Date Application Received: / Office Use Only / 2014 Application Number: Application Form Request for Offers Domestic and Family Violence Services 2014-2015 Please select one Service Outlet Location and each Service Type for which this Offer relates: Region Service Outlet Location Service Type North Queensland Burdekin Counselling & Support (T320) Court Support (T321) Hinchinbrook Counselling & Support (T320) Court Support (T321) Charters Towers/Flinders Counselling & Support (T320) Children’s Counselling & Support (T315) North Coast Townsville – Counselling and Support Counselling & Support (T320) Townsville – Local Service Systems Local DFV Service Systems (T437) Sunshine Coast – P.R.A.D.O Counselling & Support (T320) Sunshine Coast – Children and Perpetrators Children’s Counselling & Support (T315) Redcliffe Counselling & Support (T320) Children’s Counselling & Support (T315) Perpetrator Intervention Programs (T328) Children’s Counselling & Support (T315) Court Support (T321) Pine Rivers Counselling & Support (T320) Children’s Counselling & Support (T315) Court Support (T321) Brisbane Brisbane North Local DFV Service Systems (T437) Counselling & Support (T320) Children’s Counselling & Support (T315) Court Support (T321) Perpetrator Intervention Programs (T328) Grant Funding Application Form - Department of Communities 2011 South West Brisbane Local DFV Service Systems (T437) Counselling & Support (T320) Children’s Counselling & Support (T315) Court Support (T321) Perpetrator Intervention Programs (T328) South East Redlands Local DFV Service Systems (T437) Counselling & Support (T320) Children’s Counselling & Support (T315) Court Support (T321) Perpetrator Intervention Programs (T328) South West Goodna/Springfield/ Lockyer Valley Counselling & Support (T320) Toowoomba and Darling Downs Counselling & Support (T320) Name of Offeror: Name of Proposed Service: Please tick box below to mark this Application Form as: Original Copy 1 Copy 2 Copy 3 Children’s Counselling & Support (T315) Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 Contents 1. Completing the Application Form 2. Offeror Details 3. Proposed Service Details 4. Information when Preparing the Budget 5. Offer Summary 6. Assessment Criteria 7. Organisation Agreement 8. Lodging the Application 9. Application Checklist Please read this Application Form and the accompanying Tender Specification document carefully before completing and lodging your application. Should you require further information regarding the completion of this Application Form please contact Privacy Notice The Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services is collecting information, including personal information, on this form for the purpose of assessing this application. Your personal information will only be accessed by authorised departmental officers for purposes directly related to assessing this application. Your personal information will be managed in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles outlined in the Information Privacy Act 2009. The department generally provides local Members of Parliament with the contact details of organisations approved for funding. Should this application be successful, some of the information in this form will be provided to local Members of Parliament for the purpose of promoting and reporting on the funding approved for your service. Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 1. Completing the Application Form To help you complete this form, please ensure you have obtained and read the following departmental document: Domestic and Family Violence Services – Tender Specifications 2014-2015 The Tender Specification document is available from the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services’ website: Eligibility Offerors must be eligible to receive funding from the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services. Refer to Section 2: Organisational Details. Assessment Applications will be assessed according to Legal Status (Section 2) and Assessment Criteria (Section 6) and in consideration of local needs and existing service provision. Duration and continuation is dependent on available budget, government priorities, a need or demand for the service type and a demonstrated capacity by an organisation to deliver the required services, outputs and outcomes for service users. Where required, Offerors may be asked to provide further details or provide clarification of their Offers during the assessment process. This may include a presentation of the proposed service model by Offerors to departmental representatives. Completing the Application Form All sections of this funding application form must be completed. Keep your answers concise by observing the word limits on selection criteria. Applicants may attach only those letters from collaborative partners that state how their agency collaborates with the work your agency is undertaking in this initiative. Lodging the Offer Please lodge your Offer in hard copy, ensuring that an original and three copies (including supporting material and attachments) are provided. The application marked ‘Original’ must be unbound. If you are not using an electronic version of this document, please attach additional pages sufficient to provide adequate information. This Application Form is for one Service Outlet Location only. A separate Application Form must be completed for each service for which the organisation wishes to tender. Any Offers that are linked or interdependent on other Offers in this process and which need to be considered together, should be identified to enable joint assessment. Does this Offer need to be assessed jointly with another Offer? Yes No If yes, please identify the linked Offer/s (i.e. name and location of Offeror/s and/or proposed service/s). 