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Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Hasanuddin
Ratna Ayu Damayanti
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Hasanuddin
Indonesia has experienced a significant increase in the number of local governments,
particularly at the municipal/city level, because decentralization is a fairly new
phenomenon in Indonesia and the process of formation of municipal/city and province
happenedvery rapidly in just a few years. In addition, it also brings out many
questions related to the causes and motivations, and effects, so that the whole process
of secession itself become a main attraction for research.
The purpose of research is to reveal the issues of good governance in the secession
region by examining existing evidence in municipalities in West Sulawesi Province.
At the end, the study will offer several options to the government of West Sulawesi
province regarding how to regulate the process of government formation and structure
of local governments that would encourage good governance.
The analytical method used is phenomenological analysis which group the data
obtainedSecession done in the province of West Sulawesi showed that by reducing the
span of control (read secession), it become easier to integrate the synergies of the
three main pillars of good governance that is government, private, and community,
where they work togetherin planning and policy making and its implementation very
Keywords: good governance, secession, decentralization
Lately Indonesia has experienced a significant increase in the number of local
governments, particularly at the municipal/city level, because decentralization is a
fairly new phenomenon in Indonesia. Because the process of formation of
municipal/city and province happened very rapidly in just a few years, there is a lot of
confusion surrounding the process. In addition, it also brings out many questions
related to the nature (the cause and motivation), the consequences and effects, so that
by itself the whole process has become an attraction for research.
On the other hand, Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that are struggling
and craving for the creation of good governance. However, the current situation
shows that it is still very far from expectations. Political interests, KKN (corruption,
This article will be presented at the Congress on Economic, Finance and Business (CEFB) conference
management system which will be held in Bangkok, Thailand on November 6 to 8 2013.
collusion and nepotism), judicial system that isn’t runningproperly yet, working
outside authority, and lack of integrity as well as transparency are some of the
problems that made good governance still can’t be achieved(Aulich, 2009). In order to
achieve good governance in the governance in Indonesia, the principles of good
governance should be established in various government institutions.
As known the term 'good governance' is derived from the European parent language,
Latin, which is 'Gubernare' which is absorbed by the English as 'Govern', which
means 'steer', 'direct', or 'rule'. The main use of this term in English is 'to rule with
authority' (Blacher, 2006).The term 'governance' has been widely used in the fields of
political science, public policy, and public administration to demonstrate activities
related to public purposes, where the goal is done jointly by many actors. The actors
in question are the actors involved in the activity as well as them who are "beyond
government", or at least outside the organizational boundaries of a single government
(Rhodes, 1997; Pierre and Peters, 2005).
By implementing the principles of good governance, the three pillars, namely the
government, private sector, and civil society should look after each other, support
each other and actively participate in the governance being done. In reality, good
governance just became a dream that is still a long way to reach by the people of
Indonesia. Despite their understanding of good governance differ, but at least most
imagine that with good governance, then the public can have a better quality of
governance. Many of them imagine that by having a better good governance practices,
the quality of public services wouldbe better, the number of corruption would be
lower, and the government would became more concerned with the interests of
citizens (Dwiyanto, 2005).
These days the problems faced by the Indonesian nation are increasingly complex and
increasingly loaded. The existence of good governance, which has been hailed upon,
in fact is still a dream and limited to a mere jargon. Indonesia should reallyawoke
from its slumber. Revolution in every field should be done because every product
generated are only representing the interests of political parties, factions and groups of
people. Whereas good governance should be a serious concern. Transparency can
indeed be one solution, but isthat enough to achieve good governance?
Therefore, this study aims to reveal the issues of good governance in the secession
region by observing evidence in municipalities in West Sulawesi Province.
Furthermore, the government offers several options for the West Sulawesi province to
rationalize and regulate, in the best way, the process of establishing new autonomous
regions and structures of local government that consider issues of good governance.
