TEACHING ENGLISH SPEAKING USING FLASH CARDS AT KINDERGARTEN AL MALIYAH BEKASI Rohyadi (09220431) jekidtk@yahoo.com English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP)Siliwangi Bandung 2013 ABSTRACT The objective of this research entitled “ The Teaching English Speaking Using Flash Cards at Kindergarten AL Maliyah Bekasi” was to find out whether or not teaching speaking using flash cards to improve the students’ speaking ability. In this research, the writer used “One group pretest-posttest” design and quantitative research method. The population of this research was 30 students taken from the second year students of Kindergarten Miftahul ‘Ula-Purwakarta in academic year 2012-2013 and the sample was the entire population. The instrument of this research was speaking test. The data of this research were collected by giving speaking test to the students as sample. The collected data were analyzed using the t-test formula. The results of this research showed that mean score of pretest was 1.87, mean score of posttest was 3.20, t-observed was 12.09, t-table with degree of freedom (df) 29 and significant level at 5% was 2.02, based on the results of data analyzed above, alternative hypothesis of this research was accepted because tobserved was higher than t-table. It can also means that “The Teaching English Speaking Using Flash Cards at Kindergarten AL Maliyah Bekasi in academic year 2012-2013, taken from the students at the second year was effective to improve the students’ speaking ability. Keyword : Teaching Speaking, Young learner and Flash Cards A. THE BACKGROUND Language is the most important means of communication for us. By using language, we can communicate, send or obtain some information to each other in spoken or in the written form. One of them is English. Now English has become an important language throughout the world. For many countries, English is not only used in business field, technology, economic field, but also in the department of education. Being a developing country, Indonesia has to improve the education sector because it is the key used for developing human resources of the country. Now days, Indonesian people live in the era of globalization, era of information and era of competitiveness, so they need to master English as a means of communication. In other words, English education should be improved therefore the students should be familiar with English Inspired by the above idea, the writer would like to propose the technique used for teaching English to the students of pre-school by using Flash Card at “Kindergarten Miftahul ‘Ula – Purwakarta”. English should be introduced to students of kindergarten and vocabulary is very important. They should be familiar with English sounds, numbers, colors, things, animals and family, etc. therefore the writer would like to make them familiar with English vocabulary. The writer writes his research paper entitled “The Teaching English Speaking to PreSchool Students through Flash Card (A PreExperimental Study at “Kindergarten AL Maliyah Bekasi)”.The writer determined the statements of the problems as follows: a. Is teaching English to pre School students by using Flash Card effective? b. Is teaching English to pre School students by using Flash Card interesting? From the writer’s experiences, it has been seen the English teachers have some difficulties in teaching Pre School students. He believes that the teacher of English would find out the technique that can be used for teaching the students of “Kindergarten AL Maliyah” effectively. The teacher would make their students be familiar with English. Flash Cards comprise a useful teaching aid. You can purchase, prepare blank Flash Cards, or you can make them. Flash Card is one of the ways of teaching English speaking. A Flash Card is a collection of large pages which are bound together at the top. The pages are “flipped” or brought up to the back as they are used. Flash Cards are useful in teaching situations where you need to teach a number of people at a time. They are used: 1 When books are unavailable, and too expensive for individuals to have their own copy. 2 When other media such as overheads and slides are not available. There are several aims of the research, among other things could be put forward as follows: 1 The writer would like to know the difficulties of students in speaking. 2 He would like to find out whether or not the teaching techniques using Flash Card can improve student’s skill in English. 3 He would like to find out the factors needed in the teaching of English for Pre-School students, especially the skills’ students of “Kindergarten AL Maliyah”. B. