Lecture slides Chap 6-7

Part III. Sources of market power
Chapter 5. Product differentiation
Industrial Organization: Markets and Strategies
Paul Belleflamme and Martin Peitz
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Introduction to Part III
Case. Competition in the banking deposit market
• There exists market power
• Positive intermediation margins
• Lerner index: US, 23% / Japan, 20% / EU, 15%
• Where does it come from?
• Consequence of firms’ conduct
• Marketing mix: Price - Product - Promotion
• Price  analysis of pricing strategies, see Part IV
• Product  Product differentiation  Chapter 5
 Web-banking, network of ATM, ...
• Promotion  Advertising  Chapter 6
 Informative: “Call 1-800 ING Direct. Hang up richer”
 Persuasive: “Britain’s best business bank” (Allied Irish)
 Complementary: “Washington Mutual. More human
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Introduction to Part III
Case. Competition in the banking deposit market
• Where does it come from?
• Consequence of market environment
• Consumer inertia  Chapter 7
• Because of a lack of information
 It’s time-consuming to compare deposit rates of
competing banks (and read the small prints)
 Source of price dispersion
• Because of switching costs
 Moving accounts from one bank to another takes time
(and possibly money)
 “Bargain-then-rip-off” pricing
 Customer poaching
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Chapter 5 - Objectives
Chapter 5. Learning objectives
• Understand that product differentiation involves
two conflicting forces: it relaxes price
competition, but it may reduce the demand that
the firm faces.
• Be able to distinguish between horizontal and
vertical product differentiation.
• Reconsider the question of entry into product
• Be exposed to some basic approaches to
estimate differentiated product markets.
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 5 - Views on product differentiation
Views on product differentiation
• Product differentiation depends on consumers’
• Characteristics approach
• Preferences are specified on the underlying
characteristics space
• Discrete choice approach
• Consumers have heterogeneous preferences and choose
one (and only one) product among the available products
• e.g., Hotelling model
• Representative consumer approach
• Consumers are assumed to be identical and have a variable
demand for all products
• e.g., linear demand model with 2 goods used in Chapter 3
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Chapter 5 - Views on product differentiation
Views on product differentiation
• Discrete choice approach
• Horizontal product differentiation
• Each product would be preferred by some consumers.
• Vertical product differentiation
• Everybody would prefer one over the other product.
• More formally: if, at equal prices,
• consumers do not agree on which product is the preferred
one  products are horizontally differentiated;
• all consumers prefer one over the other product  products
are vertically differentiated.
• Note 1: to account for supply side characteristics, modify the
definition by replacing “at equal prices” by “prices are set at
marginal costs”.
• Note 2: Not easy to draw the distinction in practice
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 5 - Horizontal differentiation
A simple location model
• Suppose constant price (e.g., regulated price): p
• Decision for firms: how to position product (where
to locate) in product space (in “linear city”): l1 ,l2 0,1
• Consumers
• Mass 1 uniformly distributed on ; location = ideal
point in product space; linear transportation cost
• Consumers buy at most one unit from one of the firms
• From product i, consumer x derives utility
vi (x)  r   x  li  p
• Indifferent consumer (l1 < l2): x̂  (l1  l2 ) / 2
• Firms’ demands:
Q1 (l1 ,l2 )  (l1  l2 ) / 2, Q2 (l1 ,l2 )  1  (l1  l2 ) / 2
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Chapter 5 - Horizontal differentiation
A simple location model
• Firms maximize profits w.r.t. their product
location given the location of the competitor
( p  c)(li  l j ) / 2
if li  l j
( p  c) / 2
if li  l j
 i (li ,l j )  
 ( p  c) 1  (li  l j ) / 2  if li  l j
• Unique Nash equilibrium: l  l  1 2
• Lesson: If duopolists choose product locations
(but do not set prices), they offer the same
product (no differentiation).
• Insufficient differentiation from social viewpoint
• To minimize total transport: l
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 1 4 , l2  3 4
Chapter 5 - Horizontal differentiation
Hotelling model
• Now, firms choose location and price.
