born Agents with History of Violent Victimization, Violent Perpetration, and PTSD eFigure 8a. Ratio of Prevalence of Violent Victimization Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No Intervention, by Additional Cell Radius in which Spillover Benefits of Targeted Policing Could Occur eFigure 8b. Ratio of Prevalence of Violence-Related PTSD Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No intervention, by Additional Cell Radius in which Spillover Benefits of Targeted Policing Could Occur References 2 eMethods 1. Description of ABM using the ODD protocol A detailed description of the ABM is provided below, following the ODD (Overview, Design concepts, Details) protocol.1,2 Purpose The purpose of this ABM was to simulate and compare the effects of primary and tertiary prevention interventions on population levels of violence-related PTSD in an urban area, where hot-spot policing and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) were chosen as the interventions of interest. Entities, state variables, and scales The model consists of four types of entities: agents, neighborhoods, police officers, and police patrol areas. Individual agents are characterized by the static and time-varying variables listed in Table 1, including age, sex, race/ethnicity, marital status, educational attainment, household income, and duration of residence, as well as variables indicating their location in the physical space. Individual behaviors include aging, mortality, movement to a new neighborhood, violent perpetration, violent victimization, witnessing violence, and development and resolution of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. The model physical environment consists of a rectangular 400 × 625 grid of cells divided into 42 neighborhoods representing the United Hospital Fund (UHF) neighborhoods in New York City.3 Each neighborhood is characterized by its x- and y- boundaries, location on the grid, and list of resident agents. Police officers are characterized by their location on the grid and the distance over which they can prevent violence; their only behavior is preventing the occurrence of violence when a potential perpetrator encounters a potential victim. 3 Police patrol areas were 9 × 9 cell squares characterized by their x- and y- boundaries, coordinates of their center cell, and presence of a police officer. Each time step of the model represents one year. Simulations were run for forty years, with the first ten years discarded as a “burn-in period,”4 during which the agent population accumulated a history of violence and PTSD but other agent characteristics (e.g., age, location) remained unchanged. The duration of this burn-in period was selected so that the initial prevalence of violent victimization, perpetration, and PTSD among agents matched expected distributions based on samples of similarly-aged adults. Process overview and scheduling The model proceeded in discrete annual time steps. Within each time step, eleven modules were processed in the following order: (1) aging, (2) death and rebirth, (3) resolution of PTSD symptoms from the previous time step, (4) movement to a new location, (5) assignment of police officer locations, (6) potential violent victimization and perpetration, (7) actual violent incidents and witnessed violence, (8) other traumatic events, (9) development of PTSD symptoms, (10) treatment of PTSD symptoms, and (11) updates to neighborhood characteristics (see Figure 2 for a flow diagram depicting the processes at each step of the model, and Appendix 2 for pseudo-code for the model). Within each module, agents and neighborhoods were processed in sequential order, except for the occurrence of actual violent incidents, for which potential perpetrators were randomly ordered when seeking out potential victims to ensure that the same perpetrators were not dominating the violent incidents in the landscape. Design concepts The model implemented several key features of agent-based models, including emergence, learning, sensing, interaction, stochasticity, and collectives. Specifically, emergence 4 was present in that population levels of violence and PTSD emerged from the behaviors and interactions of agents, which in turn were influenced by the characteristics of their neighborhoods and the presence of police officers nearby. Adaptation was modeled in that traumatic event exposure and PTSD, once experienced, increased an agent’s probability of future traumatic events and PTSD during subsequent time steps; decisions about moving were also based on experiences of violence. Regarding sensing, individual agents were assumed to know their own characteristics (e.g., age, sex), which influenced their behaviors. They were also assumed to know the characteristics of the neighborhoods in the model, both in terms of influencing their behaviors and guiding their selection of a new neighborhood when moving. Agents with the potential to perpetrate violence could also detect the nearby presence of potential victims, and some agents were aware of violent incidents occurring near them and thus became witnesses to that violence. Interaction was critical to the model dynamics and outcomes, in that violence occurred through the direct interaction of a potential victim and potential perpetrator in the physical space. Interactions between police officers and potential victims and perpetrators were also capable of preventing violence from occurring. Stochasticity was used in assigning agent characteristics and behaviors, at model initialization and throughout the model runs. Specifically, all agent demographic and behavioral parameters were interpreted as probabilities, with characteristics and behaviors assigned by drawing a random number between 0 and 1 and comparing the selected number to the agent’s calculated probability; this allowed the model population’s characteristics and behaviors to match expected distributions. Parameters that were not probabilities (e.g., amount of symptom resolution among treated cases of PTSD) were drawn from normal distributions so that average 5 values for the population matched expected estimates but some variability existed in the population. As a result, the population composition varied