1. 2. 3. Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 2. Offeror Details 2.1.1 Offeror Details Name of Offeror: Registered Address of the Offeror: Postal Address: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: Fax Number: Australian Business Number: Yes GST Registered No 2.1.2 Contact Officers Title Name Position (eg, Mr Mrs, Ms) Telephone (Business Hours) 2.1.3 Office Bearers (list at least two) Title Name (eg, Mr Mrs, Ms) Position Telephone (Business Hours) 2.2 Legal Status Please advise the legal status of the Offeror: An incorporated not-for-profit organisation:Queensland Associations Incorporation Act 1981 Queensland Religious, Education or Charitable Institutions Act 1861 Commonwealth Corporations Act 2001 (non-profit objectives) Queensland Co-operatives Act 1997 Local Government Authority Commonwealth Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976 Commonwealth Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 Queensland Local Government (Community Government Areas) Act 2004 Queensland Community Services (Torres Strait) Act 1984 Queensland Aboriginal Communities (Justice and Land Matters) Act 1984 An organisation with non-profit objectives incorporated by an Act of Parliament An incorporated for-profit organisation Other (please provide details) Has a copy of the Offeror’s certificate of incorporation/registration been attached to this Offer? If no, please provide details below. Respond here: Yes No Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 2.3 Current Funding Does the Offeror currently receive funding (or has it in the last two years) from the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services? If yes, please provide details below. Respond here Has the Offeror provided all relevant reports and accountability requirements for funding previously provided by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services or previous Department of Child Safety or its predecessors? If no, please provide details below Respond here Yes No Yes No Offerors that are not currently funded by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services may wish to provide the names and contact details of two referees. 1 1. 2. Has a copy of the Offeror’s most recent audited financial statement been attached to this application? If no, please provide details below Respond here Does the Offeror currently receive other funding from the Commonwealth, State or Local Government to provide services similar or relevant to this procurement proposal? Yes No Yes No If yes, please specify the source, funding program, duration (financial years) and amount of funding. Funding Source Funding Program Duration (years) Amount Has the Offeror submitted a tender for a proposed service similar to the one contained in this Offer within the last two years? Yes No If yes, please provide details below. Respond here 1 Offerors should note that the department reserves the right to make inquiries in respect of applications for funding from either specific nominated referees (where provided) or from whatever source the department thinks fit. Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 Does the Offeror hold a minimum of $10M Public Liability Insurance for this service/project/event? If yes, please provide the following details: Sum insured Yes No $ Expiry date of policy Date: If no, your organisation will need $10M public liability insurance for any activities funded by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services. Please provide details on how the Offeror plans to obtain insurance. Include details on cost, name/s of provider/s from whom quotes have been obtained and amount to be insured: Respond here 3. Proposed Service Details This section will inform the department about your proposed service. 3.1 Service Details Service Name: Address of premises from which the service will be provided (if address is unknown as this stage please indicate the general location). Postal Address Telephone Number E-mail Address Fax Number Address of premises from which the service will be coordinated / managed (if different from the organisation and service addresses). Postal Address Telephone Number E-mail Address Fax Number 3.2 Agents with which your service will collaborate (where relevant) 2 2 Organisation/Offeror Name Contact Name Address E-mail Collaborative agents are organisations or individuals which have agreed to assist your organisation with the proposed service. Please attach a letter or other evidence from the agency or person which outlines their support and their contribution to this application. Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 Telephone Number Describe how this collaboration will improve and enhance service delivery Organisation/Offeror Name Fax Number Contact Name Address E-mail Telephone Number Fax Number Describe how this collaboration will improve and enhance service delivery (if necessary, please attach additional list) 4. Information when Preparing the Budget The total funds available as outlined in the Tender Specifications reflects the level applicable for the 2014-15 fiscal year covering all of the identified Service Outlet Locations. The Offeror’s budget, provided in response to Assessment Criteria 5 (Value for Money) in Section 6 below, should be on an annual basis (full year effect) for a period of up to three years. Contracts are usually negotiated for periods up to three years. The selection panel is willing to consider small, one-off establishment costs in addition to the budget. Costs eligible for inclusion in the budget include: purchase of assets, set-up and other one-off costs; salary-related costs for staff directly involved in the delivery of the service or the administration and coordination of the service; and operating costs directly related to the delivery of the service costs associated with certification under the Human Services Quality Standards. Budgeted costs should exclude GST. Payments made by the department to organisations that are GST registered will be fully grossed up by 10% when funds are advanced. 5. Offer Summary Please provide a brief summary below (1,000 words maximum) describing the major features of the content provided in your application. The summary should reflect the content described in each of the assessment criteria, budget highlights and any other matters related to the application. Respond here 6. Assessment Criteria The department will assess all applications against each of the following assessment criteria, weightings and local needs and priorities. Please note carefully, the attachments are not included in the page limit of the application which must not exceed 25 pages in total. You must ensure that your responses and supporting documents are specifically relevant to the assessment criteria. Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 Criterion 1 UNDERSTANDING OF DOMESTIC AND FAMILY VIOLENCE (4 weighting) Describe the Offeror’s understanding of issues related to domestic and family violence and the practice approaches and standards associated with service delivery to people affected by domestic and family violence. Supporting evidence should include: understanding of the needs, issues and interests of people affected by domestic and family violence and how this understanding would be reflected in the services proposed to be provided; understanding of the dynamics of domestic and family violence and its impacts on families and individuals, in particular children and young people; understanding of the interface between domestic and family violence and family support and child protection and how this understanding is reflected in the services provided; and identification of the practice approaches in delivering domestic and family violence support services, including in a family support context. Respond here Criterion 2 SERVICE MODEL and CULTURAL APPROPRIATENESS (5 weighting) Describe the proposed model of service delivery, how it will meet the intended purpose of the domestic and family violence service and deliver the required outputs, including ability to appropriately meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds. Supporting evidence should include: service users who will be using the services; target group to benefit from the service; operating hours; how the service will support service users across the geographic catchment area/s; service approach to risk assessment, risk management and safety planning; engagement strategies with service users, including those referred without consent; service approach to recognising and responding to the specific needs of the target group including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and the approach to be taken to improve delivery of services to a culturally diverse target group; referral sources including key government and non-government agencies; the practice principles (e.g. access and equity, valuing diversity) to be used to deliver a culturally competent service; and capacity to recruit workers that hold professional qualifications and/or experience working with people affected by domestic and family violence. Respond here Criterion 3 CAPACITY and COMMENCEMENT (3 weighting) Describe the Offeror’s capacity to deliver the proposed domestic and family violence service and ability to start service delivery no later than 1 March 2015. Supporting evidence should include: awareness of, and participation in, the Queensland domestic and family violence service system; Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 awareness of the role of domestic and family violence services in supporting the families of children and young people to prevent their entry or re-entry into the statutory child protection system; evidence of the Offeror’s experience in delivering, or ability to deliver, innovative domestic and family violence services that meets the contemporary needs of Queenslanders staff skills, experience and qualifications; understanding of the counting rules for performance reporting, particularly in relation to output hours; hours of direct service delivery to clients and hours of indirect service provision; number of days or weeks per year direct service delivery will be provided to service users that count towards output reporting; number of staff proposed to be involved in direct service delivery to service users; and milestones and timelines demonstrating how the service will be able to provide direct service delivery from 1 March 2015. Respond