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Definition of Teaching Teaching is an activity which is performed directly by human beings, he describes that the teaching process not only in teaching –learning process but also in our daily life for example; When parent give an explanation how to wear shoes their under five children (Brumfit, 1984:115).Teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something providing with knowledge causing to know or to understand (Brown, 1994: 7) B. The Definition of Young Learners and Very Young Learners Because children show different characteristic at different ages, we sometimes make distinction between very young learners (VYLs) age under 7 years, and young learners (YLs) aged 7 to 12 (Mary Slattery and Jane Willis, 2001:4). According to Mary Slattery and Jane Willis (2001:4), if you are teaching a second language to children under seven, remember that very young learners: - Acquire though hearing and experience lots of English, in much the same way as they acquire their first language. - Learn through doing thing and playing; they are not consciously trying to learn new words or phrasesfor them this is incidental - Loves playing with language sounds, imitating and making funny noises so have fun playing with words and phrases for example singing them, exaggerating your expression. a. Language Development of Children Young children learn a language by experiencing it through some development stages that are cognitive, affective, and physical developments along the time. Then, each stage will bring a child to higher complexity of the behavior development. Therefore, it is crucial for the teachers to know each stage in learning process for different level. But the following description will be focused on ages of seven to eleven years old as a target of observation; meanwhile it still gives a glace description of other age level as complementary facts to support the target group. b. Opportunities to Engage in the Language To make a good result, the teacher needs to set up situations that give children opportunities to talk with others using the language. This may be done with the whole class, small groups of children, or individual whether it is held in the classroom or at home. In additional, teacher can make a variety of questions and by encouraging children to ask or add their own experiences through several ways, there are: 1. Sorting objects that they find in their environment and practice the language by using it. 2. Observing the objects in the environment and practice the language by using it. 3. Comparing one thing with other can increase their skills at recognizing similarities and differences a well as making certain kind’s of judgments through the language. C. Teaching Speaking Speaking is the activity that used in the process of communication. And the communication is the a process to negotiate the meaning in many languages in the world. Larsen (1986:123) state that”since the communication is a process, it is insufficient for students to simply have knowledge of target language forms, meaning or functions”. The goal in learning to speak a second language is to be able to communicate orally with s native speaker. Realistically, the pronounciation and intonation of the students will not be perfect, but if they can make themselves understood in the language, this can be make teacher and students be quite proud. Because they can negotiate the meaning (understand) and this can help them to improve their ability more and more. In this case, speaking as one of the skills that using language, that is very important for everybody. When someone tries to express his mind, he tries to have good communication.According to Oxford Advance Dictionary (1995:13) “the definition of speaking is”to express or communicate opinions, feelings, ideas, etc, by as talking and it involves the activities in the part of the speaker as physiological (articulator) and physical (acoustic) stages.” Then, according to Chaney and Burke (1998:13) “speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts.” While another expert, Chastain (1976:333) states that “Speaking is a productive skill. As such, its development is undertaken after the receptive skill”. There are five components of speaking skill, they are: grammar, vocabulary, pronounciation, fluency, and comperhension. a. Grammar the utility of grammar is also to learn the correct way to gain expertise in a language in oral and written form. b. Vocabulary means the appropriate diction which is used in communication. c. Pronunciation the way for students to produce clearer language when they speak. d. Fluency the ability to speak fluently and accurately. It is in speaking also the aim of many language learners. e. Comprehension in oral communication requires a subject to respond the speech as well as to initiate it. So, teaching speaking is also giving instruction to a person in order to communicate. A process in teaching English at school especially when time for teaching speaking, teacher should be able to cover the students’ problem. Such as students’ interests in learning, and their feeling when they are study. “Teaching speaking is to teach English language learners to use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which is called fluency” (Nunan:2003). At present, students in school must have communicative competence as the goal of teaching speaking process. They must have something to talk about and must be interested in communicating their ideas to someone else. In this case, teacher needs to consider the total students as they plan activities to increase speaking proficiency. The teachers ’role in acquiring competence is one of selection, explanation, and feedback. Teachers’ role is also in assisting the students in perfecting their performance skills is one of fostering the proper student attitude for productive participation in communicative speech activities and of providing opportunities for this type of practice. D. The Activities in Teaching Speaking In promoting the teaching speaking activities, teacher can use some activities, these are the activities : 1. Discussion Most teacher would like to organize discussion on a more formal basis. Many of them find, however that planned discussion sessions are less successful than they had hoped. In this case teacher gives them cards containing brief statements of arguments about the topic, or we can make the discussion at the end of a lengthier process we can get students to rewrite statements. 