Rip Van Winkle How is Rip Van Winkle different from his family and

Rip Van Winkle
1. How is Rip Van Winkle different from his family and his wife?
2. What is the MOST peculiar thing about the amphitheater that strikes Rip Van Winkle?
3. Identify three changes that occurred during Rip Van Winkle’s stay in the amphitheater
4. In a paragraph or more, explain the author’s attitude toward the American Revolution.
Bartleby the Scrivener
1. What are the responsibilities of a scrivener?
2. How can Turkey and Nippers function together?
3. Melville ends “Bartleby the Scrivener” with the phrase, “Ah, humanity!” Reflect on the relevance these words have
to Bartleby.
Young Goodman Brown
1. Using three pieces of evidence, address how Faith (person and metaphor) develops the short story.
2. What is a catechism?
3. What does Young Goodman Brown realize by the end of the story?
The Yellow Wallpaper
1. What is the narrator’s main qualm with her husband?
2. Using three pieces of evidence, address how women are portrayed in “The Yellow Wallpaper.”
3. What is the significance of the yellow wallpaper to the narrator?
The Gift of the Magi
1. What are Jim and Della’s two most valuable possessions?
2. Define irony. What is ironic about “The Gift of the Magi”?
3. If Stella did not cut her hair, how long would it have taken for her to come up with the money to buy Jim the
platinum fob chain for his watch?
Cask of Amontillado
1. Where does the Montresor take Fortunato?
2. Find two tricks the Montresor uses to keep Fortunato following him down the crypt.
3. At which point in the story does Fortunato realize his fate?
4. When is the narrator telling the story?
5. What is ironic about Fortunato’s name?
Rocking Horse Winner
1. What are the “voices” in the house?
2. How does the voice influence Paul?
3. Why do the voices progressively grow louder?
4. In a paragraph or more, explain the person or persons most responsible for Paul’s death.
Hills Like White Elephants
1. What does the man in the story want to persuade the woman to do?
2. What arguments does the man use to convince her?
3. Reflect on the ambiguous ending. Why or why not do you believe the woman went along with what the man was
trying to convince her to do? Use textual evidence to support your unambiguous answer.
Thank You Ma’am
1. In 2 paragraphs, write a short epilogue (look this up) to what might happened to the child after this
Sonny’s Blues
1. What is the narrator’s profession and what is his relationship to Sonny?
2. Why is Sonny in trouble?
3. How does the story remind you of suffering in your life?