here Activities/Tasks/Phases This includes the tasks to establish and deliver the service. Milestones/Date/Timeframe Performance Indicators/ Measures/ Targets Including commencement and completion dates of different activities. Including how it will be known that activities have been achieved. Criterion 4 COLLABORATION (5 weighting) Demonstrated capacity to work collaboratively with other community and government agencies to provide responsive and coordinated services. Supporting evidence should include: examples of collaboration involving the Offeror that promoted innovation and flexible approaches to improve system responses for service users; demonstrated commitment to working to provide an improved, integrated response to individuals and families impacted by domestic and family violence; the Offeror’s ability to work collaboratively with other support services in surrounding areas, including CBIR and IFS services; ability to contribute to the network of domestic and family violence prevention and support services in the area; ability to actively engage with and contribute to the Local Level Alliance led by a CBIR service; and capacity to develop collaborative partnerships to enhance the organisation’s ability to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Respond here Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 Criterion 5 VALUE FOR MONEY (3 weighting) Provide information about the service budget and how the Offeror’s service model has been costed. In particular, demonstrate how the proposal represents value for money. Provide a detailed explanation of how the costings for the Offeror’s service model were developed and the rationale for employing staff in their proposed roles, including brief descriptions of how their duties and the workforce structure will result in better and more cost effective outcomes for service users. Rationale is also required for operating costs requested in the Application Form. Consider other factors such as existing networks, local knowledge and service experience and other value provided through the Offeror’s resources. Respond here Description (for information on cost items see Guide to Cost Item Expenditure Categories in Attachment 1) Annual Funding full year effect whole dollars only Defined term costs Salaries $ Other $ TOTAL $ One off costs Assets $ Set-up costs $ Other $ TOTAL $ Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 7. Offeror Agreement I understand that should this Offer be successful the organisation will be required to: enter into a Contract with the department comply with the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services conditions as contained in the Contract participate in performance monitoring processes participate in data collection I declare and certify that: I am authorised by the applicant organisation to make this Offer the details in the Offer are accurate; and sufficient control mechanisms are in place to ensure that all monies can be managed and accounted for appropriately On behalf of the Offeror: Signed Name: Organisation Position: (authorised officer) Date: 8. Lodging the Offer Closing Date: All Offers must be lodged by 4.00pm Monday 3 November 2014. Late Offers may not be accepted. Offers submitted by email, fax or scanning documents will not be accepted. Offer Requirements: Copies of the following documents must be included in your Offer. Please check the box to indicate that the documents are attached: a completed original unbound Application Form signed by an authorised office holder letters of support from collaborative agents (where relevant) any additional relevant information to support the application three additional copies of the full application and its attachments. Enquiries: The contact officer for this tender specification is Mr Nigel Noall, Principal Program Officer, Violence Prevention Team, Community Service and Industry Questions relating to the information in this paper should be submitted via the Yammer Group – Domestic and Family Violence Services Tender Specifications 2014-15 – and will be responded to on Yammer for all group members to access. Advice will not be offered on individual applications. Lodging Applications: Offers should be clearly marked and posted to – OFFER FOR DOMESTIC AND FAMILY VIOLENCE SERVICE – 2014 The Queensland Government Tender Box c/o Decipha Tender Box No. D&FVSI-2014 GPO Box 2482 Brisbane QLD 4001 The Offer must be submitted in a SEALED ENVELOPE or PACKAGE which is clearly labelled with the information below. You should complete and attach the label below to your envelope or package. Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 Application Envelope / Package Label --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The name of the Funding Initiative: Domestic and Family Violence Services 2014-15 The Funding Initiative tender number: D&FVSI-2014 Inviting agency name: Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services Contact officer’s name: Nigel Noall The closing date and time for lodgement of application: 4.00pm Monday 3 November 2014 The applicant’s name, address and contact details: Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 9. Checklist The purpose of this checklist is to help ensure you have answered all the questions in the Application Form and have attached the required supporting evidence. Please ensure you have completed all sections of the Application Form. Section 