New Measure Presentation - Regional Technical Forum

New Measure Submission Process
Regional Technical Forum
January 22nd, 2014
New Measures Submitted via
Online Proposal Form
Process for Reviewing
Process for Reviewing
• Staff recommends likely path of measure
• Brings before RTF for questioning, and feedback
• Seeks approval to spend staff resources developing
• If resources are approved, staff works with
proposer and interested parties
• Staff may further scope measure for feasibility
• Important that sponsor of measure is involved in
development process
• Staff will bring before RTF once complete
• Run through R&E subcommittee if research needed
What You Are Being Asked Today
• Staff has received 3 new measure proposals in 2013
• Developed checklists and probable development
• Posted to RTF agenda page
• Need RTF to decide that staff should pursue
measure development
• Alternately, could ask for more research/information
• Also provide feedback on proposed process
• Future measure presentations should be relatively quick
What Our Work Plan Says
• Capture new measure proposals in Work Plan
• 5 UES measures were expected from BPA
• 3 UES measures budgeted as placeholders
• 2 Standard Protocol placeholders
• If more are developed, would need to
reallocate resources from other areas
• Any proposal from an “outside” entity takes
more staff time
• Standard Protocols much bigger lift for RTF in general
Coil Cleaning – Preliminary Staff Review
New Measure Proposal
January 22nd, 2014
Measure background
• Measure Name:
• Likely Measure Type:
• Likely Measure Category:
• Measure Sector:
• End-Use:
• Proposing Party:
• Interested Parties:
Coil Cleaning
Standard Protocol
Nalco Company
(manufacturer of coil
cleaning products)
BC Hydro, Seattle City
Light, PSE, Avista
Measure Definition and Specifications
• HVAC coils, from large roof-top units to small inroom PTAC units, are cleaned using a pressurized
(100-500 psi), proprietary cleaning agent
• Product claims to both help HVAC systems operate
more efficiently and reduce odors related to dirty
HVAC equipment
• Product also claims that regular coil cleaning can
extend HVAC equipment life
Photo taken from
Measure Supporting Data
• A demonstration M&V project performed on a
hospital VAV system in BC Hydro territory showed
savings of about 12% of total fan energy and 22% of
total chiller electrical energy – or about 275,000
• ASHRAE has published a paper verifying the energy
savings potential of coil cleaning2
1 Hanada,
Vince. Coil Cleaning and Filter Change Demo Project: Fraser Health Authority, Eagle
Ridge Hospital. BC Hydro, October 2011.
2 Montgomery, Ross and Robert Baker. Study Verifies Coil Cleaning Saves Energy. Published in
ASHRAE Journal Vol. 48, Nov. 2006.
Staff Assessment
• Staff believes that this measure could be developed
as a Provisional Standard Protocol
• The proposal is for a measure that is not already defined
in the existing RTF database
• This measure has not been previously “de-bunked” by
the RTF or others
• Measure is applicable in the region
• Nalco (the proposer) has provided energy savings
calculations which could serve as the basis of a
Provisional Standard Protocol calculator
Staff Assessment (continued)
• Staff questions/concerns to the RTF
• Bundling – Coil cleaning can be combined with other
HVAC O&M practices simultaneously (e.g. filter
change/upgrade as in BC Hydro study)
• Can savings for coil cleaning be computed separately from
other measures or O&M practices in a reliable manner?
• EUL – No persistence studies found to support this
• RTF would need to estimate how long the savings persist
• Baseline – Can data be collected to suggest what level
(or quality) of coil cleaning is already being done?
RTF Proposed Motion:
“I _________ move that the RTF:
(Pick one)
1. allocate staff resources towards
developing a Coil Cleaning
Standard Protocol measure, or
2. not allocate staff resources to
developing a Coil Cleaning
Standard Protocol measure.”
Refrigeration Cycle Optimization –
Preliminary Staff Review Presentation
New Measure Proposal
January 22nd, 2014
Measure background
• Measure Name:
• Likely Measure Type:
• Likely Measure Category:
• Measure Sector:
• End-Use:
• Proposing Party:
• Interested Party:
Refrigeration Cycle
Standard Protocol
Residential &
Emerging Energy
Solutions (ClimaCheck)
Measure Definition and Specifications
• Instruments make it possible to attain system
performance data to optimize refrigeration and
cooling system operation
• ClimaCheck manufactures two types of equipment
that meet this specification:
• Portable Installation: Portable ClimaCheck can be
connected to a desired system; it will provide equipment
performance documentation within 30 minutes of
• Fixed Installation: Fixed ClimaCheck equipment will
provide continuous monitoring of equipment
performance and energy consumption. Immediate
feedback provided if maintenance required.
Sample Equipment
Measure Supporting Data
• The ClimaCheck system is currently installed in:
• Refrigeration systems in large grocery stores in Vancouver,
Toronto, and Denver (planned)
• Cooling systems for Virgin Atlantic (35 locations), EDF Energy
• Pilot study with NREL conducted at a grocery rack at
SuperValue (Maryland). SuperValue went bankrupt, none of
the findings were actualized as savings
• Working with NREL to set up 2 pilot installations
• Initial estimates of energy saved by this measure for
large commercial refrigeration systems in an ETO
installation are 6%- 10 %
• For the ETO installation, savings are predicted to be ~85,000
kWh/ year
Staff Assessment
• Staff believes that this measure could be developed
as a Standard Protocol
• The new measure proposal is complete with energy
savings information from case studies
• The proposal is for a measure that is not already defined
in the existing RTF database
• Proposal doesn't address a measure that has already
been de-bunked by others (or the RTF)
• Measure is applicable in the region
RTF Proposed Motion:
“I _________ move that the RTF:
(Pick one)
1. allocate staff resources towards developing
a Refrigeration Cycle Optimization Standard
Protocol measure, or
2. not allocate staff resources to developing a
Refrigeration Cycle Optimization Standard
Protocol measure.”
Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve –
Preliminary Staff Review Presentation
New Measure Proposal
January 22nd, 2014
Measure background
• Measure Name:
• Likely Measure Type:
• Likely Measure Category:
• Measure Sector:
• End-Use:
• Proposing Party:
• Interested Party:
Shower Restriction
Hot Water
ShowerStart, LLC
Southern California
Gas, Ucons
Measure Definition and Specifications
• Device works by slowing the water down to a
trickle once the hot water reaches the valve, thus
saving the hot water that would be wasted down
the drain when the shower is not being attended.
• In CA this measure is bundled with low flow
Measure Supporting Data
• The ShowerStart system is currently approved by CA Energy
Division and offered in California and by Puget Sound Energy
• This measure is also being introduced in EE programs in
California, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Michigan,
Colorado, and New York (As per conversation with
• Measure savings dependent on time a shower is left unused
by user; this parameter is speculative and no actual field
measurements have been conducted yet. ShowerStart, LLC
is planning to conduct research with utilities to better
understand this parameter.
• Estimates of energy saved by this measure approved by CA
Energy Division are 45 kWh for SF and 50 kWh for MF
Staff Assessment
• Staff believes that this measure could be developed
as a Provisional UES measure
• The proposal is for a measure that is not already defined
in the existing RTF database
• Proposal doesn't address a measure that has already
been de-bunked by others (or the RTF)
• Measure is applicable in the region
• Research shows that ShowerStart is usually bundled
with low flow showerheads for ease of implementation
• Data to construct a Proven UES measure does not exist
RTF Proposed Motion:
“I _________ move that the RTF:
(Pick one)
1. allocate staff resources towards developing
a Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve
UES measure, or
2. not allocate staff resources to developing a
Thermostatic Shower Restriction Valve UES