Today’s Plan: 2/4/11 Bellwork: Go over test and lab (25 mins) Finish AP Lab 3 and work on genetics problems(45 mins) Meiosis Notes (the rest of the period) Today’s Plan: 2/7/11 Bellwork: Punnett Squares Quiz(20 mins) Go over quiz and questions Homework problems (mono and dihybrids) Pack/Wrap-up (last 5 mins) Today’s Plan: 2/8/11 Bellwork: Set up lab Part A (20 mins) Do the rest of the lab (except for the overnight) Continue with genetics notes (the rest of class) Today’s Plan: 2/9/11 Bellwork: Finish Titrations from yesterday (40 mins) Continue with Notes on Genetics (the rest of class) Today’s Plan: 2/10/11 Bellwork: Pedigree Discussion/Practice (30 mins) Flies!!!!! (30 mins) DNA Notes (the rest of class) Pack/Wrap-up (last few mins of class) Today’s Plan: 2/11/10 Bellwork: Replication Video (10 mins) DNA Notes, continued with sticky board intermittent (the rest of class) Today’s Plan: 2/14/11 BW: Q&A (15 mins) Genetics Test (as needed) Sexual Reproduction Why sex? Energetically expensive Health risks of childbearing Genetic diversity Overall heath of the species Meiosis makes the gametes Spermatogenesis=4 identical sperm cells, puberty to death Oogenesis=1 egg cell per month, initial egg production before birth then freezing at Prophase I Chromosome number and fertilization Diploid (2n)=full set of chromosomes, is the result of fertilization with gametes Homologs for each chromosome, 1 from mom, 1 from dad In humans-22 autosome pairs, 1 sex-determing pair Haploid (n)=1/2 set of chromosomes, is the result of meiosis Karyotyping=generation of a picture of one’s chromosomes for counting/sexing/diagnosing Kleinfelter’s-Trisomy 23 XXY Turner’s-monosomy 23 XO Jacob’s-XYY Down’s-trisomy 21 Patau’s syndrome=trisomy 13 Crie du Chat=missing a portion a chromosome Figure 12-1-Table 12-1 Figure 12-1-Table 12-2 Figure 12-6a Normal human karyotype Abnormal Chromosome Number Failure of chromosome separation during meiosis is called nondisjunction Results in cells with an extra chromosome or missing a chromosome When these cells are fertilized, this causes trisomies and monosomies (both types of aneuploidy) Polyploidy-occurs when an individual gets more than two complete chromosome sets This is most common in the plant kingdom Figure 12-15 NONDISJUNCTION n+1 n+1 n–1 2n = 4 n=2 n–1 1. Meiosis I starts normally. 2. Then one set of Tetrads line up in middle of cell. homologs does not separate (= nondisjunction). 3. Meiosis II occurs normally. 4. All gametes have an abnormal number of chromosomes—either one too many or one too few. Figure 12-15-Table12-4 Figure 12-16 1 12 1 16 1 20 1 36 1 1000 1 300 1 1 100 180 1 60 Alterations to Chromosomes These are called chromosome mutations and occur when a chromosome is damaged (ex: radiation damage). Deletions-part of a chromosome is missing Duplication-a segment of a chromosome is repeated Inversion-two segments of a chromosome switch places Translocation-a piece of a chromosome moves to a non-homologous chromosome In the cases of inversions and translocations, even though all parts of the chromosome are present, location seems to affect expression Mendel and Genetics Mendel bred pea plants to determine the rules of heredity Terms: P=Parent generation F1=First filial generation (offspring from P) F2=Second filial generation (offspring from F1) Allele=alternate form of a trait Dominant=always expressed Recessive=only expressed if dominant isn’t present Homozygous=2 copies of the same allele Heterozygous=2 different alleles Genotype=Combination of genes Phenotype=Expression of the combination of genes What Mendel figured out Rarely blending of inheritance (purple x white yields either purple or white, not lavendar) Alternate versions of each gene exist (2 alleles for each gene) Each individual inherits 1 allele from each parent Predictable ratios occur when crossing individuals + 2 laws of inheritance Laws of Genetics Law of Segregation-Traits are separated from one another in the parents (we now know that this is due to meiosis) Law of Independent Assortment-The inheritance of one trait doesn’t affect the inheritance of another (this is only true if traits are on different chromosomes, i.e, not “linked”) Figure 13-7 Rr parent Dominant allele for seed shape Recessive allele for seed shape Chromosomes replicate Meiosis I Alleles segregate Meiosis II Principle of segregation: Each gamete carries only one allele for seed shape, because the alleles have segregated during meiosis. Figure 13-8 R y y R r Replicated chromosomes prior to meiosis r Y Y R R r r R R r Alleles for seed shape Alleles for seed color r Chromosomes can line up in two ways during meiosis I Y Y y y R Meiosis I R Y y yY Y r r R y y Y Meiosis I R Y Y 1/4 RY Y Meiosis II r R r Y y y Meiosis II R r r y y 1/4 ry r R R y y 1/4 Ry r Y Y 1/4 rY Principle of independent assortment: The genes for seed shape and seed color assort independently, because they are located on different chromosomes. Types of crosses Monohybrids-tracing inheritance of 1 trait at a time Dihybrids-tracing inheritance of 2 traits together at a time Testcross-crossing individual expressing dominant gene with an individual expressing the recessive to determine the dominant’s genotype A cross between two homozygotes Homozygous mother Meiosis Female gametes Homozygous father Meiosis Offspring genotypes: All Rr (heterozygous) Offspring phenotypes: All round seeds A cross between two heterozygotes Heterozygous mother Female gametes Heterozygous father Male gametes Figure 13-4 Offspring genotypes: 1/4 RR : 1/2 Rr : 1/4 rr Offspring phenotypes: 3/4 round : 1/4 wrinkled Figure 13-5a Hypothesis of independent assortment: Alleles of different genes don’t stay together when gametes form. Female parent F1 PUNNET SQUARE Female gametes Male parent F1 offspring all RrYy F2 female parent Alleles at R gene and Y gene go to gametes independently of each other F2 PUNNET SQUARE Female gametes F2 male parent F2 offspring genotypes: 9/16 R–Y– : 3/16 R–yy : 3/16 rrY– : 1/16 rryy F2 offspring phenotypes: 9/16 : 3/16 : 3/16 : 1/16 Beyond what Mendel Knew There are occasionally traits that follow different inheritance patterns Differing degrees of inheritance Codominant alleles-2 dominant alleles, both are expressed side-by-side Incomplete dominance-dominant can’t completely cover the recessive, so the recessive is partially expressed (blending of inheritance Figure 13-17b Incomplete dominance in flower color Parental generation F1 generation Self-fertilization F2 generation Purple Lavender White But what is dominant, really? Tay-Sachs-inability to metabolize certain lipids because of a malfunctioning enzyme Only children with 2 copies of the allele have the disease-at the organismal level, this is recessive However, heterozygotes, biochemically appear to be the result of incomplete dominance-lipid metabolism levels are intermediate between those who don’t have Tay-Sachs and those who Molecularly, heterozygotes produce equal levels of functional and non-functional enzymes-appearing to be co-dominant Other single-gene locus influences Multiple alleles Ex: Human Blood type IA, IB, i Pleiotropy When a single gene affects many traits Ex: sickle cell disease and its multiple symptoms Sex-linked Traits X-chromosome inheritance b/c males have only 1 copy, they’re most likely affected by these, but females can still inherit these Pass from mother to children Y-chromosome inheritance Only males affected Pass from father to sons Two or more genes Epistasis One gene alters the expression of another at a separate locus Ex: in mice, B=black, b=brown, however, a second gene determines whether or not pigment will be deposited in the fur, so if organism is homozygous recessive for that gene, the mouse is albino Polygenic Traits Ex: human height, skin color, hair color Spectrum of possible phenotypes that exist along a bell curve Multiple genes and therefore lots of combinations of dominant and recessive alleles influence these traits Figure 13-19 A phenotype distribution that forms a bell-shaped curve. Normal distribution—bell-shaped curve Figure 13-20 Wheat kernel color is a quantitative trait. Parental generation Hypothesis to explain inheritance of kernel color aa bb cc (pure-line white) F1 generation AA BB CC (pure-line red) Aa Bb Cc (medium red) Self-fertilization F2 generation 20 15 6 1 15 6 1 Other