slightly across model runs but population patterns of movement, violence, PTSD, and mental health service utilization demonstrated expected frequencies and correlates. Collectives were present in the model in the form of agents grouped together in neighborhoods and police patrol areas. Characteristics of all agents located within the boundaries of each neighborhood or patrol area were averaged to derive the average levels of income and violence. Finally, to allow observation for model testing, the values of agent and neighborhood parameters were recorded for each unit at each time step. For model analysis, only populationlevel variables were recorded at each time step (e.g., percent of agents who were victimized). To account for the stochastic nature of the model, each model scenario was run 50 times, with the mean, 2.5th percentile, and 97.5th percentile reported from across the 50 runs. Initialization At model initialization, the agent population consisted of 60,000 individuals aged 18 years and older with socio-demographic characteristics assigned to match distributions of the adult population of NYC according to the 2000 U.S. Census 5 (see Tables 1 and 2 and Figure 1). The grid representing the physical space was divided into 42 areas reflecting the NYC UHF neighborhoods, with sizes proportional to UHF land areas and locations consistent with adjoining UHF borders.3 Agents were assigned to each neighborhood at initialization on the basis of age, sex, race/ethnicity, and household income so that the composition of the area matched the Census data for the respective UHF neighborhood, including proportionate population size.6 The total number of police officers in the model was based on a 1% sample of the average police 6 force in New York City from 1990-1993, the years before the police force was increased as part of the order-maintenance policing strategy championed by Police Commissioner William Bratton and Mayor Rudolph Guiliani in 1994. At initialization, the number of police officers assigned to each neighborhood was proportional to the neighborhood population size; within the neighborhood, police officers were assigned to random locations. Other parameters set during the initialization of the model are listed in Table 2. Given previous evidence for the influence of neighborhood characteristics on exposure to violence,7-10 we allowed five percent of individual agents’ probabilities of violent victimization and perpetration to be determined by their neighborhood characteristics. The radius within which perpetrators searched for victims was set at initialization to 15 cells. The radius within which police officers could prevent violence was set at 4 cells, and the radius within which agents could witness violence was set to 2 cells. These parameters were varied across a range of values in sensitivity analyses to ensure the observed results were robust to alternate initialization scenarios (see eSensitivity Analyses). Input data The environment is assumed to be constant, so no input data were needed to represent time-varying processes. Submodels The eleven modules implemented at each time step are described in greater detail below, including the specific equations and data sources used to calculate behavioral probabilities. (1) Aging: Following the burn-in period, each agent aged by one year at each time step. (2) Death and rebirth: Some agents died at each time step, with probabilities of all-cause 7 mortality assigned to agents based on their age, sex, and race/ethnicity so that mortality rates in the agent population matched those in the NYC adult population in the year 2000.11 Each agent who died was replaced with an 18-year-old agent with the same characteristics and neighborhood location as the deceased agent, thus maintaining a constant population size and composition in the model, except for age structure. We also repeated the model runs allowing specified proportions of the “re-born” agents to re-enter the model with a history of violent victimization, perpetration, and/or PTSD (see eSensitivity Analyses). (3) Resolution of PTSD symptoms from the previous time step: From a meta-analysis of PTSD treatment effects on symptoms, we used estimates from waiting list conditions to determine the resolution of PTSD symptoms among untreated agents.12 PTSD symptom resolution was greater for PTSD cases undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) than for untreated cases, with the reduction in symptoms for treated cases estimated from a meta-analysis of the effects of group CBT on PTSD symptoms.13 In particular, Bradley and colleagues reported an average effect size of 0.35 (95% CI 0.19-0.51) for pre- versus post-treatment symptoms from studies of waiting list conditions; translating this effect size for our PTSD symptom scale, we selected the amount of symptom resolution for untreated agents from a normal distribution with mean 1.05 and standard deviation 0.24. There were 15 studies included in the meta-analysis from which this parameter was derived, wherein the wait-list condition was comprised of groups assigned to receive minimal contact or no contact. For PTSD treatment, Barrera and colleagues reported an average effect size of 1.13 (95% CI 0.69-1.56) for pre- versus post-treatment symptoms from studies of group CBT; again translating this effect size for our PTSD symptom scale, we selected the amount of symptom 8 resolution for treated agents from a normal distribution with mean 3.39 and standard deviation 0.65. There were 12 studies included in the meta-analysis from which this parameter was derived, wherein group CBT consisted of between 6 and 30 weekly sessions of 90 minutes or more. (4) Movement to a new location: At each time step, each agent had a certain probability of moving to a new neighborhood. Probabilities of moving over a one-year period were calculated from the Detroit Neighborhood Health Study (DNHS),14 according to the following logistic regression equation: (Eq. 1) logit(P_MOVE) = -4.25 + (1.834*DURATION1) + (0.782*DURATION2) + (0.147*DURATION3) + (0.855*INC1) + (0.706*INC2) + (0.597*INC3) + (1.307*LASTVICT) where P_MOVE = probability of moving to a new neighborhood DURATION1-DURATION3 = dummy variables indicating duration