Research Method
Secession phenomenon is a social reality that can not be understood without diving
into the phenomenon itself. In this case, combining the expression of the researchers
in such a way in social practice, has received serious attention from many researchers
(for example, Ahrens and Dent, 1998; Baxter and Chua, 1998; Covaleski and
Dirsmith, 1990; Marginson, 2004). Aligned with their views, Syarifuddin (2010)
argues that expressing researchers views on social field not only aims to simply
explain or clarify to the reader something about the empirical circumstances, but
more than that, qualitative research also want to explain how a theory newly
Furthermore, research method is a systematic and objective way to obtain relevant
data to collect information both verbally and written. Meanwhile, a qualitative study
is an interdisciplinary field, cross-disciplinary, and sometimes even opposed
discipline (Salim, 2001: 15). This qualitative research traverse the humanities
sciences, social, and modern science. This qualitative research focus on many
paradigms. Qualitative studies are committed to the naturalistic perspective and
interpretive understanding of the human experience. At the same time, this art is
political and shaped by a variety of ethical and political positions (Nelson in Denzin
and Lincoln, 1998: 3).
A qualitative approach is a process of research and understanding based on a
methodology that investigates social phenomena and human issues. On this approach,
the researcher makes a complex picture, examines words, reports detailed views of
informants, and conducts study on the natural situation (Creswell, 1998: 15). Bogdan
and Taylor (in Moleong, 2007: 3) argued that qualitative methodology is a research
procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written and spoken words of
people and observed behavior.
Qualitative research is conducted in the natural state and that’s about discovery. In
qualitative research, the researcher is the key instrument. Therefore, the researcher
must have a stock of theory and extensive knowledge, so they can apply a variety of
open-ended questions to the informants, analyze, and construct the object under study
so that the problem becomes clear. In addition, this study emphasizes on meaning and
value. Qualitative research is used when problem related to the social phenomenon
has not been clear or revealed very well, to find hidden meaning, to understand social
interactions, to develop theories, to ensure the correctness of the data, and to research
develepment history.
Good GovernanceAndLocal Government
The term good governance was first popularized by international funding agencies
such as World Bank, UNDP, and IMF in order to maintain and ensure the continuity
of the aid funding provided to the targeted countries. Basically, these international
agencies argued that any international assistance for the development of countries
around the world, especially developing countries, is difficult to succeed without good
governance in the country. Therefore, good governance becomea central issue in
multilateral institutions relation with target countries (Brunetand Martin, 2010).
Good governance discourse gain relevance in Indonesia because of at least three main
reasons: first, the economic and political crisis that is still ongoing with no sign of
coming to an end, secondly, there are many different forms of corruption and
irregularities in the administration of the country; third, regional autonomy policy
which is a great hope for the democratization process and at the same time also the
concern of the program failure. Another reason, is the still not optimal services of
government bureaucracy and also the private sector in fulfilling the needs and
interests of the public.
Although the term good governance is often referred to on various occasions, the term
is interpreted differently. On one hand there is the meaning of good governance as the
performance of an institution, such as the performance of government, corporate or
community organizations. This term refers to the original meaning of the word which
means the direct governing, or controlling, or influencing public affairs in the country
(Osbourne and Gaebler, 1992).
At the regional level, governance can be described as a relationship between a local
government and the private sector who carry out services, or a long-term cooperation
between public and private actors in determining the strategic agenda for the region as
a whole. Governance can be a limited collaboration within a public organization, such
as job training program, or an effort that has a wide range, such as the empowerment
of communities, which involves a multi-policy. In addition, governance could also
stretches the geographical boundaries, linking jurisdictions (Feiock, 2004), or
professionals in the functional areas such as economic development between cities
and between public sector, private and non-profit (Agranoff and McGuire, 2003;
Frederickson, 1999). These relationships can be relatively informal or can be
institutionalized, through mechanisms such as contracts or agreements at the level of
interregional area, or regional bodies. All type of arrangement has been characterized
as governance in literature.
Although, the extensive use of the word "governance" has been widely criticized as a
result of the popularity or fashion (Pierre and Peters, 2005; Rhodes, 2000;
Frederickson and Smith, 2003), but many academics who share similar views insisted
that the term refers to the important transformation of the relationship between the
state and society (Pierre and Peters, 2005), or "a fundamental change in the purpose
and method of administration" (Frederickson and Smith, 2000; see also Kooiman,
Therefore, good governance can be defined as an action or behavior that is based on
values that are directing, controlling, or influencing public issues to realize the values
in action and daily life. Thus, the domain of good governance is not limited to the
state or government bureaucracy, but also in the realm of civil society represented by
non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In short, the demand for good governance
should not be directed only to the organizers of state or government, but also to
people outside the government bureaucratic structure that are keen and eager to
demand good governance. On the other hand, good governance is defined as a
concrete translation of democracy. Strictly speaking, good governance is a democratic
government in a democracy as it is practiced in some developed countries in Western
Europe and America for example (Oakerson, 1999).