Genetic Patterns X-Inactivation-In females only, one X chromosome is inactivated (Barr Body) in each cell. Different cells may inactivate a different X ex: calico cats (Black, orange), lymph node patterns in women Linkage-Recall that genes found on the same chromosome are “linked” These don’t segregate via meiosis The only way to get recombinations is via crossing over, therefore the further apart these are, the more chance of a crossover between them % recombinants is proportional to the distance linked traits have between them-see AP Lab 3 Sordaria Does Genotype determine Phenotype? The short answer is “no!” Environmental influences also affect gene expression, giving us a norm of reaction for a phenotype (range of possible phenotypes) Pedigree Analysis Pedigrees are family trees that use specific notations that geneticists use to predict the inheritance pattern of a trait Figure 13-21 I Carrier male Carriers (heterozygotes) are indicated with half-filled symbols II III Affected male IV Affected female Carrier female Figure 13-23 I Queen Victoria Prince Albert Female carrier of hemophilia allele II Affected male III IV Commonly Inherited Disorders Recessives Tay-Sachs, Sickle Cell, Cystic Fibrosis, albinism Dominants Marfan syndrome, Huntington’s disease, Dwarfism Sex-linked, X-chromosome Color-blindness, several forms of muscular dystrophy, pattern baldness, hemophilia Beyond the Chromosome Theory of Inheritance Genomic Imprinting Occurs in about 2-3 dozen autosomally inherited traits Which parent passed the gene matters in the inheritance pattern Ex: Insulin-like growth factor 2 in mice-only paternally inherited forms are active Extranuclear Genes Recall that organelles, like mitochondria and chloroplasts have circular pieces of DNA These are capable of replicating and being passed to daughter organelles during Mitosis These are matrolineal DNA Structure Building block=nucleotide Double Helix of consisting of 2 antiparallel strands-one runs 5’ to 3’, the other in the opposite direction A backbone on each strand consisting of a repeating phosphate-deoxyribose segment Complimentary base-paired links between the strands using hydrogen bonds between a purine (either A or G) and a pyrimidine (either T or C) Figure 14-6 Structure of a deoxyribonucleotide Phosphate group attached to 5 carbon of the sugar Could be adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) cytosine (C) 5 Hydroxyl (OH) group on 3 carbon of the sugar 3 Primary structure of DNA 5 end of strand Sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA strand Nitrogencontaining bases project from the backbone 5 Phosphodiester bond links deoxyribonucleotides 3 end of strand Figure 14-7 The double helix Complementary base pairing 5 3 5 3 Sugar-phosphate “backbone” of DNA Complementary base pairs joined by hydrogen bonding 3 5 5 3 Replication DNA is copied in preparation for cell division Involves a symphony of enzymes Is done in a 3’ to 5’ direction This means that replication is antiparallel One strand is the leading strand and is replicated continuously, the other is the lagging strand and is replicated in pieces (called Okazaki fragments), requiring linking later Is semi-conservative Has a single point of origin in bacteria, and multiple points of origin in eukaryotes Requires an RNA primer because the enzymes that synthesize DNA cannot initiate a strand, they can only add to an existing strand Ends with proofreading by enzymes to make sure the correct bases are in place. Figure 14-10 Bacterial chromosomes have a single point of origin. A chromosome being replicated 5 3 5 Replication proceeds in both directions Origin of replication Eukaryotic chromosomes have multiple points of origin. 