of residence in current neighborhood of 0-5 years (DURATION1), 6-10 years (DURATION2), and 11-20 years (DURATION3) (>20 years is the referent) INC1-INC3 = dummy variables indicating household income of <$20,000 (INC1), $20,000-$39,999 (INC2), $40,000-$74,999 (INC3) (≥$75,000 is the referent) LASTVICT = dummy variable indicating whether agent was victimized at last time step 9 The calculated probability was further reduced (by half, on average) if the agent had committed violent perpetration at the last time step. The final probability of moving was thus calculated as follows: REDUCEPROB ~ N(0.50, 0.025) = reduction in probability if perpetrated violence at last time step (Eq. 2) PROB_MOVE = (exp(logit(P_MOVE))/(1 + exp(logit(P_MOVE)))) × REDUCEPROB (5) Assignment of police officer locations: At each time step, police officers were assigned to new locations in the physical space. If the hot-spot policing intervention was not in place at the time step in question, police officers were assigned to a random location within the neighborhood to which they were assigned at baseline (as described above in the Initialization section). If the hot-spot policing intervention was in effect, all police patrol areas in the physical space were sorted according to the proportion of agents residing in the area who were victims of violence at the last time step. One police officer was then assigned to the center cell of each police patrol area, from highest violence to lowest violence, until no officers were remaining. (6) Potential violent victimization and perpetration: At each time step, each agent had a certain probability of committing a violent act and of being a victim of a violent act. Probabilities of violent perpetration in the past year were calculated from Wave 2 of the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), a national study of adult U.S. residents.15,16 Perpetration was defined as physically hurting someone, including hitting and using a weapon, or forcing someone to have sex.15,16 Probabilities of violent victimization in the past year were calculated from the World Trade Center (WTC) Study, a large longitudinal study of adult residents of the NYC metropolitan area initiated after the September 11th attacks.17 10 Victimization was defined as being attacked with or without a weapon or forced to engage in unwanted sexual contact. These probabilities were estimated from individual- and neighborhood-level characteristics, according to the following logistic regression equations. (Eq. 3) logit(P_VICTIM1) = -4.45 + (0.6527*MALE) + (-0.2339*AGE2) + (0.3678*AGE3) + (-0.2139*AGE4) + (-0.7979*AGE5) + (-0.5967*AGE6) + (0.275*BLACK) + (0.4144*HISP) + (-0.0297*OTHERRACE) + (0.0318*MARRIED) + (0.6621*DIVSEPWID) + (0.0674*HS) + (0.1262*MOREHS) + (0.0588*INC2) + (-0.1788*INC3) + (-0.1977*INC4) + (1.4864*PRIORVICT) + (0.5073*PRIORPERP) + (0.1957*LASTPTSDSX) (Eq. 4) logit(P_PERP1) = -5.25 + (0.6514*MALE) + (0.5406*AGE2) + (0.1349*AGE3) + (-0.6045*AGE4) + (-1.3125*AGE5) + (-0.3049*AGE6) + (0.4747*BLACK) + (-0.094*HISP) + (-0.3272*OTHERRACE) + (-0.2104*MARRIED) + (0.2251*DIVSEPWID) + (-0.0326*HS) + (-0.3262*MOREHS) + (0.0142*INC2) + (-0.1978*INC3) + (0.0269*INC4) + (1.4566*PRIORVICT) + (1.3053*PRIORPERP) + (0.0802*LASTPTSDSX) where P_VICTIM1 = probability of violent victimization at current time step P_PERP1 = probability of violent perpetration at current time step MALE = dummy variable indicating male gender (female is referent) AGE2-AGE6 = dummy variables indicating age 25-34 (AGE2), 35-44 (AGE3), 45-54 (AGE4), 55-64 (AGE5), and ≥ 65 (AGE6) years (18-24 years is referent) 11 BLACK, HISP, OTHERRACE = dummy variables indicating Black, Hispanic, or other race/ethnicity (White is the referent) MARRIED, DIVSEPWID = dummy variables indicating married (MARRIED) and divorced/separated/widowed (DIVSEPWID) marital status (never married is referent) HS, MOREHS = dummy variables indicating high school degree or equivalent (HS) or more than high school education (MOREHS) (less than high school is referent) INC2-INC4 = dummy variables indicating household income of $20,000-$39,999 (INC2), $40,000-$74,999 (INC3), and ≥ $75,000 (INC4) (< $20,000 is referent) PRIORVICT = dummy variable indicating whether agent was victimized at any prior time step PRIORPERP = dummy variable indicating whether agent committed violent perpetration at any prior time step LASTPTSDSX = number of PTSD symptoms at last time step To ensure that model results were not overly sensitive to the data sources chosen to derive the above equations, we also conducted sensitivity analyses varying the magnitude of some of the model coefficients, including the estimated effects of the number of PTSD symptoms (LASTPTSDSX), the oldest age group (AGE6), and prior violent perpetration (PRIORPERP) (see eSensitivity Analyses). 12 Probabilities calculated from these individual-level models accounted for 95% of the agent’s final probability, while the remaining 5% was calculated from the following multilevel logistic regression equation estimated using neighborhood-level exposures from NYSES and Census data to predict violent victimization from WTC data. Specifically, (Eq. 5) logit(P_VICTIM2) = -5.40 + (2.9516*HOODINC1) + (2.3801*HOODINC2) + (0.0591*HOODVIOL) where HOODINC1-HOODINC2 = dummy variables indicating average neighborhood income <$40,000 (HOODINC1) or $40,000-$59,999 (HOODINC2) (≥$60,000 is the referent) HOODVIOL = proportion of agents residing in neighborhood who were victims of violence at last time step The equation for violent perpetration (which was not available for NYC specifically and thus could not be linked easily to relevant neighborhood data) was modified from the victimization equation. Specifically, the intercept of the equation was decreased to account for the lower probability of perpetration, but associations between neighborhood characteristics and perpetration were assumed to be the same as those estimated for victimization. (Eq. 6) logit(P_PERP2) = -6.67 + (2.9516*HOODINC1) + (2.3801*HOODINC2) + (0.0591*HOODVIOL) Thus, the final probabilities of agent victimization at each time step were calculated as follows, with corresponding steps taken to calculate the final probabilities of perpetration: (Eq.7) P_VICTIM1 = exp(logit(P_VICTIM1))/(1 + exp(logit(P_VICTIM1))) (Eq.8) P_VICTIM2 = exp(logit(P_VICTIM2))/(1 + exp(logit(P_VICTIM2))) 13 (Eq.9) P_VICTIM = (0.95*P_VICTIM1) + (0.05*P_VICTIM2) (7) Actual violent incidents and witnessed violence: Once potential perpetrators and victims are identified in the ABM, an additional process occurs to determine whether a violent incident actually takes place. Specifically, potential perpetrators search a 15-cell radius around their location for potential victims who have not already been victimized at that time step. If a police officer is present within a 4-cell radius of the potential victim, the violent act is prevented; however, if no police officer is present, the victim falls prey to the perpetrator. A completed violent encounter can also be “witnessed” by nearby agents. In particular, for 85% of witnessed events, each agent within a 2-cell radius of the event has a 5% probability of witnessing the violence occur; for the remaining 15% of events, nearby agents have a 15% probability of being witnesses. This reflects the occurrence of some violent acts in public places (e.g., bars) or during daytime hours, with more witnesses present, while the majority of violent events are unlikely to be witnessed. (8) Other traumatic events: In addition to violence, agents could also experience other traumatic events at each time step. Probabilities of exposure to other traumatic events (including natural disasters, serious accidents, and other situations causing serious injury or fear of death or serious injury) were calculated from the WTC study referenced above,17 according to the following logistic regression equations at the individual and neighborhood levels. (Eq. 10) logit(P_OTHERTRAUMA1) = -2.327 + (-0.3525*MALE) + (0.0305*AGE2) + (0.402*AGE3) + (0.1814*AGE4) + (-0.2601*AGE5) + (-0.4182*AGE6) + (0.1346*BLACK) + (-0.1544*HISP) + (0.1842*OTHERRACE) + (0.0361*MARRIED) + (0.0129*DIVSEPWID) + (0.2641*HS) + 14 (0.3237*MOREHS) + (0.0503*INC2) + (0.2208*INC3) + (-0.1455*INC4) + (0.7793*PRIORTRAUMA) + (0.1103*LASTPTSDSX) (Eq. 11) logit(P_OTHERTRAUMA2) = -1.5547 + (-0.1362*HOODINC1) + (0.5026*HOODINC2) + (0.0556*HOODVIOL) where P_OTHERTRAUMA1 = probability of experiencing other traumatic event at current time step, based on individual-level characteristics P_OTHERTRAUMA2 = probability of experiencing other traumatic event at current time step, based on neighborhood-level characteristics PRIORTRAUMA = dummy variable indicating whether agent had experienced any traumatic event at any previous time step (9) Development of PTSD symptoms: Agents who experienced one or more types of violence or other traumatic event exposure were then at risk for developing PTSD symptoms. The Poisson regression equation specified below was calculated from the WTC data and used to assign the number of PTSD symptoms (ranging from 0-17) to each agent exposed to violence or trauma. From an ROC analysis conducted on the WTC data, we determined that a cutpoint of 7 symptoms was optimal for the identification of probable PTSD cases; therefore, any agent with more than 7 PTSD symptoms was identified as meeting criteria for PTSD at that time step. Violence-related PTSD cases in the model were identified as those with more than 7 PTSD symptoms and exposure to violent victimization, perpetration, or witnessed violence at that time step. 15 (Eq. 12) log(CURPTSDSX) = 0.965 + (-0.0256*MALE) + (0.1667*AGE2) + (0.0886*AGE3) + (0.1036*AGE4) + (0.0006*AGE5) + (-0.0655*AGE6) + (0.0141*MARRIED) + (0.0481*DIVSEPWID) + (0.2126*HS) + (0.0930*MOREHS) + (-0.1160*INC2) + (-0.2030*INC3) + (-0.3358*INC4) + (0.6400*VICTIM) + (0.2846*PERP) + (0.1551*WITNESS) + (0.1786*OTHERTRAUMA) + (0.04*LASTPTSDSX) + (0.3814*PRIORPTSD) (Eq. 13) log(CURPTSDSX2) = 1.5671 + (0.1986*HOODINC1) + (-0.1064*HOODINC2) + (0.0876*HOODVIOL) where CURPTSDSX1 = number of PTSD symptoms at current time step, based on individuallevel characteristics CURPTSDSX2 = number of PTSD symptoms at current time step, based on neighborhood-level characteristics VICTIM = dummy variable indicating whether agent was victim of violence at current time step PERP = dummy variable indicating whether agent was violent perpetrator at current time step WITNESS = dummy variable indicating whether agent witnessed violence at current time step PRIORPTSD = dummy variable indicating whether agent ever met criteria for PTSD at any previous time step (10) Treatment of PTSD symptoms: All agents who met criteria for PTSD were 16 eligible for treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Probabilities of using CBT were calculated from WTC data, according to the following logistic regression equation.1 As noted above, PTSD symptom resolution was greater for PTSD cases undergoing CBT than for untreated cases. (Eq. 14) logit(P_CBT) = -1.60 + (-0.2008*MALE) + (-0.5828*BLACK) + (-1.073*HISP) + (-0.35*OTHERRACE) + (0.2449*OLDERAGE) + (1.8377*PRIORCBT) where P_CBT = probability of using CBT at current time step OLDERAGE = dummy variable indicating whether agent is 45 years old or older PRIORCBT = dummy variable indicating whether agent had ever used CBT at any previous time step If the CBT intervention was implemented at the current time step, the probability of CBT use calculated above was artificially increased by a specified amount (e.g., 50%) for all agents with PTSD who resided in high-violence neighborhoods. (11) Updates to neighborhood characteristics: At each time step, the average levels of income and violent victimization were recalculated for each neighborhood to account for experiences of violence among neighborhood residents, as well as the changing agent composition of neighborhoods as individuals move to new locations in the physical space. The average violence in each police patrol area was also recalculated. 1 CBT use was not directly assessed in the WTC study and was thus approximated by reports of visits to a psychologist or counselor among those with PTSD, assuming these mental health providers would be more likely to utilize CBT than other providers like psychiatrists. 