• 2 stage model
1. Location choice (long term decision)
2. Price choice (short term decision)
We already studied (in Chapter 3) the price stage
with extreme locations (i.e., 0 and 1).
We repeat the analysis for any pair of locations
 2 scenarios:
Linear transportation costs
Quadratic transportation costs
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Chapter 5 - Horizontal differentiation
Linear Hotelling model
• Consumers
• Mass 1 uniformly distributed on ; location = ideal
point in product space; linear transportation cost
• Consumers buy at most one unit from one of the firms
• From product i, consumer x derives utility
• Firms
vi (x)  r   x  li  pi
• Choose first li in  and then pi
• Constant marginal cost of production, c
• We look for subgame perfect equilibria.
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Chapter 5 - Horizontal differentiation
Linear Hotelling model (cont’d)
• Price stage
Label firms such that l1  l2
If price difference “not too large”, there exists an
indifferent consumer located in [l1, l2]
l1  l2 p1  p2
r   ( x̂  l1 )  p1  r   (l2  x̂)  p2  x̂ 
What does “not too large” price difference mean?
x̂  l1  p1  p2   (l2  l1 )
x̂  l2  p1  p2   (l2  l1 )
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Chapter 5 - Horizontal differentiation
Linear Hotelling model (cont’d)
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 5 - Horizontal differentiation
Linear Hotelling model (cont’d)
• Price stage (cont’d)
What if price difference is “too large”?
Discontinuity in demand:
for p1  p2   (l2  l1 ), no demand for firm 1
for p1  p2   (l2  l1 ), no demand for firm 2
l1 l2
 1 ( p1 p2 ;l1 ,l2 )   1
2 
( p1  c)
p2  p1
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if p1  p2   (l2  l1 ),
if p1  p2   (l2  l1 ),
if p1  p2   (l2  l1 ).
Chapter 5 - Horizontal differentiation
Linear Hotelling model (cont’d)
2 local suprema
  not quasiconcave in p1
Price equilibrium
may fail to exist
Happens when
locations are too
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Chapter 5 - Horizontal differentiation
Linear Hotelling model (cont’d)
• Location stage
Price equilibrium fails to exist for some pairs of
location  no subgame perfect equilibrium
Where price equilibrium exists, firms want to move
towards zone where price equilibrium does not
Instability in competition
• Lesson: Although product differentiation relaxes
price competition, firms may have an incentive
to offer better substitutes to generate more
demand, which may lead to instability in
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 5 - Horizontal differentiation
Quadratic Hotelling model
• Only difference: transport costs increase with the
square of distance
vi (x)  r   (x  li )2  pi
• Indifferent consumer
l1  l2
p1  p2
r   ( x̂  l1 )  p1  r   (l2  x̂)  p2  x̂ 
2 (l2  l1 )
• Price stage
max p1 ( p1  c)x̂( p1 , p2 ) and max p2 ( p2  c)1  x̂( p1 , p2 )
p1*  c  3 (l2  l1 )(2  l1  l2 )
p  c  3 (l2  l1 )(4  l1  l2 )
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(unique price equilibrium)
Chapter 5 - Horizontal differentiation
Quadratic Hotelling model (cont’d)
• Location stage
̂ 1  181  (l2  l1 )(2  l1  l2 )2
̂ 2   (l2  l1 )(4  l1  l2 )
̂ 1 / l1  0 for all l1 [0,l2 )
̂ 2 / l2  0 for all l2 (l1,1]
• Subgame perfect equilibrium: firms locate at the
extreme points  maximum differentiation
• 2 forces at play
• Competition effect  differentiate to enjoy market power
 drives competitors apart
• Market size effect  meet consumers preferences
 brings competitors together
• Balance depends on distribution of consumers, shape of
transportation costs function and feasible product range
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Chapter 5 - Horizontal differentiation
Quadratic Hotelling model (cont’d)
• Lesson: With endogenous product differentiation,
the degree of differentiation is determined by
• the competition effect (drives firm to  differentiation)
• the market size effect (drives firm to  differentiation).
