Matter and Motion: Ancient View *world and human race had always existed and continue to exist indefinitely (Aristotle) *emphasis on natural philosophy, the foundations of SCIENCE *geocentric theory of the universe - earth-centered *universe divided into two domains -celestial (eternal and perfect beings) -terrestrial (temporal and corruptible things *uniform circular motion (Plato) *four elements: earth, wind, air, fire on earth *one element: ether in celestial world Ptolemy’s Geocentric Model *cosmological model of the universe - outermost sphere - that of the stars - immobile earth as center of the universe - celestial body in uniform motion on each sphere. Rates of motion differ * geometric model of the universe shown in next slide Ptolemy’s model con’t. * model fails to explain astronomical observations like: - changes in shapes, brightness, speeds of bodies, distances and *retrograde motion of planets - where the sun, the moon and the planets move with respect to the stars from west to east but at times seem to move backward, i.e., from east to west. e.g. retrograde motion of Mars (Zeilik) Ptolemy’s model con’t. To “save” the model the Greeks proposed Epicycle-deferent system here the planet was assumed to describe, with uniform motion, a circle called an epicycle. whose center, in turn, moved in a larger circle concentric with the earth and called deferent. The path of the planet is an epicycloid. The geocentric model survived for about 1000 years influenced by Aristotelian ideas of motion, religion, its common-sense appeal and Platonic doctrine of philosophical truth. COPERNICUS and the Heliocentric Model of the Universe *there is no one center of all celestial spheres *the center of the universe is the sun and the planets move around it *the earth is only the center of gravity and the lunar sphere *planets are arranged outward from the sun *retrograde motion of planets consequence of relative motion of the earth with respect to other planets Copernicus con’t. -faster moving planet soon “catches up” with the outer planet and eventually overtakes it. Outer planet appears to move in the reverse direction relative to the stars * The Copernican theory a) conforms to Platonic view of circular motion; b) was against the prevailing religious dogma; and c) took about 100 years before its acceptance. Kepler’s laws of planetary motion * Tycho Brahe - made precise and accurate observations of apparent planetary positions I. Law of orbits - a planet moves in an ellipse aaround the sun II. Law of areas - planets sweep out equal areas in equal times III. Law of periods - the square of the period of the planet divided by the cubes of its average distance from sun is constant The law of orbits Law of areas Law of Periods 2 = k r3 k = 42/GMs = 2.97 x 10-19 s2/m3 Ms = 1.99 x 1030 kg -11 2 2 G = 6.67 x 10 N-m /kg * Aristotle’s cosmological and motion theories - the universe has four elements - motion of an object depends on its most predominant elemental component - these elements are terrestrial in nature -a body with heavier mass falls to the ground first compared to that of a body with lighter mass * Galileo Galilei - known as the father of experimental physics -his contributions wer * in astronomy o spots on the sun and mountains on the moon o Venus and Mercury have phases like the moon Galileo con’t. o four moons circled the universe *popularized the Copernican system *in mechanics o concept of mass o problems in pendulum motion o uniform motion in straight line o free falling bodies o composite motion (projectile) Galileo’s contributions con’t. o foundations of the science of dynamics study of the laws of motion o invention of the pendulum - precursor of the “pulsometer” * the period of the pendulum is independent of the “amplitude” (the solution required calculus which was later invented by Newton) * for a given length of the string, the period of oscillation is the same & independent of the mass of the bob attached at the end of the string (the solution provided by Einstein’s general theory of relativity) Galileo’s contributions con’t. * the motion of a pendulum is a special case of the fall caused by the force of gravity. * his observations were in conflict with the generally accepted opinion of Aristotelian philosophy according to which heavy objects fall down faster than light objects. o the laws of fall - Galileo used a water clock in which time was measured by the amount of water pouring out through a little opening near the bottom of a large container. The time it takes for a ball to roll down a certain distance down an inclined plane was measured using such a water clock. * the steeper the plane, the corresponding distances covered during the same time intervals became longer but the ratios remained the same, i.e. 1:3:5:7, etc. * conclusion: in the limiting case of free fall, the same law must hold + the total distance covered during a certain period of time is proportional to the square of that time (SQUARE LAW) -----according to this law, the total distance covered at the end of consecutive time intervals will be 12, 22, 32, 42, etc. or 1, 4, 9, 16, etc. The distance covered during each of the