2. Role Play and Simulation For example ; Student A is an employer, student B is a prospective employee ; the objective is for A to interview B, in group role-play might involve the discussion of a political issue with each person assigned represent a particular political point of view. Simulation ; usually involve a more complex structure and often larger groups (of 6 to 20) where the entire group is working through an imaginary situation as a social unit, the object of which is to solve some specific problem (Brown, 1994:180). 3. Interviews It can be do for pair work or also group work. The goal of a interview is could at this level be limited to using requesting functions, learning vocabulary for expressing personal data, producing questions, etc. Students might ask each other question like: 1). What’s your name? 2). Where do you live? 3). What country (city) are you from? And leran to give appropriate responses. At the higher level the interview can be more complex facts, opinion, ideas, and feelings (Brown, 1994 : 181) E. The Audio and Visual Media The word “media” comes from Latin that means middle, transporter, and in Arabian language is mediator (Arsyad, 1997:30). According to Gerlach and Ely (1971) Media is human, material, or the moment that builds the condition to get science, skill and attitude. Media can be defined as “ The physical means by which instruction is delivered to students “ (Reiser, Robert and Dick Walter, 1996). The word Audio means connected with hearing the sound 2000:68), and Visual means connected a picture, video, etc used in teaching to help people to learn or understand something (Hornby,2000:1446). According to Hamalik (1996), the use of media in teaching and learning can motivate the new interest of students, can give exciting in studying moments, and even give the influenced psychology to the students. Sujana and Rivai (1992:2) said that the purposes of learning media, are: 1. Learning process will interest the student’s attention 2. The materials of teaching will be clearer 3. Teaching method will be more various 4. The students can do many learning activities, because they are not only listening but also watching, doing, practicing, and so on. Teachers may provide English learning for students with teaching medias such as films, videos, pictures, cards, and real objects. On the other hand, teacher uses one or more of media that is suitable with the students and the environment it self. It means, teacher would be easy to teach the students by creating optimal learning by modeling, playing, experimenting and helping students to solve problems. Being aware of these potential abilities enable teachers to plan and provide instruction that focuses on reducing the barriers and truly meets the learning need of their students. Basically, children are more interested in simple and colorful things, so that, they may give more attention to teacher’s explanation in the class. These are not easy to make it real, depending on subject itself. The schools which have a lot of budgets. They usually provide many facilities. However , the school which do not have enough budget provide the student’s few need facilities. They are still traditional in written form on the blackboard and get explanation from their teacher. This matter can cause many effects, for examples: 1. The students in the class are usually very boring 2. The students lack activities 3. The learning process can’t be communicative which each other 4. The situation of the class is monotonous 5. The lesson can’t be absorbed. To minimize the problem, the teacher should: 1. Set varied sensory experiences and associations to promote learning. 2. Provide opportunities for self-selected learning activities especially of the experimental types. 3. Provide many opportunities for the children to observe work activities of adult so that they still have experiences as a reverence on their future learning. 4. Encourage children with toys, accessories, conversation and art materials to symbolize their experiences through play, art and language. 5. Direct children’s attention to learning opportunities; give them opportunities to use their previous associations and to abstract common elements. 6. Provide an environment of simple language that helping each child’s experience with language while he is doing the experience. 7. Encourage each child to use the language in the experience. 