UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE ETHICS COMMITTEE FOR STUDIES INVOLVING THE USE OF HUMAN PARTICIPANTS (‘ETHICS COMMITTEE’) FORM EC6: PARTICIPANT INFORMATION SHEET I am a post-graduate Physiotherapy Masters student at the University of Hertfordshire. As part fulfillment for my studies I am conducting a survey for a research project. The title of the project is: Cervicogenic headache diagnosis and management: A survey of current practice and influencing factors of UK based musculoskeletal physiotherapists. Introduction You are being invited to take part in the above research study. Before you decide whether to do so, it is important that you understand the research that is being done and what your involvement will include. Please take the time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Do not hesitate to ask myself or my research supervisor anything that is not clear or for any further information you would like to help you make your decision. Please do take your time to decide whether or not you wish to take part. Thank you for reading this. What is the purpose of this study? The aim of this survey is to investigate the current practice of UK musculoskeletal physiotherapists in the diagnosis and management of patients’ with cervicogenic headaches (CEHs) and to identify potential factors influencing clinical practice. What does the study involve? Participants of the study will be asked to complete a web based questionnaire regarding their current clinical choices when diagnosing and treating patients with CEHs. No personal identifiable information will be requested in the study. All responses will be anonymous and confidential. In order to achieve a more meaningful result, the aim is to maximize the number of participants in the study. The nature of the pathology under investigation can make this difficult and for this reason, if you know of any colleagues who might be appropriate for the study, it would be greatly appreciated if you could forward the study information to them or inform them of my contact information if they are interested in participating. What will happen to me if I take part? After reading this information, if you chose to complete the questionnaire, you will need to go to the web link in the explanatory letter, which will take you directly to an online tool called Bristol Online Surveys (BOS), which is where you will find the questionnaire. It should take no longer than 10 minutes to fill in. The questionnaire has been designed to make it quick and easy to complete and involves ticking boxes, with the option to expand on a few answers. If you don’t have time to fill in the questionnaire fully when you start, you can save what you have done and return to it at any time. Do I have to take part? It is completely up to you whether or not you decide to take part in this study. Agreeing to join the study does not mean that you have to complete the questionnaire but if you complete and submit a questionnaire, it will be assumed that you give your consent to be part of the study. You are free to withdraw at any stage prior to submitting the questionnaire, without giving a reason. What are the possible disadvantages, risks or side effects of taking part? The only disadvantage to participating in the study is the time it takes to fill in but this is not expected to exceed 10 minutes. What are the possible benefits of taking part? By taking part in this study, you would be contributing towards a better understanding of the challenges physiotherapists have to face when treating CEHs. You would also be contributing to increasing the evidence base for physiotherapy as a profession. Sometimes it is difficult to find time to really think about why we make the clinical decisions that we make as physiotherapists and this study might help you to reflect on your practice, perhaps even prompt some changes, which might make your job more rewarding. It might also stimulate an interest to further develop your continuing professional development (CPD). Following the study, if you feel you would like to explore the topic in question further, please email myself or the research supervisor on the contact details below and you can be referred to the relevant literature or training courses. How will my taking part in this study be kept confidential? No personal identifiable information will be requested in the study. Responses will be sent to the BOS online tool database where some analysis will then be carried out by the BOS software and results will be generated. The researcher will be sent the results only, which will be completely anonymous and confidential. Further analysis will then be carried out by the researcher to identify potential relationships between the physiotherapists’ clinical practice and certain external factors. If you have emailed the researcher to request study information and the web link the researcher will have no way of knowing if you chose to participate or not and there will be no way to link any of the responses with particular participants. These email addresses will be deleted from the researcher’s email account as soon as the 3 week reminders have been sent. Any information about the study will be electronically stored in password protected files on a password protected computer. Only the main researcher and the research supervisor will have access to the study results. What will happen to the results of the research study? The survey results will be written in a report which will be made available to all participating occupational and clinical interest groups and physiotherapists from participating institutions. It will also be made available on the Interactive CSP website. The report could also be more widely disseminated to the physiotherapy community via a poster, at a conference presentation or possibly via a research paper. The results of the study will not be used as any type of peer review or audit of practice at any point. Who has reviewed this study? This study has been approved by the Health and Science Ethics Committee HHSECDA Number: aHSK/PG/UH/00149 version 2 Who can I contact if I have any questions? If you have any further questions, please do contact me directly: Alison Freeman Senior Physiotherapist By email: By phone 07780684580 Or my research supervisor: Linda Exelby, Senior Physiotherapy Lecturer, School of Emergency and Health Professions, Faculty of Health and Human Science, College Lane, University of Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB by email Although we hope it is not the case, if you have any complaints or concerns about any aspect of the way you have been approached or treated during the course of this study, please write to the University Secretary and Registrar. Thank you very much for reading this information and giving consideration to taking part in this study