Computer Crime and Security PowerPoint

Created by: Robert McAndrews
Career & Technology Education
Humble Independent School District.
Computer crime, cybercrime, e-crime, hitech crime or electronic crime generally
refers to criminal activity where a computer
or network is the source, tool, target, or
place of a crime. --Wikipedia
Computer crime can be defined as criminal
activity involving computer information
technology systems.
illegal access (unauthorized access)
illegal interception (by technical means of nonpublic transmissions of computer data to, from or
within a computer system)
data interference (unauthorized damaging,
deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of
computer data)
systems interference (interfering with the
functioning of a computer system by inputting,
transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating,
altering or suppressing computer data)
misuse of devices
forgery (ID theft) and electronic fraud
An acceptable use policy (AUP; also
sometimes acceptable usage policy) is a set
of rules applied by network and website
owners which restrict the ways in which the
network or site may be used. AUP documents
are written for corporations, businesses,
universities, schools, and website owners
often to reduce the potential for legal action
that may be taken by a user, and often with
little prospect of enforcement.
What is Penal Code?
penal code n. A body of laws
relating to crimes and offenses
and the penalties for their
Computer Security is used
often to describe keeping
computer programs and data safe
from being damaged or stolen.
There is not much risk unless the
computer is connected to a network
such as the Internet.
Your home computer is a popular target for
Why? Because intruders want what you’ve
stored there. They look for credit card
numbers, bank account information, and
anything else they can find.
By stealing that information,
intruders can use your money
to buy themselves goods and
Hacking is breaking into
computer systems, frequently
with intentions to alter or
modify existing settings.
Sometimes malicious in nature, these
break-ins may cause damage or disruption
to computer systems or networks.
People with the will and intent to do harm
are often referred to as "crackers"--as in
"cracking" into computers.
Password cracking is the process of
recovering secret passwords from data that
has been stored in or transmitted by a
computer system.
Unauthorized use
◦ Using a computer system
without permission
Hacking or Cracking
◦ Breaking into computer systems for fun or
to damage information.
Sabotage and blackmail
◦ Breaking into system to fraud or steal
◦ Internet access without paying
Data diddling
Hardware theft
◦ Laptop/notebook computers
Software piracy or theft
◦ Federal Crime
Information theft
◦ Intellectual property
 Piggybacking is a term used to refer to
obtaining a wireless internet connection by
bringing one's own computer within the
range of another's wireless connection
without that subscriber's explicit permission
or knowledge. It is a legally
and ethically controversial
To get a free ride
When a bug is detected after the
software is released, the only way
to fix the already compiled code is to overlay
the imperfect or buggy code with a sequence
of corrected code. This overlaying is known
as zapping (verb) and the fix itself is a zap.
In generic computing, to zap (verb) can also
mean to erase or get rid of something.
Data diddling involves changing
data prior or during input into a
computer. In other words, information is
changed from the way it should be entered by a
person typing in the data, a virus that changes
data, the programmer of the database or
application, or anyone else involved in the
process of having information stored in a
computer file.
Unauthorized access to information left on
discarded media.
Going through the garbage to obtain valuable
information that can be used to gain access
and/or steal.
Dumpster Diving.
Stealing a computer or peripheral device such
as: keyboard, mouse, printer
Software theft
The unauthorized and illegal copying of
copyrighted software
Also known as software piracy or information
◦ Remembered Information
Possessed Objects
◦ Badges, cards, keys
Biometric Devices
◦ Fingerprint, signature
◦ eye or voice patterns
Backup Procedures
Surge Protector
◦ To Prevent System Failures
A potentially damaging computer program
designed to infect other software or files by
attaching itself to the software or files with
which it comes in contact with.
Illegal computer
code that can do
such things as alter
programs and/or
destroy data.
Worm Program
Time bomb
Logic bomb
Trojan horse
Virus hoax
Computer or software that has been attacked
and to which the virus has attached itself
A virus can be spread by
an external storage device
such as a diskette.
Viruses can be spread by
downloading from the
Install an Anti-Virus Program also known as
Scan Storage Devices before using them
◦ Disks, CD’s/DVD’s, Flash Drives
Double Check all Downloaded Files from
Do Not Download if
source is unknown
The term white hat is used for a person who
is ethically opposed to the abuse of computer
A black hat is a person who compromises the
security of a computer system without
permission from
an authorized
party, typically
with malicious