Basic Concept of Good Governance
Simply put, a number of party translate governance as governance. Governance here
is not only in terms of structure and organization management called the executive,
because the government is just one of the three great actors that make up the so-called
governance institutions. Two other actors are private sector (private sector) and civil
society (civil society). Therefore, to understand the governance role is to understand
how the integration between the government (the bureaucracy), the private sector and
civil society in a mutually agreed rules. Government agencies should be able to create
a stable economic, political, social, cultural, legal and security environment (UNDP,
Thus, the private sector is expected to play an active role in fostering economic
activities that will expand employment and increase revenues, while civil society must
be able to interact actively with a wide range of economic activities, social and
political, including how to control the course of these activities (Rochman , 2000).
United National Development Programme (UNDP, 2000) defines governance as " the
use of economic, political and administration authorization to manage the affairs of
the state at all levels". Therefore, governance covers the entire mechanism, processes
and institutions in which citizens and groups express their interests, using the legal
rights, comply with their obligations and to bridge the differences between them.
Relationship between Decentralization, Secession and Good Governance
Decentralization or governance decentralizing refers to theefforts of restructuring or
reorganizing authority that creates shared responsibility among institutions in the
governance at the central, regional and local levels in accordance with the principle of
mutual support. The cooperation is expected to eventually create a quality and overall
effectiveness of the system of governance, including increased authority and capacity
at the local level (UNDP, 2000).
Decentralization is not just about moving the old political and economic system from
the center to the regions, but such removal shall be accompanied by a cultural shift
towards a more democratic and civilized one. Through decentralization it is expected
an increase in the opportunity to participate in the policy-making process on issues
related to social, political and economic field. This is possible because the locus of
decision-making becomes closer to the people. Through this same process,
decentralization is expected to increase law enforcement; improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of government, and at the same time increase responsiveness,
transparency and accountability of local government. Indeed some empirical
experience has shown that decentralization is not always directly proportional to the
realization of good governance (McKinlay, 2010).
The success of the secession local government governance in establishing the
performance of it’s public service to this day can still be counted on the fingers.
However, the option to return to centralization is certainly not a wise choice and will
only be counterproductive. Options in secession should have been addressed with full
optimism and be thought as a challenge. The way is through ongoing campaigns
related to the importance of the implementation of good governance at the level of
local government. Of course the real embodiment of decentralization and responsible,
as well as the success of good governance in the region is not an instant thing as
turning the palm of your hand. It is necessary to have a strong commitment, a process
of continuous learning, as well as the collective patience of all stakeholders at national
and regional levels.
SecessionandGood Governance In West Sulawesi Province
The concept of governance is indeed not a new concept. Although the concept is
complicated and even controversial, there is a relatively common understanding
about the meaning. Governance can simply be understood as "the process of
decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not
implemented)". With this understanding, governance apply and take place in all the
national and regional levels, and even in non-governmental organizations. Observing
the meaning of governance means looking at the actors, both formal and informal, in
the process of policy making and implementation of policies that have been made, as
well as formal and informal structures that have been established and influential in
the process of policy-making and implementation (Bowles and Gintis, 2002).
Regions and local communities in rural areas, for example, the actors could include
the aristocrats, landlords, farmers' associations, religious leaders and organizations,
non-governmental organizations, financial institutions, political parties, military and
so on. The situation in urban areas is likely to be complicated. In addition to these
actors, other influential actors may also be involved, among others are the media,
donor agencies, multinational companies and so on (Blacher, 2006).
Likewise, the formal structures of government is not the only tool or means to define
and implement policies. At the national level, informal structures of policy making
such as "shadow cabinet" or a strong executive advisory agency, or lobby institution
can influence on policy making. Moreover, governance can also be influenced by the
forces of "syndicates" which is often the result of corrupt practices or authority
abusement. In Mamuju local government (LG), as the secession regional centre, the
picture looks different. There good governance has been going pretty well, as stated
by informant 1:
bebasnepotisme.Arahnyamelaluipelaksanaan yang bersih.Dari segietika,
Here, there is the term clean serving bureaucracy free of nepotism. The way is
through a clean implementation. From an ethical perspective, they do not do
things that break the rules. Regents held a public discussion, or public lectures
on all employees. There are strengthening, obligations implementation through
unit organization in LG (SKPD), everything are associated with budgetary
In relation with the eightmain characther which are participatory, consensus,
accountability, transparency, responsiveness, efficiency and effectiveness, equity and
inclusiveness, and adherence to the rule of law; it’s look that themain characters that
need to be realized in the implementation of good governance. Informant 3 reveals:
Pemekaran telah mendorong tumbuhnya good governance di Kabupaten
Mamuju. Saat ini partisipasi masyarakat dan pihak swasta semakin baik.
