SAS Software Version 8 The Output Delivery System What is ODS? SAS Software Version 6 produced traditional monospace output Other current software is WYSIWYG with control over fonts, colours etc Version 8 has ODS to cover the difference, and more… How Does ODS Work Data Table Component Definition Output Object ODS Output: SAS Listing HTML Printer ?? Future DataSet Output Output Output Expansion ODS Sources Sources of ODS include: • SAS Procedures (including SAS/GRAPH) • The Data Step (ODS option in the FILE statement) Sample ODS Stop writing to the ... Output Window ODS LISTING CLOSE; ODS HTML BODY=‘OUTPUT1.HTM’; PROC PRINT …; RUN; ODS HTML CLOSE; ODS LISTING; ... Write to the specified HTML File Stop writing to the HTML File Write to the Output Window again ODS Example 1 ODS Example 1 ods html body='Test1.htm'; proc print data=work.Launchers noobs label; title 'SPLATT Launch Vehicles'; run; proc print data=work.Voyages heading=h noobs label; id Voyage_ID; by notsorted Launcher; pageby Launcher; title 'SPLATT Voyages'; run; ods html close; NOTE: Entire sample code is located on the Notes page for this slide.. ODS Example 2 ODS Example 2 ods html file='Test2-body.htm' contents='Test2-contents.htm' frame='Test2-frame.htm' body='Test2-page.htm'; proc tabulate data=work.Voyages; title 'SPLATT Voyages Summary'; class Launcher Mission_Success; var Mission_Cost; table Launcher, Mission_Success*N=' '*f=8.0 Mission_Cost*(SUM MEAN)*f=dollar13.0; run; pattern1 c=red v=solid; pattern2 c=green v=solid; proc gchart data=work.Voyages; title 'SPLATT Voyages Summary'; vbar Mission_Success / group=Launcher subgroup=Mission_Success nolegend; run; quit; ods html close; PROC TEMPLATE Features PROC TEMPLATE creates and modifies these definitions, which ODS uses to create formatted output. STYLE: Customize the presentation of all output. TABLE: Customize a single output object. PROC TEMPLATE Example 1 PROC TEMPLATE Example 1 ods path sasuser.templat(update) sashelp.tmplmst(read); proc template; define style customdefault; parent=styles.default; replace color_list / 'fgB2' = cx0066AA 'fgB1' = cx004488 'fgA4' = cxFFFFFF 'bgA4' = cx880000 'bgA3' = cxBBBB00 'fgA2' = cx000000 'bgA2' = cx999900 'fgA1' = cx000000 'bgA1' = cxF0F0F0 'fgA' = cx002288 'bgA' = cx640064; replace titlesandfooters / foreground=cxFFFFFF font=fonts("titlefont2") font_size=6; style header from header / font_style=italic; style table from table / rules=cols cellspacing=0 borderwidth=2; end; run; ods html body='Tabulate2.htm' style=customdefault; proc tabulate data=work.Voyages; title 'SPLATT Voyages Summary'; class Launcher Mission_Success; var Mission_Cost; table Launcher,Mission_Success*N=' '*f=8.0 Mission_Cost*(SUM MEAN)*f=dollar13.0; run; ods html close; PROC TEMPLATE Example 2 PROC TEMPLATE Example 2 ods html body='Tabulate3.htm' style=customdefault; proc format; value meantl low-100000000='Green' 100000000<-150000000='Yellow' 150000000<-high='Red'; run; proc tabulate data=work.Voyages; title 'SPLATT Voyages Summary'; class Launcher Mission_Success; var Mission_Cost; table Launcher,Mission_Success*N=' '*f=8.0 Mission_Cost*(SUM MEAN*[s=[foreground=meantl.]])*f=dollar13.0; run; ods html close; Conclusion ODS provides an easy way to create HTML pages Easy Traffic Lighting Futures may include XML and PDF Files Try it!!! Questions References: SAS Online Doc® Version Eight The Complete Guide to the SAS Output Delivery System