consecutive time intervals will be: 1, 4 - 1 = 3, 9 - 4 = 5, 16 - 9 = 7, etc. conclusion: the observed dependence of distance traveled on time, led Galileo to conclude that the velocity of that motion must increase in simple proportion to the time. + Nowadays, we call this: law of uniformly accelerated motion; where velocity = acceleration x time and distance = (1/2) acceleration x time2 *For free fall, the acceleration is denoted by g (for gravity) and has a value g = 9.8 m/sec2 or 981 cm/sec2 or 32.2 ft/sec2 o idea of composite motion - e.g. two-dimensional projectile motion o construction of the first astronomical telescope Newton’s Principia Definition I. The quantity of matter (mass) is the measure of the same, arising from its density and bulk (volume) conjointly. *Nowadays we say that the mass of any given object is the product of its density and its volume. This defines the notion of mass. Definition II. The quantity of motion is the measure of the same, arising from the velocity and quantity of matter conjointly. * These days, the amount of motion (which is simply momentum) is the product of velocity and mass of the moving object. This defines the notion of momentum. Definition III. The innate force of matter, is a power of resisting, by which every body, as much as in it lies, continues in its present state, whether it be of rest, or of moving uniformly forwards in a straight line. * force of inactivity is what we now call inertia. This defines the notion of inertia. Definition IV. An impressed force is an action exerted upon a body, in order to change its state, either of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line. * such forces exist in the action only, e.g. percussion, pressure. Newton’s laws of motion I. Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change that state by a force impressed upon it. (law of inertia) II. The change of motion (i.e., of mechanical momentum) is proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed.(force law) III. To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction; or, the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal and directed to contrary parts. (law of action-reaction) Mass …is measured in kilograms. …is the measure of the inertia of an object. Inertia is the natural tendency of a body to resist changes in motion. Force …the agency of change. …changes the velocity. …is a vector quantity. ...measured in Newtons, dynes, or foot-pounds Newton’s First Law Law of Inertia “A body remains at rest or moves in a straight line at a constant speed unless acted upon by a force.” Newton’s First Law No mention of chemical composition No mention of terrestrial or celestial realms Force required when object changes motion Acceleration is the observable consequence of forces acting Newton’s Second Law The Sum of the Forces acting on a body is proportional to the acceleration that the body experiences F a F = (mass) a F ma Net Force Fx max Fy may Fz maz Newton’s Third Law Action-Reaction For every action force there is an equal and opposite reaction force Weight The weight of an object FW is the gravitational force acting downward on the object. FW = m g Tension (Tensile Force) Tension is the force in a string, chain or tendon that is applied tending to stretch it. FT Normal Force The normal force on an object that is being supported by a surface is the component of the supporting force that is perpendicular to the surface. FN Coefficient of Friction Kinetic Friction • Ff = mk FN Static Friction • Ff ms FN In most cases, mk < ms. SOME EXERCISES EQUATIONS OF KINEMATICS 0 1. <v> = [v1 + v2 ] / 2, 2. v2 = v1 + a t 3. 2ax = v22 - v12 4. x = v1t + (1/2)a t2 x acceleration a = constant EQUATIONS OF FREE FALL y 1. <v> = [v1 + v2 ] / 2, 2. v2 = v1 + g t 3. 2gy = v22 - v12 0 4. y = v1t + (1/2)g t2 acceleration g = constant g = 9.8 m/s2 = 980 cm/ s2 = 32 ft/ s2 < 0, motion upward > 0, motion downward FOR ROTATIONAL MOTION change x for change v for change a for linear distance s = r speed v = r acceleration a = r s r OTHER CONCEPTS Work and Energy Equivalence kinetic energy T = (1/2)mv2 potential energy U = mgh total work Wt = T + U Power = work/time Conservation of Energy Momentum : linear and angular OTHER CONCEPTS con’t. Impulse Torque Kinetic Energy of Rotation Moment of Inertia Newton’s 2nd law for rotational motion Characteristics of a physical law simple mathematical in its expression not exact universal invariant THE LAW OF GRAVITATION*: AN EXAMPLE OF PHYSICAL LAW (see Feynman’s treatise) *considered as “the greatest generalization achieved by the human mind” * two bodies exert a force upon each other which varies inversely as the square of the distance between them and varies directly as the product of their masses, or in mathematical form: F = G mm’/r2 , G= 6.67 x 10-11 Nt-m2/kg2 Gravity Questions The constant G is a rather small number. What kind of objects can exert strong gravitational forces? If the distance between two objects in space is doubled, then what happens to the gravitational force between them? Historical development: - Copernicus’ treatise on the motion of the planets - The recordings of Tycho Brahe on the positions