Masyarakat dilibatkan dalam perencanaan dan pengawasan, sementara
mengenai konsensus, hal ini telah berkembang suatu kesepakatan yang baik
dengan masyarakat, misal saja mengenai reklamasi pantai. Sebelumnya
masyarakat menolak, tapi karena ada penjelasan yang masuk akal dari
pemerintah daerah, masyarakat menjadi lebih mengerti, demikian pula
pertanggungjawaban pemerintah melalui berbagai media menyampaikan
hasil-hasil pembangunan ... untuk transparansi, kita sangat terbuka dengan
masyarakat sebagai contoh kalau ada sesuatu yang terjadi dengan dana BOS,
anak SD pun bisa menyampaikan aspirasinya ke Bupati, demikian pula
dengan responsivitas, efisiensidanefektivitas, persamaandaninklusivitas
dalam hal ini, pandangan-pandangankelompok-kelompok “minoritas”
dankepatuhanpadarule of law, semuanya semakin maju.
Secession has been encouraging the growth of good governance in Mamuju
LG. Currently the public and private sector participation are getting better.
Community are involved in planning and supervision, while the consensus, it
has grown a good deal with the public, for example about the beach
reclamation. Previously people refused, but because there is a reasonable
explanation from the local government, they understood, as did the
government accountability through various media deliver development results
... for transparency, we are very open with the public, for example if there is
something going on with the BOS funds (basic education funds), elementary
school children were able to express their aspirations to the Regents, as well as
the responsiveness, efficiency and effectiveness, equality and inclusiveness in
this case, the views of the "minority" groups become an important
consideration, and that the voice of vulnerable groups in society are heard in
policy making, and adherence to the rule of law, everything is moving
This is reinforced by the statement informant 6. He said that:
... masyarakat, pengusaha, pemerintah. Untuk mengaturnya dibuatkanperda.
... communities, businesses, government. To control them a regulation sets are
made. For example the Mamuju Beach reclamation. Reclamation was offered
publicly. Construction of hotels, shopping malls, were openly accessible.
From the forum comes an understanding, proposal making by conducting
socialization to the community. Regulation stages were made easy.
Informant 6 adds that:
Idealnya, hubungan antar ketiga komponen (lembaga kepemerintahan, dunia
usaha, dan masyarakat) di atas harus dalam posisi seimbang, sinergis dan
saling mengawasi atau checks and balances. Hal ini diperlukan untuk
menghindari terjadinya penguasaan atau “eksploitasi” oleh satu komponen
tertentu terhadap komponen lainnya.
Ideally, the relationship between the three components (government agencies,
businesses, and communities) above must be in a balanced, synergistic and
mutually supervising position or checks and balances. This is necessary to
avoid the occurrence of control or "exploitation" by one particular component
over the other components.
This means, if one component is higher than the other, what happens is the dominance
of power over the other two components, so sooner or later can lead to acts of power
or authority abusement. Therefore, good governance can be realized if there is a
proper balance of the three pillars, namely the role of government, private businesses,
and communities. All three have their respective roles.
In this case, private businesses play a role in job creation and income increasement.
While the people play a role in the creation of social, economic and political
interaction, supervision of the government implementation and development, as well
as in the development of democracy and accountability of governance
In other words, for the local government of North Mamuju (others LG in West
Sulawesi Province), governance, which translates into governance, is the use of
economic, politic and administration authorities in order to manage the affairs of the
region in all aspects. Governance covers the entire mechanism, processes and
institutions in which citizens and community groups express their interests, using the
legal rights, comply to their obligation and bridge differences between them (Lyons,
Furthermore, good governance at minimal should ensure that corruption is eradicated
or can be minimized as far as possible. In this regard, informant 5 suggests that:
Dengan BBM (birokrasi bersih melayani), Pak Bupati pernah melaporkan
beberapa pejabat daerah yang nakal. Beliau berinisiatif langsung untuk
menyerahkan anak buahnya untuk diperiksa pihak kejaksaan. Dan hal ini
terbukti beberapa diantara mereka saat ini sudah dipenjara.