8. Plan opportunities for experiences that will help children discover new concepts and redefine it the previous concept includes differentiating in concepts. 9. Provide experience that relate to recent direct experiences for self experiences through stories and pictures conversation. 10. Avoid too many activities at one time so that clear images of a lesson are possible to catch. a. The Application of audio and visual media There are varieties of instructional practices where the teacher in experimental groups work by audio and visual media, they are: 1. The natural approach Teacher provides students with the English learning experiences and students use visual media such as objects, pictures, models, etc to make connections. 2. Language experience approach Teachers use the student’s language and shared experience to develop reading and writing. Students create a story orally based on a common experience as the teacher plays the cassettes or showing pictures. 3. Activating background knowledge Provide background knowledge before introducing the content to give the student’s opportunities to make connections. 4. Using the real technique Using the real objects through authentic experience before introducing content will help the students make connections to the lesson. Examples may include making props or growing a plant. 5. In corporation interactive instructional Structuring students into learning communities can foster oral language development. Teachers can guide student’s interaction through facilitated dialogue, think-pair and share, jig sawing and brainstorming. Instructional conversations offer students opportunities to use, practices, and reinforce their oral language. b. The Functions of Audio and Visual Media As we see in the above techniques, we find that they provide learners with opportunities to learn from auditory and visual experience, which enable them to develop flexibility in their learning styles and demonstrate the optimal uses of different learning strategies and behaviors for different tasks. It is because visual and audio media can be helpful to the teacher of a foreign language in a number of different ways. The children, until about age eleven, think the best with something in their hand, therefore the students’ learning should be tied to concrete materials and experiences throughout of their elementary school years. Moreover, children who are encourage to become actively involved in finding out discovering, problem solving, model constructing, project sharing, and touching, seeing and describing their world can develop language and thinking skills that will serve them for the rest of their lives. Such experiences also facilitate an understanding of concepts and the vocabulary associated for them. In details, we can see the significance of using audio and visual media in English learning process as follows: Kemp and Dayton (1985) classified media into eight kinds, they are printing media, showed media, overhead projector, audio tape recorder, slide and stripfilm, multi image and television, videos and computer. According to Haycraft (1978:99) teaching media can be divided into: 1. 2. Objects Flash cards, there are several flash cards: - Words cards - Pictures cards - Combining word and pictures cards 3. Wall charts 4. Pictures for oral composition 5. Overhead projector transparancies 6. Slide and films strips 7. Film 8. Video 9. Tape recorder 10. The language laboratory F. Flash card as Media in Teaching Speaking A flash card is a collection of large pages which are bound together at the top. The pages are “flipped” or brought up and to the back as they are used. A flash card is bound together at the top in such a way that the pages can be easily turned and lie flat. Some flash cards have a reduced version of the page that faces the group printed on the back of the preceding page. This makes it possible for the leader to see the same thing the group is seeing. Others have teaching notes printed on the back. Flash cards can be placed on an easel or held. The leader stands beside or holds the flash card, referring to the text printed on the back if necessary. As each page is finished, the leader flips it over to the back. Flash cards are a useful teaching aid. You can purchase prepared or blank Flash cards, or you can make them. Flash cards are useful in teaching situations where you need to teach a number of people at a time. They are used: When books are unavailable, scarce, or too expensive for individuals to have their own copy When other media such as overheads and slides are not available, and where group learning is most culturally appropriate. Picture 1 C. