MACRO ECONOMICS SCHEDULE 2012 Block Date 5 1/24 1/25 1/26 1/27 1/30 1/31 2/1 2/2 6 7 8 Mc C Ch 26 26 27 Aggregate supply Vocab quiz TEST Test: Ch 27-29 Chapters 1-6 of Naked Economics 31 Review test and begin Unit 3 Go over Unit 2 Test Fiscal policy, deficits and debt Money and banking 32 33 10 2/7 2/8 2/9 2/10 2/13 2/14 2/15 2/16 2/17 2/21 2/22 2/23 28 2/24 2/27 2/28 2/29* 3/1 3/2 3/5 3/6 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/12 3/13 3/14 3/15 3/16 3/19 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/26 3/28 3/29 30 30 Class activities (some t.b.d.) Homework Activity 16: Unemployment & Activity 17: Business Cycle Activity 15: Inflation Vocab+ -Go over test Activity 20: APC, APS, MPC & MPS Activity 21: Multiplier Read Ch. 27 Vocab+ Activity 22: Investment demand Activity 23: Aggregate demand Activity 25: Equilibrium price level and output Read Ch. 29 Vocab+ Vocab+ Test: Ch 23-26 29 28 13 Vocab quiz 29 2/3 2/6 12 Business cycles and Unemployment Inflation REVIEW Test Assignments due/graded activities Vocab quiz Go over Unit 1 Test Basic macroeconomic relationships Basic macroeconomic relationships Aggregate expenditures model Aggregate Expenditures Model Aggregate demand 9 11 Topics Vocab quiz Vocab quiz Vocab quiz Vocab+ Study Read Ch. 27 Read Ch. 28 Vocab+ Vocab+ Study Read Ch. 30 See unit 3 schedule Activities 30-32: Effects of fiscal policy Read Ch. 30 Vocab+ Vocab quiz Activity 35: All about the Ms Money creation Vocab quiz Interest rates and monetary policy Test Vocab quiz Activity 37: Expansion of checking deposits Activity 42: Monetary Policy Read Ch. 31 Vocab+ Read Ch. 32 Vocab+ Read Ch. 33 Vocab+ Test: Ch 30-33 Read Ch. 34 (not tested) Vocab+ Study 35 Review test and begin Unit 4 Go over Unit 3 Extending aggregate supply Aggregate supply Vocab quiz Read & vocab 36 Issues in Macro Vocab quiz Read & vocab 37 International trade Vocab quiz 38 Balance of payments Vocab quiz 38 Exchange rates & trade deficits Test Chapters 7-12 of Naked Economics Test: Ch 35-38 35 See unit 4 schedule #46: Short-run Phillips Curve Read & vocab #49: Determining comparative advantage #52: Balance of payments Read & vocab #53: Exchange rates STUDY! Read & vocab *Whichever block misses class for the field trip to the Fed will make up the content during the nearest Flex period. VOCAB TERMS Block 1: The business cycle; recession; real gross domestic product (GDP); nominal GDP; inflation. Block 2: National income accounting; value added; expenditures approach (know parts); income approach (know parts) Block 3: National income; personal income; disposable income; price index Block 4: Economic growth; real GDP per capita; labor productivity; infrastructure; human capital Block 5: Peak; trough; labor force; unemployment rate; three types (frictional, structural and cyclical) of unemployment Block 6: Okun’s law; Consumer Price Index (CPI); Demand-pull v. cost-push inflation; deflation; hyperinflation Block 8: Average propensity to consume (save), Marginal propensity to consume (save), Wealth effect, Expected rate of return, Multiplier Block 9: Planned investment, Investment schedule, Aggregate expenditures schedule, Equilibrium GDP Block 10: Leakage, Injection, Unplanned changes in inventory, Net exports, Expenditure gap (inflationary or recessionary) Block 11: Aggregate demand-aggregate supply (AD-AS) model, Aggregate demand, Interest rate effect, Determinants of aggregate demand Block 12: Aggregate supply, Short-run aggregate supply curve, Determinants of aggregate supply, Productivity, Equilibrium price level, Equilibrium real output Block 15: Budget deficit/surplus, built-in (automatic) stabilizers, progressive tax system, crowding out effect, US securities Block 16: Liquidity, M1, commercial banks, Federal Reserve System, Federal Open Market Commission Block 17: Fractional reserves banking system, reserve ratios, Federal funds rate, monetary multiplier Block 18: Monetary policy, open market, discount rate, prime interest rate, Taylor Rule Block 20: Phillips Curve; Stagflation; Aggregate supply shocks; Long-run vertical Phillips Curve Block 21: Supply-side economics; Laffer Curve Block 22: Monetarism; Velocity; Rational expectations theory Block 23: Trading possibilities line, export supply curve, tariffs (types), Dumping, World Trade Organization (WTO) Block 24: Balance of payments; Current account; Trade deficit; Trade surplus; Official reserves Block 25L Floating exchange rate system; Fixed-exchange-rate system; Purchasing power parity theory; Currency intervention; Exchange controls TABLES, GRAPHS, ETC. Block 2: Do key question #8 on page 496 of the textbook. Block 3: Copy figure 24.3 from page 489 of the textbook. Block 6: Create a CPI Index table with 2000 as the base year (=100). Inflation each of the successive years was 2001-4%; 2002- 5%; 2003- 5%; 2004- 3%; 2005- 6%; 2007- 2.5%; 2008-3%. Convert the average 2009: salary- $57,655; automobile price- $22,360; and home price $174,886 to 2000 dollars, and compare them to their comparable values at that time, respectively $48,243; $20,788; and $142,903. Are people better or worse off now than they were in 2000? Block 8: Create a table for years 2006-2010 with columns for salary, total consumption and total savings. Assume respective salaries of $35,000, $38,000, $43,000, 46,000 and $50,000 and an MPC of 0.9. What are total savings after 5 years?