With clean serving bureaucracy, the regent had reported some rogue local
officials. He immediately took the initiative to give up his men to be examined
by the prosecutor. And it is evident that some of them are now in jail.
Regarding the responsiveness to the needs of today's society and future. According to
informant 4:
Pemerintah daerah selalu tanggap terhadap kebutuhan masyarakat. Dengan
pemekaran, jangkauan pengendalian kita semakin sempit akibatnya
komunikasi lebih mudah dibangun dan kebutuhan masyarakat yang beragam
lebih bisa terakomodir dalam rencana pembangunan.
Local governments are always responsive to the needs of the community. With
secession, our range of control become more narrow which means
communication is easier to build and more diverse community needs can be
accommodated in the development plan.
Of course it can be discussed in more detail on practical steps to realize the eight main
characters of good goverance above. However, the point to be emphasized here is that
the eight characters can be realized on the basis of the process and results of regional
secession. For the aspect of community participation, businesses and governments in
planning and implementing good governance, informant 2 explained:
Ada kerjasama yang sinergis antara masyarakat, pengusaha, pemerintah. Hal
nsecaraterbuka.Dalam forum itumuncullahkesepahaman, pembuatan proposal
There is a synergic cooperation between the community, businesses,
government. It is made into regulation. For example the Mamuju Beach
reclamation. Reclamation was offered publicly. From the forum comes an
understanding, proposal making by conducting socialization to the
More interestingly, in the case of road widening at Pasangkayuthe city of North
Mamuju LG. Here can be found an example of a very strong community participation.
According to informant 8 who is also a teacher at an elementary school in
Kami dengan sukarela menyerahkan sebahagian tanah kami untuk dibanguni
jalanan. Kami percaya pemerintah punya niat baik dan hasil pembangunan
jalan juga pada akhirnya akan dinikmati oleh kami juga. Dalam proyek ini
semua masyarakat sepakat untuk menyerahkan tanahnya tanpa ganti rugi. Hal
ini juga merupakan kesuksesan Bupati dalam menyampaikan programnya
kepada masyarakat.
We willingly give up part of our land to build roads. We believe the
government has good intentions and road construction results also in the end
will be enjoyed by us as well. In this project all the people agreed to give up
their land without compensation. It is also the Regent’s success in delivering
programs to the community.
Thus, it can be said that in order to realize good governance in the region, the
transparency, participation and accountability are the foundation for the broader
changes. Transparency in government administration is a prerequisite for the growth
of public participation in decision-making processes, which ultimately led to the
creation of government accountability. Participation will not mean much if people do
not get fair access to relevant information which should base their decisions.
Conversely, if the public get information and participate in decision-making, then the
decision can be justified, in which the people's right to transparency, participation and
accountability in the implementation of governance and development can be met.
Furthermore, transparency and meaningful participation can only occur if there is a
strong commitment from the government administration. Both the transparency and
participation requires a process of institutionalization, so the practices associated with
it can be done consistently and continuously. One of these institutionalization process
is through formal framework (rules and regulations) which are supported by the
implementation of concrete initiatives related. North Mamuju local governments use
both approaches in order to achieve this goal which are: (i) encourage the government
to implement concrete initiatives in the implementation of governance reforms, which
the government and the people began to get used to, and (ii) supporting the issuance
of the basic rules to implement the initiative. In order to create transparency,
participation and accountability in the implementation of development is certainly not
as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Implementation to the three approaches takes
time, processes/stages and serious tireless work (Lyons, 2007).
In this regard it can be said that secession as one form of decentralization also has an
impact on the provision of infrastructure and local services. Decentralized decisionmaking increases the potential of adjustment of public services and the provision of
infrastructure to the specific needs of the region. However, it also increases the
dependence of public services and infrastructure in the area of local resources.
Therefore, the effectiveness and efficiency of local services depends on a combination
of the capacity of stakeholders in the area (government, private sector and civil
society), by means of which local government direct the process. Local government
staff is now an advisor to local governments in setting development priorities and
implement them well, transparent, effective and efficient. Not just expecting help
from the center.