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 5 - Vertical differentiation
Vertical product differentiation
• All consumers agree that one product is
preferable to another, i.e., has a higher quality
• Consumers
• Quality is described by si [s, s ]  
• Preference parameter for quality:  [, ] 
• larger   consumer more sensitive to quality changes
• Each consumer chooses 1 unit of 1 of the products
• Uniform distribution on [, ], mass M    
• Utility for consumer  from one unit of product i
r  pi   si
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Chapter 5 - Vertical differentiation
Vertical product differentiation (cont’d)
• Firms
1. Choose quality: s1, s2
2. Choose price: p1, p2
Constant marginal cost, c 
Price stage
Suppose s1  s2
Indifferent consumer is determined by the ratio of
price and quality differences:
p2  p1
r  p1  ̂ s1  r  p2  ̂ s2  ̂ 
for ̂ [ , ]
s2  s1
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Chapter 5 - Vertical differentiation
Vertical product differentiation (cont’d)
• Price stage (cont’d)
p2  p1
 1 ( p1 p2 ; s1 , s2 )   1 s2  s1  
 p1 (   )
if p1  p2   (s2  s1 ),
if  (s2  s1 )  p2  p1   (s2  s1 ),
if p1  p2   (s2  s1 ).
Solving the system of F.O.C.:
p1*  13 (  2 )(s2  s1 )
p2*  13 (2   )(s2  s1 )
(parameter restriction:   2 )
 Even the price of the lowquality firm increases with the
quality difference!
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Chapter 5 - Vertical differentiation
Vertical product differentiation (cont’d)
• Quality stage
Substitute for second-stage equilibrium prices in
profit function:  (s , s )  1 (  2 )2 (s  s )
 2 (s1 , s2 )  19 (2   )2 (s2  s1 )
Both profits  in the quality difference  equilibrium
quality choices:
• Simultaneous: (s1 , s2 )  (s, s ) or (s , s)
Sequential: 1st (2nd) chooses highest (lowest) quality
• Lesson: In markets in which products can be
vertically differentiated, firms offer different
qualities in equilibrium so as to relax price
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Chapter 5 - Vertical differentiation
Case. VLJ industry: “Battle of bathrooms”
• Very Light Jets
• 4 to 8 passengers, city-to-city, 60 to 90-minute trips
You are not
going to have
women on a
plane unless
it has a
Jim Burns,
Founder of Magnum Air
Vertical differentiation
Ed Iacobucci,
CEO of DayJet Corp.
Adam Aircraft A700
More expensive
Has a lavatory
Having a bathroom on board is
not an issue
for short trips.
Eclipse 500
Less expensive
No lavatory
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Chapter 5 - Vertical differentiation
Vertical differentiation and natural oligopolies
• Analysis of Chapter 4
Natural bounds to number of firms in oligopolistic
markets  main source: scale economies
Number of firms determined by entry process
In the presence of vertical differentiation
There may be a limited number of firms even for
negligible amount of scale economies.
Intuition from previous model
Recall equilibrium prices:
p1*  13 (  2 )(s2  s1 ), p2*  13 (2   )(s2  s1 )
Does not hold if
  2
In that case, if entry cost (however small), low-quality firm
does not enter  natural monopoly
Can be generalized to an n-firm oligopoly (see book)
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Chapter 5 - Empirical analysis
Probabilistic choice and the logit model
• Discrete choice models
Important to have consumers choosing differently to
have a ‘smooth’ aggregate demand.
How to formalize this?
Consumers are heterogeneous by nature.
 assumption made in this chapter (& in most of the book)
Alternative: probabilistic choice theory
 Ex ante (before some random variable is realized):
customers are the same.
 Ex post (after this realization): customers are different
 heterogeneity results from randomness.
 Modelling customer behaviour as probabilistic is
motivated by experimental evidence from the
psychology literature.
