Romeo and Juliet mid-essay reflection

Assignment #: ________
Mid-Project Self-Check and Peer-Edit
A. Self-Assessment
I can synthesize many skills to write a strong, analytical paragraph.
Put this objective into your own words.
What are some of the others skills that we’ve practiced that you must include?
In order to grow at this skill, what do you think you need to improve? Explain.
B. Exemplar
Romeo and Juliet show their commitment to each other through their
willingness to give up loyalty to their own family for the other. Soon after meeting
Juliet, Romeo sneaks into her balcony and overhears her asking for him to give up
his name. He shouts up to her, “I take thee at they word./Call me but love, and I’ll
be new baptized./ Henceforth, I never will be Romeo” (2.2.49-51). Romeo says that
he will give up his name for her. This shows that they love each other because, in
exchange for her promise, he will be “new baptized” – essentially reborn; this is a
major sacrifice and demonstrates his commitment to her. Not only will Romeo
sacrifice, Juliet will as well. Later in the same conversation, she whispers to him,
“Send me word tomorrow. . . where and what time thou wilt perform the rite,/ And
all my fortunes at thy foot I’ll lay/ And follow thee my lord throughout the world”
(2.2.144-8). Juliet is saying that that Romeo should send her word tomorrow about
how and when they’ll marry, after which she will follow him throughout her life.
Again, Juliet also promises to drastically change her life—by “follow[ing] ...
throughout the world”, regardless of her own family, showing again how committed
these young lovers are. To summarize, the quotes above demonstrate how Romeo
and Juliet are both willing to make major familial sacrifices for the other.
Assignment #: ________
C. Annotation of Exemplar
Directions: We’ve worked on most of the learning targets listed below. Using the
exemplar- pull out ways in which this paragraph demonstrates proficiency for these
objectives? [The starred questions are advanced, but worth doing to push yourself!]
Learning Target
Evidence from the paragraph
I can write strong claims
I can practice the 3 parts of
*** How is this context even
more advanced?
I can prove my claims with
strong evidence
I can paraphrase Shakespeare
into my own words
I can use loaded words to
interpret a quote
***I can link my evidence to
my claim through strong
*** How does this paragraph
incorporate academic
vocabulary and sentence
variety to add voice?
D. Peer Edit
Exchange your paragraphs with a partner. Read their paragraphs—and using the
exemplar and the learning targets above, give them TWO concrete suggestions
about how they could improve their paragraph.
Write these at the bottom of their paragraph so that they can use it to revise on