5 3 3 5 Replication fork 5 5 3 5 3 Old DNA New DNA Replication proceeds in both directions from each starting point 3 Old DNA New DNA 3 Replication bubble 3 5 Figure 14-13-Table 14-1-1 Figure 14-13-Table 14-1-2 Figure 14-11 SYNTHESIS OF LEADING STRAND Primase synthesizes RNA primer 3 5 Topoisomerase relieves twisting forces 5 3 Helicase opens double helix 5 Single-strand DNA-binding proteins (SSBP) stabilize single strands 1. DNA is opened, unwound, and primed. Sliding clamp holds DNA polymerase in place 3 5 RNA primer Leading strand 5 2. Synthesis of leading strand begins. DNA polymerase III works in 5 3 direction, synthesizing leading strand 5 3 Figure 14-13-Table 14-1-3 Figure 14-13-1 SYNTHESIS OF LAGGING STRAND 5 3 RNA primer 5 3 5 Topoisomerase SSBPs Primase Helicase 1. Primase synthesizes RNA primer. Figure 14-13-2 SYNTHESIS OF LAGGING STRAND 5 3 Okazaki fragment 3 5 5 3 5 Sliding clamp DNA polymerase III 2. DNA polymerase III works in 53 direction, synthesizing first Okazaki fragment of lagging stand. 5 3 Okazaki fragment 3 5 Okazaki fragment 5 5 3 3. Primase and DNA polymerase III synthesize another Okazaki fragment. Figure 14-13-3 SYNTHESIS OF LAGGING STRAND 5 3 DNA polymerase I 3 5 5 3 5 4. DNA polymerase I removes ribonucleotides of primer, replaces them with deoxyribonucleotides in 53 direction. 5 3 DNA ligase 3 5 5 5. DNA ligase closes gap in sugar-phosphate backbone. 5 3 Figure 14-15 TELOMERE REPLICATION 5 Missing DNA on lagging strand 1. When the RNA primer is removed from the 5 end of the lagging strand (see Figure 14.14), a strand of parent DNA remains unreplicated. 3 Telomerase with its own RNA template 2. Telomerase binds to the “overhanging” section 5 of single-stranded DNA. Telomerase adds deoxyribonucleotides to the end of the parent DNA, extending it. 5 3 3 3. Telomerase moves down the DNA strand and 5 5 3 adds additional repeats. 3 RNA primer 4. Primase, DNA polymerase, and ligase then 5 synthesize the lagging strand in the 53 direction, restoring the original length of the chromosome. 5 3 DNA polymerase Sliding clamp Figure 14-16 Mismatched bases 5 OH 3 3 5 DNA polymerase III can repair mismatches. 5 3 5 Figure 14-17 DNA strand with adjacent thymine bases UV light Kink Thymine dimer Figure 14-18 NUCLEOTIDE EXCISION REPAIR 1. Enzymes detect an irregularity in DNA structure and cut the damaged strand. Damaged bases 2. An enzyme excises nucleotides on the damaged strand. 5 3 5 3. DNA polymerase fills in the gap in the 53 direction. 3 4. DNA ligase links the new and old nucleotides. Repaired damage From DNA to Chromosomes DNA, after replication is bound to proteins called histones-this is chromatin There are 8 histones per complex, and DNA winds around these In preparation for cell division, chromatin coils, then supercoils (think of coiling a phone cord) to become more compact Why RNA? RNA, like DNA is made of nucleotides, however: RNA nucleotides use ribose, not deoxyribose Uracil, a base, replaces Thymine, RNA is single-stranded RNA contains only 1 gene RNA is smaller, and can therefore leave the nucleus through the nuclear pores. DNA can’t RNA code is written as codons (3-base segments) Figure 15-5 DNA sequences define the genotype; proteins create the phenotype. Information flows from DNA to RNA to proteins. 3 DNA (information storage) 5 Changes in the genotype may lead to changes in the phenotype. 3 5 TRANSCRIPTION mRNA (information carrier) 5 3 3 5 TRANSLATION Proteins (active cell machinery) TRANSCRIPTION TRANSLATION Figure 15-8 SECOND BASE Phenylalanine (Phe) Serine (Ser) Cysteine (Cys) Stop codon Stop codon Stop codon Tryptophan (Trp) Histidine (His) Leucine (Leu) Arginine (Arg) Proline (Pro) Glutamine (Glu) Isoleucine (Ile) Asparagine (Asn) Serine (Ser) Lysine (Lys) Arginine (Arg) Threonine (Thr) Methionine (Met) Start codon Aspartic acid (Asp) Valine (Val) Glycine (Gly) Alanine (Ala) Glutamic acid (Glu) THIRD BASE FIRST BASE Leucine (Leu) Tyrosine (Tyr) Figure 15-9a Using the genetic code to predict an amino acid sequence 5 The DNA sequence… 3 …would be transcribed as …and translated as 3 5 5 Remember that RNA polymerase works only in the 5 to 3 direction and that RNA is antiparallel to DNA 3 Also remember that RNA contains the base uracil (U) instead of thymine (T), and that uracil forms a complementary base pair with adenine (A) Transcription This is the 1st step of protein synthesis, but also makes any RNA molecule (mRNA, tRNA, rRNA) Begins at the promoter and ends at the terminator Involves: Making an RNA copy of a gene from DNA Another symphony of enzymes Opening DNA at one place only, and when complete, the DNA closes again