AP Government - McEachern High School

The Code of Hammurabi was
the law code of Ancient
Established a single, uniform
code of law for the entire
The code is the first example of
fundamental laws
unchangeable even by a King
According to the Bible, Moses
received the Ten Commandments
from God
In Biblical times, the Bible served as
the source of law for the Hebrews of
The Commandments’ simple
instructions on how individuals
must behave toward one another are
seen to form the basis of all Western
First to believe that laws
were a human institution
(not dictated by the Gods)
Allowed common people
to serve in state office
First government in which elected officials were paid a salary
Had the first trial by jury in recorded history
Every male citizen had the right to serve in the assembly,
which passed laws and determined government policies.
The Senate, a REPRESENTATIVE body was the most powerful
government body.
The Senate conducted foreign policy, passed laws and handled the
government’s finances.
The Romans also believed in NATURAL LAW, the idea that
certain basic rights should be extended to everybody who lived
under Roman rule.
Throughout the Middle Ages,
the concept of the “Divine
Right of Kings” was generally
It held that
◦ the King was chosen by God
◦ because the King was speaking for
God, everything he says is
absolutely right…
Because why would God
choose a King that was
capable of making poor
First attempt at a Social Contract
Provides the basic principle of limited
government (one in which even a
monarch must follow the rules)
Introduced the idea of fundamental
rights (which can’t be taken away)
◦ Trial by jury, due process, protection
against unjust punishment, and loss of
life, liberty and property
Put limits on the
power of the King – challenging divine right and the
absolute monarchy
Must work with the consent of Parliament
(representatives of people)
Outlines basic rights for individuals
◦ (no tax w/o representation, no imprisonment w/o
cause, no housing soldiers, no use of martial law
during peace)
Placed clear limits on the
absolute monarchy – moving
toward a
monarchy and ending absolute
◦ Written by Parliament
◦ Signed by King William & Queen
Mary as condition of taking the
Provided for individual protections
(with many of the rights found
now found in the Constitution)
Monarchs DO NOT have absolute power—they must rule with
the consent of the peoples’ representatives in Parliament…
The monarch cannot suspend laws, raise taxes or maintain an
army without Parliamentary consent…
The monarch cannot interfere with
the business of Parliament…
The people have the right to a fair
and speedy trial (Habeas Corpus).
The people will not be subjected to
cruel and unusual punishments
or excessive fines and bail.
Wrote Leviathan
Father of Natural Rights
◦ State of nature is “nasty, brutish and short” and only the
strong survive.
First to introduce social contract theory
◦ Citizens surrender liberty to the government in exchange
for protection from chaos
◦ Focused on individual freedoms with some protection
from the government
Wrote Two Treatises of Government
Natural Rights
◦ Born free, equal and independent
Social Contract
◦ Government that didn’t protect essential
rights to life, liberty and property could be
Popular Sovereignty
◦ People participate in their gov’t
Wrote The Spirit of Laws
 Limited
 Separation
of Powers
◦ Legislative, Executive, Judicial
 Checks
and Balances
SSCG1 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the political philosophies
that shaped the development of United States constitutional government.
◦ Analyze key ideas of limited government and the rule of law as seen in the
Magna Carta, the Petition of Rights, and the English Bill of Rights.
◦ Analyze the writings of Hobbes (Leviathan), Locke (Second Treatise on
Government), and Montesquieu (The Spirit of Laws) as they affect our
concept of government.
SSCG2 The student will analyze the natural rights philosophy and the nature
of government expressed in the Declaration of Independence.
◦ Compare and contrast the Declaration of Independence and the Social
Contract Theory.
◦ Evaluate the Declaration of Independence as a persuasive argument.
SSCG3 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the United States
◦ Explain the main ideas in debate over ratification; include those in The
Limited government
◦ Government has to follow the
rules too
◦ Prevents government from
getting too much power
◦ Guarantees to
individuals like freedom
of speech, freedom of
religion, freedom from
unfair laws and
punishments, etc.
Representative government
◦ People have a voice in their
◦ They elect officials who make
decisions on their behalf
Individual freedoms
Rule by law
◦ Written laws so
everyone knows the
rules and the
consequences for
breaking the rules
Proposed by Henry Lee, drafted by
Thomas Jefferson and approved on
July 2, 1776.
Approved July 4, 1776
Lists grievances (complaints) against
the king about his abuse of power
Like Locke’s social contract it says
that government is created by the
people and must serve the people
Makes it clear that the government
must follow rules just like the people
“We hold these truths to be selfevident that all men are created
“They are endowed by their
Creator with certain
“Among those rights are “Life,
liberty and the pursuit of
“To secure those rights,
governments are INSTITUTED
among men…deriving their
powers from the consent of the
The Preamble, an explanation of purpose.
An explanation of the political ideas upon
which the document was based. Emphasized
“Natural Rights”, such as life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness.
A list of grievances against King George III
(examples on following slide).
A resolution that “…these United Colonies
are…and of right ought to be Free and
Independent States.
For quartering large bodies of armed troops among
For imposing taxes on us without our consent.
He has affected to render the Military independent
of and superior to the Civil Power.
For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world.