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 5 - Empirical analysis
Probabilistic choice and the logit model (cont’d)
• Random utility
Indirect utility function for a homogeneous good
vi  r  pi   i  vi
  i where E i  0
‘Observable’ or
‘measured’ utility
Reflects the preferences of
a subpopulation for good i
in expectation
Binary discrete choice model
Consumers face 2 alternatives, 1 and 2
Denote ei the realization of i
Choose alternative i if
vi  v j  e with e  realization of   1   2 , and E  0
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Chapter 5 - Empirical analysis
Probabilistic choice and the logit model (cont’d)
• Binomial logit
Assume that  is logistically distributed
F(e)  1 / [1  exp{e / }]
Probabilistic demand is then of the form
exp{v1 / }
Q1 
1  exp{(v1  v2 ) / } exp{v1 / }  exp{v2 / }
Multinomial logit
Extension to n products
Qi 
exp{vi / }
j 1
exp{v j / }
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Chapter 5 - Empirical analysis
Empirical analysis of horizontal differentiation
• Demand side
Consumers can choose among n products (+ an
outside good, noted 0, with utility = 0)
Market shares using multinomial logit (with )
i 
exp{vi }
1   j 1 exp{v j }
All consumers have the same mean utility level
vi   xi  i   pi
Vector of observed
mean utility derived from
unobserved characteristics
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Chapter 5 - Empirical analysis
Empirical analysis of horizontal differentiation
• Demand side (cont’d)
Linear market shares in unobserved characteristics:
logi  log  0   xi  i   pi
If we consider i as an error term, we can estimate
demand parameters () from this structural
Supply side
Nash equilibrium in prices
ci   wi   i
Relevant observable product
characteristics on the cost side
mean cost derived from
unobserved characteristics
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Chapter 5 - Empirical analysis
Empirical analysis of horizontal differentiation
• Estimation of the model
Firm i’s profits:  i  ( pi  ci )M  i
From F.O.C.:
pi  ci 
 i / pi
  wi 
 i / pi
  i   wi 
  i / vi
Using multinomial logit:
pi   wi 
 i
 1  i
Can be jointly estimated with
logi  log  0   xi  i   pi
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 i
Chapter 5 - Empirical analysis
Extension: the nested logit model
• Limitations of the logit model
Restrictions are imposed on substitution patterns.
May be unrealistic
Example: product introduction in the family van segment
has different effects on the market share of a car in that
segment or on an SUV.
Possible answer: nested logit model
Group different products together in different nests.
Consumers select first among nests and then within
the selected nest.
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 5 - Review questions
Review questions
• In which industries is product differentiation
important? Provide two examples.
• What makes firms locate close to each other in
the product space? And what does it make them
to differentiate themselves from their
• When is vertical product differentiation present in
an industry? Discuss demand and cost
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 5 - Review questions
Review questions (cont’d)
• Does the number of firms in an industry with
constant marginal costs necessarily converge to
infinity as the entry cost turns to zero? Explain.
• Why are we interested in empirically estimating
models of product differentiation? (After all, to
understand the intensity of competition in the
short run, we only need to know the Lerner
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Part III. Sources of market power
Chapter 6. Advertising and related marketing strategies
Industrial Organization: Markets and Strategies
Paul Belleflamme and Martin Peitz
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Objectives
Chapter 6. Learning objectives
• Understand to what end and to what effect firms
devote resources to advertising.
• Be able to distinguish between the different
views on advertising: informative, persuasive
and complementary advertising.
• Understand how a monopolist chooses
advertising expenditures and how this choice
affects welfare.
• Understand how advertising decisions are made
in oligopoly settings and how they affect price
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Some statistics
Case. U.S. spending on advertising
(Data from AdvertisingAge, June 2007)
47%: marketing services
53%: media spending
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Chapter 6 - Some statistics
Case. U.S. media spending on advertising
(Data from AdvertisingAge, July 2009)
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Some statistics
Case. U.S. media spending on advertising (cont’d)
(Data from AdvertisingAge, July 2009)
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Views on advertising
Why do consumers respond to advertising?
