GOLDEN TEMPLE AMRITSAR (PUNJAB) Golden Temple, Amritsar - PUNJAB IMPLEMENTATION OF MID-DAY-MEAL SCHEME DURING 2013-14 MDM Mid Day Meal served to students your name your caption here Govt. S.S.S Jethu majra, District: Nawashaher MDM Measuring Height and Weight your name your caption here Govt. S.S.S 3B1, SAS Nagar(Mohali) MDM Joint Review Mission your name Govt. your Primary School Amloh, caption FatehGarh Sahib Govt. Primary School MulaPur, Ludhiana here Govt. Sr. School Libra, Ludhiana Govt. Ele. school, Janta Ucha, Fateh Garh Sahib MDM Hand-Washing Training your name your caption here Govt. Primary School, Mundi kharar, SAS Nagar(Mohali) STEPS TAKEN TO ENRICH THE SCHEME On Pilot-Project SMS based web system has been started in district Roopnagar. Daily information regarding mid-day-meal served, number of meals served, meals rice or wheat based and if meals not served reasons for same. Training of Cook-Cum-Helpers has been made a regular feature and more than 1500 Cook-Cum-Helpers have been given training. Two iron storage bins has been provided in schools, the bins has been purchased out of the sale proceed of bardana. Kitchen gardens are maintained in school wherever space is available. STEPS TAKEN TO ENRICH THE SCHEME Steel Utensils for taking meals have been provided in all the schools at a cost of Rs. 9.60 crore. Training to two primary teachers per school have been given by a NGO named SHARP to inculcate the habit of washing Hands before and after the meals. Trained teachers further give training to primary school children. Soap has been provided in all schools. In addition to the regular menu "Kheer“ as sweet dish is provided once a week to all the Students. Use of Double Fortified Salt with Iodine and Iron has been made mandatory for preparing Mid-Day-Meal in schools. ISSUE AREAS Enhancing of Cooking cost. Funds for incomplete Kitchen-cum-stores. Funds required for the construction of place for hand washing. Funds for Dinning hall in schools wherever space is available. Construction of Concrete serving of meals in school. platform for SCHOOL DATA S. No. Type of Institution Primary Schools Upper Primary Schools 13233 6293 329 407 1 Govt. 2 Govt. Aided 3 NCLP 97 - 4 Total 13659 6700 STUDENT STRENGTH & AVERAGE NO OF STUDENTS WHO AVAILED MDM Sr. Classes No. Enrolment Children availing MDM % Age 1. Primary (in lacs) 12.30 10.69 87% 2. Upper Primary (in lacs) 7.90 6.79 86% APPROVALS FOR FY- 2013-14 Particulars Primary U. Primary NCLP Total Enrollment 1285484 814781 4350 2104615 Children approved by the PAB 1157537 708762 4350 1870649 27780.89 (MT) 25515.43 (MT) 195.75 (MT) 53492.07 (MT) 240 240 300 240/300 Foodgrains allotted No. of Days approved (Rs. In lacs) COMPONENETS CS SS Total Foodgrains 2752.17 - 2752.17 Cooking Cost 13223.26 4393.37 17616.63 Transportation 401.20 - 401.20 Honorarium to Cooks 3708.68 2225.21 5933.89 MME 361.53 - 361.53 Replacement of Kitchen Devices 515.85 - 515.85 20962.69 6618.58 27581.27 Total Position of Funds Released by the GOI and Sanctioned by State Finance Deptt. Rs. In Lacs Funds Released GOI State Share Total Opening Balance 2147.77 119.00 2266.77 Ad-hoc Grant 5136.32 1951.40 7087.72 1st Installment 4688.58 1461.50 6150.08 2nd Installment 7981.78 2504.84 10486.62 515.85 0.00 515.85 20470.30 6036.74 26507.04 Replacement of Kitchen Devices Total (Released) PERFORMANCE DURING 2013-14 *(UPTO 31-12-2013)* Items Primary U.Primary NCLP Total Enrollment as per Dise Data 1163484 721404 5350 1890238 Children approved by the PAB 1157537 708762 4350 1870649 Avg. No. of Children who availed MDM 1069237 678520 5350 1753107 % on enrollment 92% 94% 100% 93% % on PAB Approval 92% 96% 123% 