17 eTable 1. Agent and Neighborhood Parameters, Values, Data Sources, and Update Rules Parameter Values Data source(s) Update rules Reference 18-100 (in single years) Age, sex, and race/ethnicity Age increases by one year Census 20005 were jointly assigned based at each time step. Male; Female on joint distributions from the -- Census 20005 White non-Hispanic; 2000 Census, Summary File -- Census 20005 Black non-Hispanic; 1. -- Census 20005 -- Census 20005 Agent characteristics Age Sex Race/ethnicity Hispanic; Other nonHispanic Marital status Never married; Married; Marital status was assigned Divorced, separated, based on age category, sex, widowed and race/ethnicity, using data from the 2000 Census, Summary File 4. Educational attainment < High school; High Educational attainment was 18 school degree or assigned based on age equivalent; > High category, sex, and school race/ethnicity, using data from the 2000 Census, Summary File 4. Household income -- Census 20005 Initial duration of residence Duration of residence Census 20005 was assigned based on age, increases by one year at using data from the 2000 each time step. When Census, Summary File 3. agent moves to a new < $20,000; $20,000- Household income was $39,999; $40,000- assigned based on $74,999; ≥ $75,000 race/ethnicity, using data from the 2000 Census, Summary File 3. Duration of residence in neighborhood 0-40 (in single years) neighborhood, duration of residence is reset to 0. 19 Probability of dying 0-1 Mortality probabilities were Mortality probabilities are NYC assigned based on age updated when agent DOHMH, category, sex, and moves into an older age 20006 race/ethnicity, based on year category. 2000 mortality data from the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Probability of moving to a new neighborhood 0-1 Calculated from Detroit Recalculated at each time Goldmann et Neighborhood Health Study, step. al., 201114 based on household income, duration of residence in current neighborhood, and violent victimization at last time step; also adjusted for violent perpetration at last time step. 20 Probability of violent victimization 0-1 Calculated from World Trade Recalculated at each time Galea et al., Includes: being attacked Center (WTC) cohort study of step. 200817 with a gun, knife, or NYC residents, based on other weapon; attacked individual age, sex, without a weapon but race/ethnicity, marital status, with the intent to kill or education, income, prior injure; or forced to history of violence, PTSD engage in unwanted symptoms at last time step, sexual contact through and neighborhood the use of physical force characteristics or threat of force. Probability of violent perpetration 0-1 Calculated from NESARC Recalculated at each time Elbogen, Includes: using a study of U.S. residents, based step. 200915 weapon like a stick, on individual age, sex, knife, or gun; hitting race/ethnicity, marital status, someone hard enough to education, income, prior 21 require medical history of violence, PTSD attention; forcing symptoms at last time step, someone to have sex; or and neighborhood physically hurting characteristics. someone in another way on purpose. Witnessed violence Probability of other traumatic event No; Yes Determined by proximity to Reassessed at each time Emerges from victim of violence. step. model 0-1 Calculated from WTC cohort Recalculated at each time Galea et al., Includes: exposure to a study of NYC residents, step. 200817 natural disaster, being in based on individual age, sex, a serious accident, being race/ethnicity, marital status, seriously injured, and education, income, prior other events causing traumatic events, and PTSD fear of death or fear of symptoms at last time step. serious injury. 22 PTSD symptoms 0-17 Based on DSM-IV criteria for PTSD Calculated from WTC cohort Recalculated at each time Galea et al., study of NYC residents, step. PTSD symptoms 200817 based on individual age, sex, from previous time step marital status, education, decline according to income, type of violence or average symptom declines other traumatic event, and among individuals prior history of PTSD, and assigned to waiting list PTSD symptoms at last time conditions (Bradley et al., step. 2005; for untreated PTSD) or group CBT (Barrera et al., 2013; for treated PTSD). Probability of CBT use 0-1 Calculated from WTC cohort Recalculated at each time Galea et al., study of NYC residents, step. 200817 based on individual age, sex, race/ethnicity, and prior use 23 of CBT. Neighborhood characteristics Average household income Average violent victimization < $25,000; $25,000- Calculated as average income Recalculated at each time Emerges from $49,999; ≥ $50,000 of neighborhood residents. step. model 0-100 Calculated as percent of Recalculated at each time Emerges from neighborhood residents who step. model were victimized at last time step. 24 eTable 2. Agent-Based Model Initialization Parameters and Default Values Parameter Value Number of agents 60,000 Number of neighborhoods Neighborhood influence on agent behaviorsa 42 0.05 Cell radius searched by potential perpetrator for potential victims of violence 15 Cell radius in which police officers can prevent violence 4 Cell radius in which agents can witness violence 2 a Percent of the probability of agent behaviors that is determined by the agent’s neighborhood characteristics 25 eFigure 1. Flow Diagram Illustrating Steps in Model Initialization 26 eFigure 2. Flow Diagram Illustrating Processes Occurring at Each Step of the Model 27 28 eMethods 2. Pseudo-code for Agent-Based Model MODEL INITIALIZATION Set parameters (user-defined or read from a parameter file). Create the grid for agent locations. Create lists for all agents, neighborhoods, and police patrol areas. // CREATE AGENTS For 1 to the defined number of agents (specified by the user or file) Create a new agent, with all baseline characteristics. Add agent to list of agents. // CREATE NEIGHBORHOODS, CREATE CELLS WITHIN NEIGHBORHOODS, AND // ASSIGN POLICE OFFICERS TO LOCATIONS For 1 to 42 (i.e., the desired number of neighborhoods) Create a new neighborhood corresponding to a particular NYC neighborhood. Add neighborhood to list of neighborhoods. Specify boundaries of the neighborhood. Create individual cells within that neighborhood. Randomly select initial locations of police officers on cells within the neighborhood. Notify selected cells that police officer is present. 