He has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of
our frontiers the merciless Indian Savages, whose
know rule of warfare is an undistinguished
destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts,
burned our towns and destroyed the lives of our
First written constitution for the
newly independent states
Granted most of the power to the
There was a national government
with only one branch: Congress
Declare war
Negotiate treaties
Settle conflicts between the states
Establish the armed forces
Borrow money from the
states to pay expenses
Set national policies
Run Indian Affairs programs
Congress could not collect taxes from the states
Congress could not control the currency in the states
Congress could not regulate trade/commerce
9 states were needed to make decisions
ALL 13 states had to agree to amendments to the Articles
there was no executive (president) or judicial (court) power
Each state got 1 vote no matter how big or small
Members of Congress only served 1 year terms
Congress couldn’t pay the army
Congress couldn’t enforce it’s laws
Held in 1786 to discuss
economic problems that
the Articles could not
solve – especially trade.
Twelve delegates from
five states were present
– not enough for laws or
They only came to one
agreement…To meet in
Philadelphia the
following year.
To pay off debt, legislators passed
a heavy direct tax on
Massachusetts citizens.
It could only be paid in specie—
GOLD OR SILVER—not in paper
Farmers in the west, already in
debt, could not pay the tax.
Many had their possessions seized
by the government for nonpayment.
Was a Revolutionary War
veteran and small farmer.
Could not pay his debts and
was facing jail time.
In 1786, he led a rebellion
that spread through the
Tax collectors were driven
off and courts were closed
down by the rebels.
The government, with
no army, couldn’t
stop him.
A group of wealthy
Bostonians finally
raised a private army
to confront Shays.
They were finally
defeated in February,
Shays and a few
others were sentenced
to death.
Thomas Jefferson: "A little rebellion now and then is
a good thing. It is a medicine necessary for the sound
health of government. God forbid that we should
ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.”
◦ Translation: The rebellion was NO BIG DEAL.
James Madison: “Liberty may be endangered by the
abuses of liberty as well as by the abuses of power”.
◦ Translation: Our government is TOO WEAK; we must DO
Americans’ commitment
to defy authority when it
acted against the wishes
of the people.
Also demonstrated that
something had to be done
to strengthen the national
Leads to another
convention, this time in
Delegates from each state were asked to come to discuss the problems
with the Articles (Rhode Island did not attend)
Delegates were young, well educated, wealthier
George Washington chosen to lead meetings
Each state got one vote
A majority vote was needed to pass measures
7 votes were needed for a quorum (to continue meeting and working)
The meetings were held in secret - no official records were kept
Madison kept most accurate diary –
known as Father of Constitution
Proposed by Edmund Randolf
3 branches of government
Bicameral Legislature (2 houses)
◦ Both houses based on population
◦ Lower House – elected by people
◦ Upper House – chosen by lower House
Executive (president) chosen by legislature
Judicial (courts) chosen by legislature
National legislature would have veto power
over the states
Proposed by William Patterson
3 branches of government
Unicameral Legislature (one house)
◦ Equal representation from every state
Multiple executives (presidents) chosen by
Judicial (court) appointed by Executive and
approved by legislature
◦ Appointed for life
Each state gets one vote
Proposed by James Madison
3 branches of government
Bicameral Legislature (2 houses)
◦ Lower House – elected by people
 based on population
 3/5 compromise
◦ Upper House – chosen by lower House – 2 per state
Executive (president) chosen by Electoral College
Judicial (court) appointed by Executive and approved
by legislature
◦ Appointed for life
Had a national supremacy clause
One difficult question remained…When
calculating population for the lower
house, should slaves be included?
◦ If slaves were counted, the south would be
more powerful.
◦ If slaves were omitted, the south would be
In this compromise, every five slaves
would be counted as three people.
◦ This applied to representation in legislature
AND taxation
Nine of the thirteen states needed to ratify
(approve) the Constitution written in
Ratifying conventions were set up in each
state and the state legislature was left out
of the vote.
This process was, technically, “treason”.
Wanted a strong national
Led by George
Washington, James
Madison and Alexander
Produced “The Federalist
Papers”, which explained
how the government
would work.
Argued individual rights
and state’s rights weren’t
Led by Patrick Henry and
Thomas Jefferson.
Feared the President
would become King.
Thought the government
would come under control
of one particular group (a
Bill of Rights
promise to add
protections for
individuals by
◦ 1st ten become the Bill of
Rights and protect
individuals from the
stronger national gov’t
State and
each with their
own powers
would be
◦ if a conflict between state
and national laws, national
law stays, states must
Needed 9 of 13 states
 Delaware
 Connecticut
 New Jersey
 Georgia
 Pennsylvania
 Massachusetts
 Maryland
 South Carolina
 New Hampshire was
the ninth and final
needed vote
 Rhode Island became
the last.
New York chosen as
first capital
George Washington
chosen as first
New government
started in April 1789
Bill of Rights presented
in June, 1789
For 146 years it was never seen in public
In 1894 it was placed b/t two pieces of glass in the
State Dept. basement
In 1921 it was moved to the Library of Congress (not
displayed until 1924)
19 days after the attack on Pearl Harbor it went to
Fort Knox until Oct. 1, 1944
Moved to National Archives in 1952
Kept in bombproof, shockproof, fireproof vault with
steel and reinforced concrete; kept on spring system
to raise and lower each day
Published by Dunlap and Claypool (1320 copies for
Only 500 final copies made, estimated that 6 are left
in existence