1 – Completing the Application Form Have you completed one Application Form for each service outlet location for which you are tendering? Section 2 – Offeror Details Have you provided details of contact officers for this Offer? Have you provided details of the Offeror’s office bearers? Have you provided details of the pubic liability insurance held by the Offeror? Have you provided a copy of the Offeror’s incorporation certificate? Have you provided a copy of the Offeror’s most recent audited financial statement? Section 3 – Proposed Service Details Have you provided details of the proposed service? Have you listed the agents with which your service will collaborate and any support letters? Section 5 – Offer Summary Have you completed the Offer Summary? Section 6 – Assessment Criteria Have you provided a response to each assessment criterion? Have you provided a proposed budget for the service, considering the information provided in Attachment 1? Section 7 – Offeror Agreement Has the Application Form been signed by an authorised officer of the Offeror? Section 8 – Lodging the Offer Have you provided an unbound original and three copies of the full Offer and attachments? Have you kept a copy of the Offer for your records? Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 Attachment 1 Guide to Cost Item Expenditure Categories Key information to consider when planning your budget in Criterion 5 Annual Funding full year effect whole dollars only Budget item description (See tables below for information on budget items) A. Sub total salaries (Total A from ‘Salary Table’ below) $ Other cost items (See ‘Guide to Other Costs Table’ below). Administrative costs $ Property and Energy costs $ Motor Vehicle costs (must be essential to service delivery) $ Travel and Training costs $ Client Related costs $ B. Sub total of other costs $ One off costs (See ‘Guide to One off Costs Table’ below). Assets (provide details in Asset table below) (Total B from ‘Asset Table’ below) $ Set-up expenses) $ C. Sub total one-off costs: $ Total funding requested: (A + B +C) $ Explanation of budget items (where necessary) Tables and Guides to assist in completing your budget Salary Table Position Title Full / Part Time Status Salary Total Base Salary On-costs $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Super Penalties Total Salary FYE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 $ $ $ $ Total: Directions for above table: $ TOTAL A Position Title: separate line for each position Salary: annual base salary Total Base Salary: status X salary On-costs: includes sick leave, workers compensation, recreation leave loading, recreation leave - staff cover, casual loading Super: 9% of Total Base Salary Total Salary FYE: Total Base + On costs + Super + Penalties Guide to salary related costs Salary related expense items Salaries and wages All salaries and wages (including penalty payments) paid to all staff employed on a permanent or casual basis (including temporary/replacement staff), included, but not limited to salaries, wages, annual leave, long service leave, sick leave, salary sacrifice, superannuation, workers’ compensation and fringe benefits tax. Contract workers Consultancy fees paid in respect of contractors engaged in direct service delivery only. Other expense items not related to salary All other expense items in the Standard Chart of Accounts. Guide to other costs Administrative costs Accounting fees, advertising and promotion, audit fees, bank charges and fees, consultancy fees, fees and permits, licenses, loans, subscriptions and memberships, insurance premiums – general, insurance premiums – public liability, insurance premiums – professional indemnity, insurance premiums – volunteers, postage, freight and courier, telephone, fax and internet charges, printing and stationery, publication and information resources, sundry expenses. Property and energy costs Cleaning, equipment hire/lease, property management fees, rates and taxes, rates rental properties, rent – rental properties, repairs and maintenance equipment, repair and maintenance rental property, cleaning, property rent/lease, council rates, utilities (electricity and gas), security expenses, staff amenities. Motor vehicle costs Fuel and oil, repairs and maintenance, motor vehicle insurance premium, registration, motor vehicle lease payments. Do not include vehicle purchase costs. Travel and training costs Employment support and supervision, training and development staff, travel and accommodation, volunteer costs. Client related costs Client support costs, client support consumables including emergency relief payments, food for service delivery, general client related expenses, program/activity expenses. Application Form - Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 2014 Guide to one off costs Assets Those capital items with a purchase price of $5000 or more and a useful life of more than 12 months. Includes motor vehicles, furniture, whitegoods, plant and equipment. Repairs and maintenance, including minor building modifications (<$5000) Set-up expenses Assets purchased <$5000, including office furniture, equipment and computers/software. Salary and wages without recurrent implications arising from establishing the service/project. Asset Table Asset description Total: Funding sought Estimated purchase price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total B $ Estimated purchase date