Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Chapter 16
Integrated Marketing Communications,
Advertising, and Public Relations
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
1. Define integrated marketing communications
and explain how it relates to the
development of an optimal promotional mix.
2. Describe the communication process and
how it relates to the AIDA concept.
3. Identify the elements of the promotional
4. Name the three major advertising objectives
and the two basic categories of advertising.
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
5. Identify the major advertising strategies and
the process of creating an advertisement.
6. Describe the major types of advertising
appeals, and discuss their uses.
7. List and compare the major advertising
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
8. Explain the roles of public relations, publicity,
cross-promotion, and ethics in an
organization’s promotional strategy.
9. Discuss the factors that influence the
effectiveness of a promotional mix, and how
marketers measure effectiveness.
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
The Communication Process
• AIDA concept (attention, interest, desire,
– Promotional message must gain the potential
consumer’s attention
– Seeks to arouse interest in the good or service
– Stimulates desire by convincing the would-be
buyer of the product’s ability to satisfy his or her
– Sales presentation, advertisement, or sales
promotion technique attempts to produce action
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
The Communication Process
• Encoding - Translating a message into
understandable terms
• Decoding - Receiver’s interpretation of a
• Feedback - Receiver’s response to a message
• Noise - Interference at some stage in the
communication process
• Channel - Medium through which a message is
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
• Relationship in which an organization provides
funds to an event or activity in exchange for a
direct association with that event or activity
• Sponsor purchases:
– Access to the event’s audience
– The image associated with the activity
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Types of Advertising
• Product advertising - Nonpersonal selling of a
particular good or service
• Institutional advertising - Promotion of a
concept, an idea, a philosophy, or the goodwill
of an industry, company, organization, person,
geographic location, or government agency
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Objectives of Advertising
• Informative advertising
• Persuasive advertising
• Reminder advertising
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Advertising Strategies
Comparative advertising
Celebrity testimonials
Retail advertising
Interactive advertising
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Advertising Appeals
• Fear appeals
• Humor in advertising messages
• Ads based on sex
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Developing and Preparing Ads
• Goals
– Gain attention and interest
– Inform or persuade
– Lead to purchase or other desired action
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Media Selection and Scheduling
Direct Mail
Outdoor Advertising
Interactive Media
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Media Scheduling
• Setting the timing and sequence for a series of
• Influenced by a variety of factors
– Seasonal sales patterns
– Repurchase cycles
– Competitors’ activities
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Marketing and Nonmarketing
Public Relations
• Nonmarketing public relations - A company’s
messages about general management issues
• Marketing public relations (MPR) - Narrowly
focused public relations activities that directly
support marketing goals
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Publicity and Cross-Promotion
• Publicity - Nonpersonal stimulation of demand
for a good by unpaid placement of significant
• Cross-promotion - Marketing partners share
the cost of a promotional campaign that
meets their mutual needs
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Ethics and Promotional Strategies
• Advertising to children
• Insertion of product messages in media
programs without full disclosure
• Use of cookies in online advertising
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Puffery and Deception
• Puffery
– Exaggerated claims of a product’s superiority
– Use of subjective or vague statements that may
not be literally true
• The Uniform Commercial Code standardizes
sales and business practices throughout the
United States
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Promotional Mix Effectiveness
• Factors influencing the effectiveness of a
promotional mix
– Nature of the market
– Nature of the product
– Stage in the product lifecycle
– Price
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Funds Available for Promotion
Percentage-of-sales method
Fixed-sum-per-unit method
Meeting competition method
Task-objective method
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Evaluating Promotional Effectiveness
• Direct sales results test - Based on the specific
impact on sales revenues for each dollar of
promotional spending
• Indirect evaluation - Concentrating on
quantifiable indicators of effectiveness such as
recall and readership
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
• Media research - Assesses how well a
particular medium delivers a message
• Message research - Tests consumer reactions
to an advertisement’s creative message
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Measuring Public Relations
• The simplest and least costly method
– Whether the target audience received, paid
attention to, understood, and retained the
messages directed to them
– Count the number of media placements and
gauge the extent of media coverage
• Conduct focus groups, interview opinion
leaders, and more detailed and extensive
opinion polls
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Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, and Public Relations
Measuring Online Promotions
• Cost per impression - Relates the cost of an ad
to every thousand people who view it
• Cost per response (click-through) - Relates the
cost of an ad to the number of people who
click it
• Conversion rate - Percentage of visitors to a
website who make a purchase
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