Lesson Plan Number: 1 Subject: Religion Topic: Judaism Year Group: 2nd year (2B) No. of Students: _15_ Date: 7th January 2013 Time: 2:35-3:10 Length of Lesson: 35 minutes ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. KEY CONCEPT(S): What Key Concept(s) (ideas) will I teach in this lesson? Founder Context (The number of appropriate Key Concepts will vary depending on the lesson you intend on teaching) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. LESSON AIM(S): What am I going to teach? •To introduce students to the Jewish Religion and to key terms in context to the religion e.g. Covenant, Torah, Sabbath etc. •To facilitate students understanding of the founder of the Jewish Religion i.e. Abraham. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to…. Understand some of the key terms relating to the Jewish Religion e.g. Covenant, Torah, Sabbath etc. Examine and Summarize the life of the founder of Judaism; Abraham. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ASSESSMENT/EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING: How will I know that the learning outcomes are being achieved? 1. Key concept one will be assessed by: Brainstorm and Questioning as it will determine if the students understand the new key terms. 2. Key concept two will be assessed by: Students completion and interaction with the story board and PowerPoint will give some insight into their overall ability to understand the topic. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: What prior knowledge do students have about this topic? Some Students may have very little or no prior knowledge on the Jewish religion. However some students may have studied the religion briefly in primary school. Some students may have read about Jew’s and some students in the class may be of the Jewish Religion where they may have had first-hand experience with their practices, traditions and customs. 6. TEACHER ACTIVITIES: What activities will I use to facilitate the teaching of EACH Key Concept? How much time for each activity? I chose to use a brainstorm as I felt it would give us a good insight into the student’s prior knowledge. I would allocate 10 minutes for the students to ensure they engage with the task. I would ask questions that would also bring out students prior knowledge. I also decided the use of PowerPoint going through the key moments within Abraham’s life. I would ask the students then to draw the 8 stages within Abraham’s life and write a sentence on each. 7. STUDENT ACTIVITIES: What activities will the students be engaged in to understand EACH Key Concept? How much time for each activity? Students will recall any information they have regarding Judaism as a religion. Students will answer questions I will ask regarding Judaism Students will participate in the PowerPoint asking any question if they fail to understand something within the case study. Students will draw their own interpretation of the eight key stages within Abraham’s life. 8. QUESTIONS: Please list lower and higher order questions that are linked to each Key Concepts. (A minimum of six questions specifically related to the key concepts, identifying higher/lower order with HO/LO) 1. Key Concept(s) Teaching Key Concept 1 Choice (Time) 10 minutes 6. Teacher Activity 7. Student Activity I choose to use a brainstorm throughout the class. I will ask students to tell me any Anything they may know regarding Judaism. I will put the word Judaism on the board allows the students to think about the word. . Students will work in groups with one students allocated to act as the spokesperson on behalf of the group. Having completed their brainstorm the spokesperson will raise their hand and tell the rest of the class what they know in regard to Morality. 8. Questions 1. Where did the religion begin? O.L 2. When did Judaism originate? O.L 3. What was Abraham called to do with his life? O.L 4. Did Abraham have a family? O.L 5. Can you name the two founders of Judaism? O:L 6. Can you name the 3 main beliefs the Jewish people had. H:L Teaching Key Concept 2 (etc.) Founder I also decided the use of PowerPoint going through the key moments within Abraham’s life. Students will participate in the PowerPoint asking any question if they fail to understand something within the case study. I would ask the students then to draw the 8 stages within Abraham’s life and write a sentence on each. Students will draw their own interpretation of the eight key stages within Abraham’s life. 1. Name the Founding Father of Judaism? O.L 2. Why did Abraham’s wife believe she couldn’t have a child? O.L 3. Name 3 things you recall about Abraham. O:L 4. Outline the key moments in Abrahams life? H:L 5. Did Abrahams question his faith in God? H:L 6. How can we see that Abraham was totally devoted to God? H:L (Time) 25 mins _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. DIFFERENTIATION: How will I differentiate the content knowledge of this lesson so as to include all learners in a mixed ability class? Students must know that Morality is an important element of Religion Students should be aware of the different types of choices and how they differentiate from Moral choices Students could be able to expand on what they learn by discussing an example of a Moral choice. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. RESOURCES: What materials/resources will I need/use? PowerPoint Sheets Whiteboard Whiteboard Markers ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. LITERACY & NUMERACY: What are the essential aspects of literacy/numeracy in this lesson? Student must be able to understand the language used, the different terminology used throughout the lesson such as Torah and Covenant. I will do this by ensuring I identify any words they are unsure of and explain them in detail trying to give explains they can relate to. Teachers must ensure any resources they use are suitable for the class group, e.g. Power Point must have suitable vocab throughout. I will do this by ensuring each student understands each work used, describing any words I might see as a new word for the students. And ensure them they can ask if there is any word they understand. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. SELF EVALUATION: Were the Learning Outcomes achieved? Why /why not? How do I know they were/were not achieved? What have I learned about my own practice from this lesson? What will I do differently in my next class?