29 // ASSIGN AGENTS TO NEIGHBORHOODS AND SPECIFIC CELL LOCATIONS For 1 to the defined number of agents Select a neighborhood for the agent based on agent’s characteristics. Randomly assign X, Y values for specific location of agent within the neighborhood. Notify cell that agent is present. Add agent to list of agents in the neighborhood. // CALCULATE CHARACTERISTICS OF NEIGHBORHOODS For 1 to the defined number of neighborhoods Calculate average neighborhood characteristics by averaging characteristics of all agents located in that neighborhood. Identify neighborhoods with above- and below-average levels of income and violence. Create police patrol areas within the neighborhood. Assign boundaries to each police patrol area. EACH MODEL STEP // RESET CELL VARIABLES For 1 to the defined number of cells Reset cell variables. // RESET AGENT VARIABLES AND ALLOW DEATH AND MOVEMENT 30 For 1 to the defined number of agents Increase age by one year. If agent died at last time step Reset age and history of violence and PTSD. Reset movement, victimization, perpetration, and other traumatic event variables. If agent had PTSD symptoms at last time step Calculate amount of PTSD symptom resolution based on CBT status. If number of PTSD symptoms is less than or equal to 7 Agent no longer has PTSD. Reset agent’s probability of CBT use based on updated characteristics. Update agent’s probability of dying. Select random number from 0 to 1. If random number is less than agent’s probability of death Agent dies at this time step. Update agent’s probability of moving to a new neighborhood. Select random number from 0 to 1. If random number is less than agent’s probability of moving Remove agent from list of agents in old neighborhood. Select a new neighborhood for the agent based on the agent’s characteristics. Randomly assign X, Y values for specific location of agent within the new neighborhood. Notify cell that agent is present. Add agent to list of agents in the neighborhood. 31 // UPDATE NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS AFTER MOVES For 1 to the defined number of neighborhoods Update average neighborhood income. // RESET POLICE OFFICER LOCATIONS If policing intervention not implemented at this time step For 1 to the defined number of neighborhoods Randomly reassign police officer locations within neighborhood. Notify selected cells that police officer is present. Else if policing intervention is implemented at this time step Increase number of police available, if applicable. Sort police patrol areas from highest to lowest violence. For 1 to the defined number of police officers Assign police officer to patrol area with next highest level of violence. Place police officer in center cell of selected patrol area. Notify cell that police officer is present. // IDENTIFY POTENTIAL PERPETRATORS AND VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE For 1 to the defined number of agents Calculate agent’s probability of violent victimization. Select random number from 0 to 1. If random number is less than agent’s probability of victimization 32 Identify agent as potential victim. Notify agent’s cell that potential victim is present. Calculate agent’s probability of violent perpetration. Select random number from 0 to 1. If random number is less than agent’s probability of perpetration Identify agent as potential perpetrator. Notify agent’s cell that potential perpetrator is present. // IDENTIFY ACTUAL PERPETRATORS AND VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE Shuffle list of agents. For 1 to the defined number of agents If the agent is a potential perpetrator Create a vector containing all cells within the specified perpetration radius of the potential perpetrator (where the radius is specified by the user or read from a parameter file). For 1 to the number of cells in the perpetration vector If the cell contains a potential victim who has not yet been victimized Create a vector containing all cells within the specified police protection radius of the potential victim (where the radius is specified by the user or read from a parameter file). For 1 to the number of cells in the police protection vector If the cell contains a police officer 33 Violent act is prevented. If no cells in the police protection vector contain an officer Identify index agent as a perpetrator. Identify agent in selected cell as a victim. Notify cell that actual victim is present. // IDENTIFY WITNESSES TO VIOLENCE For 1 to the defined number of agents If agent is a victim of violence at this time step Create vector containing all cells within the specified witnessing radius of the victim (where the radius is specified by the user or read from a parameter file). For 1 to the number of cells in the witnessing radius If the cell contains an agent Select a random number from 0 to 1. If random number is less than 0.15 Set probability of witnessing to 0.15. Else if random number is greater than or equal to 0.15 Set probability of witnessing to 0.05. Select another random number from 0 to 1. If random number is less than probability of witnessing Identify agent as a witness. Notify cell that witness is present. 34 // IDENTIFY AGENTS EXPOSED TO OTHER TRAUMATIC EVENTS, ASSIGN NUMBER OF // PTSD SYMPTOMS, AND DETERMINE CBT (TREATMENT) STATUS For 1 to the defined number of agents Calculate agent’s probability of other traumatic event. Select random number from 0 to 1. If random number is less than agent’s probability of other traumatic event Identify agent as exposed to other traumatic event. If agent was perpetrator, victim, witness or exposed to other traumatic event Calculate agent’s number of PTSD symptoms. If number of symptoms is greater than 7 Identify agent as having PTSD. If agent was perpetrator, victim, or witness of violence Identify agent as having violence-related PTSD. If agent has PTSD not related to violence and is not currently in CBT treatment Select random number from 0 to 1. If random number is less than agent’s probability of CBT use Identify agent as receiving CBT treatment. If agent has violence-related PTSD and is not currently in CBT treatment If CBT intervention is implemented at this time step If agent lives in high-violence neighborhood Increase agent’s probability of CBT use by designated amount. 