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Design In this research, the writer used the one group pretest – post-test design. Crowl (1996 :290) said, once as a pretest (O1) before students start writing with the processor (X) and again as post test (O2) after students used the word processor. The pretest was used to establish comparable group, and the posttest was used to determine if the independent variable caused changes in the dependent variable. Pretest Treatment Posttest O1 X O2 B. Research Method Research is a way of knowing that emphasizes systematic investigation (Crowl, 1996). Moreover, he said that the terms research denotes the systematic process of identifying a problem, review the literature dealing with the problem, developing one or more research hypotheses or question related to the problem, collecting data by means of empirical investigations, analyzing the data, and interpreting the result of the investigation. In this research the writer used the quantitative method. According to Crowl (1996 : 10), quantitative research methods are used to examine questions that can be answered by collecting and statistically analyzing data that are in numerical form. In this research the qualitative method was used to find out wheter or not teaching speaking by using flash card can increase student speaking skill. C. Research Instruments The instruments used for gathering the data were: 1. Pretest Pretest was given in order to find out the students’ achievement before giving treatment. It was a speaking test consisting of 5 questions .It means that the students should answer some questions related to colours before giving treatment. 2. Posttest At the end of the treatment the same test was given as post test. Posttest was given in order to find out the result of the treatment. The posttest was given to measure the students’ understanding after giving explanation using flash cards. The test scores were taken as the data for further analysis. D. Population and Sample According to Burns (1994), a population is a group of people (specifically and clearly defined) which have at least one characteristic in common. However, a simple is stated as “any part of the population regardless of whether it is representative or not”. In this study the population examined was all of second year students of a kindergarten located in the city of Purwakarta, West Java. There were two classes in the kindergarten. One was for the first year and the other two were for second year students. Since there are only thirty students in the second year, the study took all of them as participants. This does not imply any sampling technique, thus no sample is used. This kind of study can be stated as a census study as it involves all the subjects in that population. The choice of taking the second year kindergarten students as subjects was based on the assumption that they were more capable to cope with English than the first graders.. The sample was same with the population, so the writer used the entire population. Without using any sampling technique, the decision to assign the one group. E. Data Collection Data collection is very essential in order to test the hypothesis and answers the research questions. In this study the data are collected through the use of : (1) pre test, that was given to one group before the treatment, and (2) post test, that was given after the treatment. a. Test Instrument In this study, an oral test form it also called as interview, it was given both as pre test and post test. It consisted of five questions. It was found that not all the kindergarten students have already been able to speak. They were only asked to say the correct names of the colours spoken by the tester. An explanation in Bahasa Indonesia was also given for the fear the students would misunderstand the instruction in answering the question. b. Teaching Instrument The teaching instrument consisted of a series of materials organized as exercises in speaking learning by using flash card. The presentation of the materials was guided by a lesson plan. This instrument can be categorized as tailor made or teacher-made materials for it is designed by the researcher himself. It was certainly the main ingredient of the treatment for the experimental group. F. Data Analysis a. Pre test Analysis The steps to follow in pre test data analysis are listed below: 1. Find the mean of each group. To do so, the formula as stated in Crowl (1996:140) is: Mean = ∑X n Where, ∑X is the summary of all scores, and n is the total number of sample. 2. The standard deviation Find the standard deviation The standard deviation is amount of spread that the scores exhibit amount some central tendency measure usually the mean. Here are some steps to get standard deviation. To calculate the standard deviation of the result of average score, the writer used the formula as follows Crowl (1996: 140): ∑𝑋 S=√ 2 −(∑ 𝑥) 𝑛 2 𝑛−1 Remark: S = the standard deviation of the difference in scoring of the pretest and posttest ∑ 𝑥 = the sum of the scores 𝑛 = the number of scores ∑ 𝑥 2 = the sum of squared scores (∑ 𝑥)2 = the sum of the scores squared 3. Find the initial differences .The last calculation is t-test: By Crowl (1996:179) ̅ 𝐷 𝑡= 2 2 − (∑ 𝐷) ∑ 𝐷 √ 𝑁 𝑁(𝑁 − 1) ̅ = the mean differences between the two sets 𝐷 of scores ∑ = summation (sum up) D = the differences between the scores of one person (or matched) D2 = the squared difference between the scores of one person (or matched pair) ∑ 𝐷2 = square each difference and sum the squares (∑ 𝐷)2 = sum the differences and square the sum N = the number of differences b. Post test Analysis The procedures for analyzing the post test were same with those the pretest. The post test scores were used in testing the hypothesis. G. Scoring Techniques According