3 Greatest Scientists






• Alexandru Baiasu

• Nadia Cadogan

• Shoham Zohar

Guess Who We are and What We


Albert Einstein

By Nadia Cadogan

A Genius is Born

On March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany, Albert Einstein was born. Who later became one of the greatest thinkers of the 20 th century who took us far beyond ideas of mathematics, space and time.

As a young boy Einstein received a compass from his father which provoked the start of his journey to explore the world. His fascination began with the fact that the magnetic needle moved about by some hidden force rather than by a force of movement such as touch or contact.

At an early age Einstein taught himself the fundamentals of mathematics and physics.

The Greatest Discoveries

In 1905, Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity is born.

At age 26, Albert formulates the equation E=mc2, as he applies his theory to mass and energy. The basis for this Paper was written when he was only 16 years old.

Albert also wrote two other papers this same year.

The second was the theory of relativity and the third, concerned statistical mechanics.

By 1915, the General Theory of Relativity research is completed and the year to follow it was published.

The Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to him in


Einstein’s Special Theory of


In Conclusion

Recognized in his lifetime for his many achievements

Einstein was labeled “The

Greatest Scientist of the

20 th Century.”

On April 18, 1955, Einstein died of a heart attack.

Contributing his life the science of Physics and with his request his brain was donated to science and his body was cremated and the ashes spread over a near by river.

Tim Berners-Lee

by Alexandru Baiasu

The Original Internet.

The Beginning.

30 years before the World Wide Web became a reality , its precursor, the

Internet came into being.

The Internet began as a military project during the Cold War, on

October 15, 1957.

ARPANET was created at the end


Computers had the possibility to send and receive messages over ARPANET.

Later ARPANET, SATNET, and radio packets through TCP/IP.

In 1984 the Internet was still primarily a military program that ,was for the most part, abandoned in 1989.



The Modern Internet.

Tim Berners-Lee

Born on June 8, 1955, to parents who met while members of a team that programmed one of the first commercial computers, the Ferranti Mark 1.

Earned his degree in physics at Queen’s College,

Oxford in the 1970s, he built a real computer.

After completing college, in 1980 he accepted a position at the European Organization for

Nuclear Research (CERN) near Geneva,


World Wide Web: the Vision

 Inventing the World Wide Web involved my growing realization that there was a power in arranging ideas in an unconstrained, weblike way. And that awareness came to me through precisely that kind of process. The Web arose as the answer to an open challenge, through the swirling together of influences, ideas, and realizations from many sides, until, by the wondrous offices of the human mind, a new concept jelled. It was a process of accretion, not the linear solving of one well-defined problem after another. (Berners-Lee, 2000, p. 3)

World Wide Web: the Vision

Machine of the Future

Creating WWW


NeXT computer

Reviving the TCP/IP protocols

Hyper Text Markup Language



Hyper Text Transfer Protocol


Universal Resource Identifier


Tim Berners-Lee Today.


World Wide Web


World Wide Web


In Conclusion

 In March of 1999, Time Magazine listed Tim Berners-Lee as one of the 100 Most Important People of the 20 th Century

(Quittner, 1999), and there are few who would question Berners-

Lee’s impact on the speed and manner by which people are able to communicate, share information, and access data. Whether it is a student in South Africa researching for a class project or a mother in Alabama using MapQuest to find directions to her child’s soccer game, a large portion of the world uses the World

Wide Web on a daily basis. We have become so attached to it that we now have it on our cellular phones. Tim Berners-Lee can be considered one of the three greatest scientists of the 20 th century because of the number of people his invention has touched, the

World Wide Web’s global reach, and the high daily frequency of people’s use of his creation. With his current work on the

Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee may end up on the list of most important people of the 21 st century as well.

Percy Spencer

by Shoham Zohar

Percy Spencer

Percy was born in Howland Maine, on July 9


His father past while he was a child and his mother abandoned him.

He was raised by his aunt and uncle.

When Percy turned twelve he work at a mill as an apprentice.

 As a teenager he was very intrigued by the growing use if electric power .

Percy Spencer Joined the


In the navy Percy worked on radios.

After the navy Percy worked at wireless specialty apparatus. The company made commercial and military radios. Eventually this company became R.C.A.

Percy found his place in Raytheon company, were he became an expert on tube design.

His major contributions to Raytheon company were the mass production of the magnetron, and the microwave oven.

He replaced copper bars with lamina and replaced soldered wires with a simple ring.

This allowed magnetron to be massed produced.

In 1946 Percy Spencer

Invented the First


Microwave Oven

The first microwave oven was used exclusively in restaurants and commercial places.

Weighing 750 pounds, and standing over 5 feet tall.

The problem was culinary chefs noticed the ovens shortcoming.

Meet turned brown, French fries turned white and floppy.

It took decades for the microwave oven to be refined to the point where it would be useful to the average consumer.

In 1970 Percy Spencer passed away, and never had a chance to see his microwave oven expand into one of Americas fastest growing appliance.

In 1999 he was inducted into the national inventors hall of fame.

He received over 150 patens during his career.

Because of his accomplishments the distinguished service medal by the

U.S. Navy and has a building named after him at Raytheon.

Albert Einstein, Tim Berners-

Lee and Percy Spencer

As we have observed, each scientist mentioned has made his own special contribution to the scientific world. Percy Spencer allowed restaurants and homes to cook and reheat at rapid speeds, Albert Einstein revolutionized scientific perspective and knowledge through his theories of relativity and other works in physics, and Tim Berners-Lee took the Internet and transformed it into a global phenomenon, allowing different types of computers around the world to communicate, share data, and access information with his World Wide Web.