Furthermore, as is known, decentralization not just move the political and economic
systems of the old center to the regions, but such removal shall be accompanied by a
cultural shift towards a more democratic and civilized one. In addition, Mamuju LG
through decentralization increase public opportunities to participate in policy-making
on issues related to social, political, and economic. This is possible because the locus
of decision-making becomes closer to the people. Through this same process,
regional secession is able to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government
and simultaneously improve responsiveness, transparency and accountability of local
government. As revealed by informant 3:
Birokrasisudahberjalandenganefektif dan efisien hal ini ditunjukkan dari
pelaksanaannya. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan tercapainya hampir seluruh
program pemerintah dengan biaya yang relatif murah.
Bureaucracy is operating effectively and efficiently it is shown from its
implementation. This is demonstrated by the achievement of almost all
government programs at a relatively low cost.
However, this statement is contradicted by informant 9:
anggaransetiaptahunnyauntukbelanjapegawai ... banyaksisikebijakannya ...
Dari segikebutuhan, banyakpegawai yang kitabutuhkanmisalnya guru.
tenagakontraktidakefisien.BagaimanaMamujumaju,dalamhalini ... Setelah
penyaringannyasecarakekeluargaan terjadi.
On the side of theorganization, ... budgeting 49% of the budget each year for
personnel expenditure ... many policies side ... In terms of needs, we need
many employees such as teachers. Placement of the people/contracted
personnel are inefficient. How MamujuLG are developing, in this case ... After
the moratorium, seems to be a honorarium. This comes from unemployment ...
in a family filtering occurs.
It can be further explained that relating to the application of Undang-undang No.32
Tahun 2004 on Regional Government, then each area, especially those areas that have
the potential to grow and blossom are required to improve government activities and
development by encouraging community and private sector participation . In this case,
North MamujuLG have established agencies that are tailored to the needs of the
community, potential or the outcome of it’s natural resources potential. Many local
government agencies formed after secession is a follow up of the regional autonomy.
Among them are social service, which works to improve the welfare of the people of
North Mamuju. Social services inpractice certainly has weaknesses and strengths. The
effectiveness of employee performance began to be felt important in order to support
the welfare of the people of North Mamuju, as stated in the vision and mission of the
local government.
In recent times, there has been a paradigm shift on the various aspects of the
organization, in terms of management, change of organization is centralized to a
decentralized organization, rigid organizational work style change to be more flexible,
the strength of the organization that was previously benchmarked by the organization
stability are now shifting to the organization's ability to adapt to change. Political
factors that influence the changing role of the organization, in this case public
organizations are required to implement good governance.
Thus, each local government in the implementation of regional autonomy requires
human resources who are local government officials that are able to realize the
characteristics of good governance. According to informant 10,
telahditentukantidakakantercapaisebagaimana yang diharapkan. Dalam hal
ini pemerintah Kabupaten Mamuju Utara telah melakukan program SMART
(sejahtera, mandiri dan bermartabat), dimana semua pegawai yang langsung
terlibat dengan masyarakat berkemah di desa-desa untuk mendekatkan
pelayanan kepada masyarakat.
It is clear that the organizational paradigm change that requires a new
approach in the management is the use of human resources to achieve the
expected goals of the organization. Thus, it can be said that the effectiveness
of the organization can not be separated from the effectiveness of employees
as one element of an organization, plays an important role in achieving the
goals of the organization. Therefore, without a human in an organization, then
the organization’s defined goals will not be achieved as expected. In this case
the government has made the North Mamuju SMART program (prosperous,
independent and dignified), in which all employees who are directly involved
with the people camp in the villages to bring services to the community.
In the implementation, the SMART program in North MamujuLG focused on the
institutional arrangement and management; improving the quality of human resources
in order to have optimal performance, accompanied by an increase in the quality of
public services, both basic services and other services, and the development of
effective surveillance and inspection systems, as well as increased performance
accountability of government bureaucracy. The expected result is the creation of a
figure and a more professional bureaucracy, accountable, efficient and effective,
clean, corruption-free, and can provide excellent service to the community.
This means that people is one of the most dynamic elements of the organization,
meaning they want change, thus the place of humanity in the organization can not be
equated with other elements. Therefore, in organizational management, people as the
main organizationresource has to have the ability to realize good governance (Reddel,
In order to establish good governance, Mamujulocal government plays a very
important role, with the other terms of the local government to be an effective
organization, because one of the characteristics of good governance is effectiveness.