35 Select random number from 0 to 1. If random number is less than agent’s probability of CBT use Identify agent as receiving CBT treatment. // UPDATE NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS For 1 to the defined number of neighborhoods Update average neighborhood violence. Identify neighborhood as above or below average in violence. // UPDATE POLICE PATROL AREA CHARACTERISTICS For 1 to the defined number of police patrol areas Update average violence in patrol area. 36 eTable 3. Estimates of Annual Violence, PTSD and Other Parameters From Agent-Based Model (ABM) and Other Data Sources ABM estimatesa NYC estimatesb Published Sources of published estimates estimates Violence Norris, 1992;18 Potter et al., 2009;19 Simon et al., 2008;20 Violent victimizationc 3.95 (3.86-4.01)% 1.4 - 7.0% 2.4 - 8.0% Vaughn et al., 201021 Corrigan & Watson, 2005;22 Elbogen & Johnson, 2009;15 Silver & Teasdale, 2005;23 Violent perpetrationc 0.79 (0.78-0.80)% 0.45% 0.97 - 3.2% Swanson, 199324 Witnessed violencec 2.82 (2.75-2.86)% 2.9 - 7.2% na -- Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 37 Prevalence of PTSDc 3.77 (3.65-3.82)% 4.3 - 14.7% 3.5% Kessler et al., 200525 Prevalence of violence-related PTSDc 3.57 (3.46-3.62)% 0.93 - 3.9% na -- Incidence of violence-related PTSDd 13.55 (13.30-13.81)% 3.6 - 33.3% 11.3% Norris, 199218 Duration of violence-related PTSDd 3.58 (3.51-3.63) yrs na 3 - 5.33 yrs Kessler et al., 199526 7.17 (7.12-7.22) 6.43 - 7.89 na -- 15.99 (15.52-16.32)% 17.4 - 17.9% na -- 2.53 2.76 na -- 6.98 (6.92-7.04)% 7.8% na -- Average number of PTSD symptomsd Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) use\e Density of police officersf Movement to new residencec 38 Note: na – not available a Mean and 95% confidence interval over 50 runs of the ABM. b Estimates were calculated from the World Trade Center cohort study,17 as well as the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (violent perpetration16), the 2003 NYC Community Health Survey (CBT use27), New York Police Department (NYPD) data (density of police officers28), and the 2005-2009 American Community Survey (movement29). c Calculated among the total sample. d Calculated among those who experienced violence in the past year. e Calculated among those with PTSD in the past year. 39 eSensitivity Analyses A summary of the sensitivity analyses that were conducted to ensure robustness of the model inferences to alternate specifications of initial conditions is included below. Sensitivity analysis methods We considered six sets of sensitivity analyses, in which we tested the robustness of the results to alternate specifications of the model. First, we varied the level of the neighborhood influence on individual agent behaviors (from 1% to 9%, with a default value of 5%). Second, we varied the size of the radius in which potential violent perpetrators could search for potential victims (from 5 to 25 cells, with a default value of 15 cells). Third, we varied the size of the radius in which violent acts could be witnessed by nearby agents (from 1 to 4 cells, with a default value of 2 cells). Fourth, we varied key model parameter values to ensure that patterns of violence were not unduly influenced by the data sources used to estimate the risk of violent victimization and perpetration; in particular, coefficient estimates for the influence of older age, previous violent perpetration, and current PTSD symptoms were varied when calculating the probabilities of violent victimization and perpetration at each time step. Fifth, since violence and PTSD symptoms are not infrequent occurrences during childhood,30 we assigned a prior history of violence and PTSD to specified proportions of “re-born” agents, rather than assuming all reborn agents enter the model without such a history. Finally, we considered the possibility that the hot-spot policing intervention results in spillover benefits in surrounding areas.31 As for the primary analyses, all sensitivity analyses were run 50 times, with the median, 2.5th percentile, and 97.5th percentile reported from across the 50 simulations. Each set of 40 sensitivity analyses was run under the no intervention scenario, as well as different combinations of the CBT and hot-spot policing interventions. Sensitivity analysis results Sensitivity analyses indicated that the results of the primary analyses were robust across alternate specifications of the model conditions. In particular, as expected, levels of violent victimization and violence-related PTSD changed when changes were made to neighborhood influence, the radii within which violence and witnessed violence could occur (e.g., violent victimization increased when potential perpetrators could search a larger area for potential victims), and when more re-born agents had a history of violence. However, the study conclusions in terms of the influence of the CBT and hot-spot policing interventions on violent victimization and violence-related PTSD, relative to the no intervention scenario, remained largely unchanged regardless of the initial conditions and other assumptions of the model. For example, Figure 3a presents the relative prevalence of violent victimization under each intervention (compared to no intervention), for different levels of neighborhood influence, while Figure 3b presents the relative prevalence of violence-related PTSD. Similar results are presented in Figures 4a and 4b for different size radii of location victims, and in Figures 5a and 5b for different size radii of witnessing violence. Figures 6a and 6b demonstrate the invariance of model results when modifying the magnitude of associations between key variables and the risk of violent victimization and perpetration. Similarly, Figures 7a and 7b indicate that the relative effects of each intervention scenario on violent victimization and violence-related PTSD were consistent when different proportions of re-born agents were assigned a history of violent 41 victimization, perpetration, and/or PTSD, indicating that the assumption of no such history among re-born agents did not influence study results. Finally, Figures 8a and 8b present similar results when spillover benefits of the targeted policing intervention are allowed to occur in an additional cell radius adjoining the targeted patrol areas. The CBT interventions were not affected by this change; however, the results indicate that the overall reductions in violent victimization and violence-related PTSD could be larger if such spillover benefits occurred. However, the overall conclusion of the study would still hold, namely that interventions combining both treatment and prevention strategies will most effectively reduce violence-related PTSD. Complete results of all sensitivity analyses are available from the authors upon request. 