• 1st view: advertising is persuasive
• It alters consumers’ tastes.
• It  product differentiation & consumers’ loyalty.
• Likely effects (to be confirmed)
• Demand becomes less elastic; prices ; entry becomes
more difficult; welfare .
• 2nd view: advertising is informative
• It conveys information about existence, prices and
characteristics of products (directly or indirectly).
• Likely effects (to be confirmed)
• Demand becomes more elastic; prices ; welfare .
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Chapter 6 - Views on advertising
Why do consumers respond to advertising?
• 3rd view: advertising is complementary
• Complementary to the advertised product.
• It enters into the consumer’s utility function, in
complement with the product itself.
• Idea: consumers consumes ‘social images’ by combining
products and advertising.
• Likely effects (to be confirmed)
• Similar to persuasive view.
• Yet, it may be beneficial
through its direct valuation
by the consumers.
Having a Louis Vuitton bag may allow you to look as cool
as Sean Connery if (1) you actually possess such a bag
and (2) the ad links the bag to the cool attitude that you
want to project in your relevant peer group.
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Chapter 6 - Views on advertising
How to distinguish the 3 views empirically?
• Classify advertising spots
• Possible to identify directly informative advertising.
• Much harder to separate indirectly informative and
persuasive advertising.
• Find industries subject to a shock and analyze
the effect of advertising on market outcomes
• E.g., a certain type of advertising becomes (il)legal
• Look at implied purchasing behavior
• Informative advertising is valuable for inexperienced
consumers but not for experienced consumers.
• Persuasive & complementary advertising affect both
types in the same way.
• Testable hypothesis: informative advertising affects
demand of inexperienced consumers more strongly.
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Chapter 6 - Views on advertising
Case. Yoplait 150
• Data
• Yoplait 150: 1st low calorie, low fat yogurt, introduced
into the US market in 1987.
• Scanner data collected at Sioux Falls, South Dakota
and Springfield, Missouri (about 4,000 households)
• Weekly prices at drugstores and supermarkets over
three years (1986-1988).
• A.C. Nielsen TV meters: household TV advertisement
• Main result
• Advertisement affects initial purchases much more
than repeat purchases.
• Supports the view that advertising was predominantly
informative in the Yoplait 150 case.
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Chapter 6 - Advertising in monopoly
Price and non-price strategies in monopoly
• Dorfman-Steiner model
• Include non-price variable into monopoly problem: firm
chooses price, p, and advertising expenditure, A.
• Demand: Q(p,A) with Qp  and QA  consumers
respond to more advertising by increasing demand)
• Monopoly’s problem: choose p and A to maximize
( p, A)  pQ( p, A)  C(Q( p, A))  A
p  C
 ( p  C  )Q p  Q  0 
pQ p Q, p
p  C
1 1
1 A
 ( p  C  )QA  1  0 
QA p AQA pQ Q, A pQ
with Q, A  advertising elasticity of demand
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Chapter 6 - Advertising in monopoly
Price and non-price strategies in monopoly (cont’d)
• Dorfman-Steiner model (cont’d)
• Equating the 2 previous values:
Q, p
Q, A
Advertising expenditure / revenue
 Advertising intensity
Q, A
Q, p
Advertising elasticity of demand /
Price elasticity of demand
• Lesson: A monopoly sets its advertising
intensity to the ratio of the advertising elasticity
of demand over the price elasticity of demand.
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Advertising in monopoly
Price and non-price strategies in monopoly (cont’d)
• Closer look at how advertising affects demand
• Persuasive advertising
Continuum of consumers of mass equal to 1
Each consumer buys at most 1 unit of monopolist’s product
Heterogeneous valuation:  uniformly distributed on 
Persuasive advertising ‘inflates’ consumers’ valuations
 willingness to pay: g(A), with g()  and g’(A) 
At price p, consumers who buy are such that p g(A)
Hence, demand is Q(p,A)  p g(A)
Price-elasticity: Q,p  p g(A)  p)
 with A as g’(A)  more advertising makes demand less
elastic, as predicted by persuasive view.