Effectiveness can be achieved if the organization created the effectiveness of the staff
of the local government. In this case, informant 11 suggests that:
Pemda Mamuju Utaramemberikanpelayananumumdalambidangkesejateraan
North Mamuju local governments provide public services in the field of social
welfare ... already provide the best service. To get such service, employees are
motivated to do their work, in order to achieve organizational effectiveness.
Informant 11 added:
Sejak awal pemekaran, pemda Mamuju Utara selalu berkomitmen untuk
menumbuh-kembangkan prinsip-prinsip demokratis di daerah, dengan
melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan dari berbagai tingkat dan segala
latar belakang dalam rangka mendorong tata pemerintahan yang transparan,
partisipatif dan akuntabel. Dalam Rencana Strategis 2007-2011, pemerintah
daerah memanfaatkan momentum untuk lebih lanjut mendukung agenda
pembaruan tata pemerintahan sebagai pelayan masyarakat melalui
serangkaian program dan kegiatan yang inovatif sebagai contoh program
SMART. Prakarsa-prakarsa ini akan dikembangkandan dikelola oleh
kelompok program khusus.
Since the beginning of secession, North Mamuju LG has always been
committed to grow and develop the democratic principles in the region, with
the involvement of stakeholders from various backgrounds and all levels in
order to promote transparent, participatory and accountablegovernance. In the
2007-2011 Strategic Plan, the local government use the momentum to further
support the governance reform agenda as a public servant through a series of
innovative programs and activities for example the SMART program. These
initiatives will be developed and managed by groups of specific program.
Thus, it can be said that to achieve the right balance between the stakeholders from
government, market and civil society it is necessary to institutionalize standard
procedures that ensure the consultation process among all stakeholders. For that,
informant 4 suggested that the prerequisite for a balance success is, "the participation
of all stakeholders, equitable and fair benefit sharing, recognition and application of
the fundamental rights of the community, access to justice and accountability
Furthermore, this study found that good governance as a form of development
management, which is also referred to as administrative development, puts the
government's role as an agent of change from a developing society in the developing
country. According to the informant 9:
Pemerintah adalah agent of change, karenaperubahan yang dikehendakinya,
menjadiperubahan yang berencana, makadiartikansebagaipendorong proses
programprogram, proyek-proyek,danperanperencanaandalamanggaran.
Government is the agent of change, because thechange it wanted, become
aplanned change, then it is defined as a driver of development and change
process of the nation’speople. Government push through policies and
programs, projects, and the role of planning in the budget.
The statement above is an approach concept oriented to the development of the public
sector by good governance. Furthermore, here it shows that good governance is a
concept of managing a solid and responsible development management, in line with
the democratic and efficient markets, and the avoidance of incorrect allocation and
scarce investment as well as the prevention of corruption both politically and
administratively. In addition, budgetary discipline needs to be run in order to create a
legal framework for the growth of entrepreneurial activity.
In this case, governance involves achieving public goals through collaboration with
other organizations, including private sector organizations and non-profit
organizations. According to Stoker (2000), 'governance involves cross-border work in
the public sector or the public sector to the private or voluntary sector' (Stoke, 2000).
In terms of efforts to build good governance, this study found that essentially it also
covers the efforts to build a system of values in governance. In this regard, some of
the problems faced by the government in the implementation of good, clean and
dignifiedgovernance, among others, is the need to increase understanding, awareness,
and capacity of the development actors, in particular human resources, in the
application of the principles of good governance to realize clean and
respectablegovernance. For this matter, the Mamujulocal government has made
bureaucratic reformation efforts as proposed by informant 1:
Berbagai capaian dari upaya mewujudkan tata pemerintahan yang bersih dan
berwibawa sampai dengan tahun 2012, antara lain terlaksananya
penyempurnaan dan sosialisasi pedoman dan indikator tata pemerintahan
yang baik, bersih, dan berwibawa ... itu bertujuan untuk membangun
komitmen aparatur pemerintah daerah untuk melaksanakannya. Telah
disusunnya rancangan kebijakan sebagai kerangka pikir strategis instansi
pemerintah daerah dalam melaksanakan reformasi birokrasi dan memberikan
arah dalam tahap perasionalan, termasuk juga penyusunan juklak/juknis
sebagai landasan teknis operasional pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi, antara
lain pedoman penyusunan SOP (Standard Operating Procedures).