Making an RNA molecule from 5’ to 3’ (DNA is still read 3’ to 5’) Figure 16-1 Non-template (coding) strand DNA 3 5 5 RNA 3 5 3 Template strand 3 Phosphodiester bond is formed by RNA polymerase after base pairing occurs 5 RNA 5 3 Hydrogen bonds form between complementary base pairs DNA template 3 5 Figure 16-3-Table 16-1 Figure 16-3 HOW TRANSCRIPTION BEGINS Promoter (on non-template strand) 35 box 10 box Upstream DNA Template strand Upstream DNA RNA +1 site Sigma Non-template strand +1 site Active site RNA polymerase Downstream DNA RNA exit site Zipper Rudder RNA NTPs Downstream DNA 1. Initiation begins 2. Initiation continues 3. Initiation is complete Sigma binds to promoter region of DNA. Sigma opens the DNA helix; transcription begins. Sigma releases; mRNA synthesis continues. Figure 16-4 HOW TRANSCRIPTION ENDS Upstream DNA Hairpin loop RNA polymerase RNA RNA Transcription termination signal DNA Downstream DNA 1. RNA polymerase reaches a transcription 2. The RNA hairpin causes the RNA strand termination signal, which codes for RNA that forms a hairpin. to separate from the RNA polymerase, terminating transcription. Post-transcription RNA modification After transcription, the new RNA molecules is called preRNA because it’s not yet translation-ready End-modification 5’ end receives a cap with modified Guanine when transcription has gone about 20-40 nucleotides 3’ end receives a poly-A tail (30-250 Adenines) that help the RNA leave the nucleus and attach to the ribosome for translation RNA splicing Often, RNA has large, noncoding sections tha must be removed Introns are noncoding regions between coding regions Exons are regions that actually get translated (the exit the nucleus) Small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs-”snurps”) join with other proteins to form a spliceosome. Spliceosomes cut out the introns and join their flanking exons together Figure 16-8 5 cap Poly(A) tail 5 3 5 untranslated region Coding region 3 untranslated region Figure 16-7a Introns must be removed from RNA transcripts. Intron 1 Intron 2 DNA 3 Promoter 5 Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3 Primary RNA transcript 5 Spliced transcript 3 5 3 Figure 16-7b snRNPs ARE THE EDITORS. Primary RNA 5 snRNPs 3 A Exon 1 Intron Exon 2 1. Several snRNPs and A 5 3 Spliceosome proteins assemble to form a spliceosome. The 2 hydroxyl group on an adenine nucleotide (A) reacts with the 5 end of the intron, breaking RNA. 2. The 5 end of the 5 A 3 5 5 3 Excised intron A 5 Exon 1 Exon 2 intron becomes attached to the A nucleotide, forming a loop of RNA. The free 3 end of one exon reacts with the 5 end of the other. 3. The 3 and 5 ends of adjacent exons bond covalently, releasing the intron (which is then degraded). 3 Mature mRNA Other transcripts A spliceosome is not always used for other transcripts (rRNA, tRNA) Ribozymes are RNA molecules that act as enzymes and actually catalyze their own splicing reactions For example: the intron can splice itself from a protozoan, Tetrahymena Why introns? Some introns may actually help regulate the cell Proteins are actually synthesized in Domains (segments). Each exon codes for a different domain, and if each domain was continuously coded, there is a smaller chance that a crossover could alter a domain. Introns elongate the gene, allowing for a greater chance of crossovers, and possibly more evolutionary variety in proteins Translation mRNA goes to the ribosome to be “read” 5’ to 3’ tRNA carries amino acids to the ribosome to be assembled when it’s anticodon matches with the mRNA codon that’s in place in the ribosome Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthase ensures that tRNA picks up an amino acid Ribosomes have 2 parts and are made of rRna and protein Small subunit of the ribosome clamps onto the mRNA Initiators help this process by attaching at the start codon sequence (Met) Large subunit of the ribosome: E site-exit site holds the tRNA that’s about to leave P site-pepdityl-tRNA site holds the growing polypeptide A site-aminoacyl-tRNA binding site is where the new tRNA and amino acid enter the ribosome Figure 16-12 HOW AMINO ACIDS ARE LOADED ONTO tRNAs ATP 1. Active site on aminoacyl Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase specific to leucine tRNA synthetase binds ATP and amino acid. Each aminoacyl tRNA synthetase is specific to one amino acid. 2. Reaction leaves AMP and Activated enzyme complex amino acid bound to enzyme; two phosphate groups released. “Activated” amino acid has high potential energy. tRNA specific to leucine 3. The activated amino acid is transferred from tRNA synthetase to the tRNA specific to that amino acid; AMP leaves. 