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Chapter 6 - Advertising in monopoly
Price and non-price strategies in monopoly (cont’d)
• Closer look (cont’d)
• Informative advertising
• N consumers, with same decreasing demand function, d(p)
• Initially, all consumers are unaware of the product; they are
made aware if they receive an ad.
• Monopolist sends A advertising messages.
• Same probability for each consumer to receive a message
• Probability of not receiving an ad (for N large): eA/N
• Hence, demand is Q(p,A)  eA/N) d(p)  G(A) d(p)
• Note: G’(A)  G’’(A)
• Price-elasticity: Q,p  p d’(p) / d(p), insensitive to the number
of advertising messages: more advertising does not make
demand less elastic, as predicted by informative view.
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Welfare effects
Some welfare effects of advertising
• Is advertising socially desirable?
• We study the issue in the previous monopoly model
Starting point: monopoly solution, (pm, Am)
Change advertising to some nearby level A
Monopolist reacts with profit-maximizing price pm(A)
Compute change in welfare, where welfare is defined by
r( A)
W ( p, A)  ( p, A) 
 Q( p, A)dp,
with r(A) satisfying Q(r(A), A)  0.
Maximum price consumers are
willing to pay (may vary with A)
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Welfare effects
Some welfare effects of advertising (cont’d)
• We want to evaluate
If advertising  monopoly price, it 
consumer surplus and thus, welfare.
Additional consumer surplus that
advertising generates on the inframarginal units because of the
demand shift.
Negative or positive effect
Positive effect
Net effect ?
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Welfare effects
Some welfare effects of advertising (cont’d)
• Lesson: If additional advertising does not cause
the monopolist to raise its price, then the
monopolist will supply too little advertising.
But if it does, then it induces 2 conflicting effects
on welfare and the net effect is ambiguous.
• Effect of additional advertising on price?
• Depends on the nature of advertising and on the
monopolist’s cost function.
• Informative advertising: monopoly advertising is socially
insufficient if marginal cost is constant or decreasing.
• Persuasive advertising: even if advertising  monopoly price,
monopolist may provide too little advertising.
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Advertising and competition
Does advertising toughen or soften competition?
• Advertising can play 2 roles
• “Constructive” role
• Informs consumers about existence, characteristics and
price of products
 ambivalent effect on price competition
• Or:  perceived differences between brands
 likely to soften price competition
• Combative role
• Helps firms steal each other’s business
 likely to toughen price competition
• This general intuition needs to be confirmed by
looking at specific market settings.
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Advertising and competition
Informative advertising
• Intuition
• In monopoly, more informative advertising  more
informed consumers  more profits
• In oligopoly, more informative advertising  more
informed consumers about several products  more
intense competition  more or less profits?
• Model: extension of Hotelling model
• 2 firms located at extreme points of 
• Mass 1 of consumers uniformly distributed on 
• Utility of consumer x (assuming linear transport costs):
r   x  p1 if she buys 1 unit of good 1,
r   (1  x)  p2 if she buys 1 unit of good 2.
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Advertising and competition
Informative advertising (cont’d)
• Demands
• Only a share i of consumers know about the
existence of product i.