94% MDM Approved for days 240 240 300 240/300 Working days upto 31/12/2012 181 181 222 181/222 MDM Served for days 178 178 216 178/216 Percentage of MDM served as compare to working days approved 31/12/2013 98% 98% 97% FOODGRAINS UTILIZATION UPTO 31-12-2013 Particulars Primary U. Primary Total 27780.93 MT 25711.18 MT 53492.11 MT Foodgrain lifted 16916.95 16896.14 33813.09 Payment released to FCI 16916.95 16896.14 33813.09 Foodgrain Utilized 19032.43 18116.45 37148.88 Percentage on allotment 68.50% 70.46% 69.44% Foodgrain alloted + Opening Bal COOKING COST UTILIZATION UPTO 31-12-2013 (Rs. in lacs) Particulars Primary Upper Primary Total Allotment of Cooking Cost 9159.01 8457.60 17616.61 Cooking Cost Utilized 6187.12 5944.50 12131.62 68% 70% 69% Percentage UTILIZATION OF HONRARIUM TO COOKS, TRANSPORTATION AND MME UPTO 31-12-2013 Particulars Funds Allotted Funds Utilized % age Honorarium to Cooks 5933.89 3878.28 65 % Transportation 338.56 253.60 75 % MME 352.86 254.01 72% KITCHEN CUM STORES UPTO 31-12-2013 Sanctioned Completed In Progress Not yet Started 18969 16351 2094 524 KITCHEN DEVICES UPTO 31-12-2013 Sanctioned Completed In Progress Not yet Started 18969 18969 0 0 STATE LEVEL MONITORING SYSTEM GENERAL MANAGER MANAGER FOODGRAINS DATA ENTRY OPERATOR MANAGER FINANCE & ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTANT (STATE OFFICE) MANAGER HEALTH & NUTRITION DATA ENTRY OPERATOR ASSTT. PROJECT COORDINATOR DATA ENTRY OPERATOR MANAGER COMMUNITY SUPPORT DATA ENTRY OPERATOR DISTRICT & BLOCK LEVEL MONITORING SYSTEM DISTRCIT MANAGER (22) DISTRICT ACCOUNTANT (22) DATA ENTRY OPERATOR (22) ASSISTANT BLOCK MANAGERS (216) GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL SYSTEM Helpline at Telephone No. remains operative 24 hours. 0172-5212307 Complaints received are duly recorded and dealt with at the head office, district office and school level immediately. Online Grievance Cell has been setup. PROPOSAL FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 REQUIREMENT OF FOODGRAINS Particulars No. of Students who availed MDM during the 3rd qtr. No. of school working Food grains required Primary Upper Primary 10.75 Lacs 6.79 Lacs 244 days 244 days 26089.38 MT 25074.58 MT TOTAL REQUIREMENT OF FUNDS FOR FY 2014-15 Rs. in Lacs Particulars Primary Upper Primary NCLP Total Cost of Food grains 1342.30 1277.70 12.40 2632.40 Transportation 195.67 186.25 1.81 383.73 Cooking Cost (Central ) (State) 6929.51 2313.62 6598.07 2190.40 52.03 17.28 13579.61 4521.30 Honorariums to cooks (Central ) (State) 4837.05 2257.29 2580.30 1204.14 - 7417.35 3461.43 MME 478.96 383.12 2.39 864.67 Replacement Of Kitchen Devices 432.60 0 68.63 432.60 14216.09 4570.91 11025.44 3394.54 68.63 17.28 25310.16 7982.73 18787.00 14419.98 85.91 33292.89 Total (Central ) (State) Grand Total EXISTING FINANCIAL LIABILITY UNDER MME COMPONENT FOR FY 2013-14 Salary of Head Office Staff = Rs. 27.00 lac Salary of District Office Staff = Rs. 121.44 lac Salary of Block Office Staff = Rs. 285.12 lac Stationary & Contingency Expenditure = Rs. Building Rent at Head Office = Rs. 12.00 lac Telephone/Mob. Phone/Internet = Rs. External Evaluation of the Scheme = Rs. 15.00 lac = Rs. 469.56 lac Total 8.00 lac 1.00 lac MME PROPOSAL FOR FY 2014-15 Salary of Head Office Staff = Rs. 30.00 lac Salary of District Office Staff = Rs. 153.00 lac Salary of Block Office Staff = Rs. 373.00 lac Stationary & Contingency Expenditure = Rs. 18.00 lac Building Rent at Head Office = Rs. 12.00 lac Telephone/Mob. Phone/Internet = Rs. External Evaluation of the Scheme = Rs. 15.00 lac Capacity Building & Training = Rs. = Rs. 643.00 lac Total 2.00 lac 40.00 lac your name your caption here