4. The finished aminoacyl tRNA is ready to participate in translation. Aminoacyl tRNA Figure 16-14 Secondary structure of tRNA Early model of aminoacyl tRNA function 3 Amino acid 3 Binding site for amino acid 5 5 Binding site for mRNA codon Serine anticodon 5 3 mRNA Serine codon Revised model incorporating tertiary structure of tRNA 5 3 Anticodon Codon 5 mRNA 3 Figure 16-15 Ribbon model of ribosome during translation Diagram of ribosome during translation Polypeptide grows in amino to carboxyl direction (amino acids in green) Large subunit Peptide bond formation occurs here Aminoacyl tRNA Large subunit Anticodon mRNA 3 5 Small subunit tRNA in E site (blue) Small subunit tRNA in P site tRNA in A site (green) (red) The E site holds a tRNA that will exit Codon The P site holds the tRNA with growing polypeptide attached The A site holds an aminoacyl tRNA Figure 16-17l ELONGATION OF POLYPEPTIDES DURING TRANSLATION Ribosome tRNA Peptidyl site Exit site Aminoacyl site mRNA 5 3 5 3 5 3 Start codon 1. Incoming aminoacyl tRNA New tRNA moves into A site, where its anticodon base pairs with the mRNA codon. 2. Peptide bond formation 3. Translocation The amino acid attached to the tRNA in the P site is transferred to the tRNA in the A site. Ribosome moves down mRNA. The tRNA attached to polypeptide chain moves into P site. The A site is empty. Figure 16-17r ELONGATION OF POLYPEPTIDES DURING TRANSLATION Exit tunnel 5 3 3 5 Elongation cycle continues 3 5 4. Incoming aminoacyl tRNA 5. Peptide bond formation 6. Translocation New tRNA moves into A site, where its anticodon base pairs with the mRNA codon. The polypeptide chain attached to the tRNA in the P site is transferred to the aminoacyl tRNA in the A site. Ribosome moves down mRNA. The tRNA attached to polypeptide chain moves into P site. Empty tRNA from P site moves to E site, where tRNA is ejected. The A site is empty again. Figure 16-19 TERMINATION OF TRANSLATION Large subunit Hydrolysis of bond linking tRNA and polypeptide 5 Release factor tRNA mRNA 5 3 mRNA 5 mRNA 3 3 STOP codon Small subunit 1. When translocation opens the A site 2. The hydrolysis reaction frees the and exposes one of the stop codons, a protein called a release factor fills the A site. The release factor catalyzes the hydrolysis of the bond linking the tRNA in the P site with the polypeptide chain. polypeptide, which is released from the ribosome. The empty tRNAs are released either along with the polypeptide or… 3. …when the ribosome separates from the mRNA, and the two ribosomal subunits dissociate. The subunits are ready to attach to the start codon of another message and start translation anew. What about prokaryotes? In bacteria, transcription and translation are closely coupled processes, since mRNA doesn’t need to leave a nucleus to occur. Transcription and translation are simultaneous Mutations Point Mutations are changes to the sequence of DNA that occur at one point Substitutions-one base pair is substituted with another Cause missense mutations-the new base pair codes for an amino acid, but the amino acid is not the correct one Insertions and deletions-also called frameshift Mutagens are physical or chemical agents that cause mutations by interacting with the DNA molecule Ex: UV radiation Base analogues are similar to the DNA bases, but pair incorrectly during replication Figure 16-21-Table 16-3 Figure 16-21 DNA point mutation can lead to a different amino acid sequence. DNA sequence 5 of non-template (coding) strand Phenotype 3 Amino acid sequence Normal Normal red blood cells DNA sequence 5 of non-template (coding) strand 3 Amino acid sequence Mutant Sickled red blood cells Figure 16-21-Table 16-4