42 eFigure 3a. Ratio of Prevalence of Violent Victimization Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No Intervention, by Level of Neighborhood Influence Ratio of violent victimization prevalence compared to no intervention 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 Increase in CBT by 200% for 10 years Increase in CBT by 300% for 30 years Increase in police by 0% for 10 years Increase in police by 15% for 30 years Increase in CBT by 50% and police by 0% for 5 years Increase in CBT by 300% and police by 15% for 30 years 0.60 0.50 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 Percentage of neighborhood influence on individual behaviors 0.09 eFigure 3b. Ratio of Prevalence of Violence-Related PTSD Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No Intervention, by Level of Neighborhood Influence Ratio of violence-related PTSD prevalence compared to no intervention 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 Increase in CBT by 200% for 10 years Increase in CBT by 300% for 30 years Increase in police by 0% for 10 years Increase in police by 15% for 30 years Increase in CBT by 50% and police by 0% for 5 years Increase in CBT by 300% and police by 15% for 30 years 0.60 0.50 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 Percentage of neighborhood influence on individual behaviors 0.09 43 eFigure 4a. Ratio of Prevalence of Violent Victimization Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No Intervention, by Size of Radius in Which Potential Perpetrator Could Search for Victims Ratio of violent victimization prevalence compared to no intervention 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 Increase in CBT by 200% for 10 years Increase in CBT by 300% for 30 years Increase in police by 0% for 10 years Increase in police by 15% for 30 years Increase in CBT by 50% and police by 0% for 5 years Increase in CBT by 300% and police by 15% for 30 years 0.60 0.50 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 Cell radius in which violent perpetration could occur 25.00 eFigure 4b. Ratio of Prevalence of Violence-Related PTSD Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No Intervention, by Size of Radius in Which Potential Perpetrator Could Search for Victims Ratio of violence-related PTSD prevalence compared to no intervention 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 Increase in CBT by 200% for 10 years Increase in CBT by 300% for 30 years Increase in police by 0% for 10 years Increase in police by 15% for 30 years Increase in CBT by 50% and police by 0% for 5 years Increase in CBT by 300% and police by 15% for 30 years 0.60 0.50 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 Cell radius in which violent perpetration could occur 25.00 44 eFigure 5a. Ratio of Prevalence of Violent Victimization Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No Intervention, by Size of Radius in Which Violent Act Could be Witnessed by Other Individuals Ratio of violence-related PTSD prevalence compared to no intervention 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 Increase in CBT by 200% for 10 years Increase in CBT by 300% for 30 years Increase in police by 0% for 10 years Increase in police by 15% for 30 years Increase in CBT by 50% and police by 0% for 5 years Increase in CBT by 300% and police by 15% for 30 years 0.60 0.50 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 Cell radius in which violent perpetration could occur 25.00 eFigure 5b. Ratio of Prevalence of Violence-Related PTSD Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No intervention, by Size of Radius in Which Violent Act Could be Witnessed by Other Individuals Ratio of violence-related PTSD prevalence compared to no intervention 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 Increase in CBT by 200% for 10 years Increase in CBT by 300% for 30 years Increase in police by 0% for 10 years Increase in police by 15% for 30 years Increase in CBT by 50% and police by 0% for 5 years Increase in CBT by 300% and police by 15% for 30 years 0.60 0.55 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 Cell radius in which witnessed violence could occur 4.00 45 eFigure 6a. Ratio of Prevalence of Violent Victimization Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No Intervention, by Alternate Coefficients in Models Predicting Probabilities of Victimization and Perpetration (Note that Eq. 3 refers to the equation predicting victimization, and Eq. 4 to the equation predicting perpetration) eFigure 6b. Ratio of Prevalence of Violence-Related PTSD Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No intervention, by Alternate Coefficients in Models Predicting Probabilities of Victimization and Perpetration (Note that Eq. 3 refers to the equation predicting victimization, and Eq. 4 to the equation predicting perpetration) 46 eFigure 7a. Ratio of Prevalence of Violent Victimization Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No Intervention, by Proportion of Re-born Agents with History of Violent Victimization, Violent Perpetration, and PTSD eFigure 7b. Ratio of Prevalence of Violence-Related PTSD Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No intervention, by Proportion of Re-born Agents with History of Violent Victimization, Violent Perpetration, and PTSD 47 eFigure 8a. Ratio of Prevalence of Violent Victimization Under Each Intervention Scenario Compared to No Intervention, by Additional Cell Radius in which Spillover Benefits of Targeted Policing Could Occur eFigure 8b. 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