Fate, Secrecy, Revenge, Love Theme Portfolio The purpose of this assignment is to discover how the themes in Romeo & Juliet are still relevant today, even over 400 years after the story was written. Using a variety of resources, you will compile a portfolio that reflects your chosen theme. Choose your theme FATE: There are forces in life over which people have no control. SECRECY: Even well-intended deceptions and secrets can be destructive. REVENGE: Revenge can destroy both avenger and victim. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: At times, young people have more passion than wisdom, while older people forget the power of love. Choose a book from the outside reading list that fits with your theme. Look for examples of your chosen theme as you read. Keep a single-sided journal of examples as you notice them while you’re reading – include page numbers and number each entry. You may neatly write your journal entries on notebook paper, in blue or black ink. I will check these on Fridays. Journal Entries Here’s the format your journal should follow: 1. Quote that Your explanation. You might answer any of the following questions in shows your your response: theme and Compare and contrast to Romeo & Juliet page number How does this quote represent your theme? How does this quote show that your theme is still relevant and important? Why is this an important quote to the story? 2. Next quote Make sure you line up your quote and response next to each other. Each journal response should be approximately 5-8 sentences long. Choose quotes that are evenly spread throughout your book. Number your entries- #1, #2, #3 etc. CORE: Complete 7 journal entries HONORS: Complete 10 journal entries Modern Resources Find examples of your theme in a variety of modern resources. Core must have three examples of the chosen theme—each from a different category. Honors must have five examples of the chosen theme—at least one music, one news, one pop culture and then two free choice from the categories below. a. CATEGORY 1: Music. Find and print out song lyrics that show your theme. Make sure your lyrics are school appropriate! If there is any swearing or inappropriate language, please edit it out using ***. You may use any song written after 1999. b. CATEGORY 2: Newspaper (Seattle Times, New York Times, Covington Reporter, etc) or news magazine (Time, Newsweek, etc) articles—Find and print out or cut out stories that reflect your theme. You may use any news article written 2007 or later. c. CATEGORY 3: Pop culture. Pop culture includes magazines, websites, blogs and movies. Magazines like People, Vogue, Sports Illustrated, etc, (in other words, these magazines are not news magazines like the ones above). Find and cut out stories that reflect your theme. Current events websites/blogs. Find and print out or cut out stories that reflect your theme. Movies: Find and print out or cut out stories that reflect your theme. If you wish to use a movie as your example, you must print out a synopsis or review of the movie. You may print a synopsis from www.imdb.com and movie reviews can be found at www.yahoomovies.com or www.moviefone.com. You may use any pop culture example written 2007 or later. Movies must have come out in 2007 or later. ALL RESOURCES MUST BE CURRENT! Check the year of your resource. You must have a HARD COPY of all resources. How to Put Your Fate, Secrecy, Revenge, Love: Theme Portfolio Together: Put all your theme examples together in a portfolio that demonstrates, explains and analyzes your theme (fate, love / love @first sight, revenge, secrecy) Your portfolio should consist of the following in this order: 1. Cover page Your cover page should include your theme, your name, a proper heading in the bottom right hand corner, and a full COLOR illustration or collage that covers the entire page and visually demonstrates your theme. 2. Single-sided journal entries – typed or handwritten with blue or black ink only Make sure your quotes include page numbers from your book. Your entries must be thorough, 5-8 sentences long and include supporting details (CDs) from your book. Core: Complete 7 entries, Honors: Complete 10 entries. CORE--3 of the following (each from a different category) must be included in your portfolio: HONORS--5 of the following (you will use one or two categories more than once): 3. Music—print out of lyrics. Highlight or underline the words or phrases in the lyrics that show your theme. Write a paragraph that explains how your lyrics show your theme. Include at least 2 supporting details from your lyrics in the paragraph and connect it to the theme. 4. News—print out or cut out the news article, Highlight or underline the words or phrases in the article that show your theme. Write a paragraph that explains how your article shows your theme. Include at least 2 supporting details from your article in the paragraph and connect it to the theme. 5. Pop culture—print out or cut out the clipping of your pop culture example. Highlight or underline the words or phrases in the article/blog posting/webpage that show your theme. Write a paragraph that explains how your article/blog posting/webpage shows your theme. Include at least 1 supporting detail from article/blog posting/webpage and connect it to theme. You can either staple your packet together with your cover page on top or put your work in a folder of your choosing. Simply make sure your portfolio is neat, easy to read and attractive. Please do not put paragraphs in plastic page protectors. All paragraphs for your portfolio must be typed and follow these guidelines: o o o o o Type Double-spaced 12-point font Arial or Times font Centered Heading which states the category for each paragraph- Music, News, Pop Culture o Use supporting details (concrete details) from your source! This project is due: _ March 7th ____EARLY Turn-in week: Feb 29- March 4 Please note: there will be mini-due dates along the way when you will be required to have one of your examples in class. Those due dates will be announced at a later date. Fate, Secrecy, Revenge, Love Fate, Secrecy, Revenge, Love Theme Portfolio Due Date CHECK 1 Monday, 2/8/16 CHECK 2 Friday 2/12/16 PRESIDENTs BREAK CHECK 3 Monday 2/22/16 Week of 2/22-2/26 CHECK 4 Friday 2/26/16 Monday, 2/29/16 What’s Due? Core: Two examples of your theme Honors: Three examples of your theme (print out of lyrics, news article, print out of movie review or synopsis, etc). REMEMBER: the requirements for this project are: Core should have ONE each (for a total of THREE) from each of these sources: music, news, pop culture. Honors should have THREE examples ONE from each of the sources. The TWO additional examples are your choice from the sources: music, news, pop culture. (for a total of FIVE) Journal check— Core: Two entries Honors: Three entries Core: One more examples of your theme Honors: Two more examples of your theme (print out of lyrics, news article, print out of movie review or synopsis, etc) You should now have your examples completed. Make sure each is from a different source as required! Journal check— Core: One entry Honors: Two entries Homework: READ YOUR NOVEL Write up your Rough Drafts Explaining your Theme Examples CORE: Make sure you have rough drafts of all three paragraphs. These should be written or typed. These will be checked/revised in class begin: 2/22/16. HONORS: Make sure you have all five of your rough drafts paragraphs written or typed. These will be checked/revised in class beginning 2/22/16. Journal check— Core: Two entries Honors: Three entries ROUGH DRAFTS check/revision Core: Three paragraphs. Honors: Five paragraphs. Journal check— Core and Honors: The last Two entries Make a plan for your full color illustration or collage cover page. It should include your theme, your name and class period. It will visually demonstrate your theme. You should be done reading your book by now Review how to turn in portfolio (in class) Point Value 15 15 10 10 25 15 10 None