11 th grade World History
Patty Camarda
Feburary 12,2012 11:00pm Patty
Camarda World History
Leonardo Da Vinci
•True renaissance man
•Quickly rose to fame, never quite finished anything
•Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Parachute, Machine gun
• Examples of his work
•Painter and sculptor
•Best known for his Madonnas
•Pope Julius II brought him to Vatican
•“The School Of Athens”
Feburary 12,2012 11:00pm Patty Camarda
World History
• Master sculpture
• Close relationship with the Medici family
• Statue of St. Mark and St. George
• Marble and bronze David
Feburary 12,2012 11:00pm Patty Camarda
World History
Feburary 12,2012 11:00pm Patty Camarda World
Buon fresco
Very permanent
Absorbs into the plaster
Secco fresco
Forms surface layer on dry plaster, flakes off
Mezzo fresco
Almost dry plaster, slightly absorbs
Feburary 12,2012 11:00pm Patty Camarda
World History
Galileo Galilei
“father of experimental physics”
Pendulum, astronomy, thermometer
Many not ready for forward thinking
William Harvey
1 st to explain the circulation of the blood
Royal physician in
Feburary 12,2012 11:00pm Patty Camarda
World History
The word “gas”
Mercury barometer to prove air exerts pressure
Vacuum discoveries
Pascal’s law of fluid pressure
Robert Hooke and cells
Feburary 12,2012 11:00pm Patty Camarda
World History
Italy was its starting point
Philosophical and cultural movement
Brought back the classical teachings of ancient writers
Aristotle, Plato, Homer
Increased emphasis on education
Feburary 12,2012 11:00pm Patty Camarda
World History
Their achievements
What they’re capable of, very optimistic
Spent more time on work that would benefit the people than the church
Feburary 12,2012 11:00pm Patty Camarda
World History
Create a painting using some of the techniques discussed
Watch this video and the suggested ones below
Visit www.italian-renaissance-art.com
and do research on your favorite artist and one you’ve never heard of
Feburary 12,2012 11:00pm Patty Camarda
World History
Cline, A. Renaissance humanism.
Retreived on Feburary 7,2012. From http://atheism.about.com/od/abouthuma nism/a/renaissance.htm
Janson, H.W. Donatello. Retrieved on
Febuary 7, 2012. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/16
Wei, J. Renaissance scientists and after.
Retrieved on Febuary 6, 2012. From http://jerileewei.hubpages.com/hub/Renai ssance-Scientists-And-After-Part-II
World History
Leonardo da vinci. Retrieved on February 6, 2012.
From http://www.theartgallery.com.au/arteducation/gr eatartists/davinci/about/
Painting techniques of the renaissance. Retrieved on February 7, 2012. From http://www.italian-renaissanceart.com/Painting-Techniques.html
Feburary 12,2012 11:00pm Patty Camarda
World History
Who was the first to explain how the blood circulated in the body?
What was the central focus of
Who was best known for his madonnas?
Feburary 12,2012 11:00pm Patty Camarda
World History