Various achievements of the efforts to create clean and dignified governance
until the year 2012, among others are the completion and socialization of
theguidelines and indicators of good, clean and dignified governance ... it aims
to build regional officials commitment to implement them. The formulation of
policy draft as a strategic framework for the local government agencies in
implementing bureaucratic reforms and give direction in the rasionalization
stage, including preparation of the operational/technical as the technical
operational basis of bureaucratic reforms, such as guidelines for the
preparation of SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures).
This opinion is in accordance with the argument (Osbourne and Gaebler, 1992) that
bureaucratic reform is basically a change effort that is done consciously and planned
so that the bureaucracy is able to adjust to the dynamics of the strategic environment
and encourage change for a better state administration and development. Furthermore,
bureaucratic reform can also be used as a means of renewal, if the organization's
objectives is directed for the renewal strategy characterized by the willingness of the
bureaucratic apparatus to be responsive to renewal thoughts that can improve the
performance of government bureaucracy.
This study teaches that good governance is participatory, oriented on the deal,
accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive,
and subject to the rule of law. Good governance ensures that corruption is minimized,
the views of minorities are taken into account and the voice of those most vulnerable
in society are heard in decision-making.
Conclusions and Suggestions
Secession or governancesecessioning, refers to a restructuring or reorganization
efforts of the authority that creates shared responsibility among institutions in
governance at the central, regional and local levels in accordance with the principle
of mutual support. In the end, from the process of interaction it is expected to
eventually create a quality and overall effectiveness of the system of governance,
including increased authority and capacity at the local level.
Secession done in the province of West Sulawesi showed that by reducing the span of
control (read secession), it become easier to integrate the synergies of the three main
pillars of good governance, that is government, private, and community, where they
work together in planning and policy making and its implementation very well.
Options on real regional expansion must be addressed with full optimism and make it
as a challenge. Way is through the ongoing campaign on the importance of the
implementation of good governance at the level of local government. Of course, the
real embodiment of decentralization and responsible, as well as the success of good
governance in the region is not an instant thing as easy back your hand.Required a
strong commitment, the process of continuous learning and collective patience of all
stakeholders at national and regional levels.
This study proposes a concept of local governance that integrate diverse insights into
the role of democratic political elections and lobby, with current ideas about the
organization of society and social circles. This study also proposes a structure in
which economic interests, political actors and civil organizations interact with each
other in making policy decisions. Secession in West Sulawesi Province, in particular,
deserve attention because the reformation there experience major changes in policy.
I think that the results of decentralization is the impact of political interaction on the
local level with institutional dynamics. This study assumes that decentralization is a
reformation that moves with a large number of local processes that are independent.
Therefore, to understand decentralization and regional expansion, we must first
understand how government works, and especially when government works well, and
when they work bad.
Forms of social interaction in local government involves civil society seen as a
collectivity or series of collectivity in their relationship with government agencies. In
relation to governance, local civil society operates as a network. This overall
preferences represent the needs of the community, mediate the community
participation in the production of certain services, facilitating social expression and
statement of local identity, and encourage political accountability in government
institutions. This is a unit of social organization that produces norms of behavior and
their own responsibility organically, and over time can generatecommunity trust and
credibility that can increase capacity.
The genius of West Sulawesi Province secession can be seen from the efforts of
including civil society explicitly into the process of local governance through active
participation. This instrument allows the community of West Sulawesi to align the
playing field between competing logics and intrinsic representation for the local
government. By doing this, it will increase social trust and responsibility of local
governments, as well as the coherence of social organization that enable civil society
organizations to represent their interests effectively in the face of government.
By considering the various criteria associated with the implementation of good
governance and the enactment of various policies of sustainable development at the
global, regional, national, and local, which need to be implemented is the evaluation
of the regulations. Then, it should be paired with the criteria of good governance and
sustainable development policy.
Regional secession in the province of West Sulawesi, in my opinion is a policy that is
responsible and important. This policy has encouraged participation, transparency and
accountability, as well as other aspects of good governance. Therefore, the
government's desire to establish a new autonomous regions, namely Central Mamuju
need to get a positive response, given the vast territory of Mamuju that would
likelynot allow the local government to reach a thorough public participation.
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