CHAPTER 1 - uhl2332chombee






Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco encased cigarettes, pipes and cigars.

Casual smoking is the act of smoking only occasionally,usually in the social situation or to relieve stress.

A smoking habits is a physical addiction to tobacco products. Many health experts now regard habitual smoking as a psychological addiction, too, and one with serious health consequences. The World Health

Organization ( WHO) has estimated that there are 1.25 billion smokers worldwide. Low and middle income countries, account for 82% of the world's smokers. It is predicted that by the 2020s there will be about 10 million tobacco related deaths annually worldwide, and most of the increase in deaths will occur in the developing Asian countries, where the rate of tobacco consumption is increasing. Although much of this excess mortality from smoking can be prevented if smokers stopped smoking. Most smokers did not believe that smoking cause illness and most of them thought that only those who smoke heavily are likely to get serious illnesses caused by smoking, (Hill and Gray, 1989). In fact about one third of all premature deaths caused by smoking occur in smokers who smoke less than 20 cigarettes per day ( Royal

College of Physicians, 1983).



The problem of smoking also happen among University Malaysia Pahang students. Nowadays, smoking has become a trend among them and it has been increasing and its uncommon to see the students smoke in campus. If the problem is continuously happening without any worries, the problem will affect not only their quality of life but also will affect people around them. Eventhough they are university students, well educated, and definitely well exposed to the negative effects of smoking, they still continue smoking. As university students, they should have a good quality of health because some day they will run the country. Country as well as their families have a big hope on them.

Thus, this study seeks to unravel the smoking habits among UMP students. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of smoking and to describe the habits, attitudes and practices related to smoking among students of University Malaysia Pahang ( UMP ).



To find out the prevalence of smoking and to describe the habits, attitudes and practises related to smoking habits among students of Universiti Malaysia Pahang.


1) What are the opinion of the smokers among UMP students towards smoking?

2) What is the smoking habits among UMP students?

3) Do smokers among UMP students know the effect of smoking related to several illness?



Smoking is Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco encased cigarettes, pipes and cigars

Prevalence is prove more powerful ; be victorious, be widespread or current.

Habit is a settled or regular tendency or practice.

Attitude is a settled way of thinking or feeling or a position of the body indicating a particular mental state.

Practices is to carry out or perform habitually or regularly.



In methodology, we include all the steps that will be taken to investigate the question under consideration such as data collection and data analysis. Data collection we collected using questionnaire which have dichotomous question, multiple choice question, numerical question, and scale question. For data analysis we use computer software like Microsoft office excel to analysis statistic of questionnaires.



In this report, we have five chapters to conduct. First is the introduction which we evaluate the background of study, problem statement, and review of literature, research objective, research question, and definition of terms, review of methodology and summary of chapters. Second, review of literature is divided into four sections. There are introduction, the opinion of smoking, the smoking habits and practices, and also the effects of smoking towards health. Lastly is about the methodology that included the introduction to chapter, sampling methods, data collection instruments data analysis procedure and the summary. We also include references to revise the article web and questionnaire.