• Probability of being informed: independent of location
• 3 types of consumers
• Fully informed  share i j  indifferent consumer:
r   x̂  p1  r   (1  x̂)  p2  x̂  12  21 ( p1  p2 )
• Partially informed (know good i only)  share i (j )  buy if
r    pi  0 (suppose r large enough, so OK)
• Uninformed  share (i ) (j )  don’t buy
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Advertising and competition
Informative advertising (cont’d)
• Demands (cont’d)
Q1 ( p1 , p2 , 1 , 2 )
 1 (1  2 )  2 x̂( p1 , p2 )
 1 (1  2 )  2 21 (  p1  p2 ) 
More informative advertising
from both firms
 larger share of fully
informed consumers
 larger price elasticity of
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Advertising and competition
Informative advertising (cont’d)
• Equilibrium analysis
• Firms simultaneously set prices and number of ads
• To inform share i of consumers (about existence, price,
characteristics of good i), firm incurs
• Firms’ program
A(i )  ai2 / 2
max( p1  c)Q1 ( p1 , p2 , 1 , 2 )  A(1 ); similarly for firm 2
p1 , 1
• FOCs
 1
 1 (1  2 )  2 21 (  2 p1  p2  c)   0
p  c   1  2
 p1  2
Higher price than
under full information
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Advertising and competition
Informative advertising (cont’d)
• Equilibrium analysis
• FOCs
 1
 ( p1  c) (1  2 )  2
 1 
(  p1  p2 )   a1  0
( p1  c) (1  2 )  2
(  p1  p2 ) 
• Symmetric equilibrium
p*  c   1   *
2  *
p 
  p  c
* 1
 *  ( p*  c) (1   * )   * 12  
a 
 
, p  c  2a ,  
1  2a / 
1  2a / 
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Advertising and competition
* 
Informative advertising
• Observations
, p*  c  2a ,  * 
1  2a / 
1  2a / 
• Higher price than under full information (a  p
• Why? Lower elasticity of demand  higher markup
• More product differentiation ( )  higher prices
• Stronger effect than under full information
• Lower advertising cost (a )  lower prices
• Why? a   advertising   more informed consumers
 more competition  prices 
• Amount of advertising  when a  or  
• Profits increase as advertising becomes more costly
• Why? Negative direct effect (higher costs) more than
compensated by positive strategic effect (lower share of
informed consumers   less intense competition)
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Advertising and competition
Informative advertising (cont’d)
• Lesson: Due to strategic effects of informative
advertising, higher advertising costs translate into
more market power  Firms’ profits can be
higher in a market with higher advertising costs.
• Applications
• Testable hypothesis: Internet search engines  lower
advertising costs  lower profits?
• Industry lobbying in favor of advertising restrictions?
• High a seen as collusive device
• Advertising restrictions self-imposed by certain professions
(e.g., lawyers, accountants)
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Advertising and competition
Persuasive advertising
• Intuition
• In monopoly, more persuasive advertising  outward
shift of demand  more profits
• In oligopoly, does the increase in one firm’s demand
come at the expense of another firm’s demand?
• Yes  shift of demand between brands  business stealing
 advertising may be excessive (prisoners’ dilemma)
• No  global demand expansion  advertising may be
insufficient (public good nature)
• Modelling: 3 extensions of Hotelling model
• Advertising increases willingness to pay
• Advertising changes distribution of consumer tastes
• Advertising increases perceived product differences
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Advertising and competition
Persuasive advertising (sketch; see details in book)
• Advertising  willingness to pay
• Utility of consumer x (with i = advertising intensity)
r  1   x  p1 if she buys 1 unit of good 1,
r  2   (1  x)  p2 if she buys 1 unit of good 2.
• Advertising changes distribution of tastes
• Symmetric distribution function
F(x; 1, 2 )  (1  1  2 )x  (1  2 )x 2
• Lesson: In both cases, advertising expenditures
are simply a form of wasteful competition: if firms
could cooperate, they would agree not to
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Advertising and competition
Persuasive advertising (sketch cont’d)
• Advertising  perceived product differences
• Advertising intensities affect degree of product
differentiation (i.e., transport cost):
 (1 , 2 )    1  2
• Lesson: Here, firms invest in advertising to relax
price competition and, thereby, achieve higher
profits. Because advertising is a public good,
firms would even be better off by coordinating
their advertising decisions.
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Advertising and competition
Case. Promotion of private healthcare
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Chapter 6 - Review questions
Review questions
• Which industries advertise a lot? Give two
examples and discuss the likely reasons for high
advertising expenditures.
• Discuss the difference between persuasive
advertising and advertising as a complement.
• Consider informative advertising about a
product’s existence. Does an increase in the
advertising cost function necessarily lead to
lower profits? Discuss.
• Discuss possible effects of persuasive
advertising under imperfect competition.
© Cambridge University Press 2009
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