of the planets - Kepler’s deductions from the observations of Tycho leading to his three laws of planetary motion ? What makes planets go around the sun - Galileo’s discovery of the law of inertia - Newton’s contribution, the concept of force - Newton’s deductions a) from the motion of Jupiter’s satellites: the concept of gravitational force b) on the relation of the period of the moon’s orbit and its distance from the earth and the length of time for an object to fall at the earth’s surface c) on the shape of the orbit if the law were the inverse square d) the phenomena of the tides EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATIONS OF THE THEORY I. Olaus Roemer’s (Danish astronomer) verification that the moons of Jupiter moved in accordance with Newton’s laws; as a consequence he was able to determine the velocity of light II. Adams and Leverrier - the perturbations in the motion of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus were due to the existence o f another planet, later discovered as Neptune. III. Einstein’s modification of Newton’s laws to explain the motion of the planet Mercury IV. The experiment of Cavendish to determine G = 6.67x10-11Nt-m2/kg2 V. The measurements of Eotvos and Dicke showing that the force is exactly proportional to the mass VI. The inverse square law in the electrical laws APPLICATIONS OF THE THEORY 1. geophysical prospecting 2. predicting the tides 3. working out the motion of satellites and planet probes sent to space 4. predicting the planetary positions precisely 5. formation of new stars Examples 1. Centripetal acceleration of the moon let m = mass of moon rotating about a frame of reference attached to m’ (earth’s mass) Force on m: F = mv2/r ; r = distance of moon to earth v = speed of orbit = 2r/T T = period of orbit F = 42mr/T2 By Kepler’s 3rd law: T2 = cr3, hence F = 42m/kr2 F ~ 1/r2 a = v2/r = 42r/T2 ; r = 3.84 x 108m , T = 2.36 x 106 s a = 2.72 x 10-3 ms-2 and g/a = 3602 ~ (60)2 Since RE = 6.37 x 106 m (r/RE) = (384/6.37)2 ~ (60)2 = (g/a) 2. gravitational potential energy m' r F m v ur m’ is at origin of coordinates, F is attractive The gravitational potential energy UG = - Gmm’/r The total energy of the system of two particles subject to their gravitational interaction is E = T + U = mv2/2 + m’v’2 – mm’/r = mv2/2 –mm’/r if m’ m, m’ coincides with c.m., v’ = 0 a) Case when E < 0 If m rotates around m’, then mv2/r = -Gmm’/r2 and mv2/2 = Gmm’/2r E = - Gmm’/2r (negative energy characteristic of elliptical or bound orbits; T is not enough to take the particle a t infinity) Other cases: E > 0, E =0 escape velocity = minimum velocity of body fired from earth to reach infinity mve2 – Gmme/Re = 0 or ve = (2Gme/Re)1/2 = 1.13 x 104 m/s = 4.07 x 104 km/hr b) If E > 0, T is sufficient to overcome U and bring object to infinity; path is hyperbolic c) If E = 0, T = U and the path is parabolic Applications in placing artificial satellites in orbit REFERENCE FRAMES (see “The Inertial Reference Frame”) * absolute reference frame - something which had some fundamental advantage over all other frames (are non-existent) * inertial reference frame (sometimes called Lorenz reference frame)- reference frames moving with uniform velocity with respect to each other and with respect to the fixed stars. Such are unaccelerated, non-rotating reference frames. Inertial frames are necessarily always local ones, limited in a certain region of space-time. e.g. freely moving space ship. A free particle at rest in this vehicle remains at rest in this vehicle. When given a gentle push, it moves across the vehicle in a straight line with constant speed. Any reference frame that moves with constant velocity relative to an inertial frame is itself an inertial frame. * all inertial reference frames are equivalent for the measurement of physical phenomena. Observers in different frames may obtain different numerical values for measured physical quantities, but the relationships between the measured quantities, that is, the laws of physics, will be the same for all observers. *due to its orbit around the Sun and about its own axis, the Earth is not an inertial frame of reference. ac = 4.4 x 10-3 m/s2 about the Sun ac = 3.37 x 10-2 m/s2 toward Earth’s center cf. gravity g = 9.8 m/s2 , these values are small and can be neglected. So we can assume that a set of points on the Earth’s surface constitutes an inertial frame. * all motion is relative to a frame of reference. The choice of a frame of reference for reckoning motion depends on the situation. e.g. moving car, an electron in an atom, a moving planet, etc. THE GALILEAN TRANSFORMATIONS * the positions and velocities as measured by two observers in relative motion are correlated; the time measurements are the same. EINSTEIN’S THEORY OF RELATIVITY ENERGY AND CONSERVATION LAWS 1. conservation of charge (electricity and magnetism) 2. conservation of energy (kinetic , gravitational potential, elastic, heat, chemical, electrical, magnetic) 3. conservation of linear momentum (equilibrium conditions) 4. conservation of angular momentum (torque, rotational motion) 5. conservation of baryons (origin of universe) 6. conservation of leptons