to Harmer (2007:172) the way of making the marking more objective is to use marking scale for a range of different items. If we are marking a students’oral presentation, but the writer used this scale in marking the oral test/interview by change the coherence aspect into comperehension aspect. It used the following scale : Table 3.1 Scoring scales 0 1 2 3 taken from the test. The obtained data are presented and interpreted based on his research questions. The data is calculated by using certain statistical formula. A. Results The experiment results were presented in the forms of tables and statistical inferences which were essential for later discussions. The data analysis and interpretation in this chapter include: (1) the calculation of pretest, (2) Initial Differences, (3) Post test and hypothesis testing. a. The Calculating of Pre-test The pre-test scores were obtained from the oral test or interview. It was processed in the oral test score sheet below (see table 4.1).It shows the raw scores of the students in the pre test and for estimating initial differences. And based on the result below the highest score are 6 for speaking score. Table 4.1 Pretest score ( y ) Score No. When giving score using this scale. The writer tried to give the score subjectively, but it was the problematic because there were different aspects of the students’performance should be evaluated. One way of trying to make scales more objective was to write careful descriptions of what the different scores for each category actually represent. And the writer used the criteria of scoring for each aspect reffered to this scale : Table 3.2 The criteria of vocabulary and pronounciation scoring Score Vocabularies Score 3 5 (words) 3 5 (words) 2 3-4 (words) 2 3-4 (words) 1 1-2 (words) 1 Pronounciation 1-2 (words) D. RESULT OF RESEARCH This chapter discusses the finding of the research and the discussion. The findings were the results of data Vocabulary Pronounciation Total 1 A 2 2 4 2 B 1 1 2 3 C 1 1 2 4 D 2 2 4 5 E 2 2 4 6 F 1 1 2 7 G 3 3 6 8 H 3 3 6 9 I 1 1 2 10 J 2 2 4 11 K 1 1 2 12 L 1 1 2 13 M 3 3 6 14 N 2 2 4 15 O 1 1 2 16 P 2 2 4 17 Q 2 2 4 18 R 2 2 4 19 S 3 3 6 20 T 2 2 4 21 U 1 1 2 22 V 2 2 4 23 W 2 2 4 24 X 1 1 2 25 Vocabulary Pronounciation Name Y 1 1 2 26 Z 3 3 6 27 Aa 2 2 4 28 Ab 2 2 4 29 Ac 3 3 6 20 T 3 3 6 30 Ad 2 2 4 21 U 3 3 6 112 22 V 3 3 6 23 W 4 4 8 24 X 3 3 6 25 Y 2 2 4 26 ∑= 56 Mean 56 1.87 1.87 For computing the means of pretest, the writer used the formula : Mean = ∑X (Crowl, 1996:140) n Where ∑X=the sum of the score of pretest n = the number of the scores Mean = ∑X N = 56 30 = 1.87 After conducting the score from pretest, the writer found the mean of the pretest was 1.87 b. The Calculating of Posttest After treatment done, the similar test was given was called posttest, in oral test form/ interview. The highest score become 8, it was processed in the oral test score sheet (see table 4.2). Pretest and posttest were completely done. And both score also completed. Table 4.2 Posttest score ( x ) Score No. Name Vocabulary Pronounciation Total 1 A 3 3 6 2 B 3 3 6 3 C 3 3 6 4 D 4 4 8 5 E 4 4 8 6 F 2 2 4 7 G 4 4 8 8 H 4 4 8 9 I 2 2 4 10 J 3 3 6 11 K 4 4 8 12 L 2 2 4 13 M 4 4 8 14 N 4 4 8 15 O 2 2 4 16 P 3 3 17 Q 3 18 R 19 S Z 4 4 8 27 Aa 4 4 8 28 Ab 3 3 6 29 Ac 4 4 8 30 Ad 3 3 6 ∑ = 96 96 192 Mean 3.2 3.2 For computing the means of posttest, the writer used the formula : Mean = ∑X (Crowl, 1996:140) n Where ∑X=the sum of the score of posttest n = the number of the scores Mean = ∑X N = 96 30 = 3.20 After giving treatment, the writer gave the test again to the students as a posttest. And the mean of posttest score was 3.20 c. The Calculating t-test The next step is processing the data and computing them into the t-test formula. The processing of computing the data to t-test formula by following steps: 1. Analyzing the data of pretest score in each aspect(see table 4.1). 2. Analyzing the data of posttest score in each aspect(see table 4.2). 3. Finding the average/ mean of each data (pretest and posttest) 4. Computing the difference (see table 4.3) 5. Computing the data to t-test formula Tabel 4.3 Pretest-Posttest Score Distribution Score No . Name Pretest (Y) Posttest (X) Difference (D=x-y) Square (D2=(x-y)2) 6 1 A 2 3 1 1 3 6 2 B 1 3 2 4 2 2 4 3 C 1 3 2 4 4 4 8 4 D 2 4 2 4 5 E 2 4 2 4 6 F 1 2 1 1 7 G 3 4 1 1 8 H 3 4 1 1 9 I 1 2 1 1 10 J 2 3 1 1 11 K 1 4 3 9 12 L 1 2 1 1 13 M 3 4 1 1 14 N 2 4 2 4 15 O 1 2 1 1 16 P 2 3 1 1 17 Q 2 3 1 1 18 R 2 2 0 0 19 S 3 4 1 1 20 T 2 3 1 1 21 U 1 3 2 4 22 V 2 3 1 1 23 W 2 4 2 4 24 X 1 3 2 4 25 Y 1 2 1 1 26 Z 3 4 1 1 27 Aa 2 4 2 4 28 Ab 2 3 1 1 29 Ac 3 4 1 1 30 Ad 2 3 1 1 ∑= ∑Y=56 ∑X=96 ∑D=40 ∑D2=64 Calculating t-test formula : 4. Find the initial differences .The last calculation is t-test: By Crowl (1996:179) ̅ 𝐷 𝑡= 2 2 − (∑ 𝐷) ∑ 𝐷 √ 𝑁 𝑁(𝑁 − 1) ̅ 𝐷 = the mean differences between the two sets of scores ∑ = summation (sum up) D = the differences between the scores of one person (or matched) D2 = the squared difference between the scores of one person (or matched pair) ∑ 𝐷2 = square each difference and sum the squares (∑ 𝐷)2 = sum the differences and square the sum N = the number of differences ̅ 𝐷 𝑡= So; (∑ 𝐷)2 𝑁 𝑁(𝑁−1) 2 √∑ 𝐷 − Where : ̅ 𝐷 ∑ 𝐷2 (∑ 𝐷)2 N = 40:30 =1.33 = 64 = (40)2 = 30 1.33 (40)2 t= 64 30 30 (30-1) 1.33 t= 64 - 53.33 870 1.33 t= 0.0123 1.33 = 0.11 t = 12.09 After computing the data in to the t- formula, the value of t is 12.09, to determine if the t is statistically significant, it is necessary to determine how many df there are. The df value taking by the number of subject minus 1. In this study the 30 of subjects, consequently the df = 30-1=29.The t values for df 29 in the t-table is 2.02, and the significant at the significant at 0.5 level. It showed that the t-values = 12.09 is higher than t- table = 2.02. d. Testing Hypothesis The hypothesis in this research has stated such at the chapter one, it is designated as the Alternative Hypothesis (H1), it stated that: There is an influence in result of teaching speaking to students’speaking proficiency after taught using Flash Card. It made learning more effective and more interesting for pre-school students. The result of t-formula is 12.09 with the values of ttable is 2.02 at the level .0.5. e. Interpretation After computing the data by using t-test formula, the result show that the value of t is 12.09, it means that there is a significance increase in teaching speaking using flash card. Based on the result of the data observation, it also means that H1 was accepted. There is significance increase after flash card used to teach speaking. 1 If the result of t-observation is higher than t-table (to > t), the alternative hypothesis is accepted, it means that there is significant difference between variable X and variable Y. 2 If the result of t-observation is lower than t-table (to < t), the alternative hypothesis is rejected, it means that there is no significant difference between variable X and variable Y. Based on the result above, it is showed that students’score in teaching speaking using flash card is better, it means that teaching speaking using flash card is quite effective. B. Discussion of Findings The computation of all data above, the increase of students score in pronunciation and vocabulary presented as follows: Table 4.4 The Increasing of Pronunciation and Vocabulary Speaking Aspects Pretest posttest increase Pronunciation 1.87 3.2 1.33 Vocabulary 1.87 3.2 1.33 The result (see table 4.4) shows that using flash card in teaching speaking increases students’ achievements in any aspects of speaking skills. On students’ pronunciation, there is 1.87 in pretest score. And they get 3.2 in posttest score with gain 1.33, then in vocabulary aspect, they get score 1.87 in pretest score and 3.2 in posttest score, with gain 1.33. The result above shows that the flash card effective in teaching speaking to preschool students. E. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS In this chapter, the writer provides the conclusions and suggestions based on the data as the results of this research. They include: A. Conclusion According to the result of data analysis and data interpretation relating to teaching speaking using flash card, the writer can make the conclusion that can improve the students’speaking proficiency, it’s shown by the result of the t-test, in which the value t-observed (12.09) was greater than the value of t-table for df 29 is 2.02 The writer draws conclusion as follow: 1. Before the treatment, the mean of pretest score was 1.87, after the treatment, the data analysis showed that the students range ability (mean) of pretest score was 1.87 while the posttest score was 3.20, with gain 1.33, it showed that the students got better score after taught using flash card in other word, teaching speaking using flash card was effective. 2. The mean of pretest score and posttest score was different. But it was not known yet that the difference was significant or not. So the writer used t-test. From the calculation the writer gets the result that the obtained t-observed was 12.09 and the table t-critical was 2.02, because the obtained t (to) was greater than the table t-critical (tc ) the alternative hypothesis (Hi) was accepted. In other word that Teaching Speaking Using Flash Card influenced on students’speaking proficiency. B. Suggestions After the writer gets several result of the research, the writer would like to give some suggestion as follow: 1. Flash card in language teaching can be used as an alternative ways in teaching speaking. In order to help improving students’speaking proficiency. In relation to the result of the research, to meet the instructional goals effectively, a teacher should know several different teaching methods. These methods may be used in teaching learning process depending on the objectives of the topic. And the applying of flash card can increase students achievement in speaking proficiency. Thus , flash card should be adjusted at school, especially pre-school students in kindergarten. 2. It is expected that the teaching speaking by using flash card, it is used as a media in teaching that can increase students’speaking profeciency. 3. The teacher is more and more creative and innovative to find the right way to stimulate students speak twice as they can. Every body can do the research with another media, use picture, wall chart, flash card and realia.